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the best managers base goal on the statement

"Work Toward This"

women engage in __________ responce as a dominate behavioral response to stress?

"tend-and-befriend" behaviors in response to stress. Nurturing and befriending behaviors among females have been beneficial under conditions of stress,

The Keirsey inventory first identifies you as one of four basic temperaments:

(1) artisan, (2)guardian, (3) rational, or (4) idealistic.

Self awareness competencies are comprised of three elements:

(1) emotional awareness, (2) accurate self-assessment, and (3) self-confidence. Individuals with a high degree of self-awareness

social awareness is linked to six competencies:

(1) empathy, (2) expertise in building and retaining talent, (3) organizational awareness, (4) cross-cultural sensitivity, (5) valuing diversity, and (6) service to stakeholders.

Achievement-oriented leadership

The person is practical, efficient, and concerned with obtaining results.

Security or stability.

The person needs security or tenure in a job or an organization.


The person needs to be able to define his or her own work and needs to do it in his or her own way. Flexibility is the key.

Pure challenge.

The person needs work that requires the opportunity to solve seemingly unsolvable problems.


The person requires the opportunity to balance and integrate his or her personal and family needs as well as the requirements of the career.

Human oriented leadership

The person views people and relationships in a positive manner, a humanitarian.

emotional challenge

refers to any real or perceived threat to our security, self-image, or sense of self-worth that stimulates our instinctive self-protective tendencies to either withdraw or become aggressive.

interpersonal orientation

refers to behavior and interpersonal relationships in addition to personal and psychological inclinations regarding others. Moreover

Personality style

refers to the manner in which individuals gather and process information

organizational behavior deals with virtually all aspects of organizations and management, but it does so from the

perspective of people.

Mind mapping uses

pictures and images to define a vision, a problem, or a situation.

Social skills

proficiency in managing relationships and building networks to get the desired result from others, reach personal goals, build rapport, and find common ground.

Because of its emphasis on individual behavior, contemporary organizational behavior draws heavily from the field of


Models of Decision Making?

rational model, organizational process model, governmental politics. model, .........

Resistance stage of stress

reaction reappear and energy becomes depleted. Eventually, adaptive mechanisms collapse and exhaustion occurs

You can experience stress anytime you are put in the position of having to adapt or change.



expands an idea to a new application (e.g., many jurisdictions have borrowed the fast-food idea and created drive-through services, such as book drops in libraries).

Theory Y

humanistic view of people, emphasizing the inherent worth of individuals in organizations.

The symbolic analogy uses an

image or symbol to represent the problem.

Managers who lack the maturity and self-confidence to act independently are likely to be ineffective in managing others and in serving the public.


Organizational behavior has a different orientation from that of other organizational management perspectives because the starting point is the person.


Organizational behavior is a way of thinking and acting that is of critical importance and value to people who work in public organizations.


Recognizing the symptoms of stress overload is the first step in finding ways of coping with and managing stress more effectively.


The Taylor studies pointed the way toward a greater acceptance of the importance of social factors at work.


The intuitive needs a sensing type to bring facts to inspect, to attend to detail, to inject patience, and to notice what needs attention.



"Doing all the right things to get the job done"

Watch and read how others handle change.

Learning from the experiences of respected managers and leaders also is helpful.

middle management make the decision on

Non-programmed and programmed decisions; risky and certain decisions


on the other hand, are the dreamers and big thinkers.

McGregor concluded that ____________ is the main distinguishing characteristic of the successful unit.

"unity of purpose"

Women are more likely to engage in "fight-or-flight" as the dominant behavioral response to stress.


Anita is interested in rewards for effort and personal gain. Which of the following value orientations does she have?


In the organizational process model, decision makers are:

Forced to make incremental changes based on standard operating procedures

Which level of the self places a premium on the potential for personal connection?


9. Account for individual differences.

Try to account for individual differences, and do not overgeneralize or project your own preferences onto others.

Stress causes

Wasted Time Poor Productivity & Mistakes Absenteeism & Attitude Accidents Apathy, Boredom, Attention Entitlement! Wasted Resources Burnout, Cynicism and Despondency...

cost-benefit analysis

a decision-making process in which you compare what you will sacrifice and gain by a specific action

RAPID decision making tool

assigning clear roles and responsibilities Recommend. Agree. Perform. Input. Decide.

