Lifespan Chap 11

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Explain easy temperament

-even tempered, typically content or happy, and open and adaptable to new experiences such as the approach of a stranger or their first taste of strained plums. -have regular feeding and sleeping habits, and they tolerate frustrations and discomforts

Define characteristic adaptations

-virtues -goals -requires deeper level of knowing someone

Correlations between personality trait scores on two occasions 20-30 years apart average about _______ across Big Five personality dimensions, suggesting consistency in personality over time but also room for change


What factors make children have higher or lower self-esteem?

1. Genetic makeup 2. competence (experience more success and come out better in social comparisons as a result) 3. social feedback from parents, teachers, and peers

How can older adults maintain positive self-images as long as possible, even as they experience some of the difficulties and losses that may come with aging?

1. Reducing the gap between the ideal and real self 2. changing one's goals and standards of self-evaluation 3. making social comparisons to other old people 4. avoiding negative self-stereotyping

What factors contribute to the decline is self-esteem in middle childhood?

1. Social comparisons that do not always come out well 2. widening gap between the real self and the ideal self 3. a tendency for parents and teachers to "raise the bar" and give older children more critical feedback than they give younger children

Rothbart and her colleagues have identified which three major dimensions of temperament?

1. Surgency/extraversion 2. Negative affectivity 3. Effortful control correspond well later with the Big 5 traits

What are 4 other developments that come from gaining self-recognition?

1. Talk about themselves and to assert their wills 2. Experience self-conscious emotions such as pride upon mastering a new toy 3. Understand other people 4. Coordinate their own perspectives with those of other individuals

By mid-elementary school, children differentiate among which five aspects of self-worth?

1. scholastic competence (feeling smart or doing well in school) 2. social acceptance (being popular or feeling liked) 3. behavioral conduct (staying out of trouble) 4. athletic competence (being good at sports) 5. physical appearance (feeling good-looking)

Preschool children only distinguish which two broad aspects of self-esteem?

1. their competence (both physical and cognitive) 2. their personal and social adequacy (for example, their social acceptance)

Why is the performance of older workers not hurt by some of the age-related physical and cognitive declines described earlier in this book?

1. these declines typically do not become significant until people are in their 70s and 80s, long after they have retired, and even then they do not affect everyone 2. older workers have often accumulated a good deal of on-the-job expertise that helps them continue to perform well 3. strategies that aging adults use to cope with aging

What were the 5 dimensions of infant behavior used to create the 3 temperament categories listed in the text? -- really there were 9 used total

1. typical mood 2. regularity or predictability of biological functions such as feeding and sleeping habits 3. tendency to approach or withdraw from new stimuli 4. intensity of emotional reactions 5. adaptability to new experiences and changes in routine

progress toward identity achievement becomes more evident starting at age ____


When do infants recognize themselves visually as distinct individuals?

18 mos

The capacity to differentiate self from world becomes more apparent by around ___ or ____ months of age, when infants display a sense of ___________—a sense that they can cause things to happen in the world.

2 or 3 agency

Rothbart and her colleagues have identified at least ______ major dimensions of temperament


How old is the child describing herself this way: I live in a big house with my mother and father and my brother, Jason, and my sister, Lisa. I have blue eyes and a kitty that is orange and a television in my own room. I know all of my ABC's, listen: A B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, L, K, O, M, P, Q, X, Z. I can run real fast. I like pizza and I have a nice teacher at preschool. I can count up to 100, want to hear me? I love my dog Skipper.

3 year old

Of the infants in Thomas and Chess's longitudinal study of temperament, ___% were easy infants, ____% were difficult infants, and ____% were slow-to-warm-up infants. The remaining third could not be placed in only one category because they shared qualities of two or more categories.

40 10 15

When does Generativity vs stagnation set in?


After about age ________, personality remains quite consistent


As of 2014, around _____% of adults were out of the labor force by age 62-64, over _______% were out by age 65-69, and over ____% were out by age 75 and older

50% 66% 90%

When do infants realize they are separate from other human beings and have different perspectives and on occasion can share perspectives?

