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Language learning earlier in life is critical. & that window never closes tho, so scientists call this ______ A timeframe when responses to development in certain areas will be optimal

"sensitive period" - Boundaries of sensitive periods are more flexible than those of a critical period. More difficult to learn certain skills outside the normally occurring period though. Cognitive dev of young children makes them more suited to learn language bc they take it bit by bit bc their brain capacity is smaller

what stage of fowler's faith dev: proper growth, nutrition from caregiver, develop sense of trust w surroundings

0 - primal faith (infancy to 2)

Each year US 1200-1400 infants and toddlers are victims of head injuries from abuse, and the majority of children are under __ years old


what stage of fowler's faith dev: intro of words and symbols, questions about death can arise, and fascination w fantasy stories and tales of good vs evil

1 - intuitive-projective faith (toddlerhood to early childhood)

3 levels of kohl bergs theory of moral dev w/ 6 stages

1 = preconventional level (stage 1: punishment and obedience orientation, and stage 2: instrumental relativist orientation) 2 = conventional level (stage 3: interpersonal concordance or "good boy nice girl" orientation, stage 4: "Law and Order") 3 = post conventional (or autonomous, or principled) (stage 5: social-contract legalistic orientation - generally with utilitarian overtones, stage 6: universal ethical-principle orientation)

· During pregnancy and after, _____% of women experience adverse psychological reactions referred to as perinatal depression


First Words · ~__ months · Can be real or invented, usually single words that label familiar objects in toddlers life like people animals food objects that move and familiar actions · __% toddlers understand 150 words and can verbalize 50 of them by 18 months · ______ - toddlers apply a word to a wider range of objects than is accurate, such as when cole says dog to dog but also to horse

13 75% Overextension

stage stage in kohl bergs theory of moral dev: · Obey rules to avoid punishment, and they obey others in power simply bc they are in power. Morality behind it isnt important (steal drug to save wife is best choice bc it makes husband happy that wife is back and wife is happy bc she's safe)

1: punishment and obedience

what stage of fowler's faith dev: cause and effect becomes clearer, and concept of justice becomes important. Good is rewarded and bad is punished

2 - Mythic-Literal faith (middle childhood and beyond)

· Human genome project estimated that there are approx ______ human genes


stage stage in kohl bergs theory of moral dev: · Children obey rules, but only for self-satisfaction. Shift from avoiding punishment to seeking self-satisfaction in one's own interest. Also recognition that a reward for one person may not be a reward for another. (stealing drug to save wife Is best choice, but they will recognize stealing the drug is not the best thing for the seller of the drug in this perspective)

2: instrumental relativist orientation

what stage of fowler's faith dev: thoughts more sophisticated, ideas and reflections about faith are too. Thoughts are divine and largely influenced by the thoughts of those surrounding the individual, and one often conforms to the beliefs of the important figures in their life

3 - synthetic-conventional faith (adolescence and beyond)

· 90% of toddlers achieve typical gross motor skills between: o ? hold head up erect and steady when held upright o ? rolling from back to side o ? sitting alone o ? crawling o ? walking o ? walking up stairs with help

3 weeks-4 months 2-7 months 5-9 months 5-11 months 9-17 months 12-23 months

· Until ___ months, the right hemisphere of brain (intuitive and emotional skills for empathic understanding) develops more quickly and dominates more brain control than the left (How left forms depends on daily sensitive and responsive caring)


· By ___ months, shifted to left brain which is complex speech, recalling past events, and anticipating future ones


stage stage in kohl bergs theory of moral dev: · Seeek approval of society, and begin to appreciate good intentions · Sense of caring for humanity, actions motivated by empathy and caring, rather than individual greed are valued. · Since husband is stealing the drug to save a life, he should be forgiven or only punished lightly

3: interpersonal concordance or good bye nice girl orientation

· By ? the infant can transfer objects from hand to hand Average of 9 months an infant uses a ______ = precise movement that brings together the thumb and index finger - enabling the infant to pick up objects such as small pieces of cereal

4-5 months pincer grasp

stage stage in kohl bergs theory of moral dev: · Value good behavior for the sake of social order · Laws must be obeyed so that the system can go on functioning; all must be mindful for what is best for the system · "exceptions to the law cannot be given" · "did the druggist have the right to charge that much? No, for him to make that much profit is ignoring his responsibility to people"

4: law and order

what stage of fowler's faith dev: rarely occurs before midlife. believes there could be multiple truths. Paradoxes exist and cannot be reasoned away, but might be embraces

5 - conjunctive faith

stage stage in kohl bergs theory of moral dev: · Laws in place reflect best values of society as well as the individual rights of each member within. If it doesn't properly serve society, it should be changed by society. · "one recognizes that in this situation the wife's right to life comes before the druggist's right to property. There is some obligation to steal for anyone dying; everyone has a right to live and be saved"

5: social-contract legalistic orientation

· The Third Trimester (physical dev) · Fetus length increase 50% and gain ___ pounds · Reflexes and other central nervous system structures mature in ___ month · Final weeks and months of gestation are critical for further maturation of the _____

6 7th brainstem

stage stage in kohl bergs theory of moral dev: · Conscience of universal justice and respect for humanity decides what is right, and this conscience is above the law. · Human life comes above all else. Yes steal drug no matter who its for if its to save a life

6: universal ethical-principle orientation

Is there an age by which toddlers should be walking?

