M7.A5: Content and Video Playlist: Histamine and First-Generation H1 Antihistamines
- significant anticholinergic activity - constipation - tachycardia - dilated pupils - flushing
- significant anticholinergic activity - dry mouth - dry mucous membranes - blurred vision - urinary retention
BBB does not like..
...carboxylic acids but it likes amines.
1st generation antihistamines have..
..anticholinergic activity
Eosinophils, neutrophils, mast cells, CD4 T cells
Gastric mucosa (gastric parietal cells), cardiac muscle, mast cells, brain
H1 Antihistamines
H1 antihistamines are inverse agonists Reversible Selective for H1 receptor
Presynaptic autoreceptors and heteroreceptors: brain, myenteric plexus, other neurons
Histamine receptors
all GPCRs 7 transmembrane spanning regions differ in their secondary messengers & tissue distribution
H1 antihistamine
bind to inactive state.
adverse effects of diphenhydramine
crosses BBB, gets into the CNS, causes marked sedation via H1 inverse agonist activity in the CNS
for motion sickness & vertigo central antimuscarinic drug
like all 1st generation histamines - cause sedation they get into the CNS they have inverse agonist activity on H1 receptors
smooth muscle, endothelium, brain (Tissue Distribution)
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
use to Tx motion sickness