6-12 months

Children note their psychological and social qualities more by around age ____, thanks in part to cognitive growth


by about age ____, children may know what ethnic labels apply to them and understand that their ethnicity will last a lifetime


When does joint attention emerge?

9 months

What seems to be the real secret to successful aging?

A good fit between the individual's lifestyle and the individual's needs, preferences, and personality

What is the moratorium period?

A period of time in high school or college when young adults are relatively free of responsibilities and can experiment with different roles to find their identities

What is a categorical self?

A person's classification of the self along socially significant dimensions such as age and sex

What is ethnic identity?

A sense of personal identification with the individual's ethnic group and its values and cultural traditions

What is the maturity principle?

A shift toward greater emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness in personality from adolescence to middle adulthood Shows up across cultures but the size of the shift varies

Someone who shows these key characteristics would be high on which Big 5 dimension? Trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty, tender-mindedness


What is foreclosure status?

An identity status characterizing individuals who appear to have committed themselves to a life direction but who have adopted an identity prematurely, without much thought

Rothbart's dimensions of temperament have become especially influential because they have been well-researched and because they share similarities with the _______ _______ _______ used to describe adult personality

Big Five dimensions

Someone who shows these key characteristics would be high on which Big 5 dimension? Competence, order, dutifulness, striving for achievement, self-discipline, deliberation


What is selective optimization with compensation (SOC)?

Coping strategy for working in old age Using SOC, an overworked 60-year-old lawyer might, for example, avoid spreading herself too thin by focusing on her strongest specialty area and delegating other types of assignments to younger workers (selection); put a lot of time into staying up-to-date in her main area of specialization (optimization); and make up for her failing memory by taking more notes at meetings (compensation)

What did Thomas and Chess find about the continuity of temperament over the lifespan?

Difficult infants who had fussed when they could not have more milk often became children who fell apart when they could not work mathematics problems correctly. By adulthood, however, an individual's adjustment had little to do with her temperament during infancy, suggesting a good deal of discontinuity over this long time span

Define conscientiousness in the Big 5

Discipline and organization vs. lack of seriousness

Define neuroticism

Emotional instability vs. stability

Someone who shows these key characteristics would be high on which Big 5 dimension? Warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking, positive emotions


T or F: females progress towards identity achievement faster than males

FALSE -- Females progress toward achieving a sense of identity at about the same rate as males do

T or F: Males have higher self-esteem scores than females except in adolescence.

False Males have higher scores than females except in childhood and late old age.

T or F: Temperamentally difficult children may remain so if there is a "good fit" between them and an impatient parent

False Temperamentally difficult children may remain so if there is a "BAD fit" between them and an impatient parent

This psychosocial conflict involves gaining the capacity to generate or produce something that outlives you and to care about the welfare of future generations

Generativity vs stagnation

Idealized expectations of what one's attributes and personality should be like is called the _______ ________

Ideal self

Define diffusion status

Identity status characterizing individuals who have not questioned who they are and have not committed themselves to an identity

Someone who shows these key characteristics would be high on which Big 5 dimension? Anxiety, hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsiveness, vulnerability


Did Freud see potential for personal growth and change throughout the life span ?


Do trait theorists think personality unfolds in stages?

No -- psychoanalysts think this

By mid-elementary school can children evaluate their wealth in relation to others?

No, not one of the 5 aspects of self-worth mentioned

List the Big Five personality traits

OCEAN Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

How can comparing to other older adults help older adults maintain positive self-images as long as possible?

Older adults are also able to maintain self-esteem by making social comparisons primarily to other older adults who have the same kinds of chronic diseases and impairments they have rather than to younger adults

What is the course of self-esteem like throughout the lifespan?

On average, self-esteem tends to be relatively high in childhood, to drop in adolescence, to rise gradually through the adult years until the 50s and 60s, and then to drop in late old age

Define open to experience

One of the Big 5 Curiosity and interest in variety vs. preference for sameness

Someone who shows these key characteristics would be high on which Big 5 dimension? Openness to fantasy, esthetics, feelings, actions, ideas, values

Openness to experience

How can culture effect development of self-awareness?

