Lesson 18: Personality Disorders Multiple Choice

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The most prevalent DSM-IV-TR personality disorder in a clinical setting is

**NOT avoidant personality disorder.

According to the DSM-IV-TR diagnosis, adults with antisocial personality disorder must have shown problems such as running away, truancy, and theft prior to age


What age is at greatest risk for personality disorder onset? A. Adolescence B. Childhood C. Emerging Adulthood D. Adulthood

A. Adolescence

What is OCPD categorized under? A. An Anxiety Disorder B. A Personality Disorder C. Neither D. Both A&B

A. An Anxiety Disorde

The Most prevalent DSM-5 personality disorder in a community setting is A. Antisocial personality disorder B. Borderline personality disorder C. Avoidant Personality Disorder D. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

A. Antisocial personality disorder

What is Cluster C? A. Anxious, fearful, dependant, avoidant, obsessive-compulsive B. Dramatic and erratic C. Emotional D. Paranoid

A. Anxious, fearful, dependant, avoidant, obsessive-compulsive

What organizes the 10 disorders of personality? A. DSM-5 B. DSM-4 C. DSM-2 D. DSM-6

A. DSM-5

When symptoms are related to self concept, and one believes that their symptoms are okay and not a problem this is A. Ego synoptic B. Ego symptomic C. Syntonic ego D. Symptomic ego

A. Ego synoptic

Chayenne is overly dramatic. She speaks with exaggerations such as, "That was the most incredible movie I've ever seen", yet wouldn't be able to describe why she liked it. In additio, she is hyper-concerned about her appearance and dresses in provocative and unusual ways. Assuming she met the rest of the criteria, the most likely personality disorder diagnosis based on this description would be A. Histrionic Personality Disorder B. Borderline Personality Disorder C. Narcissistic Personality Disorder D. Anti-social Personality Disorder

A. Histrionic Personality Disorder

What is one symptom that makes up cluster "A" of the Personality disorders? A. Paranoid B. Antisocial C. Avoidant D. Dependent

A. Paranoid

Which of the Cluster A disorder personalities is the least known about? A. Paranoid Personality Disorder B. Schizoid Personality Disorder C. Schizotypal Personality Disorder D. Anti-Social Personality Disorder

A. Paranoid Personality Disorder

Antisocial personality disorder has previously been referred to as A. Psychopathy/Sociopathy B. Evilness C. Antiempathic D. None of the Above

A. Psychopathy/Sociopathy

A certain oddness of behavior and speech, the belief that other people are sending them secret messages, are symptoms of: A. Schizotypal Personality Disorder B. Schizoid Personality Disorder C. Paranoid Personality Disorder D. None of the above

A. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Which type of perfectionism becomes problematic when individuals consistently try to function under unrealistic burdens. A. Socially-prescribed perfectionists B. Self-oriented perfectionism C. Other-oriented perfectionism D. Center-oriented perfectionism

A. Socially-prescribed perfectionists

What is the phenomenon known as ideas of reference? A. The belief that other people are sending him or her secret messages B. A mental atlas in which people with personality disorders frame their distorted thoughts C. Both A and B D. None of the above

A. The belief that other people are sending him or her secret messages

Why do narcissistic people rarely seek help? A. Their pride prevents them from seeking people's help B. They think they are fine C. There is no help for them D. None of the above

A. Their pride prevents them from seeking people's help

One of the concerns about the DSM-5's classification system for personality disorders is that. D

A. about half of the people who meet criteria for one personality disorder also meet criteria for another personality disorder. B. some of the disorders are rare in community settings, and even in most clinical settings. C. many people who seem to have a serious personality problem don't fit any of the personality disorder diagnoses. D all of the above.

Melanie imagines that she will one day be a CEO of a big corporation, although she now is working as a waitress. She has issues with her boss's position of authority as she feels that she is more intelligent and qualified than he is. She has difficulty getting along at work because she expects special favors such as not having to clean the kitchen like the other waitresses. Which of the following personality disorders best fits Melanie? D

A. avoidant B. histrionic C. borderline D. narcissistic

Ruben lives alone in a shack in the woods where he does the minimum to get by. When approached, he responds appropriately but is not at all interested in conversation or making friends. What is the most appropriate diagnosis for Ruben? A

A. avoidant B. schizoid C. histrionic D. borderline

In a research study mentioned in the textbook, painful pressure was repeatedly paired with a neutral stimulus (a picture) to those with psychopathy and healthy controls. In this study, healthy participants showed __________ in amygdala activity when they were shown the neutral pictures, while people with psychopathy showed __________ in amygdala activity. C

A. decreases; increases B. no change; increases C. increases; no change D. increases; decreases

The personality disorders in the odd/eccentric cluster have been genetically linked to. B

A. dissociative identity disorder. B. schizophrenia. C. major depression. D. bipolar disorder.

Two of the primary features of Linehan's diathesis-stress theory of borderline personality disorder are. D

A. ego functioning and transference. B. object representation and cognitive style. C. cognitive bias and attribution error. D. emotional dysregulation and experiences of invalidation.