9-17 months

· Each DNA strand is made up of Four bases:

Adenine Thymine Guanine Cytosine

experimental procedure that assesses the security of attachments in children 10-24 months. Provide increasing distress for child, episodes 2-8 each that last 3 minutes

Ainsworth strange situation

Primary Emotions: within 6 months - 1 year · _____: brain directs more blood flow to the hands, preparing the person to defend against the strike of an opponent. Also increasing heart rate and flooding the body w hormones such as adrenaline · ____: blood in legs, preparing body to make quick getaway from danger that's causing fear · _____: quiets the areas of brain that generate troubling thoughts. · _____: produces a decrease in energy or enthusiasm. Allows brain to plan for future by creating a time of mourning and reflection, which enables person to transition from a loss to a new beginning · ____: lifting of eyebrows, increasing visual field so they can better appraise the surprising event and protective valuu · ____: curling of upper lip to the side while wrinkling the nose makes nostrils close against an offensive odor and allows person to spit out a poisonous food

Anger Fear Happiness Sadness Surprise Disgust

Erikson stage: child starts to see they control things themselves like eating and handling objects so they shout that they want to do something themselves.

Autonomy vs shame/doubt (18-3 yrs)

· _____ - first 22 pairs of chromosomes (not sex pair) disorders can happen within these


Used as a broad theoretical framework to understand environmental contributions - Developing child is continually influenced by the systems within which the child is embedded, The reciprocal, enduring interactions between the developing child and his environment are termed proximal processes/

Bronfenbrenner's ecological model · Ex of pp: parent-child activities or play with a group of peers. o The child not only interacts w these systems but the systems interact with each other to influence childs dev

_____ = influence of time on the developing person o Changes experienced by child throughout development and the historical and social events of the time have the potential to hugely affect who the child ultimately becomes


Life stages as social constructions: Prenatal

Conception until birth, tremendous amount of rapid growth and organ development

Stages that demonstrate an evolution of abandoning racism and developing positive identity _______ - oblivious to issues of race and racial identity; think race doesn't matter unaware of privileges, maintain status quo _______ - question beliefs causes cognitive dissonance, conflict, anxiety, or guilt _________ - white superiority beliefs and dominance. Racism is acknowledged ________ - start of defining a positive white racial identity, intellectual understanding __________ - replace old misinfo and stereotypes w accurate info. Goal shifts from changing marginalized individuals to changing Whites _______- whites able to continue commitment to understanding racism and privilege. Cross-racial interactions welcomed

Contact Disintegration Reintegration Psedoindependence Immersion/Emersion · Autonomy

_______ idea believes that a certain limited period of time exists when humans have the max opportunity for optimal dev given appropriate environmental inputs. A window to develop certain skills. Give 2 Examples

Critical period Pregnant women with certain diseases or who takes drugs at various points throughout pregnancy increases the risk of harming baby. First 8 weeks the baby's organs and structures are developing, making this a critical period for healthy dev. Imprinting behavior of new ducklings, which will bond w the first moving object they see, even if its a human not mom duck. Imprinting shows animals have predisposition toward learning certain info at a critical point

abrupt transformations as children transition to the next stage of functioning. Each stage has new behaviors, cognitions, and emotions that are diff than previous stage. Regardless of speed, its a fixed order. · Staircase idea

Discontinuous development

confused response style

Disorganized-disoriented attachment

· _____ twins began as 2 eggs, each fertilized separately by two different sperm cells · Fraternal twins · Similar to one another as they would be to siblings born from the same parent at different times


________ = connections and relationships between two or more settings, at least one of which the developing child does not experience directly. o Indirectly influence the dev of child by shaping the behavior of people who interact with child or defining larger context that affects child's life o EX: Relationship between home and a parent's workplace or between school and community


· How humans conceptualize god or a higher being and how the influence of that higher being has impacted core values, beliefs and meanings in their personal lives and relationships

Fowler's faith development

______ - psychosexual, emotions are developed early


_____ = field of study of how inheritance operates ______ = involves the transmission of (genetic) characteristics from parents to offspring

Genetics Inheritance

_______, which are the cells used to procreate new organisms, divide through a process called meiosis

Germ cells, or sex cells

1 goal of misbehavior: · Child has given up and displays hopelessness · Parents and teachers will experience feelings of giving up on the child, but they must not throw in the towel or exhibit pity for the child. · Child will not benefit from praise at this point. In fact the use of praise or gold stars and awards will feel hollow and fake and will have little to no effect. · The child needs encouragement, and the adult should look for ways to authentically encourage small attempts. · Above all - adults must not criticize

Inadequacy - difficulties for intervention and may require counseling interventions

