Lifespan Development Ch. 16
In this clip, 84-year-old Paul discusses being a grandparent; he has _____ grandchildren.
Stanka states that she now lives _____ from her grandkids.
2 blocks
In this clip, 84-year-old Paul discusses being a grandparent; he has _____ great-grandchildren.
Erikson believed that the years around age _____ were a time when people entered their seventh stage.
Paul has been married _____ years.
By the age of 65, about _____ percent of people in the U.S. will have grandchildren.
Of people older than 65, ____ percent have grandchildren.
A turning point in life may be triggered by a midlife
All of the answers are correct.
Marital satisfaction usually hits bottom in middle age as a result of
All of the answers are correct.
Parents give the most help to children who need it most, typically those who
All of the answers are correct.
The most influential of the normative-stage theorists was
Which of the following middle-aged adults is demonstrating a characteristic of ego resiliency?
Grace, who often initiates humor with friends and family
The BEST example of the life-stage filial crisis is
Jayson's ability to balance a sense of autonomy with a sense of duty to his aging parents.
_____ is a process of letting go.
Marjorie sets up automatic billing for her father after he tells her that he has trouble remembering to pay his bills on time. This is an example of
a filial crisis.
The number-one reason for divorce in middle adulthood is identified as
The adjustment of a schema to fit new experiences is called identity
The two times of high levels of stress in life occur in _____ and _____; ironically, people with stress during these periods are living in the home at the same time.
adolescence; middle adulthood
Most middle-aged adults have a relationship with their aging parents that is
affectionate, helpful, and attached.
In this clip Alexis and Richard discuss falling in love. She said she fell in love with him
after a month.
In this clip Alexis and Richard discuss falling in love. He said he fell in love with her
almost immediately.
Throughout adulthood, work and personal roles
are interdependent.
An attempt to hold on to a consistent sense of self in the face of new experiences that do not fit an existing schema is called identity
Developmental scientists view midlife psychosocial development
both objectively and subjectively.
Joe and Jill do not find any satisfaction in their thirty-year marriage, but neither wants to give up its financial and emotional benefits. Joe and Jill are wanting to hang on to their marital
The financial and emotional benefits of marriage that are difficult to give up in divorce are called marital
Juan and Maria are taking a weekend getaway, as they are both feeling physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion from taking care of dependent parents. Juan and Maria are both feeling _____ burnout.
In regard to trait theory, one trait that appears to be at its highest in middle adulthood is
When selecting a partner for a class project that is to determine 50 percent of your grade, you would be best served picking a person high in
A theory in which people have circles of close friends and family with varying degrees of closeness that they rely on for assistance, well-being, and social support is called the social _____ theory.
Pam has been diagnosed with breast cancer; she is relying on her children, friends, and significant other for support, as is described in the social _____ theory.
Marital satisfaction tends to hit bottom in _____
early middle age.
The ability to adapt flexibly and resourcefully to potential sources of stress is identified as
ego resiliency.
Erik Erikson theorized that there are ______ stages of psychosocial development over the course of the lifespan.
Development in the middle years must be seen from the perspective of the _____ life span.
Andrew is quite talkative and fun loving. He loves to socialize with others and enjoys being around other people. Andrew would score high on which personality factor?
The world over, caregiving is typically a _____ function.
The period during which adults learn to balance autonomy with love and duty to their parents within a two-way relationship is called a(n) _____ crisis.
Renee has recognized her aging mother's need for help in many areas and has taken on this challenge while trying to maintain her own home and career. Renee has entered the ____ stage of life.
filial crisis
In this clip 81-year-old Isabelle discusses being a grandmother. She has ____ great great grandchildren.
In this clip we see an example of what Erickson would argue is the "crisis" for middle adulthood, that is
generativity versus stagnation.
At age 40, Bill is in Erikson's psychosocial stage of
generativity vs. stagnation
Eric Erikson's seventh stage of development is
generativity vs. stagnation.
Diane recently purchased the farm she grew up on as a child. In Diane's will, she has left the farm to her children as a legacy for what her family accomplished throughout the generations. Diane is demonstrating Erikson's concept of
Which of the following is NOT an example of one of the ways an individual can develop generativity?
generic generativity
In the timing-of-events model, many midlife adults define themselves as
grandparents, parents, and parental caregivers.
Marital satisfaction usually reaches its height when children are
grown up.