(Theory X)

based on assumptions of people as lazy, uninvolved, and motivated solely by money—actually caused people to behave in a manner consistent with those expectations.


supervision that is controlling and limiting, (where employees are closely monitored, allowed few choices, denied opportunities to participate in decisions, and pressured to think, act, or behave in particular ways—can easily thwart creativity.

impostor phenomenon

think that they have fooled those around them and may be found out as a fraud.

therories of creativity

intergrated perspective creativity as behavioral , creativity as a process


is a method of generating a large number of ideas in a short period of time (increase creative thinking and generate solutions by prohibiting criticism)


is a nonspecific bodily response to anything that places a demand on us

Career orientation

is a self-perceived talent, motive, or value that serves to guide, stabilize, and integrate a person's career (Schein, 1978).


is a technique developed by Gordon (1961) for improving creative problem-solving. The word _______ means joining together different and apparently unconnected or irrelevant elements.

motivation in the public sector

is aimed at the achievement of public purposes.

people who seek to manage others must first

learn to manage themselves

Fantasy Analogy

you might ask yourself, "What is my wildest fantasy about how to make this work?" The purpose is to imagine the best of all possible worlds or outcomes.

Idealists (NF) Tend to be

••Enthusiastic ••Romantic ••Intuitive ••Kindhearted ••Intense ••Authentic ••Symbolic ••Inspiring

Artisans (SP) Tend to be

••Playful ••Optimistic ••Sensual ••Unconventional ••Daring ••Impulsive ••Excitable ••Adaptable

Rationals (NT) Tend to be

••Pragmatic ••Skeptical ••Analytical ••Independent ••Strong willed ••Logical ••Even tempered ••Curious

Guardians (SJ) Tend to be

••Responsible ••Helpful ••Hardworking ••Sociable ••Loyal ••Stable ••Traditional ••Law-abiding

Cognitive biases in decision making and the incentive systems they create can negatively skew behavior.


An integrated view of creativity is not useful for public administrators and students of organizational behavior.


As a life event, "marriage" is considered to be more stressful than "marital separation."


Positive organizational behavior seeks to accentuate the negative in order to provide solutions.


The Hawthorne effect refers to the way in which human relationships influence the behavior of workers.


There is a unified theory of creativity with a universally accepted definition.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs was based primarily on his observations in a(n) _______ setting.


Question Type


personal analogy

you actually imagine yourself as the object or problem.

decision makingFORMULA:

Self Knowledge + Creativity + Stress Management = Good Decision Making

value at maturity

virtues that are believed to be internal but are not innate and have outward consequences.


"Making sure that the right job gets done"

keep a journal

A journal allows you the opportunity to engage in self-reflection and self-critique over a sustained period of time.

Governmental Politics Model

A model of decision making that emphasizes the bargaining, compromising, arm twisting, and favor trading occurring within bureaucratic organizations.

A componential theory of creativity does not take into account:

Ability to break things down into small components

Strength based approach

Approach that focuses first on capabilities when working with a client.

It is necessary to be artistic, eccentric, or mentally unusual to be creative.


Maslow conceptualized human needs in a descending hierarchy from highest level needs to the lowest level needs.


McClelland suggested that motivations and behavior can be changed by manipulating rewards and punishments


The first level of skill development in any discipline involves ________.

Cognitive knowledge

Personality dementions (the Big Five Dimensions)

Conscientiousness 2Extraversion/introversion 3Openness to experience 4Emotional stability 5Agreeableness

Which of the following is not a decision making approach as per the garbage can model?

Decision making by fight

emotional stability

Degree to which a person is anxious, depressed, angry, and insecure


Degree to which a person is courteous, likable, good-natured, and flexible


Degree to which a person is dependable, responsible, organized, and forward looking (plans ahead)

openness to experience

Degree to which a person is imaginative, broad-minded, curious, and seeks new experiences

Which of the following is not a direct negative consequence of stress?

Delays in project time-lines

Which of the following questions should you ask when analyzing the group level in public organizations?

Do employees feel like part of a team?

symptoms of stress

Dry mouth, Rapid heartrate Restlessness Muscle ache Stomach ache Head ache Insomnia Eating disorder Substance Abuse

People can easily change personality types.


According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the "what" of government refers to:


The _______need speaks to our desire to have the recognition and attention from others.


Which of the following are not considered impediments to creativity?

Exploring multiple options

All decisions should be treated alike.


Which of the following researchers explored the importance of organizational culture?

Frederick Taylor

The objective of the brainstorming method is to:

Generate the greatest quantity (and not quality) of ideas

Which of the following is not a model on decision making?

Geopolitical economics model

Which of the following may not be considered behaviors manifested by attempts to cope with physical symptoms of stress?

Getting angry

Allowing people to participate in the decisions affecting their work:

Gives them a greater sense of control

Which of the following statements will be a likely scenario in the future?

Global complexity will increase in the future and effective leadership will be needed

Which of the following management functions involves converting plans to action by establishing schedules and standards?


Expectancy theories suggest that if people believe that they possess the skills and abilities needed, their _________ will result in good performance.

Hard work

Which of the following is not a symptom of stress?

Heart beating slowly

McClelland found that individuals with ________ power needs are more sensitive to power-related stimuli.


What are The Goals of Good Decision Making?

High Quality Timely Understandable Acceptable Replicable

Use past behavior as an indicator—but not necessarily a predictor—of future behavior.