Eriksons Psychosocial development

Infancy - Trust VS Mistrust § Infants develop trust w secure caregiver relationships when their basic needs are met. If physical and emotional needs not met, the child may develop mistrusting attitudes toward othes Early childhood (toddlers) - Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt § 1-3 years, children explore the world and experiment. If parents or caregivers do not promote autonomy, child may lack self-reliance as they develop Preschool age - Initiative VS Guilt § 3-6 years, focus is basic sense of competence. If others monopolize decision making on behalf of children, then they become guilty and reluctant to make their own decisions School age - Industry VS Inferiority § 6-12, focus is on goal-setting and achievement. Without success at this task, feelings of inadequacy develop\ Adolescence - Identity VS Role Confusion § Individuals explore limits, boundaries, meaning, identity, and goals. Failure to achieve a coherent identity may yield confusion Young Adulthood - Intimacy VS Isolation § 18-35, major task is the development of and security within intimate relationships. Without these, alienation and isolation may persist Middle Age - Generativity VS Stagnation § 35-60, focus on transcending self and family and focusing on the next generation. People in this stage must reconcile differences between their aspirations/dreams and their actual accomplishments Later life - Integrity VS Despair § 60+, deals with coming to terms with one's life. Looking back w sense of pride and contentment, or with failure guilt and despair

· Ethical principles important to remember when conducting developmental research - need approval from __ before research - ____ means doing no harm - ____ means promoting the welfare of those involved - research participants have right to ___, meaning they have the ability to make their well-informed decisions. shouldn't be coerced or forced into participations - ___ consent in necessary ( Knowledge of risks, benefits, procedures, and purpose of study, Aware they are free to withdraw at any time without penalty, Children need it from their parents, Deception is justified when the benefits outweigh the risks and there is no alternative way to achieve the desired results, Need to explain the nature and purpose right after, This explaining i called debriefing, necessary in all studies, but v much when deception is used)

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) nonmaleficence beneficence autonomy infared

· ______ psychotherapy IPT · Focuses on interpersonal problems, disputes, and adjustment to roles and new transitions that relate directly to the experience of mothers · _______ therapy CBT · Focuses on cognitive restructuring along with behavioral applications

Interpersonal Cognitive behavioral

· Bandura's social learning theory = ... and what 4 things must be present in order to learn

Learning occurs through observation, imitation, or modeling, and the following conditions must be present in order for modeling (observational learning) to occur: · Attention ( u must pay attention to the behavior you are learning) · Retention (remember what was observed) · Reproduction (one must translate what was observed into actual behavior and repeat it) · Motivation (one must have some reason for imitating that behavior)

_______= overarching cultural context in which other systems are embedded o Various beliefs, values, customs, lifestyles, and political and social institutions and events that characterize a culture Diff ethnic heritages, socioeconomic statuses, sexual


_____ = connections and relationships between two or more microsystems o Linkages between home and school or neighborhood and school. Problems in one microsystem can spill over into another microsystem.


________ = pattern of "activities, social roles, and interpersonal relations in face-to-face setting w particular physical, social, and symbolic features that invite, permit, or inhibit engagement in sustained, progressively more complex interaction with, and activity in, the immediate environment" o EX: Family, neighborhood, and school


· may also lead to stronger affiliations with one's community, which may in turn aid in buffering the impact of stress _________ is linked to a variety of stress processes; some LGB people, for example, may be vigilant in interactions with others (expectations of rejection), hide their identity for fear of harm (concealment), or internalize stigma (internalized homophobia).

Minority identity development

· ______ twins began as one egg, fertilized by one sperm that split into two separate eggs that develop identically in mom womb · Identical twins · Share identical copies of genetic info


____ refers to biological characteristics and predispositions inherited o Heredity o Universal maturational processes o Bio predispositions o Hormones · Sir Franic Galton · Piaget


_______ involves the removal or withholding of a pleasant event

Negative punishment

__________ involves the removal of an unfavorable outcome or event after a behavior w the goal of increasing the frequency of that behavior

Negative reinforcements

_____ is environmental influences and experiences o Interactions between fam members o Peers o School o Neighborhood o Govt o Culture · John Locke · John Watson · Brongenbrenner's ecological model 1970 explained nurture


· Freud's psychosexual development

Oral stage - Birth to 18 months - Centers on pleasure of sucking and eating · Anal stage - 18 months to 3 years - Pleasure received from controlling one's excretory functions · Phallic stage - 3-5 years - Children's fascination w their genitalia and other bodily functions - Unconscious sexual desires for their caregivers, girls yearn for their fathers and boys for their mothers · Latent Stage - 5-puberty - Calm after the torment of the earlier years · Genital stage - Puberty-remainder of life - Conscious and unconscious behaviors manifest as a result of the culmination of early experiences

· Bowlby's 4 phases of infant attachment:

Phase 1: Non-focused responsiveness · Birth to 3 months · Cry, smile, make eye contact w anyone who they come into contact Phase 2: Discriminating Attention · 3-6 months · Focus their social responsiveness to fewer people and become less responsive to unfamiliar people Phase 3: Proximity-seeking behavior · 6-24 months · These attached figures become a base for the baby to explore · Following the caregiver around or calling out for them · This timeframe is also the SENSITIVE PERIOD Bowlby believes, when attachment relationship will develop more readily ... after this its more difficult to form Phase 4: Reciprocal Relationship · 24+ months · Internal model of the attachment relationship is developed · Understand parental intent and can envision parent's behavior during separation · More willing to separate from parents

