Literature Final

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Chanting certain psalms at certain times of the day is a medieval Christian monastic custom. This is called the _______________.

"Divine office."

Proverbial phrase symbolizing endurance in the face of great suffering:

"Patience of Job."

What did Job say when these tragedies befell him:

"The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord."

The way Job declares his trust in God:

"Though he slay me, yet I will trust in him."

Hector states that if Zeus allows him to kill Achilles, he promises that...

"Troy will return Helen."

The words of Ecclesiastes 3 became a song that was popular in the mid-1960's. This song was _______________.

"Turn, Turn, Turn."

In what year of the Trojan War does The Iliad begin?


Which pair of numbers represent two of the numbers associated with the flood story of Noah?

40 and 150

What does Poseidon send to impede Odysseus from reaching the shore?

A Typhoon.

What magical gift does Aeolus give to Odysseus to aid him in his journey back home?

A bag of wind.

Who is Teiresias?

A blind propher

What gift offered by Menelaus does Telemachus accept?

A bowl crafted by Hephaestus

What does Telemachus state that he wants?

A fast ship and twenty men.

After the Cyclops returns to his cave, what prevents Odysseus and his men from leaving?

A giant stone.

What do Odysseus and his men use against the Cyclops?

A huge pole heated in fire.

What creature does Hera raise to plague the Nemeans?

A lion.

Before joining the battle, Achilles is told to wait for this?

A new set of armor

According to the priest, why are the people in despair at the beginning of the play?

A plague is killing people and livestock and unborn babies

Where do the suitors lie in wait for Telemachus?

A rocky island between Ithaca and Samos

What does Aeolus give Odysseus in Book 10?

A sack holding the winds to get home

Based on the following quote, what type of life is Achilles destined to have? "O my poor child. I bore you for sorrow, Nursed you for grief. Why? You should be Spending your time here by your ships Happily and untroubled by tears, Since life is short for you, all too brief. Now you're destined for both an early death And misery beyond compare. It was for this I gave birth to you in your father's palace Under an evil star."

A short life, but one filled with glory.

The "mark of Cain" demonstrates

A sign of God's protection

In "Theogony," what does Gaia give Cronus to trick him into thinking she gave him a child?

A stone wrapped in blankets.

Who is Antinous?

A suitor who speaks out against Telemachus.

What magical item does the goddess from question #7 give to Odysseus to help him?

A veil

How long does Odysseus stay with Circe?

A year.

The gods create Enkidu because Gilgamesh has

Abused his power over his subjects

The symbol for primeval chaos, the disorganized void, out of which God creates; NOT an evil force, just chaotic.


Based on the following quote, who is the insolent spearman being described by Agamemnon? "Yes, old man, everything you've said is absolutely right. But this man wants to be ahead of everyone else, He wants to rule everyone, give orders to everyone, Lord it over everyone, and he's not going to get away with it. If the gods eternal made him a spearman, does that mean They gave him permission to be insolent as well?"


I am the fiercest of all of the Greek soldiers. I was dishonored by Agamemnon, and, as a result, I am now refusing to fight in the war. I am...


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "Don't be angry with me, dear friend, if somehow You find out, even in Hades, that I have released Hector to his father. He paid a handsome price, and I will share it with you, as much as is right."


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "Nothing matters to me now, But killing, and blood, and men in agony."


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "-- and I'm unmatched in warfare by any other Achaean armed in bronze, although in council other men are better - so let wars disappear from gods and men and passionate anger, too, which incites even the prudent man to that sweet rage, sweeter than trickling honey in men's throats, which builds up like smoke inside their chests..."


Who calls Agamemnon greedy for profit and shameless?


Who was it that told Odysseus it is better to be alive and facing struggles than dead and honored?


In speaking to his fellow gods in Book 24, Apollo compares Achilles to a "lion going his own barbaric way." What quality is he criticizing?

Achilles lacks a sense of shame.

The war isn't over when the story ends, but which of the following resolves the main conflict between Achilles and the Trojans?

Achilles returns Hector's body to Priam

The name that the Jewish people use to reference God as a substitute for the personal name of God.


With which hero did Odysseus first speak in Hades?


I am a Greek warlord. I was responsible for the plague brought on the Greeks by Apollo. I had to return my war prize, so I took someone else's. I am...


Which of these is NOT a Trojan character? A. Agamemnon B. Apollo C. Zeus D. Aphrodite E. Paris F. Hector G. Hecuba H. Priam I. Chryse


Who is the mortal man responsible for a plague against the Greek army?


What does Atlas hold?

All of heaven.

Looks for parallels between the scriptural text and more abstract concepts

Allegorical reading

Jews see Genesis 3 (the account of Adam and Eve) differently than Christians. Jews see it as

An affirmation of the importance of freewill.

What sign does Zeus give to Priam that he will have safe passage across the plain and into enemy lines?

An eagle flies over the city on their right side

Who eats Prometheus' liver?

An eagle.

What does this god/goddess give to Odysseus to protect him from Circe?

An herb

The moment of insight on which the protagonist recognizes Peripeteia


I am the wife of Hector. I had a touching good-bye with him because I fear he will never return. I am...


Day 6

Animals and human beings

Dies by banging himself/herself


Who states, "Tomb, my bridal chamber, my home, dug/ deep down, imprisonment forever, where I/ go to meet many of my own, already dead,/ welcomed by Persephone among the shades.


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "Son of warlike Peleus, you must hear this dreadful news - something I wish weren't so - Patroclus lies dead. Men are fighting now around the body. He's stripped. Hector with his gleaming helmet has the armor."


At the end of Book 3, with whom does Helen have an argument?


I am the goddess who rescued Paris and with whom Helen gets very upset. I am on the side of the Trojans.


I am the god who sent a plague against the Greeks because one of my temples was destroyed.


To whom does Chryse pray when Agamemnon refuses to accept his ransom?


Which god/goddess is responsible for causing the plague on the Greek army?


Which of these is NOT a Greek character? A. Agamemnon B. Hera C. Athena D. Menelaus E. Apollo F. Achilles G. Odysseus H. Nestor I. Calchas


A repeated image or motif is a(n) ____________________.


Developed a theory of tragedy and the machine necessary to create katharsis


Why, in "Theogony," does is it said that women are created?

As a punishment for Prometheus having stolen fire.

In Book 22, Hector appeals to Achilles' code of ethics when he...

Asks Achilles to return his corpse to the Trojans

Origin of the word Bible, derived from Greek meaning "the books."