How someone behaved in the past might indicate how he or she will behave in the future, but you should not ignore the possibility of change.

consultative decision

I consult with staff, advisors, others, then decide

"Judging ideas too quickly" and "Defining the problem incorrectly" are examples of:

Impediments to creativity

Talk regularly with people you trust.

In addition to self-reflection and self-critique, the insights and support of trusted friends can be a great boost to developing your confidence and self-esteem.

Creativity as a Process

In this view, creativity is a highly complex phenomenon involving multiple phases and stages.

Managers who are creative and have opportunities to use their creativity on the job are:

Less likely to want to leave their organization

Coping With and Managing Stress

Lifestyle Adjustments Attitude Adjustment Social Support Emotional Regulation Taking Control of Your Time Job Redesign Other Organizational Factors ("fit" between people and their organizational environment)

________ refers to our attitudes toward the extent to which we have control of our own destiny.

Locus of control

All the following are contributing factors to stress in everyday life, except:

Lottery tickets

The term emotional challenge refers to any real or perceived threat to our security, self-image, or sense of self-worth that stimulates our instinctive self-protective tendencies to either withdraw or become aggressive.


Which sociologist laid out the principles that govern hierarchical organizations?

Max Weber

Top Management make the decision on

Non-programmed and uncertain decisions

Which of the following is an assumption of Theory X?

People are naturally lazy and work as little as possible

Which of the following is an assumption of Theory Y?

People seek and accept responsibility

The decision roles should be determined by the:

Person in the applicable role at the right time

Synectics uses four types of metaphors. Which of the following is not one?

Physical analogy

Lower Management make the decision on

Programmed and certain decisions

Which of the following is not a category in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Psychological needs

Michelle tends to be pragmatic and strong-willed. Which of the following temperaments does she exhibit?


The RAPID model stands for:

Recommend, Agree, Input, Decide, Perform

Programmed decisions are those that are:

Repetitive and routine

Cassandra is defending the work unit's activities to groups outside of the agency. Which of the following management functions is she engaging in?


When people have opportunities to exercise creative problem solving, and have success in doing so, they can experience positive emotions, which can lead to more creativity.


Which of the following is NOT a competency associated with the social management component of emotional intelligence?


Which of the following may be viewed as attempts to manage and control time?

Skipping meals

Jonathan has called a meeting to recognize performance. He is engaging in which management function?


In Synectics, which type of metaphor uses an image to represent the problem?

Symbolic analogy

After much analysis, Bill decides to reconfigure work teams to address certain types of cases. Which level of analysis is Bill addressing?


Unhelpful Strategies to control time

Talking with friends, Getting angry,Crying,Distancing self from the stress,Withdrawing from others

Fredrick Taylor: Scientific Management

Taylor's overall purpose was to make people, whom he assumed to be naturally lazy and stupid, more productive.

Projection is a mental shortcut:

That makes it seem that it is easy to understand others

Ideational fluency means:

The ability to generate several alternatives

alarm stage

The first stage of the general adaption syndrome, includes the fight or flight response

General manager competence.

The person desires to climb to a leadership level in an organization so as to enable integration and coordination of the efforts of others.

Entrepreneurial creativity.

The person desires the opportunity to create an organization or enterprise of his or her own—built on the person's abilities—and is willing to take the necessary risks and obstacles.

Service/dedication to a cause.

The person is driven by a desire to pursue work that achieves something of value, such as helping others.

technical/functional competence

The person is driven by the opportunity to apply skills and continues to develop those skills to an everhigher level.

Theoretical value Type

The person is interested in ordering and systematizing knowledge, likes to reason and think, and is rational and analytical.

Financial Oriented value type

The person is interested in the power of money and in rewards for effort and personal gain.

power-oriented value type

The person is interested in the use, implications, and manifestations of power.

Theory Y managers assume:

There is inherent value of individuals in organizations

Governmental Politics Model

This model acknowledges that decisions in government (and other institutions) are made through a collaborative process that, in reality, bears little resemblance to a single executive making a rational choice.

Discretion in Decision Making

about judging about competing values, choosing a best possible solution, and being free to extend the rights and duties of office"

The behavioral view of creativity focuses on

actions and activities that result in the development of something new. Thus, creativity is something a person does rather than what the person is.

Strive for balance and insight.

although the pressure to perform might seem overwhelming, effective performance can be undermined by excessive "Type A" behavior.


copies a good idea from others (e.g., as cities have experimented and had success with photo-radar technologies in traffic control, other cities have learned from those experiences and followed suit).

Celebrate diversity and what contributions diversity brings to the organization.

evaluate how those differences may add to the organization.

Peter Drucker (1967)

explored the limitations of traditional command-and-control models of organization in stimulating worker productivity, especially in areas in which "knowledge workers" are especially important.

