Man2-2 Conflict, Power & Influence, Persuasion

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Stages of Conflict:

- Conflict antecedents -Perceived conflict -Felt conflict. -Manifest conflict (conflict resolution or suppression)

6 Principles of Persuasion:

-Authority -Commitment and Consistency -Social Proof -Liking -Reciprocity -Scarcity

Integrative Negotiation -focus on the ? of an issue and attempts to ? the available "pie." It may lead to ????

-focus on the merits of an issue and attempts to enlarge the available "pie." It may lead to avoidance, compromise, or collaboration.

What do we mean when we say power is based on dependencies?

An individual's power is directly proportional to the dependence others have on him or her.

Organizational politics represent efforts by organizational members to seek _______ and achieve desired goals through (informal/formal?) systems and structures.

Organizational politics represent efforts by organizational members to seek resources and achieve desired goals through informal systems and structures.

6 Principles of Persuasion: 5. Reciprocity -people repay in ____. Should try to repay to a ____ level. -Uninvited and unwanted favors and gifts work? -when termed as a gift? -when someones does a small favor =?; when does it backfire?

People repay in kind. We should try to repay to a comparable level. -Uninvited and unwanted favors and gifts works just as well. -It also works better if it's termed as a gift. -Someone can do a small favor and get a bigger one in return. However, if the first request is seen as too extreme, the whole thing backfires.

6 Principles of Persuasion: 3. Social Proof -people follow the lead of ___ people? -we view behavior as correct to the degree that we ???

People tend to follow the lead of other similar people. -We view a behavior as correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.

Soft distributive negotiation leads to accommodation or compromise.


2 types of Resistance Strategies used by individuals when they perceive an impractical request from their supervisor:

constructive resistance and dysfunctional resistance

Failure to comply because a directive does not fall in the acceptable range of requests is called _________.

the zone of indifference

Major Indirect conflict Management approaches= -Appeals to Common Goals -Hierarchical referral -Organizational redesign/ Managed Interdependence -Use of myths and scripts

-Appeals to Common Goals—involves focusing the attention of potentially conflicting parties on one mutually desirable conclusion; -Hierarchical referral—using the chain of com- mand for conflict resolution -Organizational redesign—including decoupling, buffering, linking pins, and liaison groups -Use of myths and scripts—managing superficially through behavioral routines (scripts) or to hide conflict by denying the necessity to make a trade-off in conflict resolution.

Direct Conflict Management Strategies

-Avoidance (unassertive & uncooperative) -Accommodation or Smoothing (unassertive & cooperative) -Competition and Authoritative Command (assertive & uncooperative) -Collaboration and Problem Solving (assertive & cooperative)

Individual Power: -Personal power- helps to determine your ability to= (3)

-Creating Cooperation (sensitivity, submerging ego, flexibility) -Winning in competitive environments (energy & stamina, focus, tolerance for conflict, expertise & self-confidence) -Gaining Support (charisma, linguistic ability, track record) =sources include= Expert power and Referent power

Individual Influence:

-Desired Results (compliance, commitment, internalization)

Individual Power: -Positional Power- the sources used to analyze who has power= (3)

-Formal Hierarchal Position (formal authority; power to apply or withhold explicit incentives and informal rewards) (Coercive Power) -Controlling Strategic Sources or Resource Dependency (controlling tangible& intangible resources= Coping with areas of uncertainty; controlling resources by institutionalization of resource dependency) (Reward Power) -Legitimate Power (passed from central source to individuals= Control over entry, and Control over values & terms of legitimacy)

Power in Context: -Contextual Factors that shape individual power and success of strategies=

-Formal Structure (of your organization) -Organizational Culture -External Environment (audiences, turbulence)

The 2 faces of conflict: Functional & Dysfunctional Conflict -Low Conflict= -Moderate Conflict= -High Conflict=

-Low Conflict= Dysfunctional conflict (too little id bad for performance) -Moderate Conflict= Functional conflict, or Constructive conflict (moderate levels are good for performance) -High conflict= Dysfunctional (too much is bad)

Indirect Conflict Management Strategies

-Managed Interdependence (decoupling, buffering) -Appeals to Common Goals -Upward referral -Altering Scripts and Myths

How Power influences people's behavior= -Most people feel less comfortable speaking up to a ______ than to a ________. -Much of the concern centers on ?? would result from speaking up. -Because bosses typically control ________ like promotions or raises and ________ like undesirable assignments or even job termination, most people play it safe and don't speak up.