The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for avoidant personality disorder includes all of the following EXCEPT : D

A. fear of disapproval. B. preoccupation with criticism or rejection. C. inhibition in establishing social relationships. D. positive sense of oneself.

Given that people with borderline personality disorder are impulsive, we would expect them to do poorly on tests that measure functioning of the

A. frontal lobe.

Given that people with borderline personality disorder are impulsive, we would expect them to do poorly on tests that measure functioning of the. A

A. frontal lobe. B. parietal lobe. C. occipital lobe. D. temporal lobe.

A person diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder is __________________________, compared to a person with paranoid schizophrenia. A

A. less likely to experience social and occupational dysfunction. B. more disturbed. C. suffering from a more chronic and severe mental illness. D. more likely to respond to medication.

Compared to individuals who are not psychopaths, the skin conductance of psychopaths is __________ when they are confronted with an intense or aversive stimulus. A. less reactive B. more reactive C. equally reactive D. more reactive only in those who are criminals

A. less reactive

In a study on response modulation and psychopathy, psychopaths won or lost money depending on what playing cards appeared. In this research, the impulsivity of psychopaths was studied by. A

A. making them wait before deciding to continue the game. B. having them estimate the amount of money they had won. C. ratings of their verbal statements during the game. D. all of the above

Phillip not only works 75 hours a week, but he spends his off hours creating a rigid schedule for his family. He determines what time his wife will be home, what time dinner will be served, and when they will go to bed. He is such a perfectionist that he actually finds it difficult to get work done efficiently, despite the amount of time he spends trying. Which of the following personality disorders best fits Phillip? A

A. obsessive-compulsive B. schizoid C. narcissistic D. dependent

Schizotypal, but not schizoid, personality disorder involves A. odd, eccentric beliefs and behaviors B. interpersonal problems and few friends C. flat affect and emotional indifference D. social anxiety and fear of others

A. odd, eccentric beliefs and behaviors

Marco does whatever he can to be the center of attention. He announces all of his views with great drama. Eventually, one will suspect it is only for effect, and he seems willing to say or do almost anything to get others to pay attention to and like him. Which of the following personality disorders is the best diagnosis for Marco? D

A. paranoid B. schizoid C. schizotypal D histrionic

Unusual and eccentric thoughts and behavior (psychoticism), interpersonal detachment, and suspiciousness are characteristics of the DSM-5's __________ personality disorder. A

A. schizotypal B. narcissistic C. avoidant D. borderline

Individuals with borderline personality disorder are difficult to treat because. C

A. their intellectual functioning is too low for them to reach true insights. B. they do not feel distressed, despite being so distressing to others. C. they have extreme difficulties trusting others, including a therapist. D. all of the above.

Which of the following disorders is more common among men than women?

Antisocial personality disorder

Convicted felons are most likely to have which of the following disorders?

Antisocial social personality

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a type of A. Personality Disorder B. Anxiety Disorder C. Personality Flaw D. Anxiety Malfunction

B. Anxiety Disorder

Symptoms that are compatible with a person's self-image. A. Ego Dystonic B. Ego Syntonic C. Perfectionist Executive D. Compulsive

B. Ego Syntonic

According to the social-cognitive model of narcissistic personality disorder, people with this disorder place a high value on interpersonal interactions because A. They yearn for interpersonal closeness and warmth B. Interpersonal interactions are central for reinforcing their self-esteem C. They have such high self-esteem D. They are very concerned about the quality of their friendships

B. Interpersonal interactions are central for reinforcing their self-esteem

Psychopaths are best characterized by______? A. High states of negative emotional arousal B. Low states of negative emotional arousal C. Both A & B D. Neither A & B

B. Low states of negative emotional arousal

How does an fMRI work? A. Scans the changes in the fluids moving in the brain B. Measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow to all areas of the brain that are active C. Takes pictures of the brain D. None of the above

B. Measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow to all areas of the brain that are active

A person with Paranoid Personality Disorder is most likely to be strong in which of the Big 5 personality Traits? A. A, B, C, D B. N, E, O, A C. C, N, O, A D. None of the above

B. N, E, O, A

______do not form emotional bonds and rarely obsess about being rejected by others and dismiss others as unworthy of their time or energy. A. Paranoid people B. Psychopaths C. People with schizophrenia D. Antisocial people

B. Psychopaths

In Japan, those with avoidant personality disorder would be diagnosed as having A. Blue Waffle B. Taijin Kyofusho C. Hatini D. Shanghi Dongwa

B. Taijin Kyofusho

What is Paranoid Personality Disorder? A. To be happy, others must be paying attention to "me". Feelings are more important than being rational. B.Long-standing suspiciousness and distrust of people leading to false interpretations of motivations and actions of others; higher incidence in deaf, minorities, immigrants, relatives of schizophrenics, and males. C. Alcoholism D. Borderline Sexual abuse

B.Long-standing suspiciousness and distrust of people leading to false interpretations of motivations and actions of others; higher incidence in deaf, minorities, immigrants, relatives of schizophrenics, and males.

Yvonne goes through between feeling extremely positive feelings for her friend to having extreme negative feelings for her, often for no apparent reason. When these changes in her disposition occur, she also experiences deep depression and sometimes engages in self-injurious behavior. On the basis of this information, Yolanda mos likely has __________ personality disorder.


DSM-5 has criteria for a diagnosis of general personality disorders includes ______ provisions A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

C. 6

Which disorder is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left alone? A. Borderline Personality Disorder B. Social Anxiety Disorder C. Dependent Personality Disorder D. Braggadocious Disorder

C. Dependent Personality Disorder

The Symptoms of Schizotypal personality disorder are similar to those seen in Schizophrenia, but tend to be A. Much worse B. More Severe. C. Less Severe D. Less common

C. Less Severe

What is the main difference between Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD) and Obsessive Compulsive Personality disorder (OCPD) ? A. OCD is a personality disorder B. OCPD is an anxiety disorder C. OCD is an anxiety disorder while OCPD is a personality disorder D. They are the same

C. OCD is an anxiety disorder while OCPD is a personality disorder

When someone cant trust anyone, is wary of other people's motives, and thinks there's an agenda behind every commonplace statements he probably is suffering from what? A. Antisocial Personality Disorder B. OCD C. Paranoid personality disorder D. schiziod personality disorder

C. Paranoid personality disorder

Andy stays in his room and makes model planes. What kind of personality disorder does he have? A. Autism B. Borderline Personality Disorder C. Schizoid Personality Disorder D Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

C. Schizoid Personality Disorder

Which type of personality disorder would make someone seem as if they have "no personality?" A. Paranoid Personality Disorder B. Bipolar Disorder C. Schizoid Personality Disorder D. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

C. Schizoid Personality Disorder

Compulsion include abnormal behavior like A. Irrational and often ritualistic behaviors, B. Hoarding C. all the above D. none of the above

C. all the above

What diagnosis would be most appropriate for Tonya? She says she would like to meet people but is too afraid of saying something foolish to speak to them. She describes herself as the ultimate social klutz because she never knows what to say or what to do. As a result, she keeps to herself except for interacting with a few friends she has known since childhood. A. schizoid personality disorder B. schizotypal personality disorder C. avoidant personality disorder D. dependent personality disorder

C. avoidant personality disorder

What cluster are people from when they are avoident, dependent, and obsessive- compulsive? A. cluster A B. cluster B C. cluster C D. cluster D

C. cluster C

It is common for those diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder to A. Talk to themselves B. Dress in dirty or disheveled clothing C. Engage in magical thinking D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

Signs of a personality disorder? A. Enduring B. Inflexible and maladaptive manner of interacting with one's environment C. Code on axis II D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

What is Cluster A? A. Odd B. Eccentric C. Paranoid and schizoid D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

People with borderline personality disorder often exhibit which of the following A. Unpredictable and impulsive B. Uninhibited and promiscuous C. Demanding and angry D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The person with Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder is A. Perfectionist B. Preoccupied with details C. Focused on rules and schedules D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What factors contribute to personality? A. Genetics B. Past experiences C. Present Experiences and view of future D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What factors contribute to personality? A. Genetics B. Past experiences C. Present experiences and view of future D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What is Cluster B? A. Dramatic B. Erratic, anti-social C. Emotional, histrionic, and narcissistic D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What is true about compulsions? A. They are similar to obsessions B. They are not routine or addictions C. Characterized by abnormal behavior D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Why might a person feel they do not have a personality disorder? A. They feel normal B. They feel they don't need help C. They're ego-syntonic D. All the above

