linguistics final exam

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A type of inflectional affix on a verb which indicates whether a verb is used in a statement or a question is called:

clause type

In the word <cats>, what part of the syllable is the sound [s] in?


Three of the following words have the same affix, and one word has a different affix. Select the word with the different affix. rider, colder, actor, scammer


What is the syntactic category of the word *that* in the following example? She knows that we might go home tomorrow.


Identify the word-formation process illustrated by the following: sleep + walk --> sleepwalk


Here is a representative sample of a young child's linguistic output. What stage of language development is this child in? (giggles) (squeals) [uuuuuuu] [mmmmmmm]

cooing and laughter



A two-year old child pronounced the word on the left as transcribed on the right. Indicate which phonetic processes have applied. Choose ALL that apply. <grapes> [beɪps]

deletion place assimilation

A two-year old child pronounced the word on the left as transcribed on the right. Indicate which phonetic processes have applied. Choose ALL that apply. <spoon> [bun]

deletion voice assimilation

identify the word-formation process illustrated by the following: perfect --> perfectly

derivational affixation

linguistics gather data on humans' linguistic performance and attempt to deduce rules and principles o account for the systematicies they observe. the set of rules which linguists hypothesize from a grammar called a

descriptive grammar

Sign languages are all derived from a naturally-occurring spoken language. They are word-for-word translations of an existing spoken language into manual gestures.


While there are many spoken languages, there is only one universal sign language used by deaf people across the world.


Here is a representative sample of a young child's linguistic output. What stage of language development is this child in? [ka] 'car' [mama] 'Mama' [po] 'phone'

first words

Three of the following words have the same affix, and one word has a different affix. Select the word with the different affix. friendly, slowly, intelligently, happily


A type of inflectional affix on a noun which indicates which grammatical class the noun belongs to is called:


A two-year old child pronounced the word on the left as transcribed on the right. Indicate which phonetic processes have applied. Choose ALL that apply. <light> [waɪt]


Consider the following sentences from Portuguese. What is the value of the head parameter in this language? (Choose the best answer based on the evidence you see here.) 1. Ontem eu comprei uma camiseta branca para voce. yesterday I bought a shirt white for you 'Yesterday I bought a white shirt for you.' 2. Admito que ele roubou a bicicleta. I.admit that he stole the bicycle. 'I admit that he stole the bicycle.'

head initial

onsider the following sentences from Hindi. What is the value of the head parameter in Hindi? (Choose the best answer based on the evidence you see here.) (1) Ram-ne seb kha:ja. Ram apple ate 'Ram ate an apple.' (2) Larke-ne chari-se kutte-ko ma:ra. boy stick-with dog hit 'The boy hit the dog with a stick.'

hindi appears to be a head final language

Suppose that the following examples are typical of a child's linguistic production at a particular point in time. 1. Down! (Meaning: 'Put me down!') 2. Cheese. (Meaning: 'Give me some cheese.') 3. Kitty. (Meaning: 'There's the kitty.') What stage of syntactic acquisition does this child appear to be in?


Identify the word-formation process illustrated by the following: jump --> jumping (As in the sentence: The girl is jumping up and down.)

inflectional affixation



Three of the following words have the same affix, and one word has a different affix. Select the word with the different affix. inhuman, inefficient, incapable, intake


Here is an ungrammatical English sentence. What rule or principle of grammar has been violated? *Andrew can the solution find to our problem.

it is impossible to generate this word using the phrase structure rules of english

Three of the following words have the same affix, and one word has a different affix. Select the word with the different affix. greedy, dirty, jealousy, watery


the duration of a speech sound


The following sentence is ambiguous. Is the ambiguity structural or lexical? The duchess can't bear children.


the unconcious knoweldge of language which underlies a person's ability to speak is called

linguistic competence

the observable use of language in the world is called

linguistic performance

A two-year old child pronounced the word on the left as transcribed on the right. Indicate which phonetic processes have applied. Choose ALL that apply. <zoo> [du]


perceived prominence of a syllable which may be correlated with volume, duration and vowel quality


The following sentence is ambiguous. Is the ambiguity structural or lexical? Marvin ate those potato chips on the floor.


What type of morpheme is "ive" in the following example? attract-ive-ness


What type of morpheme is -ity in the following example? in-sincer-ity


Identify the word-formation process illustrated by the following: bad --> worse


Suppose that the following examples are typical of a child's linguistic production at a particular point in time. 1. Dog bite tail teeth! (Meaning: 'The dog is biting his tail with his teeth!') 2. Lucy read book floor. (Meaning: 'I'm reading the book on the floor.' 3. Mama give Lucy yummy cookie. (Meaning: 'Mama gave me a yummy cookie.') What stage of syntactic acquisition does this child appear to be in?


