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The ---- rami of spinal nerves innervate most of the deep muscles of the back of the trunk responsible for moving the vertebral column and the -- rami of spinal nerves innervate the muscle and skin on the limbs and anterior trunk.

- posterior - anterior

A total of pairs of cranial nerves emerge from the brain and brainstem.


The spinal cord has --- pairs of cervical nerves, --- pairs of thoracic nerves, and ---- pairs of lumbar nerves.

8 12 5

Choose all the components of the patellar reflex.

A motor neuron. A sensory neuron with stretch receptors in the quadriceps femoris muscle group.

What is a monosynaptic reflex?

A reflex that involves two neurons only.

What is a dermatome?

A region of the skin supplied by a particular spinal nerve.

Which statement accurately describes the cauda equina?

Axons of motor and sensory neurons that extend in the vertebrate canal just inferior to the conus medullaris.

Indicate the cranial nerve number for the oculomotor nerve.

CN 3

What are the functions of the oculomotor nerve (CN III)?

Controls muscles of the pupil, to adjust the amount of light entering the eye. Controls muscles that move the eye. Controls muscles that raise the eyelid.

Which are the functions of the spinal cord?

It is a center for many reflexes. It conducts nerve impulses to and from the brain.

Which statements about sleep are true?

It is a reversible state of unconsciousness. It is characterized by inhibition of muscular activity.

Most of the fibers of the lateral corticospinal tract cross over in the medulla oblongata.


What does it mean if nerve fibers decussate?

They cross from one side of the spinal cord or brainstem to another - from right to left or from left to right.

How are cranial nerves named?

They have names that describe their primary function. Roman numerals indicate the order in which they arise from the brain.

Cranial nerve VI is also called the nerve.


Which nerve innervates muscles that move the eye?

abducens nerve

What cranial nerve is responsible for innervating muscles in the neck and back (sternocleidomastoid and trapezius)?

accessory nerve


acts as a processing center

A reflex arc begins with a sensory receptor at the dendritic end of a(n) ______.

afferent neuron

Motor signals leave the spinal cord through the ______ roots. Sensory signals enter the spinal cord through the ______ roots.

anterior; posterior

During a crossed extensor reflex, the contralateral extensor muscles ______ in order to help maintain balance.

are stimulated (contract)

Which tracts in the spinal cord carry sensory information?


Within the spinal cord, ______ tracts carry nerve impulses to the brain while ______ tracts carry nerve impulses from the brain to the periphery.

ascending descending

In the most generalized way, nerves can be defined as bundles of


What type of fibers are found in the anterior root of a spinal nerve?

axons of motor neurons

Cranial nerves I and II are associated with the cerebrum while the remaining cranial nerves originate from the .


Most of the cranial nerves (cranial nerves III-XII), arise from what location?


efferent neuron

carries impulses to effectors

afferent neuron

carries sensory information

As the lumbar and sacral nerves extend inferiorly beyond the end of the spinal cord, they form the _

cauda equina

What is the name of the descending roots of the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal nerves that extend below the spinal cord but remain in the vertebral canal?

cauda equina

Impulses for the sense of hearing are carried by the ______ branch of CN VIII, while impulses for the sense of equilibrium are carried by the ______ branch.

cochlear; vestibular

The tracts conduct motor information that controls voluntary movements.


The ______ nerves are designated by Roman numerals and by names that indicate their primary functions and/or the general distribution of their fibers.


The nervous system has twelve pairs of _

cranial nerves

In a withdrawal reflex, flexor muscles on the affected side of the body contract. Simultaneously, a ______ reflex is initiated which causes the contralateral extensor muscles to contract in order to help maintain balance.

crossed extensor

Because the nerve tracts of the spinal cord undergo , the right side of the brain communicates with the left side of the body, and vice versa.


Choose the effectors for the motor fibers of the trochlear nerve.

extrinsic eye muscles which move the eyes

What are the effectors for the motor fibers of the abducens nerve?

extrinsic muscle of the eye

Which nerve innervates salivary glands and muscles of facial expression?

facial nerve (CN VII)

Which tract conducts information about sensations of touch, pressure, and body movement?

fasciculus gracilis

Cranial nerve IX is also called the ______ nerve. Type the name of the nerve, not the roman numeral.


The cell bodies of motor neurons whose axons are part of the cranial nerves are located in the --- matter of the brain.


The spinal cord consists of a core of---- matter surrounded by ----matter.

gray white

What area(s) of the body do cranial nerves innervate?

head, neck, some parts of the trunk

What is the purpose of reflexes?

help maintain homeostasis

What is the purpose of the patellar reflex?

help maintain posture

Which cranial nerve innervates muscles of the tongue controlling tongue movement during speech, chewing, and swallowing?

hypoglossal nerve

Where is the spinal cord located?

in the vertebral canal

Spinal nerves exit the vertebral column through openings called the --- foramina.


reflexes are


Indicate the cranial nerve number for the glossopharyngeal nerve.