At Biblia

According to tradition Jewish thought, one type of psalm is the _______________ , or teaching poem.


God for whom festivals were held in honor of and from where Greek Theater emerged.


God of wine and the harvest


Mankind's authority and duties over all creation; describes the relationship between the first humans and other living things.


What does Achilles do with Hector's body in Book 22?

Drags it behind his chariot to further dishonor it

Day 3

Dry land and plants

Hebrew word meaning "delight;" the garden in which Adam and Even first lived.


According to traditional Jewish thought, one type of psalm is poetry of personal or communal sorrow known as laments or _______________.


In Book 11, who is the first to visit Odysseus in the Land of the Dead?


Why is the shepherd frustrated with Enkidu?

Enkidu is tearing up traps and setting the animals free.

What did Enlil do when he found out Utnapishtim had survived the flood?

Enlil gave Utnapishtim eternal life

A long poem that deals with universal themes


Based on the following quote, determine the literary device being used. "Bright as the that star amid the stars in the night sky, star of the evening, brightest star that rides the heavens, so fire flared from the sharp point of the spear Achilles brandished high in his right hand."

Epic simile

A moment of realization about wrongs or enlightenment about a major life theme


What was the name of the goddess/god who was not invited to the marriage of Thetis and Peleus?


Who are Antigone's brothers?

Eteocles and Polyneices

What is the name of the old serving woman who washes Odysseus' feet?


Which servant tells Penelope that he or she knew about Telemachus' journey before he left Ithaca?


Who gets Telemachus' supplies of wine and barley for his quest (as well as promise to keep his journey secret)?


Commits suicide by stabbing himself/herself with a dagger directly below their liver.


What was the name of the lone survivor who comes back to tell Odysseus about Circe?


In the Prologue, Gilgamesh is described as a restorer of his people and a well-respected man. True or False: Tablet 1 continues to describe Gilgamesh in the same manner.


T or F: According to Genesis, the original harmony of creation was destroyed because of a serpent.


T or F: In Genesis, on the seventh day of creation, God rested. For Jews and Christians, this is the foundation of the synagogue.


T or F: In this chapter the suitors begin to become suspicious that the beggar is actually Odysseus in disguise.


T or F: The Book of Psalms gives a limited sense of human emotion.


T or F: When Odysseus arrives at his palace in Ithaca, his wife Penelope recognizes him even though he is disguised as a beggar.


T or F: When Solomon was offered any gift in the world, he chose power.


True or False: Gilgamesh "civilizes" Enkidu.


Hecuba, the wife of Priam, the king of Troy, has a dream that she gives birth to a ____________, which she takes as a prophecy that her baby will be responsible for the destruction of Troy.

Flaming torch

What advice does Circe give Odysseus regarding Scylla and Charybdis?

Flight and sacrificing six men is best.

The following Psalm shows a form of parallelism known as ________________. "The breakers of death washed over me :: The torrents of the underworld around me terrified me."

Focusing, heightening, and intensifying

Read the following quote and determine the literary device which is being used. "And the warlord Agamemnon led them in prayer: 'Zeus, most glorious, most great, Dark Cloud that art in heaven, May the sun not set nor darkness gather Until I have cast Priam's roof beam Smoldering to the ground, and burned His doorways with consuming fire. And may I tear Hector's heart out with bronze, And may many of his comrades Fall headlong around him, Face down in the dust.' But Zeus would not grant his prayer, Not yet."


Cain's murder of his brother Abel is an example of a brother murdering a brother, called ____________________.


How does Hesiod explain that Aphrodite is formed?

From sea foam

How did the Titans receive their names?

From the fearful deed they committed.

In Book 24, when Priam visits Achilles, Achilles offers Priam food in order to...

Fulfill his obligations as host

Who gives birth to the Cyclopes?


Means "origin," the first book of the Bible that starts with the narrative of creation.


Agamemnon's offer to Achilles is meant to do what?

Get Achilles to come back and fight for the Greeks.

The Laestrygonians are basically...


As a result of Hecuba's dream, she and her husband Priam decide to do what?

Give the baby to a shepherd, so that the baby can be killed.

What does the first spirit to visit Odysseus in Hades ask him to do?

Go back to Aeaea and observe his funeral rites by making sure he receives proper burial.

After six days, what does the priestess ask Enkidu to do?

Go to the city with her

The description of God as seen in Genesis suggests that

God is the source of all life

In the creation account, after each part of creation, God saw that it was...


The _______________ chant, the most common form of chant, was sanctioned by a Pope.


Read the following quote which describes Helen. Based on the quote, select the best answer to describe how she is being characterized in this moment. "Reverend you are to me dear father-n-law, A man to hold in awe. I'm so ashamed. Death should have been a sweeter evil to me Than following your son here, leaving my home, My marriage, my friends, my precious daughter, That lovely time in my life. None of it was to be, And lamenting it has been my slow death..."

Guilty and depressed

Cousin/Fiance' of Antigone


Dies by pressing himself/herself onto sword to be with his/her love in the afterlife.


Who states, "The gift of reason is the best gift to have."


Who reads the sign given while Telemachus calls upon Zeus in Book 2?


"Tragic flaw" the error or Mia judgement that bring about the downfall.


At the end of Chapter 21, what does Odysseus tell Eumaeus to do?

Hand him the bow and tell the women to hide.

According to the Bible, the first human act of disobedience had all of the following powerful consequences EXCEPT


In "Theogony," why do the gods choose Zeus to rule over them?

He beats Typhoeus.

Based on the following quote, what did Agamemnon believe was going to happen? "Go, deadly Dream, along the Greek ships Until you come to the hut of Agamemnon, And deliver this message to him exactly: Order him to arm his long-haired Greeks. Now is the time to capture Troy. The Olympian gods are no longer divided; Hera has bent them all to her will And targeted the Trojans for pain."

He believed that he would capture Troy, and he believed Hera had made the other gods and goddesses support the Greeks in battle.

What does Oedipus, in his sorrow and shame, do?

He blinds himself

What are two things that Enkidu does in order to look more like a man?

He combs his hair with oil and begins to wear clothing

Why didn't Creon want to bury this particular person?

He considered this person a traitor.

What does Odysseus do to save his men from the Land of the Lotus Eaters?

He drags his men back to the boat and ties them to the ship's benches.

Why s Gaia mad at Ouranos in "Theogony?"

He hid her sons.

What is Hector's relationship to Paris?

He is Paris' brother.

What is Nestor doing when Telemachus arrives in Pylos?

