Malala Parts 3-5 Study Guide

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What did Malala notice about the women in the United States?

Women in the US were still not completely equal. They were used as showpieces

Summarize the good things that happened to Malala in Chapter 19. Talk about at least three things.

She was nominated for the international peace prize of Kids Rights. Her name was put forward by Archbishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa. She was invited to speak at a conference on education in Lahore. She also won Pakistan's first National Peace Prize.

Describe how Malala stayed busy in the hospital as she waited for her parents.

She watched the clock, he would watch movies and TV shows and some nurses would come back and help her pass the time.

What did Malala wish for on her twelfth birthday?

She wished for peace in Swat Valley

After this announcement was made, how did some of the girls' families respond?

Some of the girls' families forbade their daughters to go to school even before January 15th.

How did people in Mingora respond to Malala speaking out in the news?

Some people went up to her and told her that she had done well, but others were not happy that Malala showed her face on TV.

What was the negative effect of the school field trip?

Someone was spying on the field trip and wrote a letter that made the girls look very bad.

How do the doctors and nurses explain Malala being unable to recall what happened to her?

The doctors explain it a very complicated manner. They said that the brain protects us from memories that are too painful to remember or that her brain shut down as soon as she was injured.

Who paid for Malala's medical costs?

The government would pay for all of the medical costs.

What gifts did Dr. Fiona give Malala?

The green teddy bear and the pink notebook.

What was the purpose of using the name Gul Makai for the diary entries?

The name Gul Makai was used so that Malala's real identity would be kept secret.

What is the name of the foundation Malala's started and what group of people does she describe helping?

The name of her foundation is the Malala fund. She helps people who are in really bad living conditions.

What news did Malala receive about the feelings of some people in Pakistan toward her? What news did she learn from Moniba?

The people in Pakistan were very critical of her. Moniba told her that the other two girls have recovered and where back in school, she scored a 100 on her exam, Malka-e-Noor had taken first place, and they were saving a seat for her in class.

Describe Malala's injuries and the procedures that she underwent. (You might need to use both Chapters 26 and 27).

The took out her skull and put it in her stomach after she was shot. She developed an infection. Her kidneys and lungs began to fail. They put her in a coma and flew her to England.

How is Malala's school in Birmingham different from her school in Mingora?

The uniform is different and some of the girls wear their skirts really short. Her new school has a lot of new technology and classes that Malala has never taken. There is a gap between her and her schoolmates.

What was going on in Mingora while Malala and her family were living in Shangla?

There was a face-off between the Taliban and the army.

How did Malala's family react to seeing her when they were reunited in the hospital?

They all cried and were shocked at how she looked.

What did Malala's family decide to do when the Taliban closed in on the capital?

They decided that they should leave and take shelter in Shangla.

Where are Shazia and Kainat, the other two shooting victims, now?

They now attend the Atlantic College in Wales.

Why was Malala warned not to cry? Why would her father have been warned not to cry?

They were both trying to stay strong for each other.

What does Malala's father now do in England that he never did before?

He is starting to cook.

What has become of Fazlullah?

He is still the head of the whole Pakistan Taliban

Why did Malala's father start changing his routine each day?

He was changing his routine so that if someone was spying on him, the spy would not catch on to his schedule.

What major decision did Pakistani President Zardari make regarding Malala's father?

He would be Pakistan's education attache' in Birmingham.

How are Malala's family members dealing with life after Malala's attack and life in England?

Her brother's still fights with her and doesn't understand her fame. Her mom still feeds the birds in the morning. Her father attends girl's conferences. They all miss home and are still scared.

What does Malala worry about?

Her height

Malala says that some people blame her father for what happened to her because he pushed to do what she did. Do you agree or disagree with this thought? Explain.

I disagree because she did it out of her own free will. Her father even discouraged the idea at one point, but Malala chose to keep going.

What does it mean to be an Internally Displaced Person (IDP)?

IDP are displaced from their home. They have nowhere save to go.

When did Malala have her first trip out of the hospital? Where did she go? At that point, how long had it been since she was shot?

In December, two months after she had been shot, she went to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

How did Malala's father react to what was found in the Google search? What did he suggest they do?

Malala's father started crying and suggested that Malala stop campaigning.

How have Malala's mother and father changed?

Malala's father wakes Malala up every morning and fixes the whole family breakfast. Malala's mother is going to school to learn how to read, write, and speak English

Why couldn't Malala's family join her in England immediately?

Malala's mother and brothers had no passports or documentation. Malala's father couldn't leave his wife and children behind because a Taliban attack was at risk.

What did Malala's mother begin doing in the spring?

Malala's mother started learning to read.

What award did Malala receive? Why was it significant? What was her reaction?

Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize. She was the youngest person to ever receive it. She was very shocked and didn't realize how big a deal it was until her teachers started crying because they were so proud.

How does Malala respond when asked about the negative things that have happened to her?

Malala responds very optimistically and positively.

How does Malala explain sharia?

Malala says that sharia is when all aspects of life were dictated by religious judges.

Where did Malala spend her eighteenth birthday?

Malala spends her eighteenth b-day in Syria where she opened a school for the Syrian refugees.

How did Malala spend her sixteenth birthday? What did she wear for this special occasion?

Malala spends her sixteenth birthday giving a speech to the United Nations. SHe wore her pink shalwar kamiz.

When her family was packing, what did Malala want to take with her? What did her brother Atal want to take?

Malala wanted to take her school books and Atal wanted to take his baby chicks.

How did Malala react to what she found on Google? How do you think you would have reacted?

Malala was calm. I probably would have freaked out.

Who accidentally revealed Malala's identity as Gul Makai?

Malala's father

At what age are Pashtuns considered adults?

14 yrs old

How did the school change its normal plan in order to maximize the amount of time girls could attend school before the 15th of January?

Malala's father postponed the winter break. The girls would stay in school until January 15th.

How did the day change?

The bus stopped, a Taliban opened the back of the bus, and shot Malala three times.

How did the Taliban change after the people accepted Sharia law? Give three examples of changes from the text.

"After the imposition of sharia, the Taliban became even bolder." "Now they openly patrolled the streets...with guns and sticks." "They killed policemen."

What was the world's reaction to Malala's shooting?

Malala received 8,000 letters and parcels from all over the world. She also received messages from many government leaders, diplomats, and movie stars.

What natural disaster occurred in 2010? How did it affect Pakistan?

A monsoon hit Pakistan. 2,000 people drowned, millions lost their homes, and 7,000 schools were destroyed.

What was the result of the diary being published?

A number of reporters were following the story of Fazlullah's attempt to shut down the girl's schools of Pakistan

How did the students at Malala's school react to the diary?

All of the schoolgirls constantly talked about her diary.

What happened when Malala spoke at the peace rally?

At first Malala was nervous but once she started speaking her voice became sure and steady. Malala felt as if she was speaking for all the people who wanted to speak out but couldn't.

How did Malala end up in England? Discuss all of the circumstances that lead to her move from Pakistan. Use information from Dr. Fiona in Chapter 27 and from Malala's parents in Chapter 29.

At first Malala went to the Swat Central Hospital right after she was shot. The hospital said that Malala's injury was serious. She was then taken to the Combined Military Hospital in Peshawar. That is when they discovered the bullet still in Malala's head. They realized the injury was in fact very serious. Malala underwent a five hour operation. Malala was still getting worse. Two British doctors just so happened to be close to the hospital. These doctors were Dr. Javid and Dr. Fiona. They decided that it was best for Malala to be flown to Birmingham with the doctors.

What are some of the differences between Mingora and Birmingham that Malala writes about?

Birmingham is a very quiet place compared to the sounds of children playing in the alleys and parents talking about politics and gossip back in Mingora. Malala's family does not have a lot of real friends in this new place whereas in Mingora everyone knew everyone. Unlike Mingora, where everyone looks the same, in Birmingham there are all kinds of people.

How does Malala compare to her new classmates?

Compared to Pakistan, Malala is not the smartest one ever because the teachers in England expect more from there students. Malala is also not the one who has read the most books anymore.

Why do you think Malala's father felt responsible for her attack?

He felt that he should of been the one who took the hit not Malala.

What happened the day of the school's peace rally? How did the students respond?

The day of the school's peace rally, a Pashto TV crew arrived. Most of the girls became nervous because they would have to read their speeches on television.

What did Madam Maryam and Malala's father encouraged the students to do to express their feelings about the Taliban?

Madam Maryam and Malala's father encouraged the students to write essays and speeches in order to express their feelings about the Taliban.

Why does Malala believe God spared her?

Malala believes that she is still alive for a reason and that reason is to use her life to help others.

Until now, Malala's father has been the one to display bravery. In this chapter, how does Malala show her bravery?

Malala decides to speak out whenever she got the chance. She would speak to anyone who would listen even though the Taliban was very much against it.

What does Malala say is the reason she didn't cover her face when she spoke on television?

Malala did not cover her face because Fazlullah's men wear masks to hide themselves but Malala has nothing to hide from anyone.

How did Malala identify with Dorothy in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

Malala faced many hurdles in life but continues to continue to achieve her goal just like Dorothy.

When Malala thinks about what she would to if a Taliban soldier came to kill her, she says, "If you hit a Talib with your shoe, there is no difference between him and you. You must not treat others with cruelty. You must fight with peace and dialogue." Describe how this quote shows Malala's character.

