Liver Anatomy

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what are the functional segments of the liver?

- the right lobe containing anterior and posterior segments - the left lobe containing medial and lateral segments - the caudate lobe - the right hepatic vein

in 1957, a physician named _______ further divided the liver into ___ segments

-Couinad -8

the caudate lobe is both ____ and _____ divided from the right and left lobes

-anatomically -functionally

the ligament venosum divides the ______ lobe from the ______ lobe

-caudate -left

Hepatic veins drain ________ into the ______

-deoxygenated -IVC

the right lobe is separated from the left lobe what 2 landmarks?

-falciform ligament on its diaphragmatic surface -main lobar fissure on its visceral surface

the ascending portion of the left portal vein (before it divides into the medial and lateral branches) is the only portion of the portal veins that run ________ and separates the ....

-intersegmental -medial and lateral segments of the left lobe

the left hepatic vein lies in the ______ intersegmental fissure, and divides the....

-left -medial segments from the lateral segment of the left lobe

within the main lobar fissure lies the ________ hepatic vein which runs ______

-middle -intersegmentally

what are the 8 sections of couinaud's system?

1. caudate segment 2. left superior lateral 3. left inferior lateral 4. a. left superior medial b. left inferior medial 5. right inferior anterior 6. right inferior posterior 7. right superior posterior 8. right superior anterior

the greatest AP measurements of the liver ranges from ...

10-12.5 cm

what is the liver weights for men and women, approximately?

1200g for women 1600 g for men

the greatest length of the right surface of the liver is ...

15-17 cm

the greatest transverse portion of the liver ranges from ...

20-22.5 cm

how many segments of liver are there?


the right lobes is ____ larger then the left

6 x

besides the peritoneum , what is the liver completely covered by?

Glisson's capsule

emissary veins of the caudate lobe, enter directly into the ...


the caudate lobe is separated from the right lobe by the ...


contained within the left intersegmental fissure are the ...

LHV, ascending portion of the LPV, falciform ligament, and the ligamentum teres

the _______ lies within the fissure and acts as a landmark for the main lobar fissure


what fissure is an incomplete boundary that passes from the GB to the IVC?

Main Lobar fissure

the right lobe occupies the ...


what quadrant is the liver located in?

RUQ and extends across the midline into the LUQ

What is Glisson's capsule?

a dense, fibroelastic connective tissue layer that completely covers the liver

sono identifies Reidels lobe as ...

a small handle or tongue projection on the right lobe that extends distally

in patients with ascites, the falciform ligament may be seen as ...

an echogenic band connecting the liver to the anterior abd. wall

the liver is divided into lobes both _______ and _________

anatomically , segmentally

the falciform ligament attaches the liver to the ...

anterior abdominal wall and the diaphragm

the area of the liver that is not covered by peritoneum is called the ...

bare area

what does the Glisson's capsule contain?

blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves

segmentally/functionally, the liver is divided into segments based on...

blood supply and biliary drainage

the right portal vein divides into the anterior and posterior branches of the right lobe and supplies...

blood to each segment respectively

how would you distinguish a Redials lobe from a tumor sonographically?

by observing normal liver echotexture

the middle hepatic vein usually forms the _________________ with the left hepatic vein

common trunk

the coronary ligament is __________ with the falciform ligament


the right and left triangular ligaments are continuous with the ___________ ligament


with age the liver will _______ in size


the right and left triangular ligaments connects ....


the Ligament Venosum is a remnant from the fetal ...

ductus venosus

sonographically, the main lobar fissure can be seen as an ...

echogenic line connecting the portal vein to the neck of the gallbladder

the caudate lobe is drained by small veins called

emissary veins

the left lobes is situated in the

epigastric and LUQ regions

the anatomic division of the liver is based on ....

external markings

the _______ ligament contains the ligamentum teres


what is the left lobe separated by the right lobe by?