Fibers of the lateral corticospinal tract that start in the right cerebrum control skeletal muscles on the ______ of the body.

left side

The vagus nerve originates in the ______ and terminates in the ______.

medulla oblongata; neck, chest and abdomen

The ---- branches of spinal nerves innervate the blood vessels of the spinal cord, as well as intervertebral ligaments and the vertebrae.


What kind of information is conducted on the fibers of the corticospinal tracts?

motor information that controls voluntary movement

What is the function of the spinal branch of the accessory nerves (CN XI)?

motor information to muscles of the neck and back

What are the effectors of the motor fibers of the hypoglossal nerve?

muscles that move the tongue

The muscles that move the eyes and eyelids and the muscles that adjust pupil size and lens shape are innervated by the ______ nerve. Multiple choice question.


Cranial nerve I is also called the nerve.


The cranial nerve that is sensory only and transmits signals related to the sense of smell is called the --- nerve.


Which cranial nerve contains only sensory nerve fibers and transmits impulses associated with the sense of smell?

olfactory nerve

Indicate the three large branches of the trigeminal nerve.

ophthalmic division maxillary division mandibular division

The ---nerve contains only sensory fibers and transmits visual signals.


The cell bodies of neurons from which sensory fibers in the cranial nerves arise are located _

outside the brain

A type of reflex that helps maintain upright posture is the

patellar reflex

The cranial nerves and spinal nerves make up the ______ nervous system.


The--- nervous system consists of all the nerves that branch from the CNS, including the ---nerves and the spinal nerves.

peripheral cranial

A complex network of axons of anterior branches of spinal nerves that innervate a particular peripheral body part is called a ___


The cervical--- is formed from the anterior branches of the first cervical ---nerves.

plexus 4

Identify the locations for the reticular formation.

pons midbrain medulla oblongata

Where is the cerebellum located?

posterior to the pons and medulla oblongata

During a withdrawal reflex response, flexor muscles contract to withdraw the limb from the painful stimulus. The interneurons of this reflex arc also INHIBIT antagonistic extensor muscles. What is this process called?

reciprocal innervation

A(n) -- helps maintain homeostasis by controlling involuntarily processes and carrying out automatic protective responses (i.e. coughing, sneezing, vomiting).


The simple neural pathway that mediates a reflex is called a(n)

reflex arc

What centers, or nuclei, are located in the medulla oblongata?

respiratory center cardiac center vasomotor center

Except for the first pair, all spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord as two short branches called


The fibers of each spinal nerve (except the first pair) connect to the spinal cord via two


What are the effectors of the motor fibers of the facial nerve?

salivary glands, tear glands, muscles of facial expression

Where is the reticular formation found?

scattered throughout the brainstem

Because skeletal muscles typically are innervated by motor neurons at more than one level of the spinal cord, they are said to exhibit innervation.


Which term refers to the fact that skeletal muscles are typically innervated by motor neurons at more than one level of the spinal cord?

segmental innervation

What information is transmitted on the vestibulocochlear nerves (CN VIII)?

sense of hearing sense of equilibrium

Indicate whether the vestibulocochlear nerve is sensory, motor, or mixed.


What kind of information is conducted by the fibers of the lateral spinothalamic tracts?

sensory information of pain and temperature

What information is conducted by the fasciculus gracilis and the fasciculus cuneatus?

sensory information of touch, pressure, and body movement

The peripheral nervous system includes ______ and ______.

spinal nerves cranial nerves

Which tracts conduct sensory information about pain and temperature?

spinothalamic tracts

Where is the white matter in the spinal cord?

superficial to the gray matter

What provides two-way communication between the central nervous system and the muscles and skin of the upper and lower limbs, neck, and trunk.

the spinal nerves

How do spinal nerves exit the vertebral column?

through the intervertebral foramina

What is the function of the withdrawal reflex?

to protect tissues from further injury

The ______ nerve branches into the ophthalmic division, maxillary division, and mandibular division.


When a physician moves a finger in front of a patient's face, asking them to follow its movement with their eyes, they are testing the function of the ______ nerve.


The cranial nerves serve parts of the head, neck, and also some structures of the trunk.


What areas of the body do spinal nerves innervate?

trunk lower limbs upper limbs

What is the only cranial nerve that innervates areas in the chest and the abdomen?


Choose the two distinct parts of the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)

vestibular branch cochlear branch

A(n) reflex is the result of a painful stimulus that causes contraction of flexor muscles.


What type of reflex is initiated when the body encounters something painful on the skin that results in the contraction of flexor muscles to pull away from the painful stimulus?

withdrawal reflex

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