He is holding a feast in honor of Poseidon

What fate is Agamemnon met with upon his return home from the Trojan War?

He is murdered by his wife's new husband, who has usurped the thrown in his absence..

Based on the following quote, deduce why Achilles is so sad. "Then Achilles, in tears, Withdrew from his friends and sat down far away On the foaming white seashore, staring out At the endless sea."

He is sad because he has just had to give up his slave woman Briseis.

Based on the following quote, deduce why Agamemnon would say the following to his men. Danaan heroes and soldiers, Zeus Is a hard god, friends. He's kept me in the dark After all his promises and nods my way That I'd raze Ilion's walls before sailing home It was all a lie, and I see now that his orders Are for me to return to Argos in disgrace, And this after all the armies I've destroyed. I have no doubt that this is the high will Of the god who has toppled so many cities And will in the future, all glory to his power... There's no more hope we will take Troy's tall town."

He is testing his men's loyalty by tricking them into thinking they are going home.

Why doesn't Hector retreat to the walls of Troy?

He is the only Trojan warrior who has a chance of killing Achilles, so he agrees to fight him.

What is the purpose of Telemachus' mini-Odyssey?

He is to travel to his father's old friends' houses to learn abut the man his father was, he is to learn how to become more self-reliant, and he is to find word of his father's whereabouts. (Three things)

Why does Jocasta's story about the prophecy that Laijs received upset Oedipus?

He killed that man on the road.

How did Odysseus anger the god(dess) who seeks to punish him in Book 1?

He poked a cyclops' eye out

According to Circe, how should Odysseus get past the Sirens while listening to their song?

He should be bound to the mast of the ship.

What does Odysseus do once he makes landfall?

He sleeps

How do the events of the story change Achilles?

He starts the story refusing to cooperate with authorities, but ends by being nice to Priam

Why doesn't Aeolus help Odysseus again?

He states that Odysseus is the most detested of all the mortals

What did Odysseus do at the end of the chapter?

He strings the bow.

As Odysseus and his men push away from the Cyclopes' island, what does Odysseus do?

He taunts Polyphemus

What fatal mistake does Odysseus make as he is escaping from the Cyclops?

He tells the cyclops his name.

When Odysseus first hears that Calypso is going to release him, what does he think?

He thinks she is tricking him.

How does Creon feel about women?

He thinks they are not as good as men.

How did Aegisthus get rid of the guard which was guarding Agamemnon's lawful wife?

He took him to a desert island and left him there to starve.

In "Theogony," who does Zeus honor above all the other gods?


Who guards the Titans after they are defeated in "Theogony"?


I am the eldest son of Priam. I am Troy's most fierce warrior. It is said that my strength rivals that of Achilles. I am...


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "By your life, I beg you, by your knees, your parents - don't let dogs eat me by Achaean ships."


Who reminds Achilles that his fate is to die under the Trojan walls?


After Hector died, who utters a lament for Hector?


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "How can you wish to go alone to the ships of the Achaeans before the eyes of a man who has slaughtered in such numbers such brave sons of yours? The heart in you is iron. For if he has you within his grasp and lays eyes upon you, that man who is savage and not to be trusted will not take pity upon you nor have respect for your rights. [...] I wish I could set teeth in the middle of his liver and eat it. That would be vengeance for what he did to my son."


I am considered the most beautiful woman in the world. I was originally born in Greece, but since then I have been kidnapped and relocated to Troy. I am...


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "Hector, of all my lord's brothers dearest by far to my spirit: my husband is Alexandros, like an immortal, who brought me here to Troy; and I should have died before I came with him; and here now is the twentieth year upon me since I came from the place where I was, forsaking the land of my fathers. In this time I have never heard a harsh saying from you, nor an insult. No, but when another, one of my lord's brothers or sisters, a fair-robed wife of some brother, would say a harsh word to me in the palace, or my lord's mother—but his father was gentle always, a father indeed--then you would speak and put them off and restrain them by your own gentleness of heart and your gentle words. Therefore I mourn for you in sorrow of heart and mourn myself also and my ill luck. There was no other in all the wide Troad who was kind to me, and my friend; all others shrank when they saw me."


The woman was known to have a "face that launched a 1,000 ships."


I am the god that intervened to stop Hera and Zeus from fighting.


Identify the character described in the following quote. "The first thing he created was a huge and sturdy shield, all wonderfully crafted. Around its outer edge, he fixed a triple rim, glittering in the light, attaching to it a silver carrying strap. The shield had five layers."


How is Medusa killed in "Theogony"?

Her head is cut off

What goddess gives the horses a voice?


In "Theogony," who kills Hydra?


Who slays Geryones?


Which god is sent to rescue Odysseus from his current plight?


Who is sent to Calypso's island with a message fro Zeus to free Odysseus?


Who warns Odysseus of Circe's powers?


Which of the following is NOT an example of divine intervention?

Hermes steals Hector's body to protect it from Achilles

Who is the speaker of Theogony?


What does Telemachus tell his mother to go and do?


Which answer best describes how Achilles changes in Book 24?

His anger is replaced by compassion

Upon hearing the news from the messenger, Oedipus still fears the prediction about—

His mother

Based on the following quote, to whom is Achilles speaking? Achilles spoke: "Now you have to help me, if you can. Go to Olympus And call in the debt that Zeus owes you."

His mother, Thetis

Who comes to grieve Patroclus' death with Achilles?

His mother, Thetis

Whom does Agamemnon say he likes Chryseis better than?

His wife.

Read the following lines which describe Helen. Based on the quote, select the best answer to describe how she is being characterized in this moment. "The goddess's words turned Helen's mind Into a sweet mist of desire For her former husband, her parents, and her city. She dressed herself in fine silvery linens And came out of her bedroom crying softly."


Athena instructs Nestor to help Telemachus on the next leg of his journey. What does Nestor, therefore, supply?

Horses and one of his sons

Extreme/excessive pride


Who does Prometheus steal for in "Theogony?"


What emotion primarily causes Agamemnon to have a change of heart towards Achilles?

Humility over his army's losses.

In "Theogony," which sons does Ouranos hate?

Hundred Handeds

What is Achilles' FINAL response to Agamemnon's offer?

I refuse his offer.

Based on the following quote, determine the literary device being used. "With that, shaft poised, he hurled and his spear's long shadow flew but seeing it coming glorious Hector ducked away, crouching down, watching the bronze tip fly past and stab the earth."


