Lifetime Fitness Test 1 Reviw
List five ways you can enhance daily NEAT
1. Stand or pace while talking on the phone 2. When reading a book, get up and move every 6-10 pages 3. Use a stability ball for a chair 4. Whenever feasible, walk while conversing or holding meets 5. Walk to classmates' homes or coworkers' offices to study or discuss matter with them instead of using the phone, email, or computer
After exercising, the cool-down phase should be at least __ minutes
Flexibility development guidelines indicate that the final position for each exercise should be held for ____ seconds.
Adults should do ____ minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity.
Flexibility exercises should be conducted a minimum of __ days per week
2 to 3
According to the BMI, the lowest risk for chronic disease is in the ____ range.
22 to 25
Essential fat constitutes about ____ percent of the total weight in men and ____ percent in women.
3; 12
At about 50 percent intensity, the recommended duration of cardiorespiratory training is ____ minutes per day
BMI is calculated by multiplying your weight in pounds by ____ and dividing this figure by the square of the height in inches
In general, what is the single most important component of health-related physical fitness?
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
What is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen to the cells to meet the demands of prolonged physical activity?
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
The Harvard alumni study showed that as the amount of weekly physical activity increased, the risk of ____ decreased
Cardiovascular Deaths
What is the leading cause of death in the United States
Cardiovascular disease
Which activity will most likely promote cardiorespiratory endurance?
Cross-Country Skiing
Exaggerating a kicking action, walking lunges, and arm circles are all examples of __ stretching
Goals that someone else sets for you are more motivational than goals you set for yourself.
Stretching refers to the same activity as a warm-up.
The 1.0-Mile Walk Test alone can determine an individual's overall level of fitness.
The majority of all low back problems in the United States stem from genetic factors.
Scientists from the National Institute of Aging believe that in the coming decades the average life-span may decrease by as much as ____ years.
Five (5)
The human body burns about __ calories for each liter of oxygen consumed
Sports medicine specialists believe that many muscular/skeletal problems and injuries, especially in adults, are related to a lack of ____.
Which training mode requires that the individual balance the resistance through the entire lifting motion?
Free Weights
The Modified Sit-and-Reach Test is used to assess ____ flexibility.
Hamstring and Low back
Strength gains with ____ training are specific to the angle of muscle contraction
A recent report by the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that the United States had the highest rates of __ among all 36 OECD countries
Which muscular endurance test is done by men only?
Modified Dip
The ability of a muscle to exert submaximal force repeatedly over time is known as ____.
Muscular Endurance
Which health-related component of physical fitness seems to be the most important in the older-adult population?
Muscular Strength
If you engage in a diet and exercise program, you should repeat body composition measurements about ____ to monitor changes in lean and fat tissue
Once a month
When strength training for general fitness, the recommendation is ____ sets per exercise.
One to Three
Before you engage in an exercise program or participate in any exercise testing you should fill out the ____.
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
Exercise is a type of physical activity that requires
Planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness
What are SMART goals?
Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-specific
Brenda's arm will be in a cast for six weeks. What will most likely happen to the muscle cells in her arm?
They will atrophy and she will lose strength
The leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States is __
Tobacco Use
Exercise duration should be increased gradually to avoid undue fatigue and exercise-related injuries.
Faulty posture and weak and inelastic muscles are among the leading causes of chronic low back problems
Good muscular strength can improve bone density and help prevent osteoporosis.
In isolated instances, a qualified physical therapist may select one or a few contraindicated exercises to treat a certain injury or disability in a carefully supervised setting
Lean body mass is equivalent to body weight minus fat weight.
Moderate physical activity has been dined as any activity that requires an energy expenditure of 1,000 calories a week
Muscles have to be overloaded for them to develop.
The leading causes of death in the United States today are life-style related.
Too much flexibility leads to unstable and loose joints, which may actually increase the injury rate.
When you do flexibility exercises, the intensity of each stretch should be only to the point of mild discomfort or mild tension at the end of the range of motion.
Goals that are __ set you up for failure, discouragement, and loss of interest.
Cardiorespiratory endurance is determined by__
What term refers to the constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential for well- being
Which protein source has been shown to be the most effective type of protein for strength development and myofibrillar hypertrophy?