Macbeth Test Review

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How and why do Macbeth and Lady Macbeths characterizations change thorughout the play?

( 1. Written part of the test)

How does the theme of "fair is foul and foul is fair" appear thoughout the play? (nothing is as it seems)

( 2. Written part of the test)

Who or what is to bllame for the tragedies in this play?

( 3. Written part of the test)


(Thane of Fife and C section Baby) A Scottish nobleman hostile to Macbeth's kingship from the start. He eventually becomes a leader of the crusade to unseat Macbeth. The crusade's mission is to place the rightful king, Malcolm, on the throne, but Macduff also desires vengeance for Macbeth's murder of Macduff's wife and young son.

Banquos prophecies

1. Lesser than Macbeth but greater 2. Not so happy, yet much happier than Macbeth 3. Sons and grandsons will be kings, but he will not be

What 3 titles do the witches give?

1. Thane of Glamis (already is) 2. Thane of Cawdor ( hasnt happened yet) 3. King (future but impossible)

Murder Plot

1. get gaurds drunk 2. Kill Duncan in his sleep 3. usse the gaurdss daggerss 4. mark them with blood

Preteding to be nice but actually being sly is

2 faced


A long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on stage (the most honest version of oneself)

Act 1: Hesitant to Believe Decided not to act on the information (Clear and moral)

Act 4: demanding Plans to act on info (clouded and immoral)

What does Macbeth have that can hinder him from going through the murder?

Ambition and restraint

If the witches told the truth to trick us later=

Banquo is practical, cautious, hesitant, and prudent

What is happening in Act 1 Scene 2?

Battle between Scotland vs. Norway King Duncan is ruining Thane of Cawdor is a traitor

Towards the end of Macbeths dagger speech

Being found out will lead to a lost opportunity (so I cannot tell anyone)

Macbeth prophecies

Beware Macduff No one woman born will be able to harm Macbeth He will vanquish when Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill / Shall come against him

What does the setting do?

Determine and reveals characters


Duncan's oldest son; Prince of Cumberland (heir to throne of Scotland); Leaves to England


Duncan's younger son; flees to Ireland

How does Macbeth feel about being king?

Excited but anxious ( thoughts of murder)

"Unfelt sorrow is an office which the false man does easy"

Fake popele can fake emotion easily

Good is bad and bad is good

Foul is fair, fair is foul

What is the ultimatum

Give up or overcome it

What is macbeths reputation at the beginning?

Good; he is a good warrior, loyal and honorable

Why can't Banquo sleep?

He keeps having nightmares about the witches. (fear of the unknown)

Why doesn't Lady Macbeth kill Duncan?

He reminds her of her father (lady has limits; character development)

Why did Macbeth kill the guards?

He was upset when he "saw" that they had killed the king (also they couldn't tell what actually happened)

Reasons not to kill Duncan

He's his kin He's meek He's a good king Karma Macbeth - Host Sets bad example The only reason is because of personal ambition Afterlife judgement Duncan has honored him and everyone likes Macbeth

King Duncan

King of Scotland; is murdered (father of Malcolm and Donalbain)

Who is going to take care of the murder/ plan?

Lady Macbeth

Macduff says to Lady Macbeth, "O gentle lady, 'Tis not for you to hear what i can speak. The repetition, in a woman's ear, Would murder as it fell." What is ironic about this?

Lady Macbeth planned it all

"false face must hide what the false heart doth know"

Lady Macbeths then uses manupilation to convince Macbeth: Guilt Questions Manhood Compares to her own resolve

What do the witches say about Macbeth? ( Act 4, Scene 1)

Macbeth is evil (character development)

In Act 1 scene 5 what does Lady Macbeth say?

Macbeth is too nice to kill "nearest way"

Macbeth prophecies

Macbeth will become king Banquo's sons will be king (Jealous)


Macbeth's best friend, all his sons will be kings, suspects Macbeth, killed by hired murderers.

Lady Macbeth

Macbeth's wife who is the true mastermind behind Duncan's murder. she accuses him of not being a man

Shakespeare wrote in

Modern English

What is the Macbeths wroldwide view in his Act V, Scene V speech?

Nothing you do in life matters

James the first

Obsessed with witches

In Act 1 scene 4 Malcolm is

Prince of Cumberland, in the way of Macbeth becoming king

What is taking plalce that is "foul and fair" in Act 1 Scene 3

Raning weather= foul He won= fair

Macbeth: dagger speech

Revelas his intentioin to kill Duncan to become king; This is the moment where Macbeth made up his mind to go through the murder.

Macbeth is based on what type of history?

Scottish History (loosely)

What does the thunder and lighting represent in the beginning?

Sets the mood for something bad or evil that is about to take place

What happened on April 26, 1654?

Shakespeare was baptized

Where did Shakespeare live?

Stratford-upon-Avon, England (northwest of London)

Lady Macduff

Thane of Fife's wife


Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, King - murderer; overly ambitious

Macbeth is also kown as

The Scottish Play becuase saying the name of it in a theater may curse you

Act 1 Scene 1

The witches arae planning something for Macbeth = dabiling with fate.

Fair is foul and foul is fair

Theme means whaats good maay be wrong and whta is wrong may be good (Witches say this)

Does Macbeth lie to Banquo?

Yess, to cover his plan and avoid suspicion

Traits of Malcolm

cautious and intellligent

At the very end of Macbeths dagger speech he is

certain that is going to kill Duncan

Shakespeare education leve

possibly educcated in the locacl grammer school but did not attend university

When Macbeth lets fate take over and lets it happen naturally=

self controlled, not impulsive and prudent

At the begninng of Macbeth dagger speech he is

stressed and uncertain

"Words to the heat of deeds too cold breath gives"

words are going to lessen the desire to do it

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