LUOA Apologetics Module Four Test
Five Worldview Influences
1) Parental Training 2) Media 3) Friends/Peers 4) Education 5) Religion
How many billion stars are there in the Milky Way galaxy? What is the average distance between each star?
100 billion; 30 trillion miles
If the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere were any higher, fires would continually erupt; if it were any lower, humans would suffocate. What percentage of the atmosphere does oxygen make up?
According to the article, deists picture God as the great " clockmaker " who created the clock , wound it up, and let it go.
Answer 1: clockmaker Answer 2: clock
According to the video about polytheism, in polytheism there are many finite (limited) gods that rule over different realms/areas (sun god, moon god, god of the ocean, god of the harvest, and others.).
Answer 1: finite (limited) Answer 2: gods
A worldview plays a major role in what a person believes and, subsequently, how a person acts ( lives his or her life).
Answer 1:believes Answer 2:acts Answer 3:lives
Romans 2:14-16 suggests that the objective moral law comes from the ultimate Lawgiver, who is God, and that he has written this law onto the [ Select ] [ and into the [ Select ] of every human being that has ever lived.
Answer 1:heart Answer 2:conscience
When humans argue over right and wrong, they appeal to a [ Select ] moral law that they assume everyone is [ Select ] of, [ Select ] to, and cannot change .
Answer 1:higher Answer 2:aware Answer 3:holds Answer 4:change
What is the difference between "objectivity" and "subjectivity"? Objectivity is [ Select ] of people's opinions whereas subjectivity is [ Select ] on people's opinions.
Answer 1:independent Answer 2:dependent
Romans 1:20 says, "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." Because of what has been ________(effect), all humans have the ability to perceive that there is a divine _____________(cause).
Answer 1:made Answer 2:Maker
According to the article, panentheism is essentially a combination of theism and pantheism .
Answer 1:theism Answer 2:pantheism
A watch implies a __________. Likewise, an intricately designed universe requires a ______ .
Answer 1:watchmaker Answer 2:Designer
The principle of cause and effect is a philosophical concept that seeks to explain the relation between an event (cause) and a second event (effect). Perhaps the simplest way to define this philosophical concept is: An effect explains ________has happened whereas a cause explains __________ it has happened.
Answer 1:what Answer 2:why
Why is a worldview important?
Because it affects every area of a person's life.
Why is it that the objective moral law that exists cannot be the product of humans?
Because it would be as different as everything else humans have invented.
Why isn't God the source of morality within polytheism?
Because there are so many gods, and each one can potentially have different morals.
How can you prove that an objective moral law does, in fact, exist?
By examining the most basic laws of every country throughout the world.
According to atheists, what happens when you die?
Death is the end of your existence.
How does deism fit with what we have learned about God's existence?
Deists believe that God isn't personal or engaged. Therefore, deism is an errant worldview.
More specifically, what does an individual's worldview impact?
Every answer listed.
Agnostics believe that right and wrong are relative to the individual. What is the flaw in this belief?
Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong.
Atheists believe that right and wrong are relative to the individual. What is the flaw in this belief?
Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong.
According to finite godists, the source of morality cannot be known for sure and, therefore, humans determine right from wrong. What is the flaw in this belief?
Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong. For example, one person might say murder is right while another says it's wrong.
Panentheists, like the worldviews you have already studied, believe that right and wrong are relative to the individual. In other words, they believe that something might be right in one person's eyes while wrong in another person's eyes. What is the flaw in this belief?
Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong. For example, one person might say murder is right while another says it's wrong.
Pantheists believe that right and wrong are merely illusions. Ultimately, it's up to humans to decide how they will live their lives. What is the flaw in this belief?
Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong. For example, one person might say murder is right while another says it's wrong.
Who has a worldview?
What does the Second Law of Thermodynamics state?
Everything tends towards disorder, including the universe.
What is the first premise in the cause and effect argument for God's existence?
Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
Of the two premises in the cause and effect argument for God's existence, skeptics are most likely to challenge the second premise. What five points (all from science) back the second premise up (The universe began to exist)?
Expanding universe Radiation echo Second Law of Thermodynamics Galaxy seeds Einstein's theory of General Relativity
According to the video What is Pantheism, "Pantheism means all is ________, and ________ is all." (Hint: Both blanks should be filled in with the same word.)
Within the monotheistic view, who is the source of morality?
What does Isaiah 40:25-26 say?
God created all the stars and knows each by name.
What do monotheists say about the beginning of the universe?
God created all things from nothing; he has always existed.
What do deists believe about the universe's beginning?
God created all things. Before anything existed, God existed.