Parents in individualistic cultures would be likely to help children get to know themselves and their preferences and assert themselves, whereas parents in collectivist cultures would not call attention to the child as an individual and would instead socialize their children to be sensitive to others and respectful of their elders Develop self-awareness earlier in individualistc/urban cultures

How can Adjusting Goals and Standards of Self-Evaluation help older adults maintain positive self-images as long as possible?

People's goals and standards often change with age so that what seem like losses or setbacks to a younger person may not be perceived as such by an older adult

Explain the progression of how children describe themselves and notes ages

Preschool: they use physical description Age 8: describe their enduring qualities using personality trait terms such as funny and smart and honest Slightly after 8: form social identities, defining themselves in terms of their identifications with social groups Middle elementary school: become more capable of social comparison—of using information about how they compare with others to characterize and evaluate themselves

Define dispositional traits

Relatively enduring dimensions or qualities of personality along which people differ (for example, extraversion, aloofness)

_______________ babies are eagerly and actively engaged in life; they enjoy interacting with people and smile and laugh a lot.


Explain goodness of fit

The extent to which the child's temperament and the demands of the child's social environment are compatible or mesh, according to Thomas and Chess; more generally, a good match between person and environment.

Explain the person-environment fit

The match between the individual's personality and environment (for example, work environment); similar to goodness of fit between temperament and environment

What do Social Learning theorists think about personality being in stages?

They reject it

Which theory is this referring to: Personality as a set of dispositional traits (the Big Five) that are enduring over time and consistent across situations

Trait Theory

T or F: Although some adolescents do experience dips in self-esteem in early adolescence, most maintain moderate or high levels of self-esteem over the adolescent years or emerge from this developmental period with higher self-esteem than they had at the start


There is intriguing evidence that life satisfaction shows a ______-shaped pattern over the adult years, decreasing from early adulthood to a low in middle adulthood and then increasing from middle adulthood to old age


By mid-elementary school can children evaluate their physical appearance in relation to others?


By mid-elementary school is behavioral conduct in relation to others part of how they decide their self-worth?


Did Erikson see potential for personal growth and change throughout the life span?


Dod trait theorists think personality traits are enduring?


Are the Big 5 universal?

Yes but levels vary from culture to culture

there is little systematic personality change from middle adulthood to later adulthood except for ....

a decreased activity level

According to influential vocational theorist John Holland (1985, 1996), vocational choice is ...

a search for an optimal fit between one's personality and an occupation

What does having a sense of agency mean?

a sense that they can cause things to happen in the world

Explain difficult temperament

active, irritable, and irregular in their habits. react negatively (and vigorously) to changes in routine and are slow to adapt to new people or situations. cry frequently and loudly and often have tantrums when they are frustrated by such events as being restrained or having to live with a dirty diaper

How can quality of relationship with parents effect identity development?

1. Youths who get stuck in the diffusion status of identity formation and drift for years are sometimes neglected or rejected by their parents and emotionally distant from them. 2. Adolescents in the foreclosure status are often extremely close to parents who are loving but overly protective and controlling; these adolescents have few opportunities to make decisions and may never question their parents' ideas about what they should be. 3. Adolescents in the moratorium and identity achievement statuses generally have warm and democratic parents, the same kind of parents who foster high self-esteem

What might cause the significant changes in personality that some adults experience?

1. biological factors like disease 2. response to changes in the environment, including major life events, changes in social and vocational roles, and psychotherapy 3. change is more likely when there is a poor person-environment fit

What are the benefits of developing a positive ethnic identity?

1. can protect adolescents from the damaging effects of racial or ethnic discrimination 2. boost their overall self-esteem 3. contribute to academic achievement and good adjustment

an adolescent's progress toward achieving identity in various domains is a product of at least which five factors?

1. cognitive development 2. personality 3. quality of relationship with parents 4. opportunities for exploration 5. cultural context

What contributes to self-awareness in infancy?

1. depends on cognitive development and requires the maturation of certain areas of the brain 2. depends on social interaction 3. cultural context

What are James Marcia's 4 identity statuses?

1. diffusion status 2. moratorium status 3. foreclosure status 4. identity achievement status

Alexander Thomas, Stella Chess, and their colleagues made which 3 temperament categories for infants?

1. easy 2. difficult 3. slow-to-warm-up

What were some of Erikson's key ideas about personality?

