Literature Honors Midterm Study Guide

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When did Nathanial Hawthorne write The Scarlet Letter?


"A Good Man is Hard to Find" is written in ______________.


What does the church sexton find of Dimmesdale's

A glove

What appears in the sky while Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale are holding hands?

A meteor

According to Hawthorne, every Puritan society must establish these 2 things at the outset:

A prison and a cemetary

What is located right in front of the prison door?

A rose bush

What does the Scarlet letter "A" stand for?


He owned the slaves on Don Benito's ship

Alexandro Aranda

He is the servant who never leaves Don Benito's side


These two slaves had daily conferences to discuss what they needed in order to reach their desired destination and if they should kill all of the Spaniards

Babo & Atufal

Name of Captain Delano's ship

Bachelor's Delight

He is the grandmother's only son


Who is this passage describing: "He seldom, it is true, sent either his eyes or his thoughts beyond the boundaries of his own farm; but within those everything was snug, happy, and well-conditioned. He was satisfied with his wealth, but not proud of it; and piqued himself upon the hearty abundance, rather than the style in which he lived."

Baltus Van Tassel

This was NOT one of Herman Melville's jobs


In what city does "The Scarlet Letter" take place?


Hester is never asked to provide her sewing services for....


Rode a horse named Daredevil

Brom Bones

Who is this passage describing: "He was broad-shouldered and double-jointed, with short curly black hair, and a buff but not unpleasant countenance, having a mingled air of fun and arrogance.

Brom Bones

Babo's "original office"

Captain of the slaves

What does Usher's sister suffer from?


________________ means to have a "physical condition usually associated with catatonic schizophrenia, characterized by suspension of sensation, muscular rigidity, fixity of posture, and often by loss of contact with environment."


Who said this: "Even if I imagine a scheme of vengeance, what could I do better for my object than to let thee live,- than to give thee medicines against all harm and peril of life,- so that this burning shame may still blaze upon thy bosom"?


Ichabod is said to be the "perfect master" of this book:

Cotton Mather's History of New England Witchcraft

Who said this: "For Hester Prynne's sake, then, and no less for the poor child's sake, let us leave them as Providence hath seen fit to place them!"


When the slaves revolt, Babo initially demands to be taken to:

Either Senegal or the islands of St. Nicholas

After his harrowing ordeal is over, the only time that Don Benito is able to look at Babo is when the court convicts him of murder and mutiny


As she played alone in her house, Pearl created imaginary friends to keep her company


Babo distributes the water when the supply arrives


Captain Delano offers to buy Babo from Don Benito for a thousand doubloons


Captain Delano's mate yells "Follow your leader!" As a battle cry when leading the men to take the Bachelor's Delight back from the slaves


Don Benito eagerly accepts Captain Delano's offer to share a cup of coffee when their ships dock next to each other


Hester reveals the father of her baby to the "doctor" in the jail but swears him to secrecy


Hester says her child must seek an earthly father because she will never know a heavenly one


If he accidentally stayed out too late reading after school in the afternoon and had to venture home "at that witching hour," Ichabod would beat sticks loudly in an effort to drive away evil spirits


Pearl kept mostly to herself, but if approached by other children, she was friendly and played well with others


Pitty Sing is the little girl with yellow hair in the family


Poe married his fourteen year old cousin, Virginia Clemm


While Captain Delano and Don Benito eat lunch, Babo stands behind Don Benito's chair


The original destination of the family's road trip is _____________.


He is the mulatto steward who announces lunch in the cabin, and who suggest poisoning Delano, which Babo disapproves of


How does the narrator know Usher?

From boyhood

At the end of his testimony to the notary, Don Benito says that when he is dismissed by the court, he will...

Go to the monastery on Mount Agonia

___________ means "odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre."


There is evidence that Ichabod Crance did not in fact encounter the headless horseman. Which of these is NOT a part of that collection of evidence?

Gunpowder made it back home safely

Roderick Usher's condition is formally known as ?


_____________ is "an abnormally acute sense of pain, heat, cold, or touch."


________________ is "excessive worry or talk about one's health."


Rode a horse named Gunpowder

Ichabod Crane

Who is this passage describing: "When school hours were over, he was even the companion and playmate of the larger boys; and on holiday afternoons would convoy some of the smaller ones home, who happened to have pretty sisters, or good housewives for mothers, noted for the comforts of the cupboard.