A type of inflectional affix on a verb which indicates the time of an event relative to speech time is called:


create the tree diagram for "the dog might bite that man" (might is an aux) choose all of the strings that are constituents in the tree below

the dog that man the dog might bite that man

what does the term pulmonic egressive mean?

the lungs are pushing the air out

Here is an ungrammatical English sentence. What rule or principle of grammar has been violated? *Andrew found.

the selectional properties of the verb found have not been satisfied

languages in which variations in pitch alone can make a difference in a word's meaning are called

tone languages

Most of the signs of signed languages are not iconic (in other words, they do not closely resemble the ideas they denote).


One difference between spoken and signed languages is that while most spoken languages rely heavily on sequential affixation to mark inflectional categories, in signed languages inflection is often articulated simultaneously with the root morpheme, by altering the movement and location parameters of a sign.


Young children regularly and systematically produce forms which are not present in the speech of adults, such as pronunciations like [mani] for <Mommy> or [tin] for <clean>, word forms like "runned" or "hitted," and sentences like "No you go store." This fact provides evidence against a simple Imitation theory of language acquisition


Suppose that the following examples are typical of a child's linguistic production at a particular point in time. 1. Book floor. (Meaning: 'The book is on the floor.') 2. Mama strong. (Meaning: 'Mama is strong.') 3. Read book. (Meaning: 'I'm reading the book.') What stage of syntactic acquisition does this child appear to be in?

two word

Choose the correct syllabification of the word <ultimate>:


What is the morphological rule for the prefix re- in these examples? retake reimagine redevelop


Here is a representative sample of a young child's linguistic output. What stage of language development is this child in? (cries) (burps) (cries some more)

vegetative noises

What is the lexical category of the word "boss" in the following example? She was really bossing us around.


A two-year old child pronounced the word on the left as transcribed on the right. Indicate which phonetic processes have applied. Choose ALL that apply. <teddy> [dɛdi]

voice assimilation


vowel reduction

Consider the following sentence: (1) We ate our lunch near the riverbank. Examples (2-3) show the results of some constituency tests. What do these results imply about the structure of sentence (1)? (2) It was near the riverbank that we ate our lunch. (3) We ate our lunch there.

"near the river bank is a constituent in (1)

Consider the following sentence: (1) The athletes swam across the lake. Examples (2-3) show the results of some constituency tests. What do these results imply about the structure of sentence (1)? (2) *The athletes swam across the lake, and the amateurs did so the pool. (3) *The athletes said they would swim across the lake, and swim across they did the lake.

"swam across" is NOT a constituent in (1)

Consider the following sentence: (1) Steve looked up the number in the book. Examples (2-3) show the results of some constituency tests. What do these results imply about the structure of sentence (1)? (2) *It was up the number that Steve looked in the book. (3) *Up the number Steve looked in the book.

"up the number" is not a constituent in (1)

Which of the following are true statements about human language, and suggest that language is an innate biologically controlled behavior in humans? Select ALL that apply.

-language is present in all normal members of the species homosapiens -there is a critical period during which humans need exposure to some language in order for linguistic development to procesed normally -young children exhibit new linguistic skills in a particular order, which seems to follow a developmentally programmed timeline

Studies comparing the perception of bilabial stops with varying Voice Onset Times (VOT) in infants from English-speaking and Thai-speaking environments have shown that:

12 month old infants from thai speaking environments behave like thai speaking adults in their ability t perceive sound contrasts

What is the syntactic category of the word distant in the following example? Astronomers are tracking a distant visitor to our solar system.


What is the syntactic category of the word might, as in the following example? We might go home tomorrow.


What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? I know *that Wisconsin has cold winters*.


What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? I know that *your* cousin's niece likes Legos.


What is the syntactic category of the word our in the following example? Astronomers are tracking a distant visitor to our solar system.


What is the syntactic category of the word "this"? This chair is very comfortable.


What is the syntactic category of the word that, as in the following example? I saw that movie.


What is the morphological rule for the suffix -less in these examples? nameless penniless heartless

N -- A

What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? I know that *your cousin's niece* likes Legos.


What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? I know that *your cousin's* niece likes Legos.


What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? Ralph accidentally bumped *the red lamp on the table*.


What is the Phrase Structure Rule for the following NP? your imaginative idea


What is the Phrase Structure rule for the following NP? her discovery of radioactivity


The following sentence is structurally ambiguous: The box was decorated with red flowers and leaves. The ambiguity has to do with the structure of the underlined NP. This NP can mean either: i) both the flowers and leaves were red ii) the flowers were red, but the leaves were not necessarily red Which of the trees below corresponds to the second meaning (meaning ii), where only the flowers are necessarily red?