· His theory begins with adaptation - how the human mind constructs knowledge (accommodation and assimilation with it)

Piagets cognitive developmetn

_________ involves the presentation of an averse event

Positive punishment

________ are favorable events or outcomes that follow a behavior w the goal of increasing the frequency of occurance of that behavior

Positive reinforcements

Person talks to themselves rather than others for the purpose of self-guidance

Private Speech

______ are adverse events the decrease the frequency of the behavior they follow


Bandura believed in ______ Determinism - the relationship between an individual and the environment. He believed in mutual influences between the psychological processes of the individual, the environment, and the behavior. Bobo Doll experiment · Effects of models of aggression on preschool children's aggressive behavior. They observed aggressive behavior on doll so then did so too. This showed aggressive behaviors may be acquired through observational learning


· _______ are consequences that strengthen or increase the frequency of the behavior that they follow


· Secure attachment

Sad when caregiver leaves but is comforted and happy when returns

·_____ - all cells which make up the human body, divide through a process called mitosis

Somatic cells

· _____ = substances that may cause these abnormalities (alcohol, cocaine, cigs, caffeine, anti-depressants, AIDS, malnutrition, radiation, mercury)


· Young parents/first time fathers are likely __ and have ____ outlooks on experience of parenthood

Unprepared, unrealistic

· Social processes occurring around children -

Zone of Proximal Development

· New info still affects person and the addition of this info may require more cognitive structures to be formed/organized. This is called ______.


Together, assimilation and accommodation are referred to as _____.


· Distressed before caregiver leaves, even more when caregiver is gone, shows resistance w kicking but still seeks comfort when caregiver returns

ambivalent attachment

· First emotion ever: _____ - showing attraction to pleasing stimulus or withdrawing from aversive stimulus · 15-24 months = _______ aka secondary emotions

arousal awareness

As humans encounter new things, they ______ this new information - fitting it into the already existing cognitive structures so that it can be learned and understood in context along w everything else the person already knows


Culture-specific values trigger different _______, which then leads to differences in emotional responses o Attribution style is how a person cognitively appraises an event

attribution styles

parenting style: o Demanding, shape and control childs behavior o Autocratic o Little room for discussion o Perspective of child are not legitimized o No explanation for demands o Less affection and tend to restrict emotional expressions of child o Children at risk of being disconnected, rebellious, withdrawn, and distrustful


parenting style: o Provide structure and direction while still allowing a significant amount of freedom and room for exploration and self-expression o Promote autonomy and individuality while communicating consistent standards and expectations of mature behavior o High levels of two-way communication o Self-reliant, explorative, and contented children o Democratic parenting style


· Unaffected whether caregiver leaves or returns

avoidant attachment

· 5-9 months, vocalize consonant-vowel combo sounds "daddada" "mamama" · Critical step, shows vocal capability and readiness to produce sounds that can serve as words · ________ babbling, no babbling at 10 months but no medical problems, are at extreme risk for hearing impairments or other language disorders · ______, 10-24 months, are intentional motor actions used to request and direct another's attention § Social interactions (waving) or requesting (pointing to be picked up) or representing an action (panting to symbolize a dog) § Can be done w 6 month infants even, helps them change crying to something productive to show what they want - useful

babbling Late-onset Gestures

Throndike's Law of effect -

behavioral stimulus - response framework cats escaping puzzle box by pressing lever S w the door opening R, s-r relationship


behaviorism ivan pavlov salivating dog to bell for food

type of data collection method: · Open-ended, in depth exam of a "unit", such as a single individual, family, or small group. · Interviews, observations, testing, or exam of subject's personal materials, such as a diary. · Provides amble time for researcher to gain a complete picture and rich detail · Limitation: bc it focuses on one unit, its difficult to generalize to an entire population

case study

Updated social learning theory is Social Cognitive Theory · Greater emphasis on one's _______ as part of one's development · It can be seen as a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive theory in that it includes attention, memory, and motivation, and because it emphasizes the active role of the individual's psychological processing in the learning process.

cognitive processes

When a study is internally valid, the researcher can confidently determine that the change in the dependent variable (outcome) is due to the__________, and not due to other potentially confounding variables; · Thus, all sources of potentially confounding variables must be controlled or removed. This ensures high internal validity But, as experimental control increases, applicability and generalizability to the real world, or ________, sometimes decreases

conditions the researcher introduced in the independent variable external validity

dev change is continually occurring at a gradual, steady pace. Ex: quantitative, incremental growth would be a child adding a new word to his vocabulary. Building on existing knowledge. · Steady upward slope · More my thinking

continuous development

· 2-4 months, pleasing, vowel like sounds when happy · They also begin to produce laughter · Enables prelanguage conversational exchange w parents


research design type: conducted to illuminate the differences of similarities among various people of diverse cultures... uses field data from many societies to examine the scope of human behavior and test hypotheses about human behavior

cross-cultural research

research design type: Measures individuals of diff ages at a single point in time o Older adults more politically active not bc older but bc they grew up during political activism was more valued then today. These designs are susceptible to these cohort effects, which occur when observed differences may be due to shared experiences rather than maturation · Matching groups minimizes cohort effects by ensuring similarity befores study o Less costly than longitudinal, immediate results, no attrition or mortality, cannot suffer from practice effects from repeated testing.