Means "image of God," this is what sets humans apart from the rest of creation; grants dignity and worth to humanity

Imago dei

God's active involvement in the daily workings and lives of his creation; implies that God is not distant or detached from the world.


In "Theogony," where does Zeus' mother hide him?

In a cave.

Where does Calypso live on her island?

In a cave.

Based on the length of the Trojan War and the length of time that Odysseus has been away, how old could Odysseus' son be estimated to be?

In his 20's

What does "in media res" mean?

In the middle of things.

Which goddess takes pity on Odysseus and help him to safety?


The only one of Oedipus' children alive at the end of the play.


Why does Hector say he has to fight?

It is his responsibility.

What happens to Prometheus' liver every day?

It reforms.

How did Enkidu feel about dying in his bed?

It was shameful- he should have died in battle.

The protagonist as well as the person blamed for Job's suffering.


Oedipus' birth mother


A purging of negative emotion; affected through pity and fear; the goal of tragedy


As seen in the book of Genesis, God does NOT...

Keep a distance and remain detached.

Means "writings;" the third and last section of the Hebrew Bible including a large variety of literary forms


The gods decree that either Gilgamesh or Enkidu must die because among their transgressions, they...

Killed the Bull of Heaven

Towards the end of the play, what important news does the messenger from Corinth bring Oedipus?

King Polybus has died

The first-person speaker in Ecclesiastes is known as ________________.


Oedipus birth father


What truth does Oedipus learn from the shepherd?

Laius and Jocasta are his real parents

What two laws are debated throughout the play?

Laws of the gods vs. the laws of man

Huge sea monster- a kind of a serpent or dragon


What does Antinous state that he is going to do in regard to Telemachus?

Lie in ambush and kill Telemachus on his way home to Ithaca.

To whom do Ceto and Phrocys give birth?


I am the King of Sparta, and I was the original husband of Helen. I am...


In the beginning of Book 3 of The Iliad, who is the Greek soldier who accepts Paris' challenge to fight in one on one combat?


To whom is the most beautiful woman in the world married when she is known as "__________ of Sparta"? (This is the man that she was married to first, prior to her being kidnapped and taken to Troy).


Upon Telemachus' arrival the King recounts the Greeks' final days in Troy. He explains that a quarrel erupted between two Greek kings. Who were these two kings?

Menelaus and Agamemnon

What is happening in Sparta when Telemachus arrives?

Menelaus is celebrating a double marriage.

During the feast, Menelaus recounts his own mini-Odyssey home in which he tells of a time when he was stuck for 20 days on an island until he captures Proteus, who reveals something to Menelaus in order to get free. What did Proteus reveal to Menelaus?

Menelaus is told how to get home, as well as the fate of his (Menelaus') three friends.

To whose home is Telemachus directed to visit next?


Who does Athena disguise herself as when she goes to visit Odysseus' estate?


By what name/disguise does Athena go by throughout Book 3?


Oedipus adoptive mother


Greek for "the land between the rivers."


Jewish tradition of interpreting the Scriptures through creative storytelling


Oral teachings that explicate the Torah and help the Jewish people apply it to their daily lives; the "oral Torah."


Uniquely American, inverted version of the Book of Job

Moby Dick

Another name for the Hero's Journey


Assumed author of the Book of Job


Where do the Muses live?

Mt. Olympus

Looks at the biblical text as a symbolic code, which with piety and effort will yield hidden wisdom and personal connection with the divine.

Mystical feading

Read the following quote which describes Odysseus. Based on the quote, select the ONE description which CANNOT be used to characterized in this moment. "That is Laertes' son, The master strategist Odysseus, born and bred In the rocky hills of Ithaca. He knows Every trick there is, and his mind runs deep."


Who is the wise leader from Pylos who tries to stop Achilles and Agamemnon from arguing?


To whose great city has Telemachus travelled?


Means "Prophets," second section of the Hebrew Bible that includes historical narratives of the Jewish people and prophetic messages


How many muses are there?


I am considered to be a master strategist and extremely intelligent Greek soldier. I calmed the troops after Aggie's prank. I am...


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "Chryses, King Agamemnon has sent me here To return your child and offer to Phoebus Formal sacrifice on behalf of the Greeks. So may we appease Lord Apollo, and may he Lift the afflictions he has sent upon us."


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "You there, who do you think you are? Sit still And listen to your betters. You're a weakling, Unfit for combat, a nothing in battle and in council. Do you think every Greek can be a king? It's no good having a carload of commanders. We need One commander, one king, the one whom Zeus, Son of Cronus the crooked, has given the staff And the right to make decisions for his people."


What does Aeolus tell Odysseus the second time Odysseus comes to see him?

Odysseus is a cursed man's despised by the gods.

What message does Athena deliver?

Odysseus is alive

What does Halitherses predict to the assembly?

Odysseus is on his way home AND death will come to the suitors.

What is Odysseus purpose for entering the cave of the Cyclop?

Odysseus wanted to see if the Cyclop would grant him hospitality.

According to Teiresias, who killed King Laius?


What is IRONIC about Oedipus' declaration of the curse against Laius' murderer?

Oedipus is pronouncing his own doom.

In seeking Laius' murderer, Oedipus says, "I take the son's part just as though I were his son." What is IRONIC about this statement?

Oedipus is really Laius' son

Where is Odysseus at the beginning of the poem?


By what means is Odysseus made to leave the island?

On a raft

Place where the chorus performed; place where music is played in modern theaters


One of the most prevalent themes in "Theogony" is the theme of...

Order being created from chaos

Telemachus is also told the story of Agamemnon's demise by his wife's lover once again. What is the name of Agamemnon's son who avenges his father's death?


Who killed Aegisthus for the murder of Agamemnon?


Characteristic of Hebrew literature that sets two accounts or ideas side by side for comparison or contrast; Hebrew poetry relies almost entirely on this for its structure, as it doesn't use rhyme or standardized meter.

Parallelism and repetition

I offered to fight any of the Greeks in one on one combat, but when Menelaus accepted the challenge, I became scared. When I did try to fight Menelaus, Aphrodite saved me! I am...


This person was the local shepherd, who was asked to step in and decide the winner of the Golden Apple?


What is the main reason that Hera is against the Trojans?

Paris didn't select her as the fairest

Below you will find a list of events which outline the fight between Paris and his opponent, fill in the missing step. 1. Paris throws his spear and it strikes his opponents shield. 2. His opponent throws his spear and it pierces Paris' shield and goes through his breastplate nicking his ribs. 3. His opponent then struck Paris on top his helmet. 4. His opponent then grabs Paris by the helmet and begins dragging him back to the Greek line. 5. What happens next?