Which sets of Phrase Structure rules have the property of recursion?


What is the syntactic category of the word to in the following example? Astronomers are tracking a distant visitor to our solar system


What is the Phrase Structure rule for the conjunction in the following example? The children ran up and down the stairs.

P -- P conj P

What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? Molly spoke *about her childhood*.


What is the Phrase Structure rule for the conjunction in the following example? He looked under the bed and behind the sofa.

PP -- PP Conj PP

What is the Phrase Structure rule for the expression for earthquakes in the following example? a bad year for earthquakes


What is the Phrase Structure rule for the following example? into the dark night


What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? *Wisconsin usually has cold winters*.


What is the morphological rule for the suffix -ion in these examples? invention injection narration

V -- N

What is the Phrase Structure rule for the conjunction in the following example? Every day Sven destroys and rebuilds his model.

V -- V conj V

What is the morphological rule for the suffix -ive in these examples? repressive active disruptive


What is the syntactic category of the underlined expression in the following example? Frida *described the situation*.


Consider the following sentence from Portuguese. For what specific phrases in this example do you have evidence for the value of the Head Parameter? (Choose ALL that apply.) Admito que ele roubou a bicicleta. I.admit that he stole the bicycle. 'I admit that he stole the bicycle.'


Consider the following sentences from Hindi. For which types of phrases do you have explicit evidence relevant to the head parameter? (Choose ALL that apply.) (1) Ram-ne seb kha:ja. Ram apple ate 'Ram ate an apple.' (2) Larke-ne chari-se kutte-ko ma:ra. boy stick-with dog hit 'The boy hit the dog with a stick.' (Meaning that the boy used a stick to hit the dog.)


Consider the following sentence from Marathi. What specific phrases in this sentence give you evidence about the head parameter? (Choose ALL that apply.) Ra:m ma:la: witsa:rat hota:. Ram me asking was 'Ram was asking me.'


What is the Phrase Structure rule for the conjunction in the following example? I went to Italy and bought a villa.

VP -- VP conj VP

What is the syntactic category of the word "cornered" in the following sentence? A boring man cornered me at the party.


Choose the correct syllabification of the word <obscure>:


What is the lexical category of the word "friendly" in the following example? She seems like a very friendly person.


In which of the following cases would the occurrence of sounds be predictable (i.e., if given a word with a blank in it, you would be able to predict which of the sounds goes in the blank)?

allophones of the same phoneme

Identify the word-formation process illustrated by the following: drive --> drove


A type of inflectional affix on a verb which indicates the structure of an event, such as whether the event has been completed or is in progress, is called:


Here is a representative sample of a young child's linguistic output. What stage of language development is this child in? [bibibi] [dodo] [gagagaga]


The NP "happy children and adults" is structurally ambiguous. Which meaning of this phrase is represented by the tree below?

both children and adults are happy

A type of inflectional affix on a noun which indicates the grammatical function of the noun in a sentence (e.g. Subject versus Object) is called:


Consider the following sentence from Marathi. Based on the evidence in this sentence, what is the value of the head parameter of Marathi? Ra:m ma:la: witsa:rat hota:. Ram me asking was 'Ram was asking me.'

marathi appears to be a head final language



A type of inflectional affix on a verb which indicates possibility or necessity of an event is called:


In the word <skin>, what part of the syllable is the sound [s] in?


which field of linguistics studies the articulation and physical properties of speech sounds?


which field of linguistic studies how speech sounds are distributed in a language and how they interact with eachother?


how high or low a sound is determined by the rate of vibration of the VFs


What type of morpheme is in- in the following example? in-sincer-ity


A set of rules which attempt to change speakers' linguistic behavior - to tell people how they "should" and "shouldn't" speak or write - is called a

prescriptive grammar


progressive assimilation

what is the name of the airstream mechanism used to produce all english sounds?

pulmonic egressive

Identify the word-formation process illustrated by the following examples from Bislama: fætem 'punch' --> fætfætem 'punch each other' sakem 'throw' --> saksakem 'throw all over the place'



regressive assimilation

What type of morpheme is "phrase" in the following example? re-phrase-d


If you find a minimal pair involving two sounds, this is evidence that the two sounds are

separate phonemes

Studies comparing the perception of bilabial stops with varying Voice Onset Times (VOT) in English speaking adults and infants have shown that

six month old infants can perceive differences that the adults cannot

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