cross-sectional designs

· Increased pitch, varied pitch contours, slowed production · Infants use ______ cries § Pitch is between 450-600 hertz, but when infants crank it into high gear, its between 1000-2000 hz!! § Results in high arousal in adults, measured by skin conductance levels and changes in heart rate · Express their physiological and emotional ____ thru crying · _______ (cry = parent innate response, automatic, no cognitive processing required) § Negative reinforcement (cry - stimulus, response- picks up baby, baby stops crying - negative reinforcement) _______ - parent hearing the cry responds w sympathy and altruism · ________ - infant responds to distress by crying in ways that mimic a respiratory emergency - gasping, choking, panting. Crying is considered melodramatic: it is a distortion of reality. It's a deception designed to prompt parents to attend immediately

cry hyperphonated needs Innate Releaser model · Sympathetic distress Respiratory drama hypothesis

Somatic cell divides and duplicates itself into two cells with replicated genetic information. Thus a parent cell in the ____ state (having the full complement of chromosomes) divides into two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell


First year, infant expresses happy anger sad fear surprise interest and ______ by crying, gestures, and movements


Whining · Peak 2.5-4 years · Combines acoustic features of cries WITH speech and the sound is considered to be more annoying than cries · Parents are more ______ by whining than they are w crying · Thompson believed whining, like crying, is an inborn deceptive feature that toddlers use to sound as if they are in more ____ than they actually are, compelling adults to attend them

distracted danger

· Birth to 2, infants brain ____ in size


culture-specific approach - to truly understand the cultural meaning behind diff practices and behaviors


· Infant quickly learns to assimilate the _________ of culture - the framework for how the conceptualize and show emotion

emotion schemas

all behavior is a direct response to _______

environmental stimuli

Taking an ___ - or universal approach - can limit one's ability to understand the insider's perspective and bias the counselor everywhere regardless of culture.


BF skinner thought all behaviors could be explained by examining _____, observable causes of human behavior


· Gives coherence and direction to ones life · Links them in shared trusts and loyalties w others · Ground their personal stance s and communal loyalties in a sense of relatedness to a larger frame of reference · Enable them to face and deal w the challenges of human life and death, relying on that which has the quality of ultimacy in their lives


§ Impaired cognitive and delayed growth § Low birth weight, inability to maintain weight, small skull size, flattened facial features, brain structure abnormalities, neurological deficits such as learning impairments or even intellectual disability § Recent research linked mental health issues depression and anxiety disorders that occur in childhood and adulthood ... academic issues... social issues

fetal alcohol syndrome effects

which reinforcement sched: · Applying the reinforcement after a specific amount of time. Getting bonus at end of the year. Quiz every 2 weeks. This can lead to person working harder / improving performance at the end of the time frame to get better outcome

fixed interval

which reinforcement sched: · Applying the reinforcement after a specific number of behaviors. Stop hitting brother, 3rd time you do it you'll be put in timeout. Paid every 2 weeks no matter what.

fixed ratio

If a study is externally valid it has high _______ to other samples and the real world.


? = genetic makeup which comprises the inheritance from both parents ? = expression of their genotypes given an individual's environment ? = individual's innate, expected developmental trajectory.

genotype phenotype canalization

· When pressure is put on infants palm - ____ reflex · When something placed in mouth - ____ reflex (survival reflex) · Touch cheek and infant turns his mouth toward - ____ reflex (survival reflex) · Holding breath and opening eyes under water - _____ reflex (self-protection) · Blinking to protect from sharp change of light etc. - _____reflex · Extension or flexion of newborns toes when bottom of foot is stroked - _____ reflex · Infant extends arms legs and fingers while elongating neck muscles when moved suddenly or hears a loud sound - ____ reflex · Pulling back of ears (ready to breastfeed signal) ______ reflex (PAR) · When held above the floor, infants kick their legs in ways that simulate walking - ______ reflex

grasping sucking rooting diving Blink Babinski Moro Postauricular Stepping or walking

During meiosis, sex cells (germ cells) are divided into _____ state (half chromosomes) so that when the sperm from the male (in a __ state) and egg from the female (also in the __ state) genetically recombine, each resulting fertilized egg cell will contain 23 complete pairs of chromosomes


