Life story
4 realms
1. ourselves 2. each other 3. the mystery of life 4. the universe around us
What is a life story?
A life story is a qualitative research method for gathering information on the subjective essence of one person's entire life. it is a flowing narrative and a form of storytelling in which one reflects their life to give it meaning. This meaning can act as a primary source between the interviewer and interviewee.
How does a life story interview serve both the interview and the interviewee?
A lifestory interview serves both the interviewer and interviewee by informing and connecting the two. The interviewer is able to reflect and bring meaning to his or her life, while the interviewer is able to learn from the interviewee's experience(s) and reflects upon his or her own as well. Such understanding from both participants can lead to understanding one's self, and place in society, universe and the mystery of life.
In what ways does storytelling serve as an essential function in our lives?
A. Poetic B. Factual C. Metaphorical
Storytelling is a....
Fundamental form of human communication
Esteem Needs
achievement, status, responsibility, reputation
Stories can bring us face to face with ________.
an ultimate mystery.
Biological and Physiological Needs
basic life needs - food, air, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc
The life story is like a _________.
blueprint or original form within which the story communicates balances between opposing forces.
Belongingness and Love Needs
family, affection, relationships, work group, etc
genetic blueprint embedded within our species.
Self Actualization
personal growth and fulfillment
Safety Needs
protection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc