MAN 3303 Final Study

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Which of the following statements about 360-degree feedback is most likely true?

360-degree feedback should be built around a competency model.

__________ describe leadership situations and are used as vehicles for leadership discussions.

Case studies

__________ occurs when agents ask targets to participate in planning an activity.


True or False: A force field analysis is an idea-generating activity conducted in a group setting to enhance the creative potential of any group trying to solve a problem.


True or False: Leaders usually can exert more power during periods of relative calm than during a crisis.


True or False: New leaders should avoid socializing and meeting their peers' families during the first two months on the job.


True or False: New leaders should not meet their entire teams on the first day of the job.


True or False: Research shows that "helicopter parenting" is positively linked to a young person's leadership development.


True or False: Research shows that a leader's power decreases when symbols like diplomas, awards, and titles are displayed prominently to followers.


True or False: Smart but inexperienced leaders tend to be more effective in stressful situations than less intelligent, experienced leaders.


True or False: The Abilene paradox occurs when leaders are assertive with friends and peers.


True or False: The amount of power followers have in work situations is always less than the amount of power held by their group's leader.


True or False: The goals and standards quadrants of the GAPS (goals, abilities, perceptions, standards) analysis are focused on the present.


True or False: The phrase "influence without authority" reflects the idea that few people are required to influence others in the workplace.


Which of the following statements is true about building effective relationships with superiors?

Followers should think of their own and their superior's success as interdependent.

True or False: The ultimate test of a servant leader's work is whether those served develop toward being more responsible, caring, and competent individuals.


According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, creative intelligence is

the ability to produce work that is both novel and useful.

Which of the following theories explains the interesting relationships between leader intelligence and experience levels, and group performance in stressful versus nonstressful conditions?

the cognitive resources theory

Most early research on leadership was based on the assumption that leadership is a general personal trait expressed independently of the situation in which the leadership is manifested. This view is commonly known as

the heroic theory.

Task forces that are formed to work on key change initiatives should be staffed by stars because

this will improve the odds of good recommendations being made.

True or False: According to Daniel Pink, rewards and punishment are unhelpful in motivating employees doing routine, assembly line work but work well when it comes to performing complex tasks or creating new products.


Identify a true statement about socialized power.

It often involves an empowering, rather than an autocratic, style of management and leadership.

Which of the following statements is true of informal coaching?

It takes place whenever a leader helps followers to change their behaviors.

__________ means the status differential between members of a group.

Pecking order

In the context of the fundamental needs that affect motivation, which of the following statements is true of the work of Daniel Pink?

Pink maintained that rewards and punishment work well for motivating employees doing routine and assembly line work.

Why do followers most likely need to have a high level of technical competence?

Technical expertise plays a key role in supervisors' performance appraisal ratings of subordinates.Correct

According to Robert Kelley's basic styles of followership, which of the following statements is true about pragmatist followers?

They are mediocre performers.Correct

True or False: Leaders are likely to encourage creativity in their organizations by delegating authority and empowering followers to take risks.


True or False: Leaders ultimately must be judged on the basis of a framework of values, not just in terms of their effectiveness.


True or False: Leaders who can empathize and get along with others are often more successful than those who cannot.


The tendency to make external attributions for one's own failures and internal attributions for one's successes is known as

a self-serving bias.

Work facilitation behaviors are concerned with

acquiring and allocating resources.

Leadership development is enhanced when an experience involves three processes, which are

action, observation, and reflection.

According to the Leadership Grid, 9,9 leaders

are the most effective leaders.

In the context of perception, which of the following terms is best described as the explanations people develop for the characteristics, behaviors, or actions to which they attend?


According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, leaders who score high in openness to experience tend to

be big-picture thinkers.

According to Hogan and Warrenfelz, competencies concerned with analyzing issues, making decisions, and strategic thinking fall into the _____ category.

business skills

A police officer giving a speeding ticket to a driver is most likely using his or her

coercive power.

Influence is best described as the

degree of actual change in a target person's values.

Raymond scores high on practical intelligence and has extensive knowledge and experience in leading a pharmaceutical research team. He is likely to feel uncomfortable and unprepared when asked to organize a major fund-raising activity for a charitable institution. This example illustrates that practical intelligence is most likely

domain specific.

According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, which of the following dimensions primarily involves behaviors that are highly likely to be exhibited in group settings and are generally concerned with getting ahead in life?