D. All the above

The "anxious loner" is used to describe those with: A. Paranoid Personality Disorder B. Narcissistic Personality Disorder C. Both A & B D. Avoidant Personality Disorder

D. Avoidant Personality Disorder

A person diagnosed with Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may experience: A. Unwanted rituals B. Ego-dystonic C. Ego-syntonic D. Both A & B

D. Both A & B

The DSM-5 trait domains and facet ratings associated with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder include: A. Compulsivity B. Negative affectivity C. Avoidance D. Both A and B

D. Both A and B

A person that typically overreacts emotionally to events most would brush off as "one of those things" might be diagnosed with? A. Paranoid personality disorder B. schiziod personality disorder C. Antisocial Personality disorder D. Histrionic personality disorder

D. Histrionic personality disorder

A primary characteristic of histrionic personality disorder is A. avoidance of others B. Multiple, vague physical complaints C. Inability to make realistic life plans D. Overly dramatic and attention-seeking behavior

D. Overly dramatic and attention-seeking behavior

Perceives attacks on his or her character and reputation which other people do not is a symptom of: A. Schizoid Personality Disorder B. Antisocial Personality Disorder C. Borderline Personality Disorder D. Paranoid Personality Disorder

D. Paranoid Personality Disorder

The different discrete categories within any system of taxonomy. A. Taxon B. Symptoms C. Levels D. Taxa

D. Taxa

Narcissism, as proposed by Kohut, develops when children are

D. both b and c (b= treated by their parents as if they are special, and achievements are over-emphasized, c= not getting enough approval, cold-detachment from their parents)

People with borderline personality disorder are often

NOT A. unpredictable and impulsive.

How are personality disorders different from normal personality styles?

They are more extreme.

The person with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is

all of the above

Avoidant personality disorder would most likely be treated with which type of psychiatric medication in order to reduce social anxiety?


Social anxiety disorder is most similar to which personality disorder?


A person with which of the following diagnoses is most likely to also have post-traumatic stress disorder or a mood disorder?

borderline personality

The proposed DSM-5 trait domains and facet ratings associated with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder include:

both a and b.

Dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder combines

cognitive-behavioral problem solving social skills training and client centered training empathy

The dimensional approach to personality disorders

eliminates the problem of comorbidity among personality disorders.

Which of the following characterizes borderline personality disorder?

emotional dysregulation

According to the social cognitive model of narcissistic personality disorder, individuals with this disorder

have vulnerable self-esteems.

Behavior-genetics research on antisocial personality disorder

indicates a significant role of heritability.

The proposed DSM-5 trait domain and facet ratings for borderline personality disorder includes all of the following EXCEPT:

lack of empathy.

Compared to a person with paranoid schizophrenia, a person diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder is

less likely to experience social and occupational dysfunction.

inflexible patterns of behavior which impair social and occupational functioning.

long-standing, pervasive, and flexible patterns of behavior and inner experiences that deviate from expectations of a person's culture. inflexible patterns of behavior which impair social and occupational functioning.

The symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder are similar to those seen in schizophrenia; however, they tend to be

milder/less severe

Compared to those without a personality disorder, the traits of people with personality disorders are

more extreme.

Drug treatment for borderline personality disorder

must be done with care as people with the disorder often abuse drugs.

Peter not only works 70 hours a week, but he spends his off hours planning a schedule for his family. He dictates what time his wife will be home, when dinner will be served, and when they will go to bed. He is such a perfectionist that he actually finds it difficult to get work done efficiently, despite the amount of time he spends trying. Which of the following personality disorders best fits Peter?


The research literature that supports the link between borderline personality disorder and troubled childhood has found that

patients with BPD are more likely to report a history of parental separation and abuse than other Axis II patients are.

Antisocial personality disorder has previously been referred to as


Which personality disorder is most appropriate for Joe? He lives alone in a cabin in the woods where he does the minimum to get by. When approached, he responds appropriately but is not interested in conversation or making friends.


Unusual and eccentric thoughts and behavior (psychoticism), interpersonal detachment, and suspiciousness are characteristics of the proposed DSM-5's __________ personality disorder.


In avoidance learning tasks it has been discovered that the reason psychopaths had difficulty learning to avoid shock was because

they experienced very little anxiety

Individuals with borderline personality disorder are difficult to treat because

they have extreme difficulties trusting others, including a therapist.

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