M328 Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics Exam 2

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Know what the term "Academic Clustering" means.

-Academic Clustering - occurrence of twenty-five percent or more of a single athletic team enrolled into a major; can be from pressure or subconscious

What variables influence the gravitation of African Americans toward certain sports and away from others.

-African Americans are structured around their temperaments, physical abilities, and intelligence -They are perceived to be physically superior and mentally inferior drawing them towards sports that are perceived to require strong physical abilities and low mental abilities.

Know what student athlete groups have the highest and lowest graduation percentages.

-Athlete Group w/ Highest Graduation %: Tennis/golf -Athlete Group w/ Lowest Graduation %: Basketball and Football

Panel of Student Athletes: Biggest Sacrifice, when they get their best grades, how college sport is different from high school sports.

-Biggest sacrifice: sleep and free time -How college sports are different: more time commitment -When they get their best grades: in season -Biggest challenge: balancing sport with academics

College and professional sports teams that are/were targets and the issues regarding Native American Mascot.

-Illinois Fighting Illini -Washington Redskins -FSU Seminoles -Cleveland Indians

1980 NCAA policy that was passed and led to an increase in women's sports participation and control of the administration of women's college sports.

-In 1980 the NCAA voted to begin offering championships for women's athletics which eventually led to the downfall of the AIAW allowing the NCAA complete control over women's collegiate sports -the NCAA offered money and status which the AIAW did not have

What still needs to be done to achieve gender and racial equity in American college Sports.

-Increasing the number of minorities represented in leaderships roles -Equality in head coaching positions -Better proportionality of specific positions for women

The impact playing Division 1 revenue sports has on student athletes academic and social pursuits as well as their personal identities.

-It can interfere with some student athletes. -Class times interfering with practice, a major too hard to deal with while playing a sport -Can't go out as much since they have to treat their bodies right -Usually identify as an athlete, not much as a student. 91% feel that athletics > schooling

Consequences of the student athlete experience.

-Missing out on college experience -Lack of free time -Not enough time to study -Sleep

Why women historically were ignored in American college sports.

-Not seen as athletically gifted enough -Rumor of uterus falling out of their body after too much physical activity

How student athletes match up against non-athletes at graduation and grade point average.

-Student athletes have better grades than non-athletes -Students athletes have higher average payrolls -Students athletes have more successful marriages and more fulfilling lives

What events led to the rise in the participation of women in college sports

-Title IX -Education amendment act of 1972 - Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. -Civil rights restoration act- was a US legislative act that specified that recipients of federal funds must comply with civil rights laws in all areas, not just in the particular program or activity that received federal funding.

The trends in the Racial and Gender Report Card

-Underrepresentation of all groups except white males -90% NCAA coaches white, 100% of Power 5 administrators -Indicates that there is a glass ceiling for management and coaching opportunities for women throughout D1 NCAA

Faculty bias regarding student athlete academic performance. Professors view students in this order..

-White Males -White Females -White female student athletes/black females -White male student athletes -Black female student athletes -Black males -Black male student athletes -Asian XD

Stereotypes about African American student athletes.

-not smart enough to play individual sports -natural athlete -non leaders, low intelligence -undisciplined, hard to coach -lazy, low pain tolerance -brute/sambo stereotypes -not in college for academics

Which sport contributes significantly to the challenge of establishing gender equity in college sports

1. Elimination of mens sports 2. Inequity in the # of athletic scholarship 3. Football/wrestling controversies 4. Black female student athletes DO NOT benefit from Title IX

What social group dominates American sports competition when viewing actual participation percentages.

African American males account for 18.7 percent of athletes in all sports combined across all division levels. However, when you take just the D1 level, the percentage goes up to 25%, with about 46% and 61% of the players in football and men's basketball being african americans. White males account for the vast majority of athletes participating.

AIAW, who they were, what they did and what they lost.

Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women. NCAA bought them out. They governed women's intercollege sport, and created Championships for women's sports.

Sports African American women athletes are most represented in.

Basketball, Track and field

Which NCAA division has the most student athletes?

Division III. More than 180,000 student athletes at 450 institutions

How a school can comply with mandated gender equity requirements (3).

Equity in participation, programs, and financial aid

Which sport contributes significantly to the challenge of establishing gender equity in college sports.


The NCAA's goal in implementing stricter academic standards for incoming and current college student athletes.

High school GPA of 2.3 or higher in core courses and completion of 10 core courses by the end of junior year.

What is meant by the term Double Jeopardy?

It means to be both a female and a minority. Where they are discriminated on race and gender.

Two schools that participated in the first women's intercollegiate basketball game in 1896.

Stanford & University of California at Berkeley

Who is primarily responsible for the academic performance and success of student athletes. The student athlete?

The Coach

What is and the intent of Title IX.

Used to accommodate the interests of women in sport. Title IX states that no person should be discriminated because of sex in any educational setting. Intent was to give women more opportunities in collegiate athletics.

Sport hardest hit by gender equity compliance of athletic departments.

Wrestling, Swimming, Gymnastics

How utilizing Native American mascots is a form of racism, prejudice or discrimination.

disrespectful to the culture of the tribe, denigrates not celebrates

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