Margaret Wheatley (2006)

extended this notion, encouraging managers and workers in times of uncertainty and chaos to embrace resilience, adaptation, and creativity,

contributing factors of stress

family, friends, significat other, coworkers, competing priorities, crisis,

men engage in __________ responce as a dominate behavioral response to stress?

fight-or-flight ("there may be value in thinking about the fight-or-flight response as only part of a range of equally flexible male responses" )

Focus Groups

focus group consists of 10 to 12 people brought together to discuss a particular topic, usually with the help of a trained facilitator.

interpersonal level

focuses on role relationships, such as supervisor- subordinate and colleague-colleague. basic motivation at this level is that welfare and self-esteem derive from fulfilling one's role-relationship obligations.

collective level

focuses on oneself as member of a group, such as the organization, or of a social category, such as gender. Self-esteem derives from intergroup comparison, and the basic motivation is the welfare of the group (p. 9).

rational decision-making

focusing on the way in which managers secure contributions from their employees by offering appropriate inducements. (Herbert Simon)

Cost-effectiveness analysis

form of program evaluation that assesses outcomes in terms of the costs involved in developing, running, and completing the program

Mind mapping is a technique designed to

help us think visually and spatially about issues and problems.

creativity actives

helps reduce stress

Abraham Maslow (1962)

hierarchy of needs as a way of understanding the complexity of human beings' motivations and desires, and

Section 501(c)(3) organizations are restricted in

how much political and legislative (lobbying) activities they may conduct

Transformational Leadership

leadership that generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-interests for the good of the group

non profits are restricted

lobbying, supporting political candidate , excess benifit

A goal should include...

mile stones and detailed plans

preconventional level

moral reasoning and instrumental values are based on personal needs or

rational process model

move the pieces in a strategic fashion toward the goal of winning the match. This way of understanding the situation—focusing on the goal as well as strategies and tactics to reach that goal—

intergrated perspective on creativity states that

mutual influence of personal factors, environmental characteristics, and the nature of the task.

Rensis Likert

personal development of the individual in the context of the organization; organizational effectiveness was a function of the interpersonal competence of team members and the extent to which the organization supported positive norms.


requires that we reveal ourselves to others through verbal or nonverbal means. We disclose our beliefs, values, and desires not only through conversation but also through artifacts and nonverbal communication.

when goverments fail we look towards


vertical thinking

occurs when a problem is defined in a single way, and there are no deviations or alternative definitions considered until the solution is reached.


on Degree to which a person is sociable, talkative, assertive, active, and ambitious

cognitive knowledge

or an intellectual understanding of the basic technical skills that the discipline requires, such as a correct bat swing, a proper brush stroke, a perfect vibrato, or a proper approach to organizational change.

Effective Characteristics of managers

organizational : 1broad perspective 2strategic view 3 environmental sensitivity team: 1 action oriented 2 flexibility 3result focused 4 leadership Personal: 1.communication 2. technical competence 3. interpersonal sensivitivy

Creativity is directly and positively linked to

organizational effectiveness and to improvements in quality and productivity. It increases the quality of solutions to organizational problems, helps to stimulate innovation, revitalizes motivation, and promotes team performance

Locus of control refers to

our attitudes toward the extent to which we have control of our own destiny

creativity verification stage

testing and verifying the idea or insight as viable.


the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods and regulate your own behavior, propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence.

emotional intelligence

the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions

Evidence-Based Management

the basing of managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence -Learning about cause-effect -Isolating the variations that affect desired outcomes. -Creating a culture of evidence-based decisionmaking and research participation. -Using information-sharing communities to reduce overuse, underuse, and misuse of specific practices. -Building decision supports to promote practices the evidence validates, along with techniques and artifacts that make the decision easier to execute or perform (e.g., checklists, protocols, or policies). -Having individual, organizational, and institutional factors promote access to knowledge and its use. It is important to create ways to make sure information is broadly

fight or flight response

the initial reaction of the body to stress during the alarm stage

intrinsic motivation

the motivation to work on something because a person wants to—because it is exciting, satisfying, involving, challenging, and personally interesting. A

Organizational behavior has a different orientation from that of other perspectives because it has a different focus. In organizational behavior, the starting point is

the person.


the purpose of an organization


the type of people who try to find better ways of doing their work.

Self Management

•self-control •trustworthiness •integrity •initiative •comfort with ambiguity •openness to change •desire to achieve

Social skills: five competencies associated with this are

(1) leadership, (2) effectiveness in leading change, (3) conflict management, (4) influence/communication, and (5) expertise in building and leading teams. All of these competencies are discussed in this book.

six types of self-awarness

(1) personal values (to provide personal standards and moral judgment), (2) personality style (to assist in the acquisition and evaluation of others), (3) interpersonal orientation (to measure interpersonal needs), (4) locus of control (to assess attitudes toward control of an individual's own destiny), (5) career orientation (to match the individual with the organization), and (6) self-disclosure (to reveal ourselves to others).