-Most people feel less comfortable speaking up to a boss than to a coworker. -Much of the concern centers on what ramifications would result from speaking up. -Because bosses typically control rewards like promotions or raises and punishments like undesirable assignments or even job termination, most people play it safe and don't speak up.

6 Principles of Persuasion: 1. Authority= -what triggers compliance? what can create aura of authority? -what carry aura of status/position? -what increases obedience?

-Official-looking clothing can trigger compliance; uniforms and well-tailored business suits in particular often create the aura of authority. -Cars and expensive jewelry carry an aura of status and position, as does anything that implies status or position. -Status, or anything that implies it, increases obedience.

Before using power in a dynamic context, analyze Individual Power: -3 sources:

-Personal Power (unique personal attributes/skills) -Positional Power (from formal roles held in org, social system, and society) -Relational Power (derived from relationships with others)

What are alternative strategies for Negotiation? -The Distributive approach emphasizes ?? outcomes -The Integrative/Principled approach emphasizes ?? outcomes

-The Distributive approach emphasizes win-lose outcomes; -the Integrative/Principled approach emphasizes win-win outcome

Common Causes of Conflicts in Organizations

-Unresolved prior conflicts -Role ambiguities -Resource scarcities -Task interdependencies -Domain ambiguities -Structural differentiation

Hierarchical Causes of Conflict -Vertical conflict: occurs between? -Horizontal conflict: occurs between?

-Vertical conflict occurs between levels and commonly involves supervisor-subordinate and team leader-team member disagreements over resources, goals, deadlines, or performance results. -Horizontal conflict occurs between persons or groups working at the same organizational level.

4 Conflict Situations of managers:

-Vertical conflict— conflict that occurs between hierarchical levels -Horizontal conflict—conflict that occurs between those at the same hierarchical level -Line-staff conflict—conflict that occurs between line and staff representatives -Role conflict—conflict that occurs when the communication of task expectations is inadequate or upsetting.

After Desired results: -Influence Strategy Considerations= -Influence Tactics=

-alternatives; individual values, objects & skills; attributions -Direct one-to-one tactics (persuasion, assertion, bridging, attracting, disengaging) & Third-Party Indirect tactics & Indirect Symbolic tactics

Workplace Conflict and how business can harness it to thrive: -67%= -24%= -14%= -10%=

-avoided a colleuge bc of disagreements -stayed away from work-related social event to avoid conflict -missed a day of work to avoid conflict -failed to attend meetings to avoid conflict

Direct Conflict Management Strategies -Win-Win Strategies=

-blend of both high cooperativeness and high assertiveness. -Collaboration and Problem Solving: involve recognition by all conflicting parties that something is wrong and needs attention.

Types of Conflict: -Substantive conflict -Emotional conflict

-fundamental disagreement over ends or goals to be pursued and the means for accomplishment. - involves interpersonal difficulties that arise over feelings of anger, mistrust, dislike, fear, resentment, and the like.

-The Distributive approach= It usually takes the form of hard negotiation—????—or soft negotiation—one party is willing to ??? -results in=

-hard negotiation—the parties maximize their self-interests and hold out to get their own way -soft negotiation—one party is willing to make concessions in order to reach an agreement. =competition, compromise, or accommodation

Politics represent=

-how people get ahead -how they gain and use power -how they get things done in organizations.

Direct Conflict Management Strategies:-When to Use? -Avoidance= -Accommodation= -Compromise= -Authoritative= -Collaboration and Problem Solving=

-issue is trivial; more important issues are pressing; people need to cool down and regain perspective -issues are more important to others than to yourself; or want to build "credits" for use later -temporary settlements of complex issues or to arrive at expedient solutions when time is limited -when quick and decisive action is vital; when unpopular actions must be taken. -used to gain true conflict resolution when time and cost permit.