Emmanuel feels more comfortable when working alone. He is not very competitive at work and does not like to influence his team. According to the five-factor model of personality, Emmanuel is low on _____.


Which of the following involves participants being given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, phone messages, and letters from a fictitious manager's in-basket?

in-basket exercises

Which of the following terms refers to how much a leader emphasizes meeting work goals and accomplishing tasks?

initiating structure

According to leadership researchers, leadership

is an interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to.

Values are most likely

learned through the socialization process.

In the context of moral potency, the belief or confidence in one's capability to mobilize various personal, interpersonal, and other external resources to persist despite moral adversity is referred to as

moral efficacy.

Which of the following is a good way to generate ideas pertinent to a problem and is similar to brainstorming?

nominal group technique (NGT)

A way to maximize the benefits of a meeting is to

pick a time and place as convenient as possible for all participants.

Unlike leaders who score low in conscientiousness, those who score high in conscientiousness

rarely get into trouble.

A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses his or her __________ power to influence them.


Jonathan, a front desk executive at Read Books Inc., handled 40 customer calls per day. He was then sent to a training program last month to improve his communication skills, which cost the organization $500. This month, Read Books observes that his growth is positive and substantial and that he is able to handle 60 customer calls per day. His productivity has increased by $700. This scenario most likely exemplifies

return on investment.

Which of the following statements about job satisfaction is true?

Employees tend to stay in companies that encourage collegial relationships.

True or False: A crisis tends to reduce the likelihood for charismatic leadership to emerge.


True or False: According to Groysberg, employees who are considered the high flyers of a team should be micromanaged or they may leave the organization.


True or False: According to the Pygmalion effect, leaders who have little faith in their followers' ability to accomplish a goal are rarely disappointed.


True or False: According to the path-goal theory, follower satisfaction is directly related to the degree of participative behaviors manifested by a leader.


True or False: Advantageous comparison refers to the process of using cosmetic words to defuse or disguise the offensiveness of otherwise morally repugnant or distasteful behavior.


True or False: Analytic intelligence is much more concerned with knowledge and experience than is practical intelligence.


True or False: Compliance occurs when followers embrace change requests as their own.


True or False: Followers with relatively more referent power than their peers have little opportunity to deviate from group norms.


True or False: In the charismatic authority system, the unwritten laws of society dictate who has authority and how this authority can be used.


True or False: In the context of job dissatisfaction at work, role ambiguity occurs when leaders and followers are given incompatible goals to accomplish.


True or False: In the context of leader motives, individuals who have a high need for socialized power are more selfish, uninhibited, impulsive, and lacking in self-control than individuals with a high need for personalized power.


True or False: In the context of moral potency, moral ownership is best described as the fortitude to face risk and overcome fears associated with taking ethical action.


True or False: In the context of the Rocket Model, teams with low levels of buy-in have team members who believe in what the team is trying to accomplish and will enthusiastically put forth the effort needed to complete their assigned tasks and make the team successful.


True or False: In the role-taking stage of development of the leader-member exchange theory, a role is created based on a process of trust building.


True or False: Individuals with high levels of technical competence are unlikely to belong to a leader's in-group.


True or False: Informal, personal communication is enhanced when leaders communicate across their desks to followers.


True or False: It is seen that leaders are good at double-loop learning but not single-loop learning.


True or False: Job satisfaction survey results are most useful when compared with those from a dissimilar reference group, such as an organization of a different size or one in another industry.


True or False: Leader support is a job-centered dimension of behavior and is similar to the initiating structure dimension of the various Ohio State questionnaires.


True or False: Leaders have a short-term view, whereas managers have a long-term view in management.


True or False: Leaders require a high need for socialized power and a low level of activity inhibition to be successful in the long term.


True or False: Leaders tend to ask questions pertaining to the "how" and "when" of situations, whereas managers tend to ask questions pertaining to the "what" and "why" of things.


True or False: Leaders with a large span of control tend to display more consideration and use more personal approaches when influencing followers.


True or False: Solving a morale problem exemplifies a structured task.


True or False: Spatial complexity makes it easier for leaders to have face-to-face communication with subordinates and to provide personal support and encouragement.


True or False: The dissatisfaction (D) and model (M) components of the rational change model are most difficult for leadership practitioners to alter.


Jim Collins' study of highly successful companies that subsequently failed indicated that these firms went through a five-stage process toward failure. What is the first stage of the process?

Firms become insulated by success, and leaders adopt an entitlement mentality.

Which of the following best describes the term "organizational climate"?