The seven competencies associated with self-management

(1) self-control, (2) trustworthiness, (3) integrity, (4) initiative, (5) adaptability and comfort with ambiguity, (6) openness to change, and (7) a strong desire to achieve.

Schutz's (1958) classic theory of interpersonal orientation states that three interpersonal needs must be satisfied if the individual is to function effectively and avoid unsatisfactory relationships:

(1) the need for inclusion, (2) the need for control (3) the need for affection.

Synectics uses four types of metaphors in this process:

(1) the personal analogy, (2) the direct analogy, (3) the symbolic analogy, and (4) the fantasy analogy

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs(food water, shelter), (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization (travel, leisure, dreams, goals)

creativity : concentration stage

, the energy and resources of the person (or of the organization) are focused on solving the problem. The individual, in essence, concentrates his or her efforts on the problem or situation

Enhancers of creativity

-"Make it So" from the top -Challenging work -Supportive supervisors -Trust -Responsibility & Accountability -Culture of Inquiry -Commitment to excellence -Upholding and uplifting mission -Sharing success stories -Balancing pressure with relaxation/reflection -Rewarding & acknowledging accomplishment

Enhancing Your Personal Creativity

-Be aware. -Be persistent in your vision and values -Consider all of your alternatives. -Entertain your intuition. -Assess your alternatives -Be realistic in your actions. -Evaluate your results.

impediments to creativity

-Defining problem incorrectly -Judging ideas too quickly -Stopping the process at the first actionable idea -Lack of support for implementation -Withholding knowledge -"Crisis Intervention" culture -Permission vs Forgiveness

Organizational behavior in the public sector can be seen as resulting from the interactions and influences among these levels.

-Governance in the Public Interest -Organizational Influences -Group Processes -The Individual

leadership theories

-Trait approach -Style Approach -Situational Approach -Contingency Readiness -Directive -Supportive Participative

Motivation is not:

-directly observable -always conscious -directly controllable

creative process

1 preparation, 2 concentration, 3 incubation, 4 illumination, verification

Performance Management

1) learn what is happening in a society, community, or program; (2) use the information to steer and control resource allocation and policy decisions; and (3) attend to communication and accountability.

identified five self-imposed barriers to leadership positions in their work

1)occurs when we overemphasize personal goals as opposed to what is best for the organization. 2) results from being overly distracted by our own self-image. 3) involves turning our competitors or those we don't get along with into enemies. 4)occurs when we believe we must lead alone. On the contrary, we need allies that can help us handle both our overconfidence and our insecurities. 5)same patience that is necessary in some circumstances may actually stand in the way of our promotion or progress. 6)involves having to overcome self-doubt.

The Hawthorne experiments showed that

1)people change their behavior when they know they are being observed 2) concluded that human relationships influenced the behavior of workers and, consequently, that new hypotheses were needed to explain worker behavior. [The __________experiments showed that human behavior and motivation are complex, being influenced by attitudes, feelings, and the meanings that people assign to their work and their relationships at work.]

disqualified person

1. Any person who was, at any time during the five-year period ending on the date of the transaction involved, in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the organization (whether such influence is formal or informal); 2. A family member of an individual in the preceding category; or 3. An entity in which individuals described in the preceding categories own more than a 35 percent interest.

"How" of Management: Effectiveness Characteristics

1. Broad perspective— 2. Strategic view— 3. Environmental sensitivity— 4. Leadership— 5. Flexibility— 6. Action orientation— 7. Results focus— 8. Communication— 9. Interpersonal sensitivity— 10. Technical competence—

A number of practical steps can be taken to bolster creativity

1. Debunk the myths of creativity. All people have creative potential; 2. Change your vocabulary. Nothing squashes creativity faster than a negative response. 3. use participatory management approaches. 4. Make time and information available for creativity and innovation. 5. Analyze your organizational climate. Ask yourself the following questions: Does your organizational climate encourage or hinder creativity? 6. Relax and let your mind work. 7. Use techniques and tools to foster creativity. and support for the creative process. 8. Identify problems that need creative solutions 9. Make work interesting and do not over supervise. 10. Challenge yourself and others to be creative.

following behavioral guidelines might help in implementing decision methods correctly.

1. Define and verify the problem fully and accurately. 2. Use the problem to generate solutions. 3. Prevent premature evaluations of solutions. 4. Provide a climate that values disagreement. 5. Provide a climate that values diversity. 6. When possible, gain consensus from all of those affected while avoiding premature consensus building.

The "What" of Management: Functions

1. External awareness 2. Interpretation— 3. Representation— 4. Coordination— 5. Planning— 6. Guidance— 7. Budgeting— 8. Managing materials 9. Personnel management— 10. Supervision— 11. Monitoring— 12. Evaluation—

Ways of Acting

1. Focus on learning from your administrative experience. 2. Keep a journal. 3. Talk regularly with people you trust. 4. Watch and read how others handle change. 5.Strive for balance and insight. 6. Set an example. 7. Carefully examine the explanations that you give. 8. Look for several causes. 9. Account for individual differences. 10. Use past behavior as an indicator—but not necessarily a predictor—of future behavior. 11. Recognize personality differences. 12. Celebrate diversity and what contributions diversity brings to the organization.