Paris is whisked away by divine intervention

In today's time period, the olive branch has come to be associated with ____________________ due to the Genesis flood account.


Which of his six remaining sons does Nestor send with Telemachus in Book 3?


Who is the first person to intervene on Odysseus' behalf?


Which response best describes the "Contest with Odysseus' Bow" as stated by Penelope?

Penelope will marry whomever can grip Odysseus' bow and string it with the greatest of ease, then shoot and arrow through 12 axes.

The name given to the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture's (Christian Old Testament) from the Greek word meaning "five parts."


"Tragic Irony" The protagonist's responsibility of his own downfall.


Who kills Medusa in "Theogony"?


Looks to the surface, though not necessarily literal, meaning of the text, drawing on knowledge of word meanings, grammar, syntax, and context.

Plain sense reading

Oedipus adoptive father


Who did Creon not want to bury?


What is the name of the Cyclops?


Why don't the other Cyclopes help Polyphemus in Book 9?

Polyphemus said, "No man is hurting me."

As a result of what Odysseus and his men do, what god becomes mad at Odysseus interminably?


In Book 1, who seeks to punish Odysseus interminably (forever)?


Which God is very upset by Odysseus' release from Calypso's island?


Which god is mad at Odysseus and has prevented him from returning home?


Who becomes enraged again when Odysseus leaves Calypso's island?


I am the King of Troy. I am watching the war being fought from a safe distance, but I am scared for the safety of my two sons. I am... .


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "Remember your father, godlike Achilles. He and I are both on the doorstep Of old age. He may well be now Surrounded by enemies wearing him down, And have no one to protect him from harm. But then, he hears that you are alive, And his heart rejoices, and he hopes all his days, To see his dear son come back to Troy."


Who kneels and kisses Achilles' hand as a sign of desperation and pleading?


According to "Theogony," what gift does Zeus give to humans?

Princes and kings

Acting area or stage


Moment #1: Gilgamesh experiences a series of dreams on the way to the Cedar Forest that make him afraid and hesitant to continue pursuing their adventure.

Refusal of the Call

As the two men set off on their journey, Enkidu tells Gilgamesh...

Rely on me, let me act as your guide, do not fear this.

Moment #4: Gilgamesh experiences miraculous tests and ordeals (ie: the scorpions and the tiresome journey, etc.).

Roads of trials

Book 2 of The Iliad ends with the following quote. What is this famous listing known as? "The Boeotians were led by Peneleus and Leitus, With Arcesilaus, Protoenor, and Clonius. Their towns were Hyria, Rocky Aulis, And Schoenus, Scolus, Ridged Eteoneus, Thespeia, Graea, Broad Mycalessus, Harma... Fifty ships, and aboard each ship, One hundred and twenty young men of Boeotia."

Roll call of ships

What is the best gift the Phaeacians promise to give Odysseus?

Safe passage back to Ithaca.

Humbaba is described as all of the following EXCEPT... A. Being both a monster and a demon B. Seventeen feet tall and eleven feet wide C. The guardian of the cedar forest D. Having a shout like a flood E. Having a breath of fire and death

Seventeen feet tall and eleven feet wide

When sadness grips the feasting hall, causing Menelaus and her visitors to cry in remembrance of friends lost in Troy, what does Helen do to the wine?

She adds a drug.

What is Eurycleia's reaction to Telemachus' news?

She cried

Athena gets Hector to stop running and face Achilles by doing which of the following?

She disguises herself as Hector's brother, and she tricks Hector into fighting.

Why does Andromache not want Hector to go back to the battle?

She does not want to be a widow and her son an orphan.

How does Antigone feel about Ismene being willing to share the guilt?

She doesn't want to share the honor.

What eventually happens to Jocasta?

She hangs herself

By the time Antigone is led away at the end of the play, how has Antigone's attitude changed?

She isn't afraid to die.

How did the old serving woman recognize that the man disguised as a beggar was actually Odysseus?

She recognized the scar on his leg.

How does Penelope keep from marrying one of the suitors?

She uses cunning and unravels what she has woven each day.

Why did Antigone feel that she had to bury this person?

She wanted this person's soul to rest/ Law of the gods.

Why didn't Ismene want to bury the person in question?

She was afraid to break Creon's law.

What was Antigone's punishment?

She was put into a cave to eventually starve to death.

What trick has Penelope employed in order to hold off the suitors for the past three years?

She weaves a robe for Odysseus' father by day and undoes what she weaves by night.

Place where the actors could change costumes and makes; Greek word from which we get the word scene


According to Jewish tradition, the Book of Ecclesiastes is attributed to whom?


The Book of Proverbs was most likely written by _______________.


Author of Oedipus Rex


To where is Telemachus going?

Sparta and sandy Pylos

Which god/goddess accompanies Telemachus on his journey?


Chanted as the chorus moved from the Right to the Left across the stage


Study "The Greek Plays Cumulative Test: Oedipus Rex, Antigone, The Libation Bearers, and Medea"

Study "The Greek Plays Cumulative Test: Oedipus Rex, Antigone, The Libation Bearers, and Medea"

Study hero's journey!!!

Study hero's journey!!!

Study the Midterm

Study the Midterm

Who is the first of Ocean's children to help Zeus fight the Titans in "Theogony"?


What problem has arisen back home at Odysseus' estate since Odysseus has been gone?

Suitors have begun ransacking Odysseus' estate.

Day 4

Sun, moon, and stars

Into what type of animal does Circe turn Odysseus' men?


Characteristic of Hebrew literature that shows symbolic meanings drawn from Hebrew etymologies

Symbolic word

The following Psalm shows a form of parallelism known as _______________. "God, my rock where I shelter :: my shield, my saving horn.


The whole of the Hebrew Scriptures; acronym made up of the first letter of each of the Hebrew Scriptures


Where are the Titans imprisoned after they are defeated?


What is the name of Odysseus' son?


Penelope learns about the suitor's plan for Telemachus from a herald, but what does she learn from her sister's phantom while dreaming that night?

Telemachus is guided by Athena

The cardinal virtue of ________________ is the habit of moderation and balance, steered between austerity and excess.


This word, which in the Hebrew tradition is the most powerful and sacred word of all, consists of four letters.


Three tragedies and a Satyr play


What prophecy do heaven and Gaia tell Cronus about?

That he will be overthrown by his son.