For most middle-aged adults, life satisfaction is
Susan Whitbourne developed a theory in which identity is made up of accumulated perceptions of the self called the ______ theory.
identity process
Having a source of information, developing a sense of self, and developing the need for emotional support are the three goals of social
Devin is 23 years old. They have a strong sense of their own identity, but they still are working out who they are while in a relationship and how to make a healthy relationship with a partner. Although Devin has had several "serious" relationships, they have never had a partner longer than 6 months. Which of Erikson's stages of psychosocial development does Devin's situation best represent?
intimacy vs. isolation
Which of the following stages of psychosocial development does NOT occur during infancy or childhood?
intimacy vs. isolation
In this clip 41-year-old Carolyn discusses having a baby after 40. Which of the following is NOT one of the difficulties shementions about later parenthood?
lack of financial resources
In the timing-of-events model, the adult's personal development rests less on age and more on important _____ events.
Yvonne has worked for a company in her community for twenty years. The company closed and she is now going back to college for a new career. Yvonne is experiencing a change in her ____ course.
Ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status can all profoundly affect the course of
A key factor in a person's well-being is his or her _____ quality.
A transition time at which an adult child may need to care for and give support to his or her aging parents usually happens during _____ adulthood.
Carstensen's theory states that friendship groups become smaller and more intimate in ______ adulthood.
Parenthood involves a process of letting go that reaches its peak in _____ adulthood.
Generativity vs. stagnation occurs during
middle adulthood
A supposedly stressful period triggered by the review and reevaluation of one's life is called a(n) _____ crisis.
Teresa is a divorced fifty-year-old woman who has just bought her first Harley Davidson motorcycle. Her early adulthood children are telling her she is having a _____ crisis.
An introspective tendency during midlife is called
midlife review.
Even when they do not live close to each other, most middle-age adults and their parents have warm, affectionate relationships based on
mutual help.
Rita is feeling lonely and sad since Ramón, her youngest child, left home. Rita is experiencing the syndrome of empty
George is a worrier. He always seems tense, because he is anxious about his health, his job, and his relationships. Which factor of personality best encapsulates these attributes of George?
Patterns of early life will _____ follow a person through to later life patterns.
not necessarily
When developmental scientists look at trajectories or pathways, they are looking at midlife from a(n) _______ perspective.
A person high in ____________ might try skydiving or bungee jumping.
openness to experience
Which of the following is not a "Big Five" personality factor?
Costa and McCrae's trait research indicates that ____ change takes place during middle adulthood.
Generativity tends to be associated with _____ behavior.
The revolving door syndrome, or "boomerang phenomenon" commonly results in each of the following EXCEPT
regressed behavior in adult children.
An introspective examination and reappraisal of values and priorities is called a midlife
People at a time of life when they have dependent children and dependent parents are part of the _____ generation.
Self-perceptions that are continually confirmed or revised in response to incoming information are called identity
Isabelle's 9-year-old great grandson Kahius likes
A life-span perspective on how people choose with whom to spend their time is called the socioemotional ______ theory.
Susan has become more selective with which friends and family members she chooses to spend most of her time with. Susan is demonstrating part of socioemotional _______ theory.
The longest-lasting relationship most people have in their lives is with their
Research suggests that for most individuals, midlife is
simply one of life's turning points.
Longitudinal studies show that psychosocial development involves
The field of narrative psychology views the development of the self as a continuous process of constructing one's life
When developmental scientists look at how people construct their identities and structure their lives, they are looking at midlife from a(n) _______ perspective.
Prolonged parenting may lead to intergenerational _____ when it contradicts parents' normative expectations.
Cohabitation is increasing in middle age with the aging of
the Baby Boomers.
Janice, a stay-at-home mother for most of her adult life, is having an especially difficult time with her youngest son leaving home for college. Janice's difficulty is known as
the empty nest.
Levi returned home each summer during college, and although he graduated 2 years ago, he has returned home to live twice. Levi's behavior is an example of
the revolving door syndrome.
Historically, research on middle adulthood focused on
their role as parents.
One of the primary reasons Stanka and her husband waited until their mid 30's to have kids was
they were in school.
A psychological transition that involves significant change or transformation in the perceived meaning, purpose, or direction of a person's life is called a ______ point.
Both Alexis and Richard indicated that their relationship was
We rely on social convoys for
Joyce is fifty-five years old, married, and in good health; these are the biggest factors involved for a sense of
Midlife divorce seems especially hard for
Relationships can present stressful demands that tend to fall most heavily on
In this clip 71-year-old Stanka is discussing being a grandparent. She says the best thing about being a grandparent is
you love them like your own kids but you get to go home at the end of the day.