1. emphasis on social influences beyond parents such as peers, teachers, and cultures; 2. the rational ego and its adaptive powers; 3. possibilities for overcoming the effects of harmful early experiences. 4. the potential for personal growth and change throughout the life span

What makes personalities remain stable over the years?

1. genetic makeup 2. lasting effects of childhood experiences 3. traits tend to remain stable when people's environments remain stable 4. gene-environment correlations can promote continuity

What were Holland's six personality types, each suited to a different cluster of occupations?

1. investigative 2. social 3. realistic 4. artistic 5. conventional 6. enterprising

How do Self-descriptions change between childhood and adolescence?

1. less physical and more psychological 2. less concrete and more abstract, 3. more differentiated 4. more integrated and coherent 5. more reflected upon

What helps adolescents form a positive ethnic identity?

1. parents socialize them regarding their race or ethnicity by teaching them about their group's cultural traditions 2. parents prepare them to live in a culturally diverse society 3. prepare them to deal with prejudice, at least as long as it is done in a way that does not breed anger and mistrust

good long-term adjustment to retirement is most likely among adults who have which 5 factors?

1. retire voluntarily rather than involuntarily and feel in control of their retirement decision 2. enjoy good physical and mental health 3. have positive personality traits such as agreeableness and emotional stability 4. have the financial resources to live comfortably 5. are married or otherwise have strong social support

An identity status characterizing individuals who appear to have committed themselves to a life direction but who have adopted an identity prematurely, without much thought is called...

foreclosure status

On average, self-esteem tends to be relatively _____ in childhood, to drop in adolescence, to rise gradually through the adult years until the 50s and 60s, and then to _______ in late old age

high drop

Just after they retire, according to Atchley, workers often experience a ___________ phase in which they relish their newfound freedom; they head for the beach, golf course, or camp grounds and do all the projects they never had time to do while they worked.


What does the stage of industry vs. inferiority concern?

how they compare to their peers

The tendency to be consistent on personality measures (increases/decreases) with age


With age, the gap between the real self and the ideal self (increases/decreases)


The main developmental trend evident in vocational choice is ....

increasing realism with age a shift from the child's fantasies to informed choice based on knowledge of both the self and the world of work

Four- and five-year-olds who have achieved a sense of autonomy then enter Erikson's stage of ....

initiative versus guilt

In which of Eriksons stages do children develop a sense of purpose by devising bold plans and taking great pride in accomplishing the goals they set?

initiative versus guilt

What does this refer to: inhibited children are likely to remain inhibited if their parents are either overprotective or angry and impatient

lacks goodness of fit

Elders who engage in _______ ________ display a stronger sense of integrity and better overall adjustment and well-being than those who do not reminisce much or who mainly stew about unresolved regrets

life review

Noted gerontologist Robert Butler (1963) proposed that older adults engage in a process called _______ _______, in which they reflect on unresolved conflicts of the past to come to terms with themselves, find new meaning and coherence in their lives, and prepare for death

life review

What do social types prefer occupationally?

like interacting with and helping other people (for example, teachers and counselors)

A shift toward greater emotional stability, agreeableness, and conscientiousness in personality from adolescence to middle adulthood is called the __________ __________

maturity principle

It seems sounder to call what many middle-aged adults experience __________ _______________, to recognize that it can occur in response to life events at a variety of ages, and to appreciate that it is usually not a true psychological crisis

midlife questioning

Beginning at age 18, More individuals begin to fall into the ____________ status


A period of time in high school or college when young adults are relatively free of responsibilities and can experiment with different roles to find their identities is called the _____ _______

moratorium period

An aspect of personality that is concerned with what has this person gone through that has made them who they are is called...

narrative identity

Do ages of typical transitions to marriage and parenthood in a culture impact the timing of the maturity principle in various cultures?