Stages in the Rational Model:

1. Pre-analysis phase. Situations are defined. 2. Analytic phase. Situations that affect goals are perceived, and information about them is gathered. 3. Design phase. Options are crystallized to deal with the situation. 4. Choice phase. Alternatives are evaluated, and the optimal choice is selected. 5. Implementation phase. The alternative that is chosen to meet the specific situation is implemented.

Schein (1978) described eight typical "career anchors" or different orientations to those things that a person desires from his or her career.

1. Technical/functional 2. General manager c 3. Autonomy/independence. 4. Security or stability. 5. Entrepreneurial creativity. 6. Service/dedication to a cause. 7. Pure challenge. 8. Lifestyle.

Personal Values Inventory describes six different value orientations:

1. Theoretical. 2. Power oriented. 3. Achievement oriented. 4. Human oriented. 5. Industry oriented. 6. Financial oriented.

For those things that you cannot change, you should:

Accept them and use coping skills such as relaxation and exercise to counteract the negative effects of stress

authoritative Decisions

As the leader you consider and decide

Which of the following value orientations is practical, efficient, and concerned with obtaining results?


Debunk the myths of creativity.

All people have creative potential; it is not limited to

The trait perspective on creativity assumes that personal characteristics:

Are more important than the organizational environment in which the person works

set an example

As a manager, you should not just be concerned with developing your own maturity and self-confidence; you should also encourage and energize others to develop theirs.

There are some who thrive on Stress

Athletes, Dancers, Performers Soldiers, Surgeons, Trauma Room Staff Police, Fire, Emergency Workers Other First Responders (Disaster Relief) Red Cross, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity Sales People, Quota System Litigators Commission/Contingency Compensation

The ability to see the big picture and to balance long- and short-term considerations is part of which management function?

Broad perspective

we can think in terms of building blocks for effective decision-making

Building Block 1 is to smoke out the issue. -Ask yourself why a decision is necessary. What is or is not the problem? What is, should be, or could be happening? Building Block 2 is to state your purpose Building Block 3 is to set your criteria. (1) What do you want to achieve by any decision you make? (2) What do you want to preserve by any decision you make? (3) What do you want to avoid by any decision you make?

Recognize personality differences.

Consider personality differences when selecting assignments.

When you find yourself experiencing the negative signs of excessive stress, such as depression, anger, anxiety, health problems, and excessive drinking, you should:

Consult a professional, seek assistance through your EAP, or consult your doctor

Bill knows that it is against company policy to report incorrect hours on his timesheet and therefore always reports the correct number of hours he has worked. Based on this, Bill is in the ________ stage of moral development.


Which of the following views on creativity adds the element of usefulness, thereby distinguishing creativity from simply bizarre or erratic observations?

Creativity as a behavior

A school administrator, who instructs their kitchen staff to donate the leftover lunches to a homeless shelter, although throwing away the food may save the staff time and effort, is operating at the preconventional stage of moral development.


Autonomy does not contribute to the motivation of the workforce.


Human behavior is random and purposeless.


Incrementalism is not a real alternative to the rational model and is not a key concept in the organizational process model.


People who rely on "sensing" are more likely to focus on the future, to see the potential in a situation, and to be highly creative.


People who seek to manage themselves must first learn to manage others.


The global economy has made it easier for front-line managers to motivate employees.


behaviors that attempt to cope with physical symptoms of stress

Increasing alcohol consumption,Eating healthy, Exercising, Deep breathing and relaxation, Smoking more

stress comes from

Individual Factors: Individual sources of stress stem from our personalities or events in our personal lives. Interpersonal Relationships: work also can become stressful when we encounter interpersonal conflicts. Role Ambiguity and Conflict: Organizational roles can be thought of as a set of expectations about what an individual should do. Role conflict occurs when compliance with one role makes it impossible to comply with another role or when individual needs conflict with role demands Workload:perceptions of workload pressures, can cause stress for people in the workplace Intrinsic Nature of the Work: Some public service jobs involve tasks that are inherently stressful. Organizational Justice The perception that we are being treated unfairly can also be a source of stress Organizational Environment lack of participation or involvement in decisions, and poor communication can result in worker stress

John likes to work and sees work as an end in itself. Which of the following value orientations does he have?


Industry oriented value type

Industry oriented. The person likes to work and sees work as an end in itself.

the field provides critically important and highly useful perspectives on motivation, leadership, groups, power and politics, culture, and other matters that directly concern individual and group behavior. what are examples:

Motivating employees Being an effective team member Leading and inspiring others Communicating effectively within and outside of the organization Making effective decisions Using power and politics constructively and ethically Creating and securing commitment to shared values Managing conflict productively Using diversity to enhance organizational performance Helping people to become more innovative and creative

Evaluating whether the unit is receiving adequate funding and central agency support is analysis on the ___________ level.