· Mastery of _____ in infants is crucial to supporting other early behaviors, such as improved vision, oromotor skills, and use of the trunk and arms, and overall body control o As early as 4-6 weeks infants show head control

head control

· Maternal Emotions: Cortisol low levels is linked to _______ ... mothers should reduce stress levels during early critical period of development as high levels of stress can adversely affect the infant's cognitive development

high cognitive

· Western cultures - _______, promote independence and personal accomplishment VS ________ in Eastern cultures - interdependence and social relationships

individualistic collectivistic

· Social and cultural - study found having a _____ played a role in preventing the development of depressive symptoms

job satisfaction

research design type: researches follow one group, or cohort, of participants over an extended period of time to repeatedly measure diff aspects of dev o Cohort = group of ppl born ab the same time to experience similar culture and history growing up o Good for showing patterns over time, or stability of personality traits or abilities over time, and tracking long-term effects of events from childhood o Limitations: mortality or attrition (death, relocation, or loss of interest), time-consuming and expensive,

longitudinal designs

Most interesting aspects of 4 goals of misbehavior is the _____

manner in which a parent or teacher can ascertain which goal the child is engaged in

· As experimental environments become increasingly controlled for internal validity, some of the real-world generalizability ________.

may be lost

o Cell divide through two processes:

mitosis & meiosis

type of data collection method: · Used when researchers want to unobtrusively observe people going about their usual business School, home, workplace, parks, etc · No manipulating the environment · _________ - when people know they're being observed so they act differently · Provides more depth and detail than other structured studies · Good for studying populations that lack to provide reliable self-reports · Limitations: possibility always exists that people will behave differently. Researcher may also bias the behavior, accidentally or purposefully. Time (waiting for target behavior to happen), lack of experimental control obvi

naturalistic observation Reactivity

____ involves the removal or withholding of a pleasant event

negative punishment

___ · involves the removal of an unfavorable outcome or event after a behavior w the goal of increasing the frequency of that behavior

negative reinforcement

· Rolling ball across floor prompts ____, or nerve cells in brain to fire info back and form allowing brain to develop a neural pathway · Then a ____ of neurons will form in brain ... focused on rolling ball · Once these pathways are built, they lead to _____- outer layer of brain that controls the majority of our ability to understand and communicate · The ___, tube-like part of the neuron that allows signals to be passed from one neuron to another, becomes coated in a sheath of a fatty substance called ____ as the infant grows · ______ - process of coating the neural fibers is crucial to the development of the infant brain, as the myelin sheath facilitates "the rapid and synchronized info transfer required for coordinated movement"

neurons cluster cerebral cortex axon myelin Myelination

which human dev influence: Predictable changes that every ind will encounter throughout lifespan - Puberty ab same age, starting formal education same age for most

normative age-graded influences

Human ____ contains 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total chromosomes)


Environmental contributions that can affect development

o Interactions between fam members o Peers o School o Neighborhood o Govt o Culture o SES

type of data collection method: · Set up fake environments to better control variables and elicit the desired behaviors of interest

o Structured Observations

- Behaviors learned NOT by association w stimuli but as a RESULT of previous consequences - BF skinner thought all behaviors could be explained by examining external, observable causes of human behavior

operant conditioning

Behaviors learned NOT by association w stimuli but as a RESULT of previous consequences

operant conditioning BF skinner

· The Second Trimester (physical dev) · Rapid growth · Approx 7 inches in length and weights about 4 oz, but almost doubles in fifth month. · Bones continue to form and harden = _____ · Downy growth of hair, called _____ now covers entire body of fetus and skin is covered in waxy substance _______

ossification lanugo vernix caseosa

o Learning is _____ experience


· The First Trimester (physical dev) · Sperm and egg become a single zygote cell w a full complement of 23 pairs of chromosomes (diploid state) § Zygote undergoes mitosis, process of somatic cell division discussed earlier § Mitotic replications continue through prenatal dev, but first 14 days are referred to as the ______ § Zygote travels down _____ tube and implants onto the blood-and nutrient-rich uterine wall. · 14th day after conception begins _____ period, which lasts til end of the _____ month § Rapid cell division and specialization § Heart begins to form § Support structures like ubilical cord, amniotic sac, and placenta form § Backbone begins to develop § Various internal organs form § _____ system forms § Arm and leg buds, shoulders, arms, hands, thumbs § Face features and neck, highly complex organism by end of first trimester

period of the ovum fallopian embryonic,second Digestive

parenting style: o Accepting, affirmative, and tolerant of their children's behavior o Goal is to create environment in which the child exercises significant amounts of discretion with respect to their own behaviors o Few demands on child, little punishment o Child is less self-reliant, explorative, and self-controlled than children raised by other parenting styles


On the other hand of critical or sensitive periods, various aspects of dev that can be modified throughout lifespan show ____. Aspects of behavior that are amenable to influence and change throughout life are ___.

plasticity, plastic - Adults can work to improve their memories w training and practice - Physical exercise can stimulate the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus

___ involves the presentation of an averse event

positive punishment

____ are favorable events or outcomes that follow a behavior w the goal of increasing the frequency of occurance of that behavior

positive reinforcements

· A newborn engages in ______ which the infant swipes at an object but rarely reaches it


Info from gene is copied to the messenger ribonucleic acid (messenger RNA) and the instructions are transmitted by ____


____ are adverse events the decrease the frequency of the behavior they follow


____ · are consequences that strengthen or increase the frequency of the behavior that they follow


Classical (_____ conditioning) and operant (_______ conditioning)

respondent instrumental

Process that helps children move from a position of an inability to complete challenging tasks to a position where they can eventually complete the task independently


Two stages of secondary emotions: _________, 15-25 months (embarrassment, envy, empathy) & then 2.5-3 yrs is the _________ (pride, guilt, shame, and embarrassment)

self-conscious emotions self-evaluative emotions

· As children see the feedback from their behaviors, they become more selective on them and develop beliefs about their capabilities in _______ to influence events that affect their lives. · This belief in their capabilities is ________. It determines how we feel ad think, and it motivates us to behave.


