Linear Algebra (MAS3105)

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If the sum of the multiplicities of the eigenvalues of an n x n matrix A equals n, then A is diagonalizable.


The eigenvalues of a matrix are equal to those of its RREF.


The eigenvector of a matrix are equal to those of its RREF.


The multiplicity of an eigenvalue equals the dimension of the corresponding eigenspace.


Every n x n matrix is diagonalizable.

False A=[0 1 0 0]

If A and B are n x n matrices and t is an eigenvalue both A and B, then t is an eigenvalue of AB.

False, A=B=2I then t=2, but AB= 4I, then 4=t

If A and B are n x n matrices and t is an eigenvalue both A and B, then t is an eigenvalue of A +B

False, A=B=I then t=1 But A + B= 2 I

If two matrices have the same characteristic polynomial, then they have the same eigenvectors.

False, A=[ -4 -3 B=[-3 0 3 6] 0 5]

A vector space may have more than one zero vector.

False, By theorem 7.2 the zero vector of a zero space is unique.

A diagnoal n x n matrix has n distinct eigenvalues

False, Identity matrix

In any vector space, av=0 implies that v=0

False, consider a=0 and v≠ 0

If Av=tv for some vector v, then v is the eigenvector of the matrix A.

False, for some NONZERO vector then v is the eigenvector of the matrix A.

If Av=tv for some vector v, then v is the eigenvalue of the matrix A.

False, for some NONZERO vector, then v is the eigenvalue of the matrix A.

Every diagonalizable n x n matrix has n distinct eigenvectors, then it is diagonalizable.

False, if an n x n matrix has n linearly independent eigenvectors, then it is diagonalizable

The eigenspace of an n x n matrix A corresponding to an eigenvalue t is the column space of A-tI

False, is the NULL space of A-tI

A linear transformation that is one to one is an isomophism.

False, it may fail to onto.

Every n x n matrix has a eigenvector in Rⁿ.

False, rotation of A90° has no eigenvectors in R²

An n x n matrix has n distinct eigenvalues.

False, the Identity Matrix

If t is an eigenvalue of A, the the dimension of the eigenspace corresponding to t equals the rank of A-tI

False, the NULLITY of A-tI

If, for each eigenvalue t of A, the muliplicitiy of the t equals the dimension of the corresponding eigenspace, the A is diagonalizable.

False, the characteristic polynomial must also factor as a product of linear factors.

If A is diagonalizable matrix, then there exists a unique diagonal matrix D such that A=PDP⁻1.

False, the eigenvalues of A may occur in any sequence as the diagonal entries of D.

The empty set is a subspace of every vector space.

False, the empty set contains no zero vector.

A scalar t is an eigenvalue of an n x n matrix A if and only if the equation (A-tI)x=0 has a nonzero solution.


Every ismorphism is linear and one to one


Every square matrix has a complex eigenvalue.


Every vector space has a zero vector.


If A and B are n x n matrices and v is an eigenvector both A and B, then v is an eigenvector of AB.


If A is a diagonalizable 6 x 6 matrix having two distinct eigenvalues of mulicities 2 and 4, then the corresponding eigenspaces of A must be 2-dimensional and 4-dimensional.


If P is an invertible n x n matrix and D is a diagonal n x n matirx such that A=PDP⁻1, then the columns of P form a basis for Rⁿconsisting of eigenvectors of A.


If P is an invertible n x n matrix and D is a diagonal n x n matirx such that A=PDP⁻1, then the eigenvalues of A are the diagonal entries of D.


If V is a vector space and W is a subspace of v, then W is a vector space with the same operations that are defined on V.


If t is an eigenvalue of a linear operator, then there are infinitely many eigenvectors of the operator that corresopnd to t.


If two matrices have the same charcteristic polynomial, then they have the same eigenvalues.


If v is an eigenvector of a matrix, then there is a unique eigenvalue of the matrix that corresponds to v.


Only square matrices have eigenvalues.


The charcteristic polynomial of an n x n matrix is a polynomial of degree n.


The eigenvalues of the linear operator on Rⁿ are the same as those of its standard matrix.


an n x n matrix A is diagonalizable if and only if there is a basis for Rⁿconsisting of eigenvectors of A.


If A and B are n x n matrices and v is an eigenvector both A and B, then v is an eigenvector of A +B


If V is a nonzero vector space, the V contains a subspace other than itself.


If W is a subspace of vector V, the the zero vector of W must equal the zero vector of V.


If t is an eigenvalue of muliplicity 1 for a matrix A, the 4 is an eigenvalue of A with muliplicity 2.


The set of continuous real-valued funcations defined on a closed interval [a,b] is a subspace of F([a,b]), the vector space of real-valued functions defined on [a,b].


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