Organizational behavior emphasizes the study of:

Organizational structures and individual values

The best adjective set that can be positively correlated with creativity is:

Original, humorous, reflective, resourceful

Covey's Time Management Grid

Quadrant I is for the immediate and important deadlines. Quadrant II is for long-term strategizing and development. Quadrant III is for time pressured distractions. They are not really important, but someone wants it now.

social awareness

Social awareness: the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people and skills in treating people according to their emotional reaction.

Which of the following is NOT a component of emotional intelligence?

Social management

SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Action oriented, Realistic, Temporal

Which of the following may not be considered a primarily emotional coping strategy?

Spending less time with family

Countershock phase

The second phase of the alarm reaction, in which the body's defenses are mobilized.

creativity illumination stage

This is the moment of insight or discovery when the answer simply seems to arrive in the person's conscious mind from his or her subconscious mind. It has been called an epiphany, a revelation, or a brainstorm—a sudden realization of something new or novel.

The governmental politics model acknowledges that decisions are made:

Through a collaborative process

Focus on learning from your administrative experience.

To learn from your experience, you must engage in self-reflection and self-critique.

Among the following life events, pick the one, which is least stressful?

Trouble with boss

According to Chester Barnard, a crucial function of managers is to build cooperation within an organization.


An organization can be thought of as the pattern of communication and relationships in a group that provides each member with information and assumptions, goals, and attitudes that enter into his or her decisions.


Eliminating stress is bad for you.


Goal setting can raise expectations and trigger productive self-fulfilling prophecies.


The notion of self-interest acknowledges that rationality is just one of the many potential influences on the decisionmaking process.


The process based viewpoint on creativity involves generation of ideas and testing of ideas.


In terms of ensuring speed in a decision:

We should engage only a few select individuals

Look for several causes.

When attempting to interpret behavior, look for various causes that might have triggered the behavior.

Logic Models to improve program success

how the program is anticipated to work from initial inputs through end outcomes.

participation as a motivator

Workers are motivated by participating in goal setting and the development of rewards, improving methods, and evaluating goal attainment.

Which of the following is not an assumption of Theory Y?

Workers are resistant to change

Carefully examine the explanations that you give.

You might refuse an assignment by saying, "I am too busy to take on this assignment," when, in fact, the assignment simply might not be of interest to you. Although we all have aspects of our jobs that are less enjoyable, knowing our values and preferences can help us to make prudent job choices.

nominal group technique

a decision-making method that begins and ends by having group members quietly write down and evaluate ideas to be shared with the group

acute stress

a short-term stress reaction to an immediate threat

creativity preparation stage

all parts of the problem are thoroughly investigated. This includes consciously gathering and examining information, defining the problem, and generating alternative ideas for addressing the problem.

Group Decision Making

are those all members of the group make, ideally through consensus.

how to fix the cause of stress

ask for help, make people accountable for assignments break it down in smaller steps, change perspectives on road block

Stress can cause

behavior that interferes with our relationships with others. make us accident-prone. can lead to workplace violence. can lead to depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety. financial costs of health care, lost time, and decreased productivity are enormous

organizational process model

being carried out by a loose alliance of semi-independent "organizations," each moving its pieces (e.g., rooks, bishops, pawns) according to some standard operating procedures.


beliefs/ ethics that guid an orginzation conduct while working towars there mission vision

organizational behavior emphasizes _________and __________ values rather than organizational structures and organizational values.

human behavior and individual

If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization

can cause the loss of non-profit status


chage the orgnization is hoping to achive( ie curing all birth defects)

501(c)(3) are

charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and preventing cruelty to children or animals.


combines ideas from various sources into a new whole (e.g., a city police department, a state social service agency, and the courts might create a multiagency approach to dealing with child sexual abuse investigations and prosecutions).

interpersonal skills

communicating motivating others, facilitating groups and teams, employing power and influence. culturally aware


free market economy ,public sector

why we care about creativity

fun, motivation, productivity , problem solving

the management of organizational behavior in the public sector must, in fact, consider a fourth level of analysis—that which concerns

governance in the public interest. In

when market fail we look towards


The Organizational Process Model

government as composed of many loosely allied organizations, each with its own set of leaders. One individual leader rarely can control the behavior of so many different organizations. To accomplish the necessary complex tasks, the behavior of a large number of individuals must be coordinated

Roles in the creative process

innovation, innovation, synthesis,Extension, Duplication

motivation in the public sector

is aimed at the achievement of public purposes. motivating ourselves and others in the public service is critical if we are to fulfill our responsibilities to the citizens and communities we serve.e

In the rational model of decision making, the phases in the decision making are performed:

is the process by which "courses of action are chosen (from among alternatives) in pursuit of organizational goals" Deliberately and consciously

internal locus of control

reflects the belief that what happens in our lives is the result of our own actions (e.g., "I am personally responsible for the grade that I receive in this class").

external locus of control

reflects the belief that what happens is the product of outside forces (e.g., "The poor grade on the exam was the result of the teacher not explaining the material").