falciform ligament

a ____________ is a long, narrow opening or a normal groove that divides the liver into lobes


what structure of the liver are located in the bare area?

gallbladder fossa, the aorta, the aorta hepatic, and areas surrounding the IVC

what affects the variation of size of the liver?

height, weight, and age

the segmental division of the liver is based on ....

hepatic function

the right_____ lies within the right intersegmental fissure and acts like a landmark for the fissure

hepatic vein

Reidels lobe is an anatomic variant in which an unusually large lobe give the impression of ...


where is the ligamentum teres located?

in the falciform ligament

are the hepatics inter or intra segmental


the ligamentum teres courses within the left ______________ fissure, dividing the left lobe into medial and lateral segments


the right hepatic vein lies _________________ and divides the right lobe into anterior and posterior segments


the right hepatic vein runs _____________ between the two segments


liver is a ________ organ


are the portals inter or intra segmental


the left portal vein runs ________ within the segments of the left lobe


the right lobe is divided ________ by the portal veins


the caudate lobe is functionally distinct from the other lobes because ...

it receives its own blood supply and has its own bile ducts

situs inverses can be a cause of congenital absence of ...

left lobe

the left intersegmental fissure divides the ....

left lobe into medial and lateral segments

the ligamentum venosum runs from the ____________ to the IVC

left portal vein

the caudate lobe is separated from the left lobe by the....

ligament venosum

shortly after birth, the umbilical vein contracts down to form the ...

ligamentum teres

what is the left lobe separated form the caudate lobe by?

ligamentum venosum

what is the largest visceral organ of the body?


the left lobe is divided form the right lobe by the ...

main lobar fissure

the left lobe is also divided into _____ and _____ segments

medial and lateral

the portal vein divides into the medial and later branches which supply blood to the ___ and ___ segments of the left lobe

medial and lateral

is the falciform ligament visualized on US?

no, but you can visualize the Ligament Teres

how can the ligamentum venosum be visualized sonnographicallly?

on either a long or trans view as an echogenic line dividing the left and caudate lobes

where is the bare area located?

on the posterior surface of the liver

liver is almost completely covered by ...


with portal HTN, the teres recannalizes to form a ...

portosystemic venous collateral

the caudate lobes lies ______________ to the medial segment of the left lobe


the coronary ligament connects the ....

posterior surface of the liver to the diaphragm

the medial segment of the left lobe used to be called the _________ lobe due to its anatomic position


the main lobar fissure separates the ...

right and left lobes

the falciform ligament divides the ....

right and left lobes of the liver on the diaphragmatic surface

the right intersegmental fissure divides the ...

right lobe into anterior and posterior

before the bifurcation of the anterior and posterior branches of the right lobe, an imaginary line can be drawn out from the ....

right portal vein to also divide the anterior and posterior segments

what are the 3 lobes of the liver?

right, left, caudate

the ligamentum teres is AKA

round ligament

when major visceral organs are mirrored or reversed in their positions, it is called .....

situs inversus

situs inversus can result in variations in _______ and _________ of the liver

size and shape

the caudate lobe is ______. than the right and left lobes


the left lobe is _______ than the right


the right and left triangular ligaments are seen on the _________ surface of the liver


which segment of the liver is concave?

the abdominal visceral side

the right lobe is divided into which 2 segments?

the anterior and posterior segments both intersegmentally and intrasegemental

which segments of the liver are the diaphragmatic surface which is convex?

the anterior, superior, and posterior

the liver is tethered by ligaments to what structures?

the undersurface of the diaphragm, the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen, the stomach, and the retroperitoneum

anatomically the liver is divided into ...

three lobes

the main portal vein brings blood _________ the liver


sonographically, the Teres Ligament is best visualized in the ....

transverse view as a rounded echogenic structure just to the right of midline

the ligamenetum teres is a remnant of the fetal ...

umbilical vein

the falciform ligament extends from the _______ to the diaphragm


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