Macroeconomics Section 6: Modules 30-36

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who led the movement called *monetarism* that sought to eliminate macroeconomic policy activism while maintaining the importance of monetary policy?

Milton Friedman

In the long run, changes in the quantity of money affect the aggregate price level but they (do/do not) change real aggregate output or the interest rate.

do not

Quantity Theory of Money

emphasizes the positive relationship between the price level and the money supply relies on the velocity equation ( M x V = P x Y)

Today most economists accept that the ______ ______ ________ - the rate of inflation that employers and workers expect in the near future - is the most important factor, other than the unemployment rate, affecting inflation.

expected inflation rate

Keynesian economics

focuses on the ability of shifts in AD to influence aggregate output in the short run

public debt

govt. debt held by individuals and institutions outside the govt.

When expected inflation rate increases, the actual inflation rate will? When it decreases, the actual inflation rate will?

increase by the same amount; decrease by the same amount

expansionary fiscal policies

increased govt. purchases of goods and services, higher govt. transfers, or lower taxes - reduce the budget balance for a yr

In January 2012, Ben Bernanke (chair of the Fed) announced that the Fed would set policy to maintain an approx. 2% inflation rate per yr. The Fed joined a # of central banks that have explicit ______ __________.

inflation targets

cost-push inflation

inflation that is caused by a significant increase in the price of an input with economy-wide importance

demand-pull inflation

inflation that is caused by an increase in aggregate demand

A government that runs persistent _____ deficits will have a rising debt-GDP ratio when debt grows faster than GDP.


what curve shows that it is not possible to achieve lower unemployment in the *long run* by accepting higher inflation?

long-run Phillips curve

price stability

low (though usually not 0) inflation

what term appears to have been coined in 1933 by the Norwegian economist Ragnar Frisch?


to avoid accelerating inflation over time, the unemployment rate must be high enough that the actual rate of inflation _____ the expected rate of inflation


Thanks to Wesley Mitchell, the _______ of business cycles was well adavanced by 1930. But, there was no widely accepted _____ of business cycles.

measurement; theory

Friedman argued the central bank should follow the ______ _________ rule.

monetary policy

Milton Friedman and his co-author Anna Schwartz (A Monetary History) played a key role in convincing macroeconomists of the importance of what?

monetary policy (supply of money)

expansionary monetary policy

monetary policy that increases aggregate demand

contractionary monetary policy

monetary policy that reduces aggregate demand

What determines the interest rate in the short run? In the long run?

money market; loanable funds market

what is another name for the NAIRU?

natural rate of unemployment (the portion of the unemployment rate unaffected by business cycle swings)

in the view of many macroeconomists, does the rational expectations hypothesis accurately describe how the economy behaves?


inflation targeting

occurs when the central bank sets an explicit target for the inflation rate and sets monetary policy in order to hit that target

The Taylor rule adjusts monetary policy in response to ____ inflation while inflation targeting is based on a forecast of _____ inflation.

past; future

inflationary gaps

real GDP is above potential output

recessionary gaps

real GDP is below potential output

contractionary fiscal policies

reduced govt. purchases of goods and service, lower govt. transfers, or higher taxes - increase the budget balance for a yr

short-run Phillips curve (SRPC)

represents the negative short-run relationship between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate

political business cycle

results when politicians use macroeconomic policy to serve political ends

A decrease in AD leads to a ____ in the unemployment rate and ____ in the inflation rate.

rise; fall

the budget deficit almost always _____ when the unemployment rate rises and _____ when the unemployment rate falls

rises; falls

fiscal year

runs from Oct 1 to Sep 30 and is labeled according to the calender year in which it ends budget totals are kept with these

New Keynesian economics

says that market imperfections can lead to price stickiness for the economy as a whole provides an explanation against rational expectations hypothesis

long-run Phillips curve

shows the relationship between unemployment and inflation after expectations of inflation have had time to adjust to experience

Classical model of the price level

simplified model in which the real quantity of money (M/P) is always at its long-run equilibrium level useful to examine high inflation

dedicated taxes

special taxes on wages

implicit liabilities

spending promises made by govts that are effectively a debt despite the fact that they are not included in the usual debt statistics

what shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve and the Phillips curve?

supply shocks

Social Security trust fund

surplus in the Social Security system Social Security taking in more revenue than it needs to prepare for the retirement of the baby boomers

The Federal Reserve can move the interest rate through open market operations that shift the money supply curve. In practice, the Fed sets a _________ _________ ________ _________ and uses open-market operations to achieve that target.

target federal funds rate

business cycle effects on the budget balance are?


monetizes debt

the Fed creates money and buys the debt back from the public through open-market purchases of Treasury bills

government debt

the accumulation of past budget deficits - past budget surpluses

budget balance

the difference between the government's tax revenue and its spending, both on goods and services and on government transfers in a given year

debt-GDP ratio

the government's debt as a percentage of GDP used to assess the ability to pay debt


the process of bringing down inflation that has become embedded in expectations

open market operations

the purchase or sale of Treasury bills

velocity of money

the ratio of nominal GDP to the money supply measure of the # of times the average dollar bill is spent per year

rightward shift of AD

demand-pull inflation

Fed's tools not used on a regular basis

discount window reserve requirements

largest implicit liabilities

1. Social Security 2. Medicare 3. Medicaid

what does a shift or increase in aggregate demand lead to?