What do artistic types prefer occupationally?

nonconforming and want to express themselves creatively (for example, artists, musicians)

What shapes adult vocational development?

person-environment fit and the dynamic, reciprocal influences of personality on career and of career on personality

Define a trait theorist's view of personality

personality is a set of dispositional trait dimensions along which people can differ researchers administer personality scales to people and use the statistical technique of factor analysis to identify groupings of personality scale items that are correlated with each other assume that personality traits are quite consistent across situations and relatively enduring

What do conventional types prefer occupationally?

prefer order, structure, and predictability (for example, librarians, accountants)

The process of adjustment to leaving work begins with a _________ phase in which workers nearing retirement gather information and plan for the future


When do children learn about different racial and ethnic categories and gradually become able to classify themselves correctly

preschool years

If a preschooler is asked to describe herself what will she say?

preschoolers note their physical characteristics, possessions, physical activities and accomplishments, and preferences

Retirement is not a single event; it is a _______ that often plays out over a number of years


Trait theory is based on the _________ approach that guided the development of intelligence tests

psychometric approach

The reorientation phase of retirement is characterized as...

realistic and satisfying

Retirement's most consistent effect is to ....

reduce the individual's income apart from experiencing a drop in income, retired people fare well

Explain a social learning theorist's view on personality

reject the notion of universal stages of personality development question the existence of enduring personality traits that show themselves across a variety of situations and over long stretches of the life span. emphasize that people's behavior is influenced by the situations they are in and changes if their environments change and different behaviors are modeled and reinforced.

Explain slow-to-warm-up temperament

relatively inactive, somewhat moody, and only moderately regular in their daily schedules. Like difficult infants, they are slow to adapt to new people and situations, but they typically respond in mildly, rather than intensely, negative ways. For example, they may resist cuddling by looking away from the cuddler rather than by kicking or screaming. eventually adjust, showing a quiet interest in new foods, people, or places.

The last phase of retirement is a _________________ phase in which they begin to put together a realistic and satisfying lifestyle


How can Not Internalizing Ageist Stereotypes help older adults maintain positive self-images as long as possible?

resisting taking negative stereotypes of aging to heart—for example, disagreeing with statements such as "Things keep getting worse as I get older"—is positively associated with good health and longevity

What do enterprising types prefer occupationally?

seek to influence others and attain status (for example, sales people, entrepreneurs, leaders of organizations)

The ability to recognize oneself in a mirror or photograph, which occurs in most infants by 18 to 24 months of age is called...


Which temperament of infant may resist cuddling by looking away from the cuddler rather than by kicking or screaming?


Which theory emphasizes that people's behavior is influenced by the situations they are in and changes if their environments change and different behaviors are modeled and reinforced.

social learning theory

Explain effortful control

the ability to focus and shift attention when desired, inhibit responses, and appreciate low-intensity activities such as sitting on a parent's lap. Perhaps you remember the children's game, "Simon Says." Effortful control is illustrated by being able to inhibit hand clapping when the command is "Clap your hands" rather than "Simon says clap your hands." At age 3, only 22% can inhibit forbidden actions like this; by age 4, 90% can (Rothbart, 2011). This rapid development of self-control at around age 3 is followed by more rapid growth in adolescence Emerges in toddlerhood One of Rothbart's 3 dimensions of temperament

How can Reducing the Gap between Ideal and Real Self help older adults maintain positive self-images as long as possible?

the gap between the ideal self and the real self that opens up during childhood, widens during adolescence, and gives us a sense of falling short, apparently closes again in later life, helping us maintain self-esteem.

Explain surgency/extraversion

the tendency to actively, confidently, and energetically approach new experiences in an emotionally positive way (rather than to be inhibited and withdrawn). Surgent/extraverted babies are eagerly and actively engaged in life; they enjoy interacting with people and smile and laugh a lot. One of Rothbart's temperament dimensions Able to be identified in infancy

Explain negative affectivity

the tendency to be sad, fearful, easily frustrated, irritable, and difficult to soothe (as opposed to laid back and adaptable). One of Rothbart's temperament dimensions Able to be identified in infancy

T or F: Although everyone has an ethnic and racial background, members of minority groups tend to put more thought than majority group adolescents into defining who they are ethnically or racially


T or F: Because temperament is genetically based, identical twins often react similarly to new experiences


T or F: The relationship between high self-esteem and warm, democratic parenting holds up in a variety of ethnic groups and cultures


T or F: Vocational success is consistently correlated with Big Five qualities such as conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and emotional stability


There is a relationship between high self-esteem and what type of parenting?

warm, democratic parenting

Define narrative identity

what has this person gone through that has made them who they are

By mid-elementary school can children distinguish their athletic competence in relation to others?


