Macro Final

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Which of the following best describes an economy with full employment?

"The level of unemployment that corresponds to the normal friction in the labor market."

Suppose that for the economy of Springfield, we have the following information for 2013: consumption expenditures = $4,000; wages = $3,500; gross private domestic investment = $1,300; government expenditures = $2,000; exports = $900; imports = $1,100. Using the expenditure approach what would the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) be for Springfield in 2013?


The formula for computing a basic price index is

(cost of market basket today/cost of market basket in base year) × 100.

If the rate of inflation is 4 percent and the real interest rate is 3 percent, the nominal interest rate should be

7 percent

Which of the following is most likely to generate a surplus?

A price floor

Which of the following will cause, other things being equal, a movement along the supply curve for LED televisions?

A reduction in the price of LED televisions.

The issues that an economic system attempts to solve include

All of the above ( how to produce items, what to produce, and for whom the items are produce)

What is the type of economic system that relies on one central authority to make economic decisions?

Command and control

Which of the following is true of incentives?

Different people are motivated by different incentives

Which of the following is true about product markets?

Goods and services flow from firms to households

Which of the following factors could cause the economy to experience supply-side inflation?

Government laws which say that the average work week must be reduced by one hour every year

Which of the following is true about the labor force?

It includes those over 16 ages old and are unemployed. It includes those over 16 ages old and are employed.

Suppose that consumer income decreases and that hamburger is an inferior good. Which of the following will occur in the market for hamburger?

Market clearing price will rise, and equilibrium quantity will rise.

Suppose that demand for tablets increases, and simultaneously, the supply of tablets increases. Which of the following would you conclude definitely will occur in the market for tablets?

The equilibrium quantity will rise

Which of the following would cause aggregate demand to decrease?

The government increases taxes on both business and personal income

Suppose there is a simultaneous increase in the demand for wheat and increase in the supply of wheat. Which of the following will occur as a result of these simultaneous events?

The market clearing price may rise, fall, or stay the same, but the equilibrium quantity will rise

Europe and Asia both fall into deep economic recessions. What impact will this have on U.S. aggregate demand?

U.S. aggregate demand will decrease

Other things being equal, the economy's aggregate demand curve shows that

a change in the general price level causes a change in the quantity of final goods and services purchased

All of the following would cause the production possibilities curve to shift outward EXCEPT

a decline in the unemployment rate

Supply-side inflation is caused by

a decrease in aggregate supply and no change in aggregate demand

One reason why economists often use models in their analysis is that

a model helps us to understand, explain, and predict economic phenomena in the real world

All Americans should have access to health care" is an example of

a normative statement

"If the United States enters a war in the Middle East, the economy will go into a recession" is an example of

a positive statement

When, over a sustained period of time, the growth of aggregate business activity falls below what is considered the normal growth rate, the economy necessarily experiences

a recession

Assume equilibrium real GDP per year is equal to full-employment real GDP. Which of the following will cause a recessionary gap

a reduction in aggregate demand

A stronger U.S. dollar leads to ________ in SRAS and ________ in AD simultaneously

a rightward shift; a leftward shift

Normative economics involves

a statement of "what should be."

One major assumption of economics is that people

act as if they systematically pursue self-interest

The term "unemployment" is best described as the total number of

adults who are looking for work but have not found a job

If the price of Pepsi increases, then there will be ________ of Pepsi.

an increase in the quantity supplied

Self-interest relates to

both monetary and nonmonetary objectives.

The assumption that "other things are constant" is also known as the

ceteris paribus assumption

The dollar value of total output

equals the market value of all final goods and services produced in the United States

The two principle methods of measuring Gross Domestic Product are the

expenditures approach and the income approach.

Official unemployment rates may underestimate the true rate of unemployment because the official rate

fails to include discouraged workers

A mixed economic system is best described an economy with a mix of

free markets and government control.

The natural rate of unemployment when seasonally adjusted includes

frictional and structural unemployment but not cyclical

All of the following are factors that raise economic development EXCEPT

government control of the country's resources

Economic analysis is used

in all decision making

An improvement in technology in the production of computers would

increase the supply of computers

Demand-side inflation occurs when

increases in aggregate demand are not matched by increases in aggregate supply

Under a pure price system, the decision of resource allocation is made by

individuals who own the resources

Goods that are used up entirely in the production of final goods are known as

intermediate goods.

The Keynesian short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curve

is horizontal

To encourage economic development a country should do all of the following EXCEPT

limit the amount of imports allowed into the country

The basic economic problem is a situation of

limited resources and unlimited wants

Unanticipated positive inflation will create

losses for creditors and gains for debtors.

The United States is best known as a

mixed economic system

A higher rate of saving should lead to

more investment, higher capital growth, and more future consumption

A negative (or natural) right refers to a right that

obligates inaction on the part of others to uphold your rights

The production possibilities curve bows out because

of the law of increasing relative cost

In sequential order, the four phases of the business cycle are

peak, contraction, trough, expansion.

A key component of the Keynesian model is that

prices are sticky

The value of your money income, in terms of buying goods and services, is referred to as your money's

purchasing power

If a price ceiling is set above the current market clearing price, then

quantity demanded will remain equal to quantity supplied at the current market clearing price

The law of demand states that

quantity demanded will vary inversely with the price of the good

When people donate money to a charity, they behave

rationally if the act gives them satisfaction.

Labor productivity can best be calculated as

real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / number of workers

Higher interest rates

reduce total planned real expenditures because they increase the cost of borrowing funds

In economics, items that are used to produce goods and services are known as


Scarcity arises because

resources are finite and are inadequate to meet all human wants and needs.

A persistently declining price level resulting from economic growth and unchanged aggregate demand is called

secular deflation

Economic growth can be pictured in a production possibilities curve diagram by

shifting the production possibilities curve out.

In 2006, hurricanes damaged many parts of Texas, destroying homes, businesses, schools, and infrastructure. In strictly economic terminology, these hurricanes are said to have caused

shortages, because supplies were cut off and goods were destroyed.

If an economy is operating at a point inside the production possibilities curve, then

society's resources are being inefficiently utilized

Bob's assembly line job has been replaced by robots, and Bob lacks abilities and skills required to attain other jobs. He is considered

structurally unemployed

The concept of absolute advantage relies on

the ability to produce more units of an item with a given amount of resources

The three stages of economic development include

the agriculture stage, the manufacturing stage, and the service sector stage

Inflation is best described as a situation in which

the average of all prices are on a sustained rise over a period of time.

Creative destruction refers to

the creation of new jobs and economic growth after destroying old jobs

Economic growth is usually defined as

the increase in output over time, as measured by real per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

According to William Baumol, entrepreneurs will channel their entrepreneurial efforts into either productive or unproductive activities depending on

the institutional framework.

Long-run aggregate supply is

the level of output that occurs when the economy is operating on the production possibilities curve

The nominal value of a good is

the price of the good in today's dollars

The assumption that people do not intentionally make decisions that would leave them worse off is known as

the rationality assumption

U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) does NOT include which of the following?

the value of goods produced in Canada by U.S. owned firms

If the price level kept increasing, the short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curve would get steeper because

there are limits to how long workers can work long hours and capital can go without proper maintenance

Entrepreneurship functions better when

there is a well-defined property rights system

The short-run aggregate supply curve in modern Keynesian analysis is

upward sloping

The long-run aggregate supply curve is


Comparative advantage is

when a country can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost compared to other countries.

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