1. inflation 2. fall in the unemployment rate shifts in AD lead to movements along the Phillips curve

why did new classical macroeconomics evolve?

1. rational expectations 2. real business cycle theory

rules for the relationship between unemployment rate and output gap

1. when actual aggregate output is = to potential output, the actual unemployment rate = natural rate of unemployment 2. when the output gap is + (an inflationary gap), the unemployment rate is below the natural rate. when the output gap is - (a recessionary gap), the unemployment rate is above the natural rate

Taylor rule for monetary policy equation

Federal Funds Rate = 1 + (1.5 x inflation rate) + (0.5 x output gap)

The debt-GDP ratio can fall, even when the debt is rising as long as?

GDP grows faster than debt

Zero interest rate policy (ZIRP)

Japan's equivalent of the federal funds rate set as equal to 0 (during deflation)

In 1936, who presented his analysis of the Great Depression in a book called "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money?"

John Maynard Keynes

velocity equation

M x V = P x Y where M is the money supply V is velocity P is aggregate price level and Y is real GDP


a falling aggregate price lvl common before WWII

what concept shows the short-run trade-off between unemployment and inflation?

Phillips curve

formula for the budget balance (savings by the govt.)

Sgovernment = T - G - TR T= value of tax revenues G = government purchases of goods and services TR = value of government transfers

monetary policy rule

a formula that determines the central bank's actions and leaves little discretion slow and steady growth in the money supply

inflation tax

a reduction in the value of money held by the public caused by inflation

Taylor rule for monetary policy

a rule for setting the federal funds rate that takes into account both the inflation rate and the output gap

liquidity trap

a situation in which conventional monetary policy is ineffective because nominal interest rates are up against the zero bound

a persistent attempt to trade off lower unemployment for higher inflation leads to ___ inflation over time.


new classical macroeconomics

an approaach to the business cycle that returns to the classical view that shifts in the aggregate demand curve affect only the aggregate price level, not aggregate output

cyclically adjusted budget balance

an estimate of what the budget balance would be if real GDP were exactly equal to potential output no inflationary or recessionary gap!


asserts that GDP will grow steadily if the money supply grows steadily

Friedman's solution was to put monetary policy on ?


baby boom (1946-1964)

baby boomers beginning to retire. as more of them do, they will stop earning income and start collecting benefits. the ratio of retirees receiving benefits to workers paying into the Social Security system is increasing

Keyes argued that factors like changes in animal spirits - these days referred to as ________ - are mainly responsible for business cycles.

business confidence

monetary neutrality

changes in the money supply have no real effects on the economy ?

leftward shift of AS

cost-push inflation

2 possible changes that lead to an increase in the aggregate price level

decrease in aggregate supply increase in aggregate demand

In the short run, an increase in the money supply leads to a _____ in interest rates, and a decreases in money supply leads to a ____ in interest rates. In the long run, changes in the money supply don't affect the interest rates at all.

decrease; increase

debt deflation

the reduction in AD arising from the increase in the real burden of outstanding debt caused by deflation (may lead to further deflation in vicious cycle like in the Great Depression)

natural rate hypothesis

the relationship between accelerating inflation and the unemployment rate


the revenue generated by the govt.'s right to print money

what do inflationary expectations shift?

the short-run AS curve and the short-run Phillips curve

nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU)

the unemployment rate at which inflation does not change over time

discretionary monetary policy

the use of changes in the interest rate or the money supply by the central bank to stabilize the economy monetarists believe it faces the same lag problems as fiscal policy but to a lesser extent

macroeconomic policy activism

the use of monetary and fiscal policy to smooth out the business cycle legitimized by Keynes

Rational expectations (John Muth in 1961)

the view that individuals and firms make decisions optimally, using all avaliable information

natural rate hypothesis

to avoid accelerating inflation over time, the unemployment rate must be high enough that the actual inflation rate = the expected inflation rate

Advocates of inflation targeting argue it has what 2 key advantages?

transparency (public knows the objective) accountability (can judge how close actual inflation rates match the inflation target)

a negative supply shock shifts SRPC __ a positive supply shock shifts SRPC ____

up; down

the long-run Phillips curve is what kind of line?


when can a liquidity trap occur?

when there is a sharp reduction in demand for loanable funds (like in the Great Depression)

who are the winners and losers of deflation?

winners - lenders losers - borrowers

see 35.1


see figure 31.3


see figure 32.1 and 32.2


see figure 34.6


see figure 34.7 on the Fisher Effect


There is a ____ _____ on the nominal interest rate; it cannot go below _.

zero bound; 0

from 2008 to 2014, the Fed found itself against the ___ ____ in the aftermath of the housing bubble collapse and the ensuing financial crisis. The interest on short-term US govt. debt fell to _.

zero bound; 0

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