Europeans appear to be more ___________ on average than Asians or Africans


T or F: adults become less able or less motivated to perform well on the job as they approach retirement


T or F: correlations between early childhood traits and adult traits are usually quite large


What do realistic types prefer occupationally?

favor practical work with concrete objects (for example, car mechanics, construction workers)

What did Freud believe about personality?

believed that the personality was formed during the first 5 years of life and showed considerable continuity thereafter

People adjust to the final chapter of the work life cycle by facing which 2 challenges?

adjusting to the loss of their work role developing a satisfying and meaningful lifestyle in retirement

What is a major trend in Big 5 traits across time according to the Roberts, Walton, & Viechtbauer, 2006 article from class?

agreeableness and conscientiousness both gradually increase over time

Define personality

an organized combination of attributes, motives, values, and behaviors unique to each individual

In terms of her identity as an Asian American, developmental psychologists would consider Thuy to be in the foreclosure status.How old is Thuy? a. 4 b. 9 c. 16 d. 19

b. 9

A key difference between Alexander Thomas's perspective on temperament and Mary Rothbart's perspective centers on the issue of ________. a. response b. passivity c. crisis d. gender

b. passivity

When facing stressful periods in life, Jacquie tends to isolate herself from people and escape by watching romantic comedies. Which of the following best describes Jacquie's response? a. narrative identity b. dispositional trait c. characteristic adaptation d. individualistic culture

c. characteristic adaptation

From a developmental perspective, retirement from the workforce is considered a(n) ________. a. crisis b. loss c. process d. opportunity

c. process

A person's classification of the self along socially significant dimensions such as age and sex is called a ____ ______

categorical self

Virtues and goals would constitute _______ _________

characteristic adaptations

Americans think like trait theorists and feel they have an inner self that is _________ across situations and over time, whereas Japanese people seem to adopt a social learning theory perspective on personality and see ____________ influences on behavior as powerful

consistent situational

James Marcia's theory of personality is formed on the basis of _______ and ___________, the individual is classified into one of the four identity statuses based on these two factors

crisis commitment

Kelvin's self-concept helps him to answer which of the following questions? a. What is my purpose? b. How good am I? c. Why am I like this? d. Who am I?

d. Who am I?

Carmela didn't pay any particular attention to the stuffed lion in her crib, until one day she squeezed him and it played music. She discovered her sense of ________ and now hugs the lion all the time to hear the music. a. mastery b. touch c. effortful control d. agency

d. agency

Identity status characterizing individuals who have not questioned who they are and have not committed themselves to an identity is called..

diffusion status

Rothbart and her colleagues have identified at least three major ______ of temperament


After the honeymoon phase of retirement, many enter a ______________ phase as the novelty wears off; they feel aimless and sometimes unhappy


extraversion and aloofness are examples of __________ traits


In short, identity formation takes a long time, can be revisited after adolescence, and occurs at different rates in different ____________

domains (EG: may reach religious identity before reaching political identity)

Infants develop self-awareness (earlier/later) in individualistc/urban cultures


Define temperament

early, genetically based but also environmentally influenced tendencies to respond in predictable ways to events that serve as the basis for later personality

self-regulation in childhood is an outgrowth of Rothbart's ____________ dimension of temperament, and is linked to the Big Five dimension of ______________ later in life

effortful-control conscientiousness

Most 12- and 15-year-olds are in which identity stage?

either the identity diffusion status or the identity foreclosure status

Personal strengths such as _________ ____________ and ______________ are correlated with good physical and mental health

emotional stability conscientiousness

What do investigative types prefer occupationally?

enjoy learning, solving problems, and working creatively with ideas (for example, scientists)

What did Levinson think of the transition period from age 40 to age 45?

especially significant transition, a time of midlife crisis in which a person questions his life structure and raises unsettling issues about where he has been and where he is heading

A sense of personal identification with the individual's ethnic group and its values and cultural traditions is called..

ethnic identity

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