Levels of Conflict: -Interpersonal conflict -Intrapersonal conflict -Intergroup conflict -Interorganizational conflict

-occurs between two or more individuals in opposition to each other -occurs within the individual bc of actual or perceived pressures from incompatible goals or expectations -occurs among groups in an organization -occurs between organization

Direct Conflict Management Strategies -Lose-Lose Strategies=

-occurs when nobody really gets what he or she wants in a conflict situation= Avoidance, Accommodation/Smoothing, Compromise

6 Principles of Persuasion: 6. Scarcity= -A simple rule of human nature is that people want ??. The (more/less?) available = the (more/less?) valuable it seems. -react more strongly of losing or gaining something? -when does our desire increase?

-people want more of what they don't have very much of. The less available something is, the more valuable it seems. -We react more strongly to the possibility of losing something rather than gaining something. -Our desire increases when something is available for a limited time, especially if we must decide right now.

The Framework for Analyzing the Political/Social Environment: -basic assumptions=

-power is a POTENTIAL force -power is a SOCIAL relation -power is SITUATIONAL -elements of the model comprise a Social SYSTEM (consider all factors on different levels) -power exists in a DYNAMIC social system (potential power shifts)

Negotiations at an impasse= -third-party approaches such as mediation and _______ offer alternative and structured ways for ??

-third-party approaches such as mediation and arbitration offer alternative and structured ways for dispute resolution

6 Principles of Persuasion: 2. Commitment and Consistency -people align with others who have clear ______ -After a commitment: internal pressure to align _____ with ______, & interpersonal pressure to align _____ with the way others ??. -what provides physical proof of commitment? -Commitment must be ______, ______, effortful, and ____ chosen.

-who have clear commitments. -After a commitment= internal pressure to align self-image with action & interpersonal pressure to align self-image with the way others perceive us. -Writing provides a physical proof of commitment, cannot be disbelieved, and shown to others. -commitment= active, public, effortful, freely chosen

By understanding different principles of persuasion= -you can still be influential even when you don't have any ??. We'll do this by examining the ______ that you use and how you can adjust your ______ to get people to do what you want.

-you can still be influential even when you don't have any formal power. -examining the language that you use and how you can adjust your pitch to get people to do what you want.

Individual Power: -Relational Power- it flows from relationships at 3 levels=

-your Direct Ties (Tie strength= duration, frequency of interaction, mutual intimacy, reciprocity, multiplexity) -Tie Content (how does relationship contribute to my understanding of social environment?; Is tie exchange- or trust-based?; how will you deal with tradeoffs?) -Interactions of Direct Ties (resources supplied by direct ties: structural holes; tradeoff between the breadth & strength of relationship) -Overall Structure of Network (coalitions, density, centrality)

Direct Conflict Management Strategies -Win-Lose Strategies=

= a high-assertiveness and low-cooperativeness situation. -occur as result of: Competition & Authoritative command

If two units or teams in an organization are engaged in almost continual conflict and the higher manager decides it is time to deal with matters through Managed Interdependence, which is a possible choice of conflict management approach?



Chapter 10 and Chapter 12

Conflicts are all unique and demand _________ solutions. It is rare to find people who are well-versed in displaying all ??. Because encountering conflict is inevitable in organizations, becoming adept at ?? and ways of managing conflict is imperative.

Conflicts are all unique and demand unique solutions. It is rare to find people who are well-versed in displaying all five conflict management styles. Because encountering conflict is inevitable in organizations, becoming adept at multiple styles and ways of managing conflict is imperative.

_________ is a passive form of resistance that involves noncompliance.

Dysfunctional resistance

Social power differs from _________, which is power made operative against another's will.


In less political environments, actions are (more/less?) direct and straightforward (more/less? rational) -in more political environments, individuals need to _______ and watch out for behaviors happening ??

In less political environments, actions are more direct and straightforward (more rational); in more political environments, individuals need to interpret and watch out for behaviors happening behind the scenes.

_________ help individuals have influence in organizations and provide protection against powerful others

Power Bases

_________ says that if you do not use power appropriately others will rise up to take it away.

The Iron Law of Responsibility

Remember: The types of ________ tactics and _______ of power that you draw upon should be (dependent/independent?) on your goals in a situation

The types of influence tactics and sources of power that you draw upon should be dependent on your goals in a situation

Bathsheba Syndrome= a situation in which individuals who become successful ??

abuse power

A lose-lose conflict is likely when the conflict management approach is one of ____________.