What horrible thing has Gilgamesh decreed in Tablet 2?

That he will spend the first night with each bride on her wedding night

What did the Oracle tell Oedipus when he was a young boy?

That he would marry his mother and kill his father.

What did Ninsun tell Gilgamesh that his dream meant?

That he would soon meet his equal - someone created by the gods just as he is

What does Jocasta attempt to prove to Oedipus about Tiresias' prophecy?

That it's not true.

Who eventually gives Zeus thunder?

The Cyclopes.

What solution does Achilles offer to make Agamemnon feel better?

The Greeks will pay Agamemnon 3-4 times over when they sack Troy.

Read the following quote and discern what the prophecy means. "Then we saw it: a serpent, its back blood-red, Horrible-- the Olympian himself Must have brought it into the daylight. It slithered out from the alter and up the plane tree. A sparrow's fledging were nested On the topmost branch, eight little birds Trembling under the leaves, or nine, counting The mother who hatches them, and the serpent Devoured them all as they cheeped pitifully. The mother fluttered around, mourning her nestlings, But he coiled and got her by the wing as she shrieked. After he had eaten the sparrow and her young, The very god who revealed him turned him to stone, An unmistakable portent from Zeus, son of Cronus... Calchas was quick to pronounce its prophetic meaning...

The Greeks would win the Trojan War after nine years.

Upon leaving Troy, the first place that Odysseus and his man travel to is...

The Land of the Cicones

Where is Odysseus told that he must go before returning home?

The Land of the Dead

To what place does Odysseus make landfall?

The Phaeacians

What deeper understanding do readers gain from the description of Hector's funeral in book 24?

The Trojans' love for Hector

What gates of Troy will Pairs and Apollo be waiting at for Achilles?

The West Gates!

What is the cause of the city's troubles?

The city has been sheltering a murderer.

Which of the following is a central issue in book 24?

The consolation of grieving

Why does Antigone say that her father Oedipus is partly to blame for her death?

The curse from when he killed his father and married his mother.

In Book 4, Helen and Menelaus tell tales of Odysseus' exploits in Troy. What story does Helen tell?

The day Odysseus got into the city in a beggar's disguise without suspicion.

What does Zeus distribute to the immortals in "Theogony"?

The domains and powers of the gods.

What is the theme of the play?

The gods' laws are more important than man's laws.

What is the speaker of "Theogony" supposed to celebrate?

The gods.

Whom does Priam say is to blame for the war?

The gods.

What gift did the Cyclopes give to Hades in "Theogony?"

The helmet of invisibility

Who is Oedipus?

The king of Thebes

Where is Odysseus finally able to make landfall after leaving Calypso's island?

The land of the Phaeacians.

Based on the following quote, discern how the men responded to Agamemnon's speech from questions 9 and 10. The army started to move on the shore. Long waves form On the Icarian Sea when winds East and South Explode from the clouds of patriarch Zeus; Or the West Wind beats down a field of deep wheat, Rippling and tassling the ears as it blows. So too these troop lines. Then the shouting began, And the mad rush to the ships, dust rising In plumes from their feet as confused yells-- To fasten boathooks, clear out launchways And drag the ships down to the shining sea-- Rose to the sky. They were going home.

The men were excited at the thought of going home.

As a result of awarding the Golden Apple to Aphrodite, the judge is promised what in return?

The most beautiful woman in the world as his wife.

With whom does Mentor state that he is upset?

The older men of the assembly who sit in silence, not rebuking their own sons.

Creon learns what is causing the city current trouble from—

The oracle at Delphi

Which of the following is a central idea of book 22?

The severity of Achilles' revenge

What does Hesiod learn from the muses in "Theogony"?

The song he sings.

After Gilgamesh and Enkidu battle...

The two men become friends

Moment #3: Gilgamesh obtains the plant of immortality.

The ultimate boon

Who is Hecate the nurse of?

The young.

While it may appear that Agamemnon and Achilles are fighting over women and war prizes, they are actually fighting over what?

Their reputations and honor.

Technical term for the struggle with good and evil, literally, "the defense of God."


I am a sea nymph. I am also Achilles' mother. I go to Zeus with a request on my son's behalf. I am...


Identify the speaker of the following quote. "My son, from what you've just been saying, you're fated to an early death, for your doom comes quickly as soon as Hector dies."


According to Haemon, what do the people of Thebes think of Antigone's actions?

They agree with her actions.

According to Genesis, what distinguishes humans from other created things?

They are made in God's own image.

What do the gods do for the people after hearing their prayers?

They create Gilgamesh's equal.

What gives Odysseus and his men a slight advantage over the Cyclops?

They get him drunk.

What happened to Antigone's brothers?

They killed each other in a civil war,

What happens when Odysseus' men eat the lotus?

They lose the will to return to their homes in Ithaca.

According to Teiresias' shade, what will help Odysseus and his crew make it home safely?

They need to leave the cattle of the sun unharmed when they land on his island.

Which of the following is a scene in Book 24 that allows the reader to picture the emotional connection between Achilles and Priam?

They weep in sorrow at the thought of their fathers.

Read the following quote, which describes Paris' reaction to his opponent stepping forward, and determine how Paris' fellow troops felt about his reaction. "...Paris' blood Turned milky when he saw him coming on, And he faded back into the Trojan troops With cheeks as pale as if he had seen-- Had almost stepped on-- a poisonous snake In a mountain pass. He could barely stand As disdainful Trojans made room for him in the ranks..."

They were disgusted and felt a lack of respect toward him.

Why, despite taking an oath, does Odysseus's crew slay some of the cattle of the Sun?

They've run out of food

From the description of the ark in Genesis 6:15, God asked Noah to build a

Three-story boc

The two major rivers in ancient Sumer

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

This person warns Creon that the gods will take vengeance


Who states, "Corpse for corpse, flesh of your own flesh, curse on your house."


What is Gilgamesh's "last quest"?

To find immortality

While Telemachus is in Sparta, what plan do the suitors devise to punish Telemachus for leaving?

To kill him on the open sea

Based on the context of the following sentence what does the word "jeer" mean? "And he withdrew his hand from Antinous'. The suitors, busy with preparing the feast, jeered at him as they swaggered through the hall."

To make rude or mocking comments.

What does Xanthos promise Achilles?

To return him to the Greeks

What instructions does Achilles give to his horses?

To return him to the Greeks when he is done fighting.

Why is Odysseus told he must go to Hades by Circe at the end of Book 10?