It is related to how well organizational members get along with each other.

In the context of the four types of leader behavior in the path-goal theory, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of achievement-oriented leadership?

Leaders support follower behaviors by exhibiting a high degree of confidence so that subordinates can put forth the necessary effort.

The _____ asked leaders to indicate the extent to which they believed different consideration and initiating behaviors were important to leadership success.

Leadership Opinion Questionnaire (LOQ)

_____ can be defined as a follower's ability to move forward one or more levels within an organization.

Leadership potential

_____ are internal states of tension or arousal, or uncomfortable states of deficiency that people are motivated to change.


_____ refers to what individual followers achieve and the behaviors displayed to achieve results.


Which of the following concepts was most likely promoted by Boris Groysberg?

The difference between portable and nonportable skills.

Which of the following statements about a company's vision is most likely false?

The final destination for an organization is identified in its vision.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an adaptive problem?

The problem may be complex, but there is an expert solution to solve it.

In the context of the root causes of management incompetence and derailment, which of the following is most likely true of leaders with a reserved dark-side personality trait?

These leaders deal with stress by becoming extremely withdrawn and uncommunicative.

In the context of dark-side personality traits, which of the following is most likely true of leaders who are dutiful?

These leaders lack spines and are unwilling to refuse unrealistic requests.

Which of the following statements is most likely true of servant leaders?

They need to integrate present realities and future possibilities.

In the context of Bass's theory of transformational and transactional leadership, which of the following statements is true of transformational leaders?

They possess impression management skills.

Which of the following statements is true of managers with the Theory Y orientation?

They reflect a view that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work.

According to Zemke's four generations of workers, which of the following statements is most likely true of the Veterans?

They represent a wealth of lore and wisdom.

In the context of the root causes of management incompetence and derailment, identify a true statement about dark-side traits?

They usually emerge during crises or periods of high stress and serve as coping mechanisms.

Instrumental values refer to modes of behavior, and terminal values refer to desired end states.


Keeping a journal is likely to increase the likelihood that leaders will be able to look at an event from a different perspective.


Referent power refers to the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers.


The times when people most need to break out of the mold created by past learning patterns are the times when they are most unwilling to do so.


True or Fales: Setting easy goals rarely leads to high levels of performance.


True or False: In the routinization stage of development of the leader-member exchange theory, similarities (for the in-group) and differences (often accentuated for the out-group) become cemented.


True or False: A leader views the organization as an interlocking set of processes and procedures when using a systems thinking approach.


True or False: Ability-based EQ training programs make extensive use of videos and role plays to help participants better recognize, exhibit, and regulate emotion.


True or False: According to Daniel Pink, the three fundamental needs that drive employees who create new products or services or perform complex, non-routine work are autonomy, mastery, and meaning.


True or False: According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, factors that lead to satisfaction at work are called motivators and factors that lead to dissatisfaction at work are known as hygiene factors.


True or False: According to McClelland, differences in achievement orientation are a key reason why people differ in the levels of effort they exert to accomplish assignments, objectives, or goals.


True or False: According to Robert Kelley, the best followers are self-starters who take initiative for themselves.


True or False: According to the dual-process theory, moral judgments dealing primarily with "rights" and "duties" are made by automatic emotional responses.


True or False: An issue related to impressions and evaluative feedback concerns the distinction between job-related feedback and more personal or discretionary feedback.


True or False: Because followers are often at the levels where many organizational problems occur, they can give leaders relevant information so that good solutions are implemented.


True or False: Choice of clothing can affect one's power and influence.


True or False: Companies that spend a considerable amount of time and effort attracting, developing, and retaining the best people often report superior financial results.


True or False: Destructive leadership can occur at different levels in organizations.


True or False: Emotions are often the fuel driving large-scale initiatives for change.


True or False: Executive presence is, in general, concerned with a person's ability to radiate confidence, poise, and authority.


True or False: Giving constructive feedback involves sharing information or perceptions with another about the nature, quality, or impact of that person's behavior.


True or False: Groups are characterized by mutual interaction and reciprocal influence.


True or False: In context of the components of a performance management cycle, monitoring involves providing feedback to a follower about his or her progress toward a set goal.


True or False: In the context of the building blocks of skills, knowledge and experience are easier components to change than intelligence and personality traits.


True or False: In the context of the leadership grid, the context and style of leaders' behavior are important factors that affect the leadership dimensions of concern for people and concern for production.