Where does panentheism not line up with what we know about God's existence? (Hint: You should choose three answers.)
God is not non-contingent (his existence depends on something else). God is not moral. God is not transcendent (above all).
According to deists, what happens when you die?
God rewards good people and punishes bad people.
In 100-150 words, explain the importance of having a proper worldview.
Having a proper worldview is incredibly important as it directly influences a person's actions. This means it is critical that you have a correct worldview and not a flawed one. Not only is this important to one's self, but it will also affect those around a person. If you are in a position of influence, or in any kind of position where people look up to you, it is vital that you set a good example for them to follow. This is especially important when it comes to children, more specifically your own if you have them. Teaching them a proper worldview in life is very important to their growth and success later on.
According to pantheists, what happens when you die?
Humans are reincarnated into a new life.
How does agnosticism fit with what we have learned about God's existence?
It doesn't fit at all. Agnosticism is an errant worldview.
How does atheism fit with what we have learned about God's existence?
It doesn't fit at all. Atheism is an errant worldview.
How does finite godism fit with what we have learned about God's existence?
It doesn't fit at all. Finite godism is an errant worldview.
How does pantheism fit with what we know about God?
It doesn't fit at all. Pantheism is an errant worldview.
How does polytheism fit with what we have learned about God's existence?
It doesn't fit at all. Polytheism is an errant worldview.
What three world religions are monotheistic (believe in only one God)?
Judaism Islam Christianity
"________ is now the world's main means of communication."
You have just been introduced to the design argument for God's existence. What does Premise 1 state? Premise 2? What about the conclusion?
Premise 1 Every design has a designer. Premise 2 The universe is designed. Conclusion The universe has a Designer.
Match the moral argument premises and conclusion on the left with the correct statements on the right.
Premise 1 Objective moral laws imply a moral lawgiver. Premise 2 There is an objective moral law. Conclusion There is a Moral Lawgiver.
What does the scientific Law of Causality state?
Something cannot come from nothing.
What would happen if the 23-degree axial tilt of the earth were altered?
Temperatures on earth would be too extreme for life.
What do atheists believe about God?
That he doesn't exist.
What do agnostics believe about God?
That we can't be sure whether or not he exists.
According to the article, what is the clearest biblical argument against pantheism?
The countless commands against idolatry.
What is a worldview?
The invisible lens through which one views the world.
What is the second premise in the cause and effect argument for God's existence?
The universe began to exist.
What is the conclusion of the cause and effect argument for God's existence?
The universe has a cause.
How do panentheists explain the origin of the universe?
The universe is eternal.
What is the main belief of polytheism?
There are many gods.
According to atheists, what is the purpose of life?
There is no real purpose, although humans sometimes try to give it purpose.
What do agnostics say the purpose of life is?
There is no real purpose, although humans sometimes try to give it purpose.
According to the articles on monotheism, monotheism is the belief that...
There is one God in all places at all times.
Who is perhaps the most famous founding father of the United States of America that believed in deism?
Thomas Jefferson
What are the four worldview questions?
What happens when you die? What is your purpose in life? Where did you come from? What do you believe about right and wrong?
Match the worldview questions on the left with the correct summary of each on the right.
Where did you come from? Question about origin. What is your purpose in life? Question about meaning. What do you believe about right and wrong? Question about morality. What happens when you die? Question about destiny.
Who first used the watchmaker argument in an effort to prove that all things are the product of a designer, including the universe?
William Paley
Agnostics believe that you can't know anything for sure. What is the flaw in this belief?
You have to know something for sure to know that you can't know something for sure, which is a contradiction.
According to panentheists, what happens when you die?
You live forever in God's cosmic memory; it can either be a good or bad memory depending on how you lived your life.
Some pantheists believe that your very existence is an illusion. What is the flaw in this belief?
You must exist to say that you don't exist, which is a contradiction.
A building, much like the Empire State Building, requires an ________. Similarly, a designed universe requires a Designer.
According to polytheists, who determines right from wrong?
Finite godists believe that God is:
imperfect finite (limited) impotent (not all-powerful) not the source of morality
According to the article, deism is the view that God exists, but that he is not directly ________ with the world.
A worldview is the invisible [ Select ] through which one views the [ Select ] .
lens world
Based on our study of the seven main worldviews, which one best fits with what we know about God?
From birth until the age of eighteen, individuals learn from their _____ . Thus, ______ training is one of the most significant worldview influences.
parents parental
According to the video, finite godists believe that God is limited in both his power and goodness .
power goodness
A person's __________plays a major role in how he or she views truth.