To see Teiresias who will tell him how to get home.

What was Gilgamesh's final challenge in his quest for immortality?

To stay awake for seven days

What was written on the Golden Apple of Discord?

To the fairest.

Means "teaching," the first five books of the Hebrew Bible containing the laws of Judaism


T or F: A possible reason why the forbidden fruit is seen as an apple reflects the broad influence of St. Jerome's Vulgate (Latin translation), because the Latin word malum can be translated as "apple" or "evil."


T or F: According to Genesis, each successive act of creation began with the words, "And God said, 'Let there be...'"


T or F: According to tradition Jewish thought, one type of psalm is the hymn, or song of praise to God.


T or F: Christians see Genesis 3 as the narrative of "the fall," human beings' fall into sin and suffering.


T or F: Prior to speaking to Noemon, the suitors, Antinous and Eurymachus, had no idea that Telemachus had gone to Pylos.


T or F: Telemachus refuses to accept the horses that Menelaus offers him due to the fact that Ithaca does not have good pastures for horses.


T or F: The first-person speaker in Ecclesiastes is apparently disturbed by the fact that the wicked prosper while the righteous perish.


T or F: The use of inversion for contrast is clearly apparent in the composition of proverbs, because one of the chief purposes of the Biblical text is to stress the differences between wisdom and folly.


T or F: When Proverbs mentions "the fear of the Lord," it is referring to respect for God's wisdom, justice, and love.


True or False: Enkidu catches wolves and lions as a way in which to help the shepherds in Tablet 2 of The Epic of Gilgamesh.


True or False: Gilgamesh is 2/3 god and 1/3 man.


True or False: The speaker of the prologue calls the reader's attention to the walls of Uruk.


Upon hearing the suitors' plan from Medon, Penelope fears she has lost both her husband and her son.


What sign is witnessed by the entire assembly when Telemachus calls upon Zeus for justice in Book 2?

Two eagles fly overhead

What sign does Zeus send while Telemachus is addressing the assembly of men and suitors?

Two eagles which attack one another.

In what manner do Odysseus and his men transport themselves out of the Cyclops cave?

Under the belly of sheep.

Where does Telemachus sleep while visiting this King?

Under the portico of the King's home.

One of the world's first and largest cities, located in Southern Iraq


Where does The Epic of Gilgamesh take place?


Based on the end of the fight between Paris and his opponent, what do the Greeks proclaim about the battle?

Victory and a call for the return of Helen

What is Athena's greatest gift?


Day 5

Water creatures and birds of the air

Miserable comforters:

What Job calls his friends

Throughout the course of the play, where was it discovered that Laius was killed?

Where three roads meet

The major theme of the Book of Job is:

Why righteous people suffer

What does Odysseus ask of Philoetius, the cattle-herd, and Eumaeus, the swineheard?

Would they support Odysseus or the suitors?

Identify the speaker of the following quote. "Mighty Achilles, on this occasion we will bring you safely back. But the day you'll die is fast approaching. We won't be the cause, but some mighty god and a strong fate. It was not our laziness or lack of speed which helped the Trojans strip that armor from Patroclus' shoulders. A powerful god born to Leto killed him among those fighting at the battle front, then gave Hector glory. The two of us could run as quickly as the West Wind's blasts - men say they are the fastest thing there is -your fate still stays the same, to die in war, killed by a mortal and a god."


Nestor's unconditional welcoming of Telemachus is an example of which theme?


What cultural value does the King demonstrate to Telemachus when he welcomes him to dinner?


Which of the following words corresponds to the Greek value of hospitality and kindness to strangers?


The personal name of God; not normally spoken or written by the Jewish people out of respect


What does the phantom tell Penelope?

Your son will return

Based on the following quote, who is worried about being forced into a conflict with Hera? "This is disastrous. You're going to force me Into conflict with Hera. I can hear her now, Cursing me and bawling me out. As it is, She already accuses me of favoring the Trojans."


Based on the following quote, who sends a dream to Agamemnon? "Go, deadly Dream, along the Greek ships Until you come to the hut of Agamemnon, And deliver this message to him exactly: Order him to arm his long-haired Greeks. Now is the time to capture Troy. The Olympian gods are no longer divided; Hera has bent them all to her will And targeted the Trojans for pain."


I am the god who has tipped the scales in favor of the Trojans for the time being. My wife hates me for it.


In Book 5, who orders Odysseus' release from Calypso?


Who gives birth to Zeus' first child?


Who is the father of gods and men?


Open-air auditorium


Near the end of the play, Oedipus requests that he be—

banished to a mountain

How did Oedipus save Thebes once before?

by answering a riddle

The following Psalm shows a form of parallelism known as ________________. "The earth and heaven shuddered :: heaven's foundations shook, they heaved, for he was incensed. "


Second actor


Based on the following quote, determine the literary device being used. "...then father Zeus held out his sacred golden scales: in them he placed two fates of death that lays men low - one for Achilles, one for Hector...and down went Hector's day of doom..."

dramatic irony

The god from the machine

dues ex machina

What does Hesiod claim that Prometheus steals from Zeus?


Based on the following quote, determine the literary device being used. "But now beware, or my curse will draw god's wrath upon your head, that day when Paris and lord Apollo - for all your fighting heart - destroy you at the West Gates!"


Regarding human cardinal vices, which of these does NOT belong:


Oedipus left Corinth, the home of his youth, in an effort to avoid —

fulfilling a terrible prediction

In the first two chapters of Genesis we see a world that is filled with all of the following EXCEPT:


In the climax of this battle, how is Hector fatally wounded?

his neck

In Hebrew tradition, names have special significance. The term "Adam" can mean...


Who is sent to King Priam to tell him he can ransom his son's body?


When Jocasta calls Oedipus "miserable" and rushes into the palace, Oedipus assumes that she—

is ashamed of his low origin

Why does Oedipus ultimately fail to escape what he had been running away from?

lack of knowledge

Which of the following is NOT a form of the structural technique of parallelism that is often used in psalms?

metrical rhythm

Which of the following best characterizes the impression created by this description from book 22? "Bright as that star amid the stars in the night sky, / star of the evening, brightest star that rides the heavens, / so fire flared from the sharp point of the spear Achilles / brandished high in his right hand, bent on Hector's death."

murderous rage

How long do Odysseus and his men stay with Circe in Book 10?

one year

In Book 22, Hector's decision to stand up to Achilles in battle is chiefly motivated by...

personal honor

What did Circe turn Odysseus's crew into in Book 10?