True or False: Intrapersonal skills are leadership competencies and behaviors having to do with adapting to stress, goal orientation, and adhering to rules.


True or False: Leaders can influence team effectiveness by providing frequent coaching while their team is performing its task.


True or False: Leadership behaviors are a function of intelligence, personality traits, emotional intelligence, values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, and experience.


True or False: Low-LPC leaders will focus on improving their relationships with followers after they are assured that assigned tasks are being satisfactorily accomplished.


True or False: One of the reasons a leader is unable to build teams is because of dark-side personality traits.


True or False: Power distance is defined as the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.


True or False: Power is defined as the ability of an individual to produce effects on others.


True or False: Research indicates that men tend to view leadership as an exchange with subordinates for services rendered.


True or False: Research on 360-degree feedback shows that those individuals who work for superiors receiving above-average ratings from others were more likely to receive above-average ratings themselves.


True or False: Studies show that female managers are less likely than male managers to compromise or negotiate during their influence attempts.


True or False: The Forer effect occurs when people give high accuracy ratings to descriptive statements that are personally flattering but so vague that they could apply to virtually anyone.


True or False: The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)-XII assesses behaviors such as being able to tolerate uncertainty and acting as a representative for a group.


True or False: The Leadership Pipeline provides a useful framework for thinking about how leadership competencies change as people are promoted through organizations.


True or False: The first way to transfer learning to new environments is to continually update one's development plan.


True or False: The most productive way to develop as a leader is to travel along the spiral of experience.


True or False: The overall composite Miner's Sentence Completion Scale (MSCS) score has consistently been found to predict leadership success in hierarchical organizations.


True or False: The potential to influence others through the ability to administer rewards is a joint function of the leader, the followers, and the situation.


True or False: The tendency to overestimate the dispositional causes of behavior and underestimate the environmental factors when others fail is called the fundamental attribution error.


True or False: The term "cookie licking" refers to the time-wasting leaders' behavior of spending time on actions and decisions that can be delegated to the followers.


Typically, greater horizontal complexity is associated with

an increased likelihood for communication breakdowns between subunits.

Which of the following managerial types have most likely gained insight into their dark-side traits and found ways to negate the debilitating effects of these traits on followers?

competent managers

The Leadership Grid profiles leader behavior on two dimensions, which are

concern for people and concern for production.

Managers who derail because of an inability to build relationships with co-workers are most likely


According to Peterson and Hicks, which of the following is the first step in informal coaching?

establishing a relationship based on trust

In the context of the Situational Leadership model, which of the following is a relationship behavior?

explaining why a task is important

In terms of the 9-box matrix, an employee who has high potential but is a moderate performer is called a

future star.

Which of the following is an advantage of decentralized organizations over centralized organizations?

greater acceptance of decision outcomes

Which term refers to interactions among team members, such as how they communicate with each other, express feelings toward each other, and deal with conflict with each other?

group dynamics

Which of the following is a consequence of absenteeism leadership?

leaders disregarding requests of their followers

In the context of the dark side of leadership, which of the following describes the common reasons why people in positions of authority have difficulty engaging followers, building teams, or getting results through others?

managerial derailment

A personal relationship in which a more experienced mentor (usually someone two to four levels higher in an organization) acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protégé is known as


In the context of the nature of groups, _____ are the informal rules groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members' behaviors.


In the context of group cohesion, which of the following occurs when illegal actions are taken by overly zealous and loyal subordinates who believe that what they are doing will please their leaders?


Which of the following is the most important situational factor associated with charismatic leadership?

presence or absence of a crisis

In the context of organizational justice, perceptions of _____ involve the process by which rewards or punishments are administered.

procedural justice

The inefficiencies created by more and more people working together are called

process losses.

What is the main reason for people staying with organizations?

promises of long-term employment

The first requirement for a team intervention to be successful is

raising awareness about how teams really work.

Which of the following terms is defined as the degree to which a person accomplishing a task receives information about performance from performing the task itself?

task feedback

In the context of managerial incompetence, which of the following is used to determine the level of incompetence among people in positions of authority?

the Dr. Gordy test

In terms of the path-goal theory, which of the following is considered a situational factor?

the task

According to Burns, _____ occurs when leaders and followers are in some type of exchange relationship to get needs met.

transactional leadership

In the _____, 10-15 superiors, peers, and direct reports are asked to share a target individual's strengths and areas of improvement as a leader in phone or face-to-face interviews.

verbal 360-degree technique

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