Ichabod Crane

It is implied that the Usher family is historically ___________?


He is the eight year old boy of the family

John Wesley

She is the love interest of Brom Bones and Ichabod Crane

Katrina Van Tassel

Usher has the narrator help him do this:

Lock his sister's body in the vault

What is the name of Usher's twin sister?


Where Captain Delano comes from


He is the jailer in "The Scarlet Letter."

Master Brackett

In light of the plot twist revelation, in the quote "As master and man stood before him..." who is the master and who is the slave

Master- Babo Slave- Cereno

Mr. Dimmesdale is best described as:

Meek, childlike, speaks like an angel

Chapter 8 is called "The Elf Child and the _____________."


The grandmother tells the children about a man who courted her before she was married. He brought her a watermelon with his initials carved into it. Who was this man?

Mr. Edgar Atkins Teagarden

He is described as the eldest clergyman of Boston

Mr. Wilson

Chapter 5 is called "Hester at her _______________."


When supplies come, Babo insists on setting ____________ aside for his master

One bottle of cider

Who says this: "Thou wast not bold!- thou wast not true! Thou wouldst not promise to take my hand..."


Hester's only comfort came when....

Pearl was asleep

_______________ means "having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination."


He is the Spanish sailor who is a good navigator and Don Aranda's friend, who the slaves regret killing later in the text


This is NOT one of the themes in "Benito Cereno"


He is physically suffering and appears to be dying

Reverend Dimmesdale

He is the one who convinces the men to allow Hester to keep her child

Reverend Dimmesdale

He questions Pearl to see if she has the appropriate "Christian nurture as benefits a child of her age."

Reverend Wilson

What is Usher's first name?


When playing in the graveyard one day, Pearl notices that her and Hester are being watched. She says, "Come away mother! Come away, or that old Devil will catch you! He's caught the minister already. Come away mother, or he'll catch you! But he can't catch little Pearl!" Who is the "old Devil" she is referring to?

Roger Chillingworth

The name of the whaleboat that brings supplies from Captain Delano's ship to Don Benito's


The name of Don Benito's ship

San Dominick

Usher suffers from "a morbid acuteness of the ___________"


Out of overwhelming guilt due to his sin, Dimmesdale tortures himself by doing each of the following EXCEPT

Signing his name in blood in the devil's book

The House of Usher is built upon a...


The grandmother convinces the family to take their trip to east _______________ to "see different parts of the world and be broad."


What had the grandmother remembered right before the accident occurred?

That the house she had remembered was not in Georgia but Tennessee

Who is the main character of The Fall of the House of Usher?

The narrator

Where does Dimmesdale go as a form of penance in Chapter 12?

The scaffold

As a baby, the first object of which Pearl became aware was...

The scarlet letter

What does Mistress Hibbins ask Hester?

To attend a witches gathering with her in the forest

"Benito Cereno" was published in The Piazza Tales as part of a short story collection in 1856


At the end of the story, Babo's head is fixed on a pole in the plaza and made to look towards St. Bartholemew's church


Babo tells Captain Delano that Don Benito cut him with the razor to punish him for drawing blood while shaving him


Edgar Allen Poe died at the age of forty, the exact cause of which still remains a mystery


Edgar Allen Poe's biological parents were traveling actors


Hester and baby Pearl move to the outskirts of the town, showing their isolation from the community


Hester says that she will never reveal the secret of her baby's paternity


Out of all the living beings in the car that day, the Misfit leaves only the cat alive


The "doctor" is revealed to be Hester's husband


The Valley of Sleepy Hollow is located a couple of miles outside Tarry Town


The car accident is caused by the grandmother upsetting the cat and making him jump up on the driver's shoulder


The original destination of Don Benito's ship was Lima, Peru


The original figure-head of the San Dominick is the image of Christopher Colon


The sight of a mother loving on her infant child deepens Captain Delano's confidence and ease


When his boat brings supplies, Captain Delano does not permit his men to board Don Benito's ship


While she is on the scaffold, Mr. Wilson tells Hester that if she reveals the paternity of her child, she may be able to remove the scarlet letter from her breast


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