When a manager asks people in conflict to remember the mission and purpose of the organization and to try to reconcile their differences in that context, she is using a conflict management approach known as ____________.

appeal to common goals

An____________ conflict occurs when a person must choose between two equally attractive alternative courses of action.


In the process of alternative disputere solution known as____________, a neutral third party acts as a judge to determine how a conflict will be resolved.


Information Power -is positional or personal? -comes from access to information that is ??

can be either positional or personal, and comes from access to information that is valuable to others.

What form of power stems from the expectation that a person will be punished if he or she fails to conform to influence attempts?

coercive power

When individuals go along with power and authority, they are conforming: 3 levels of Conformity=

compliance, identification, and internalization.

In today's interdependent society and knowledge-based organizations, _________ is becoming increasingly important.

connection power

A key to Managing Power is managing _________, or the reliance we have on another person or group to get ?? -When people have strong dependencies on others, they often experience ??

dependencies, or the reliance we have on another person or group to get what we want or nee -powerlessness

The idea that Social power can be an expanding pie is the basis for the trend toward _________.


2 main ways to build Power Bases in organizations=

establishing competence and building networks.

Hard distributive negotiation leads to collaboration.


Hard distributive negotiation leads to win-win conflicts.


Principled negotiation leads to accommodation.


The three criteria for effective negotiation are____________.

harmony, efficiency, and quality

6 Principles of Persuasion: 4. Liking -extremely influential because of _____ and _____ and _____.

has been extremely influential because of her familiarity and likeability and attractiveness.

Direct Conflict Management Strategies: -The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument =

helping people understand how different conflict-handling styles affect interpersonal and group dynamics—and for empowering them to choose the appropriate style for any situation.

Powerlessness is a problem in organizations because it can create spirals of ________ and ______.

helplessness and alienation. (e.g., absenteeism, tardiness, theft, vandalism, grievances, shoddy workmanship, and counterproductive behavior).

When individuals respond to power because they want to obtain a reward or avoid punishment, they are being _________.


One of the problems with the suppression of conflicts is that it____________

is a Temporary solution that sets the stage for future conflicts

political savvy

know how to read political situations and respond effectively

Conflict that ends up being "functional" for the people and organization involved would most likely be ____________.

moderate intensity

When a person approaches a negotiation with the assumption that in order for him to gain his way, the other party must lose or give up something, the ____________ negotiation pitfall is being exhibited.

myth of the fixed pie

Moderate amount of prudent Political Behavior is a survival tool and involves= -understanding how to establish _____ ______, develop _______ skills, and build strong and effective ______

power bases, political, network

Networking builds _________ in organizations.

social capital

Negative Perceptions of the Political Climate= individuals experience greater job _____, lower job ________, and increased ______.

stress, satisfaction, turnover

Effective Negotiation= both _______ goals and ______ goals are achieved

substance goals (dealing with outcomes) and relationship goals (dealing with processes) are achieved

Connection Power is the ability to call on connections and networks (inside/outside?) the organization for support in getting things done and meeting one's goals; -sources include ________ power and _______ _______.

the ability to call on connections and networks both inside and outside the organization for support in getting things done and meeting one's goals; -sources include Association Power and Reciprocal Alliances.

Success of Negotiations= -avoiding common pitfalls such as: the myth of the _____ ______, escalating __________, overconfidence, and both the ______ and hearing problems.

the myth of the fixed pie, escalating commitment, overconfidence, and both the telling and hearing problems.

Power Bases= - they help individuals advance important initiatives and gain access to ?? as well as protect themselves when ??.

they help individuals advance important initiatives and gain access to key resources as well as protect themselves when threatened by powerful others.

Negotiation: -Managers may find themselves involved in various types of negotiation situations, including= (4)

two-party, group, intergroup, and constituency negotiation

The indirect conflict management approach that uses the chain of command for conflict resolution is known as ____________.

upward referral

A_________ is when individuals go outside the formal system to accomplish a task or goal.


Direct Conflict Management Strategies -in the middle= Compromise:

working toward partial satisfaction of everyone's concerns; seeking acceptable rather than 'optimal' solutions so no one totally wins or loses

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