· Individuals with low _____ more likely to get postpartum depression · Couples with ______ more likely (fear of abandonment or avoidance prevented them from discussing their distress) for men, frustration w their partners support was the best predictor of elevated levels of depression

self-esteem insecure attachment

type of data collection method: · Useful to obtain attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors · Questionnaires, checklists, interviews · Interviews or surveys can be in person, online, phone, or mail · Must be aware of age and cultural differences in comprehension and reading ability when administering written instruments · Must be unbiased · Advantage: allows researcher to collect a great deal of data in little time · Limitations: restricted range of data bc limited responses or span of possible responses. Participants could lie or not answer on some. · Good way to guard against untruthful responses is to include a social desirability measure, such as the ______ Social Desirability Scale.

self-report Marlow-Crowne

research design type: Measure multiple age cohorts at multiple intervals over time. o Allows researchers to pinpoint which observed differences are due to maturation, and which are due to shared history or generational experiences o Limitations: time-consuming, complex, and expensive

sequential methods

o Occurs when a parent becomes so frustrated with an infant's cries that the parent shakes the baby o About half the infants who survive the violet shaking, which slams the brain against the skull, suffer from neurologic impairments that result in developmental and behavioral deficits. Of these victims, 13-30% die o Recently termed abusive head trauma to encompass other head injuries due to external symptoms of abuse like cuts burns or bruises. o Child abuse and is punishable by law o Counselors for frustrated parents who are agitated w baby crying - can help parents remember to put the baby down, walk away, call someone for support o Babysitter training usually includes SBS training

shaken baby syndrome

Who invented the term nature vs nurture

sir francis galton

o Internal validity refers to the ____ of the study.


type of data collection method: Abstain measures of behavior and personality attributes such as intelligence, memory, and self-esteem · Uniformed procedure · Large populations · SAT test · High reliability and validity

standardized testing

Two Word Phrases · "more milk" · 18-24 months · Produces 1-2 new words DAILY · Sentences are referred to as ________ (more milk instead of I would like more milk)

telegraphic speech

Erikson stage: babies develop a schema for how reliable people and things in their environment are. Parents who are sensitive, responsible, and consistent in providing for their infant's feeding or other needs encourage a baby to develop a hopeful personality, one that trusts that desires will be met.

trust vs mistrust - infancy to 18 months

· By 3-4 months, infant reaches with an ____ - closing the fingers against the palm to grasp an object

ulnar grasp

parenting style: o Neglecting-uninvolved o No communication, no affection expressed


what stage of fowler's faith dev: evil of all kinds is opposed nonviolently, leading to activism that attempts to change adverse social conditions as an expression of that universal regard for all life that emanates from God's love and justice

universalizing faith (Ghandi, MLK jr, mother teresa)

which reinforcement sched: · Reinforcements distributed following a variable amount of time. Boss checking on you during the week, but the time and day she stops by changes every week. Productive at all times so that one is prepared no matter when the boss stops by. Pop quizzes so always studying

variable interval

which reinforcement sched: · Reinforcements given following a variable number of responses. Gambling and lotteries.

variable ratio

· Kohlberg's theory of moral development is one of the most _____


Life as social construction: Young adulthood

· 19-30 · Career challenges and seeking out intimate relationships · End is marked by marriage and starting a family usually

Life stages as social construction: Toddlerhood

· 2-3 · ^ in language skills · Potty training · Feeding and dressing themselves

Life stages as social construction: Early childhood

· 3-6 · Further refine their gross and fine motor skills · Independence self control language memory all ^

what stage of fowler's faith dev: person reflects or questions beliefs and why. Explores self-awareness and personal identity.

· 4 - Individuative-reflective faith

Life stages as social construction: Middle childhood

· 6-12 · Think more logically and concretely · Incredible ^ in language and learning · Peer relationships are important

Life as social construction: Late Adulthood

· 60-75 · Nearing end of career and are launching children · Life reflection and impact they have made · Extension of this is old age, which includes individuals over 75 - Retirement and loss of a spouse - Search for life's meaning becomes important - Physical health and cognitive abilities gradually decline

1 goal of misbehavior: · Believes she matters only if she's being noticed · Intentionally makes noise when adult is on phone § "shooing a fly" behavior · Suggestion: ignore the behavior rather than feed the attention seeking by punishing or coaxing the child to behave. And advised to pay attention to children when they are behaving appropriately, a concept known as "catching them being good"

· Attention seeking - common

Life as stages in social construction: Infancy

· Birth to ~2 years · Gains in sensorimotor and cognitive development

· How is sex of a baby genetically determined?