Which of the following best describes the picture suggested by the image Homer uses to compare Hector and Achilles in book 22?

prey and predator

The deadly sin of _______________ is an exaggerated sense of one's own worth that looks down on others and rejects the demands of legitimate authority.


First actor with the most important role


Which cardinal virtue is described as "applied wisdom, the habit of guiding one's choices through the use of reason, forethought, and self-control"?


The sign of God's promise to Noah to never again flood the earth was


Cain did all of the following EXCEPT

readily admit his sin to God

Read Thersites' response to the speaker of the quote in number 14. Determine his tone in the following passage. "What's wrong, son of Atreus, something you need? Your huts are filled with bronze, and with women We Achaeans pick out and give to you first of all Whenever we take some town. Are you short of gold? Maybe some Trojan horse breeder will bring you some Out of Ilion as ransom for his son Whom I or some other Achaean has captured."


Day 2

separation of sky and water

The deadly sin of _______________ is spiritual and intellectual laziness, the lack of will to do what is right or to change for the better.


What is the first thing Achilles does after he kills Hector?

strips Hector's armor and has all of the Greeks stab his body

Third actor


In Psalm 1 we read: "Happy is the man who has not followed the counsel of the _______________."


After Agamemnon offers gifts in repentance to Achilles, where does Achilles tell Agamemnon their attention should be?

winning the war

I am the goddess who stops Achilles from killing Agamemnon. I am on the side of the Greeks.


Identify the goddess who supports the Greeks in the following quote. "And the goddess herself, glowing like moonlight, Rushed over the sand, sweeping them on And stiffening their hearts, so that for each one of them To die in battle was sweeter than going home."


To whom does Penelope pray for Telemachus' protection from the suitors?


To whom is Hera speaking in the following quote? Hera speaks: "This is awful. Child of Zeus, Mystic Daughter Of the Aegis-Holder, are we going to allow The Greeks to go home just like that, run away To their own country over the sea's broad back? They're just going to hand Priam and the Trojans The glory, not to mention Helen of Argos, For whose sake many a Greek has perished in Troy, Far from his homeland. Go down there now Along the ranks of the bronze shirted Greeks And with your mild words restrain each man. Don't let them haul their curved prows to the sea."


Who is Zeus' first child?


Who stops Achilles from killing Agamemnon?


In Book 22, Hector's fate is largely decided by

Athena's loyalty to Achilles

Moment #5: Utnapishtim gives Gilgamesh opportunities and wisdom. Gilgamesh fails his tasks and must endure his judgement and learn lessons.

Atonement with the Father

What does Achilles say he is going to do in response to Patroclus' death?

Avenge Patroclus and kill Hector

Who did the people of Thebes think had killed Laius?


Memorized long poems and set them to music, to sing the songs of great kings and warriors long since past.


When God called Noah and his family out of the ark, God repeated this command from the first chapter of Genesis:

Be fruitful and multiply

In "Theogony," what does Medusa suffer from?

Being mortal

"Theogony" literally translates to this...

Birth of the gods.

What are the names of the Cyclopes?

Brontes, steroppes, and arges

In what manner does Gilgamesh hope to gain fame and glory?

By battling Humbaba and defeating him

"Son of Thestor, bird reader supreme" refers to whom?


This person asks for Achilles protection before speaking to Agamemnon.


Moment #2: Gilgamesh and Enkidu seek out the challenge of defeating Humbaba for glory.

Call to adventure

Where does the Old Man of the Sea tell Menelaus that Odysseus can be found?

Calypso's island

Where is Odysseus being held at the beginning of the epic?

Calypso's island

"Reversal of fortune;" the fall from high to low.


To be cleansed


Where does Humbaba reside (live)?

Cedar Forest

Who is the hound of Hades?


The Muses tell a story to Hesiod in "Theogony." Who do the Muses say came into the world first?


At the close of Book 3, Telemachus is escorted by the King's sons to his next destination by way of...


The leader of the chorus


Who states, "His words remain to plague us; I can't remember him ever being wrong."


Group of 12-15 people that narrated and commented on the plays events


According to "Theogony," who springs forth from Medusa's wounds?

Chrysaor and Pegasus

Odysseus refuses to eat until...

Circe releases his men.

What is the name of Agamemnon's lawful wife?


In Book 24, Priam stirs Achilles' sympathy most effectively by...

Comparing himself to Achilles' father

Read the following quote and determine the tone of Priam's words as he addresses Helen. "Come here, dear child, sit next to me So you can see your former husband And dear kinsman."


Based on the following quote, deduce what the word "raze" means. Danaan heroes and soldiers, Zeus Is a hard god, friends. He's kept me in the dark After all his promises and nods my way That I'd raze Ilion's walls before sailing home It was all a lie, and I see now that his orders Are for me to return to Argos in disgrace, And this after all the armies I've destroyed. I have no doubt that this is the high will Of the god who has toppled so many cities And will in the future, all glory to his power... There's no more hope we will take Troy's tall town."

Completely destroy.

The following Psalm shows a form of parallelism known as ________________. "Smoke went up from his nostrils :: Consuming fire came from his mouth and coals blazed from him.


As a result of the meeting of the assembly in Book 2, what do the suitors decide to do?

Continue behaving as they have been

While mythology tells us that the Trojan war began as a result of the kidnapping of Helen, history conjectures that the Trojan War was actually fought due to...

Control over shipping lanes in the Aegean Sea

The city in which Oedipus' adoptive parents reside.


A sacred and binding relationship is known as a _____________________.


Uncle/guardian to Antigone


Who states, "I was the fool not you; I alone am guilty."


Who, along with Teiresias, is accused of conspiring for the throne of Thebes?


What prediction does Teiresias make about Creon?

Creon will lose his family.

Who is the most awful child of Gaia and Ouranos?


Which son, according to "Theogony," decides to betray Ouranos and help Gaia recover his sons?


What happens in "Theogony" when Zeus poisons Cronus?

Cronus vomits up his children.

Hesiod discusses the lineage of several gods in "Theogony." Who does he say is Zeus' father?


The wedge-shaped writing of the ancient Sumerians


Which of the following is NOT true in regard to The Iliad? A. It is one of the oldest epics in the Western Canon. B. It is credited to Homer who lived between 800-750 BCE. C. It is part of the bardic tradition where the singers sung tales of great warriors. D. It takes place during the Trojan war which was believed to have taken place during 900 BCE.

D. It takes place during the Trojan war which was believed to have taken place during 900 BCE.

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