The term charitable is used in its generally accepted legal sense and includes

relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.

post conventional level

right and wrong are judged on the basis of the internalized principles of the individual.


sees the obvious before anyone else does. (e.g., some businesses have shown innovation by offering multiple services at one site, such as kiosks in shopping malls or one-stop service centers).

360-degree feedback—

shows a direct correlation between levels of employee engagement and the effectiveness of their supervisors

direct analogy is

similar to the problem or issue in terms of facts, knowledge, or technology.

cronic stress

stress associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person's control

positive organizational scholarship

studies how organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential

Expectancy Theory

the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance(what is expected) , that good performance will be rewarded (what is rewarded), and that they will be offered attractive rewards (what they care about) •Opportunity -- Reward -- Incentive

Results of Bad Decisions in NPO or Public Organizations

•Bad Press •Loss of Respect •Lost Revenues •Lost Time •Opportunity Cost

Design thinking is an approach to

using creativity to solve problems that incorporate graphic and industrial designers' original methods to "engage people, communicate information, generate ideas, or inquire into a design problem"

There are several dimensions of self-awareness.

vision. Assessing Yourself Personal values

stress effects on the workplace

wasted time, absenteeism , lack of communitation, resignation, deterioation of moral, burn out, resentment

highly effective governmental managers and executives, the researchers developed two categories of competencies:

what (management functions) and how (effectiveness characteristics)

Types of Decisions

•Authoritative •Consultative

Typical Approaches to Conflict

•Competition •Head on best one wins •Are we Positioning, Posturing, or Poisoning? •Collaboration •Face this together •Compromise •Give up in order to Get •Avoidance •Denial or Withdrawal •Accommodation •Acquiescence •Good short term strategy but will lead to more conflict if always one-sided

Getting to Yes" Fisher & Ury

•Don't Bargain Over Positions •Separate the People from the Problem •Focus on Interests, Not Positions •Invent Options for Mutual Gain •Insist on Using Objective Criteria •Know Your BATNA

Any method of negotiation may be fairly judged by three criteria:

•It should produce a wise agreement if an agreement is possible •It should be efficient •And it should not damage the relationship between the parties

Trait approach

•Natural born leaders! •Drive, vigor, creativity, initiative, self-confidence, tenacity •Stress Lovers, Ambivalence Masters, High Tolerance for Frustration

Separate the people from the problem

•Negotiators are people first - •You are dealing with human beings, not abstract representatives. They have emotions, deeply held values, and different backgrounds and viewpoints. •Put yourself in their shoes - •Address the other side's concerns

Needs Theory (Maslow)

•Physiological •Safety •Love • Esteem • Self Actualization

supportive leadership

•Provides Psychological Safety •In the face of Ambiguity, •Stress, •Crisis, •Failure to perform!

directive leadership

•Provides very specific guidance •Regarding Tasks & Behavior •Especially useful when employees are dogmatic, •and/or rules are unclear, •or, during times of crisis

Contingency Readiness

•Requires Good relationships! •Adaptive to Employee Ability •Adaptive to Employee Readiness •which is often different from ability •Adaptive to Situation


•Reward & Punishment •Getting Recognized •Getting Caught ---Requires Constant Supervision ----Leads to Selective Morality

Typical Causes of Conflict

•Roles •Stress •Ambiguity •Uncertainty •Scarcity •Respect

Emotional Intelligence Requires

•Self Awareness •Self Management •Social Awareness •Social Skills

participative leadership

•Shared Responsibility, •Accountability, •and Leadership! •Lao Tzu! •Robert K. Greenleaf's "The Servant as Leader"


•Shareholder •Ownership •Greater contribution = greater reward

Situational Approach

•Sometimes Task Focused •Sometimes Relationship/Group Focused •Easy Toggle Between the Two

Style Approach

•What is the Primary Focus? •Focus on the Group, or... •Focus on the Task


•emotional awareness •introspection •accurate self-assessment •self-confidence (the ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effect on others. )

Social Awareness

•empathy •respect •cross cultural awareness •sensitivity •valuing diversity •sense of service •building and retaining talent

What are Social Skills?

•empathy in action •relationship management •communication •leadership •conflict management •building and leading teams

A wise agreement

•meets the legitimate interests of each side to the extent possible, •resolves conflicting interests fairly, •is durable and takes community interests into account.

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Prefixes pre-, mid-, over, bi, out, de-

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Real Property Characteristics, Legal Descriptions, and Property Use

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Chapter 27: The Cold War and The Fair Deal

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