· Chromosomes - XX female and XY is male

William Perry's intellectual and cognitive development ·scheme has 3 phases of development:

· Dualism modified (sometimes referred to as dualism and multiplicity) § College-age student transitions from thinking that facts are facts, and professors must impart these facts to her, to realizing that even these teachers admit they do not know wall the answers, and that there are differences in opinion and uncertainties among these authority figures · Relativism discovered § Student begins to value opinions that can be strongly supported by facts; most knowledge is contextual, the world is complex, and truth is not always clearly available · Commitment in relativism development § The student learns that everyone, including oneself, commits to a set of chosen values and beliefs without knowing, definitively, if they are right or true, and will have to do so throughout life

____ - each new skill that the baby masters is influenced by both the baby and its environment. The baby and environment create an intertwined system that includes the baby's factors (motivation, goals, physical capabilities) and environmental factors (how the parents and physical structures around her either support or discourage the development of the skill)

· Dynamic systems perspective

______ - psychosocial, emotions are developed cradle to grave

· Erikson

? - smaller bodily muscle movements, such as reaching and grasping, those that often require hand eye coordination.

· Fine motor skills

· Useful for infants to be understood by ppl outside their immediate circle · Some parents introduce this to children 6-9 months · More interaction between parent and child · Offers more tools for child to use instead of crying for needs

· Gesturing Using American Sign Language ASL

_______ - use large muscles that enable the infant and toddler to engage in locomotion (moving their bodies from place to place, such as rolling over, crawling, standing, and walking) as well as actions such as catching a ball

· Gross motor skills

Life as social construction: Middle adulthood

· LONGEST lifespan period · 30-60 · Either career success or reevaluate and change careers · Family obligations important to those w children · Can be stressful caring for children and also aging parents

________ - least severe postpartum issue · Abnormal worry, crying, sadness, and varying moods postpartum

· Maternity blues

which human dev influence: § Unusual occurrences that greatly affect an ind life - Considered unusual either bc they occur at an atypical time of life or bc they are rare and uncommon events - Usually doesn't happen to all ppl or affect ppl in similar ways - Not connected w age or history, they can occur at any time - Death of a parent or sibling at young age, teen pregnancy, natural disaster, winning the lottery, career change midlife, risky new hobby later in life

· Nonnormative or highly individualized life events

· Baltes' and Smith's three influences on human development

· Normative age-graded influences · Normative history-graded influences · Nonnormative or highly individualized life events

which human dev influence: Historical circumstances that affect people of common generations similarly - Much younger person is affected differently than older during same significant historical event - Growing up during terrorism rather than prosperitiy of 1950s willl carve out new or distinct values, beliefs, and social roles

· Normative history-graded influences

Life stages as social construction: Adolescence

· Peer relationships become paramount · 12-19 · Substantial changes · Puberty, capacity to think abstractly, search for identity · Mental disorders often begin in adolescence · Can be categorized into early 12-14, middle 15-18, and later 19-22

________ - most severe postpartum issue · ___ % of women experience symptoms in the first year after childbirth · Adverse social, emotional, and cognitive effects on the health of mother, father, and newborn child · Mother may have feelings of insignificance, dejected mood, lack of interest in daily behavior, and lack of vigor to perform usual duties _____% of men whose partners have PPD indicate symptoms of PPD as well · Relationship between mom & dad may be strained as unstable moods can emerge from either party · Mother distressed can affect her interactions with child, leading to the development of a ______ attachment pattern

· Postpartum depression 19% · 24-50% maladaptive

1 goal of misbehavior: · A child w goal of power is trying to achieve significance by being in control and by proving no one can have power over them · Adult may feel angry and tempted to engage in power struggle w child; important for adult to remain calm and not fight w the child. If the adult "wins" the power struggle and forces the child to defiantly acquiesce, the child has learned a lesson in the influence of dominance and control. Alternatively, if parent gives in to the child, they also underscore the importance of power. Allowing child to have choices within parameters set by the parent can help children learn responsibility and initiative without resorting to power struggles (rather than telling child what exactly to wear, give them range of options)

· Power - common

1 goal of misbehavior: · Child has been hurt in some way and is lashing out at those around her. Her sense of belonging comes from making others hurt as much as she has been hurt. The parent or teacher experiences feelings of hurt and may be tempted to lash back. Its important to rebuild the relationship w child and use natural and logical consequences for behavior management. The use of punishment will only exacerbate the feelings of revenge and behaviors of retaliation

· Revenge - difficulties for intervention and may require counseling interventions

· Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory

· Social processes occurring around children - Zone of Proximal Development · Scaffolding

· Similar to bronfenbrenner's ecological model, but it places increased emphasis on the overarching effects of culture on all the systems influencing child development · Physical and social settings, custom to child rearing, and caretaker psychology all exist under the umbrella of overarching cultural values.

· Super and Harkness's developmental niche model

· Insecure attachment (2 types) - Avoidant attachment - Ambivalent attachment

· Unaffected whether caregiver leaves or returns · Distressed before caregiver leaves, even more when caregiver is gone, shows resistance w kicking but still seeks comfort when caregiver returns

· Most common form of child abuse

· ~~ Neglect 71% ~~ · 16% Physical abuse · Parent substance abuse is another form

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