Management 440
The first researcher to formally recognize the importance of the leader, follower, and situation in the leadership process was
Fred Fiedler
Perhaps the most important yet most neglected component of the action-observation-reflection model is reflection. Why is reflection important?
It can provide leaders with a variety of insights into how to frame problems differently.
According to the textbook, what is true of leadership?
It is a result of the interaction between a leader and followers.
Define Hidden Self
Known to me Unknown to others example: thoughts/feelings/emotions
Define Open Self
Known to me Known to others example: your age/your gender
Dr. Priyas explanation of leaders, followers, and the situations
Leader: personality, position, expertise Follower: values, norms, cohesiveness Situation: task, stress, environment, culture
What is a true statement about the rational and emotional aspects of leadership?
Leadership involves both the rational and emotional sides of human experience.
Explain the differences between leadership and managers:
Managers: organized, consistent, and smooth at applying strategies, planning, and budgeting. Leaders: innovators, creative, problem solvers, critical thinkers, and visionaries, create conditions so that they can make things happen, can see the big picture, and are motivators.
What causes a person to be the way they are? Nature or Nurture?
Nature -> 80% Nurture-> 5% Interaction-> 15%
What makes creative intelligence?
Openness to experience + General Intelligence = Creative Intelligence
What is the Emotional Pathway?
Spinal cord --> Limbic System ------------------> I think Rationally enters the spinal cord --> than they feel in the limbic system
Define Blind Spot
Unknown to me Known to others
Define Unknown Potential
Unknown to me Unknown to others
Which of the following is the definition of emotional intelligence given by Peter Salovey and John Mayer?
a group of mental abilities that help people to recognize their own feelings and those of others
Which of the following is Reuven Bar-On's definition of emotional intelligence?
a set of 15 abilities necessary to cope with daily situations and get along in the world
The three processes that enhance leadership development are
action, reflection, observation
An exercise in which participants have a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to notes, letters, and phone messages from a fictitious manager's in-basket is called
an in-basket exercise
Which leader is most likely to gain the respect of followers?
an individual whose followers have participated in the selection of the leader
Which of the following is a definition of leadership that appears to exclude any kind of coercion as a leadership tool?
an interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to, not because they have to
What type of intelligence is important when leaders face new or novel situations?
Which of the following is a leader development method involving the use of leadership situations as a vehicle for leadership discussions?
case studies
The ability to produce work that is both novel and useful uses which type of intelligence?
Which was a basic issue that emerged among the survivors of the 1972 plane crash in the Andes mountains?
dealing with tensions between individual and group goals
Whereas each personality factor in the OCEAN model is conceptualized as a continuum along which people can vary, types are usually thought of as relatively
discrete categories
Individuals who are willing to confront their own views are using
double loop learning
Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Reverend Jim Jones can all be described as which type of leader?
What is the definition of leadership that highlights the directing and controlling aspects of leadership may deemphasize which aspects of leadership?
Which of the following are pairs in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?
extraverted or introverted
Which technique is especially useful for assessing and improving a manager's planning and time management techniques?
in-basket exercises
An effective leadership development program will
include coursework examining foundational theories and leadership concepts.
How Parrado managed to convince the survivors of the 1972 Andes plane crash to stage and support the final expedition would be most likely examined by researchers who define leadership as which of the following?
influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals
Which of the following best describes a leader?
The interactional framework takes Hollander's transactional approach to leadership one step further by additionally exploring
Leader ship is a process...
not a position.
Explanations we develop for the characteristics, behaviors, or actions we attend to are called which of the following?
"I enjoy going to school" is a behavior associated with which of the factors in the OCEAN model of personality?
openness to experience
A leadership development program that uses wilderness survival techniques is probably focusing on
personal growth
A way to assess public reputation is by taking which of the following?
personality tests
As the pace of change in the business world continues to increase, we should expect which of the following?
personality traits to play an increasingly important role in leader behavior
Management is often associated with which of the following terms?
People with street smarts have a high level of which type of intelligence?
Which type of follower is likely to be a mediocre performer who is rarely committed to the group's work goals?
One meaning of personality refers to the impression a person makes on others. This view of personality emphasizes a person's
public reputation
Which of the following is a leader development technique that best allows individuals to actually practice skills?
Academic programs to develop social responsibility and engagement in the local community use which of the following?
service learning
Task, stress, and the environment are all part of which component of the interactional framework?
Rick Aberman defined emotional intelligence as which of the following?
the degree to which thoughts, feelings, and actions were aligned
Which of the following refers to the intriguing finding that female candidates for an executive position are more likely to be hired than equally qualified male candidates when an organization's performance is declining?
the glass cliff
The term perceptual set refers to
the notion that we are selective in what we attend to and what we perceive.
Which of the following is not an area of study by leadership researchers?
the personality of followers
Which definition of leadership appears to exclude informal leadership?
the process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired manner
What is not an example of how researchers have defined leadership?
the success and failure of an organization
Fundamental attribution error can best be described as
the tendency to overestimate the dispositional causes of behavior and underestimate the environmental causes when others fail.
Which theory focuses on what a leader does when solving complex mental problems?
the triarchic theory of intelligence
Which of the following is true of college professors who are considered leaders?
they are both born and made
Which of the following illustrates leader development?
training designed to develop one's skill in giving feedback to another person
Recurring regularities or trends in a person's behavior refers to the person's
One of the most comprehensive and compelling theories of intelligence developed and tested over the past 30 years is Sternberg's
triarchic theory of intelligence.
A leader who takes risks and actions in a crisis is which of the following?
Define the Great Man Theories (1840 onwards):
"Great leaders are born and destined to lead"- innate ability
Define Transformational Theories (1985-2010):
"Great leaders inspire and transform followers"
Define Trait Theories (1910-1948):
"Great leaders possess certain traits/personality characteristics that are needed for leadership"- innate ability
Define Contingency Theories (1967-1990):
"Great leadership is specific to a situation in which it is being exercised" "Different situations need different great leaders"
Define Transactional Theories (1985-2010):
"Leadership is a contract between leader and follower"
Define Behaviorist Theories (1950-1970):
"No... Great Leaders "behave" in certain ways... its behavior not" - innate ability
Leadership is interactional...
(emergence and effectiveness... the process of interaction
Why should Businesses care about "Emotional Intelligence", according to Dr. Priya?
- $1300/1 - annual salary increase - 80:20 - EQ: IQ... - 4x more powerful for leaders - 58% - of the performance in all types of jobs (accounted for by EQ) - 15-20 % - outperformance of annual target via EI - 83% - people high in self awareness who are high performers
Where does stress come from?
- Time stressors ex) due dates - Encounter stress ex) seeing someone you like/having to ride a roller coaster - Situational stress ex) have someone there to give you perspective - Anticipatory stress ex) marriage --> Having cold feet ---> find a way to distract yourself
Define and explain the Pygmalion Effect:
-Self Fulfilling prophecy: - The phenomenon in which people's expectations of themselves or others lead them to behave in certain ways that make those expectations come true.
EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) according to Dr. Priya?
1) Self Awareness- Being able to pick up accurate emotions 2) Self Management- What I need to do so that this emotion is not destructive (knowing when to walk away) 3) Other Awareness - are you able to pick up on someone else's emotional state 4) Other/Relationship Management- understanding how to behave so that you can change other people's emotional state
What are the main reactions to stress?
1. Fight - irritable/ loss of temper/ defensiveness 2. Flight - avoidance/ anxiety/ fear 3. Freeze - numbing/ detachment/ giving up easily
What do we evaluate to be a good leader?
1. Leader Emergence 2. Leader Effectiveness
What is the Five Factor Model?
1. Openness: a) The Scale of close-mindedness ---> open to new experiences 2. Conscientiousness: b) The scale of being disorganized ---> Conscientiousness (organized) 3. Extraversion: c) The scale of being introverted ---> extraverted 4. Agreeableness d) The scale of being disagreabale ---> agreeable 5. Negative Emotionality (Neuroticism) e) The scale of being calm/relaxed ---> Nervous/hig- strung AKA: OCEAN
Define and explain the distortions of perception:
1. Stereotyping- age/gender/race ex) Blondes tend to be dumb/people who ware glasses are more intelligent etc. 2. Implicit Bias- Unknown Biases - Learn how to avoid implicit biases 3. Halo Effect- cognitive bias/horns effect ex of halo effect- hire because of looks (height/no tattoos) ex of horns effect-the opposite of the halo effect/will not hire someone because they have tattoos 4. Primacy and Recency- the tendency to remember events or words at the beginning or end of an event/list. 5. Casual Attributions - fundamental attribution error - self serving bias - internal - in your control - external - out of your control
What is perception according to Dr. Priya?
1. selective attention - what we pay attention to 2. interpretation and evaluation - how you interpret or evaluate something (what was it I noticed and what does it mean) 3. stored in memory - if you did not notice you will not remember (remember it as a person, concept, event, or all three) 4. retrieving from memory- how you store it
What are the Main Causes of Stress:
46% - workload 28% - people issues/personal lives 20% - juggling work 6% - lack of job security
What is stress? How do we manage stress? How do it effect us as humans?
According to the American Psych Association: - 61% of workers list heavy workloads as a significant impact on stress loads - 45% of workers report that job insecurity has a significant impact on stress levels - 54% of workers are concerned about health problems due to stress - 25% of workers have taken a mental health day to cope with stress
Explain Single and Double Loop Learning
Assumptions -> Actions-> Results Why we do what we do-> What and how we do-> What we get
Which is true of in-groups?
Commitment to leaders is relatively high among members of the in-group.