Malala is a very peaceful person and believes in what she stands for. She knows that education is greater than violence.

How did Moniba react when she learned the Malala was the author of the diary?

Moniba was upset that Malala kept such a big secret from her.

What was the secret school?

Once Fazlullah allowed for younger girls to go to school, some older girls also went to school disguised as younger girls. They were secretly going to school.

What details in this chapter foreshadow Malala's shooting?

One of the teachers had a nightmare that Malala was badly injured. Malala's picture on the wall of her house was mysteriously shifted overnight.

Who else was injured in the attack?

Shazia and Kainat, who were girls also on the bus, were also injured. Kainat's arm was grazed by a bullet and Shazia was hit in the palm and left collarbone.

How does Malala keep in touch with her friends in Swat?

She Skypes them

What were some of the problems and solutions Malala thought about while in the hospital?

She could not pay for her treatment (government would pay) and the call to Pakistan was too much money (would get a job).

What did Malala decide to do with some of the money she received from various awards?

She decided to give back to others and started an education foundation.

Does Malala feel God answered her prayers to become taller? Why or why not?

She does feel that he has answered her prayers. She is not physically taller, but her voice was able to reach people all over the world.

How does Malala continue to speak out in this chapter?

She gave more and more interviews

What happened when Malala heard someone behind her say, "I will kill you"?

She got super worried and quickened her pace until she was a good distance from him.

What kinds of surgeries did Malala have after she'd been released from the hospital?

She had a titanium cranioplasty, a cochlear implant, and the skull piece in her tummy removed.

Why was it difficult for Malala to communicate her questions to the doctors and nurses at the hospital?

She had a tube in her throat.

How old is Malala at this point in the book? What are most girls and boys around her doing at this age?

She is 15. Girls are getting married and boys are leaving school to support their families.

Who was Rehanna, and why was she important to Malala?

She is the Muslim chaplain and she prayed over Malala in Urdu.

How was the morning of October 9th just like any other day for Malala?

She overslept after staying up late the night before studying for her exams. Her family was functioning as normal and she was friends with Moniba again.

What did Malala plant outside her house? Why?

She plants a mango seed outside her house because she has a good feeling that there will be peace for as long as a mango seed needs to grow.

Where did Malala spend her seventeenth birthday?

She spends her seventeenth birthday in Nigeria, showing solidarity with the schoolgirls abducted from their dormitories.

What does Malala do with the prize money she receives?

She spends the money to Swat to help children go to school or adults buy small businesses.

How did Malala communicate with the doctors when she first woke up?

She tried to trace letters on her hand.

What did Malala use to improve her English?

She used DVDs

What are Malala's thoughts about her future career?

She used to want to be a doctor but now she realizes that she wants to be a politician.

What did Malala ask her parents to bring when they came? What does this show that she didn't fully understand yet?

She wanted her parents to bring her school bag so that she could study for exams. She didn't realize how serious her situation was.

What were Malala's two biggest concerns when she woke up in the hospital?

She wanted to know where her father was and if he was hurt.

Malala does not want to be known as the girl who was shot by the Taliban; what does Malala want to be known as?

She wants to be known as the girl who fought for education.

How did Malala react to seeing herself for the first time after her attack?

She was confused and curious.

What was Malala's reaction to being told that she was shot?

She was furious because she did not get the chance to talk to them beforehand.

What did the BBC want someone from the school in Mingora to do? Why did Malala end up helping out instead of the girl who was first chosen? How did her mother and father feel about her volunteering?

The BBC wanted one of the school girls to write a diary about what is happening in Swat. The first girl's father came to the school and told Malala's father that he would not allow his daughter to go through with it. Malala then volunteered. Both of Malala's parents thought it was a good thing that Malala was doing.

Who had used the school as a base during the fighting in Mingora?

The Pakistan army

In December 2008, the Taliban announced that after January 15, no girl shall do what?

The Taliban announced that no girl shall return to school after January 15th.

What came up on the Google search for Malala's name?

The Taliban said that Malala should be killed.

What caused Malala to become more concerned about her father's safety?

The Taliban sent another threatening note to her father saying that the mujahideen were searching for him.

What happened in Mingora over the month that schools were closed?

The army had done nothing to help and things were getting worse.

What did the letter from the army say?

The army was blaming the people of Mingora for the takeover of the Taliban.

Who was in jail following the attack? Why

The bus driver was jailed so that he might identify the gunman who had not been caught yet.

How does Malala feel about public speaking?

When Malala would speak in public she felt as if her words were carried by the wind and spread throughout the entire world.

When did Malala and her friends pray the most?

during exams

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