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What are the 5 major management styles of the Leadership Grid?

-Country Club Management: high concern for people, low concern for production -Team Management: high concern for people, high concern for production -Impoverished Management: low concern for people, low concern for production -Authority-Compliance: low concern for people, high concern for production -Middle of the Road Management: moderate concern for people and production

What is the Hierarchy of Needs Theory?

-Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory -proposes that people are motivated by multiple needs and that these needs exist in a hierarchal order Five General Types of Needs: 1. Physiological needs -needs for adequate heat, air, and base salary 2. Safety needs -need for safe jobs, fringe benefits, and job security 3. Belongingness needs -good relationships with coworkers, participation in work group, and positive relationship with supervisor 4. Esteem needs -motivation for recognition, increase in responsibility, high status, and credit for contributions to the org 5. Self-actualization needs -providing opportunities to grow, be creative, and acquire training for challenging assignments and advancement

What are the key characteristics of authentic leaders?

-Pursue their purpose with passion -Practice solid values -Lead with their hearts as well as their heads -Establish connected relationships -Demonstrate self-discipline

What are the 4 content theories?

-The Hierarchy of Needs -ERG -Two-Factor Approach -Acquired Needs

What is job satisfaction?

-a positive attitude toward's one job -people experience this attitude when their work matches their needs and interests, when working conditions and rewards(such as pay) are satisfactory, when they like their coworkers, ad when they have positive relationships with supervisors -link between satisfaction and performance is small and influenced by other factors

What is the Leadership Grid?

-a two dimensional leadership model that measure's the leaders concern for people and concern for production to categorize the leader in one of 5 different leadership styles

What is a vision?

-an attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable -an important component of charismatic and transformational

What is organizational commitment?

-an employee's loyalty to and engagement with the org -likes to be a part of the org and tries to contribute to its success -can promote stronger org commitment by being honest and trustworthy in their business dealings, keeping employees informed, giving them a say in decisions, providing the necessary training and other resources that enable to succeed, treating them fairly, and offering rewards they value

What is communication apprehension?

-an individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with interpersonal communications

What is organizational behavior?

-an interdisciplinary field dedicated to the study of human attitudes, behavior, and performance in organizations

What is Level 5 leadership?

-characterized by an almost complete lack of ego(humility), coupled with a fierce resolve to do what's best for the org. -leaders often seem shy and self-effacing -give credit of successes to other people

What are transactional leaders?

-clarify the role and task requirements of subordinates , initiate structure, provide appropriate rewards, and try to be considerate to and meet the social needs of subordinates -excel at management functions -hardworking, tolerant, fair minded, and take pride in keeping things running smoothly and efficiently -have the ability to lead changes in the orgs mission, strategy, structure, and culture, as well as to promote innovation in products and technologies

What is referent power?

-comes from an individual's personal characteristics that command others' identification, respect, and admiration so they wish to emulate that individual -doesn't depend on formal title or position

What is an effective follower?

-critical, independent thinker who actively participates in the org

How to select the appropriate channel?

-depends on whether the message is 1.routine:simple and straightforward, can be efficiently communicated through a channel of lower richness 2. non-routine: ambiguous, concern novel events, and involve great potential for misunderstanding. communicate effectively through rich channels

Problem with downward communication?

-drop off: the distortion or loss of message content

What are content theories?

-emphasize the needs that motivate people

What are perceptual distortions?

-errors in perceptual judgement that arise from inaccuracies in any part of the perceptual process

What is a passive follower?

-exhibits neither critical independent thinking nor active participation -dont show initiative or responsibility

What are personal communication channels?

-exist outside the formally authorized channels -these informal communications coexist with formal channels but may skip hierarchical levels, cutting across vertical chains of command to connect with anyone in the org.

What is consideration?

-falls in the category of people-oriented behavior and is the extent to which the leader is mindful of subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust

What are extrinsic rewards?

-given by another person, such as a manager, and include pay increases, promotions, and praise

What is the pragmatic survivor style of followership?

-has qualities of all four styles, depending on which fits the prevalent situation -often emerge when an org is going through desperate times

What is a charismatic leader?

-has the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice -impact of charismatic leaders is normally from: 1. stating a lofty vision of an imagined future that employees identify with 2. displaying an ability to understand and empathize with followers 3. empowering and trusting subordinates to accomplish results -skilled in the art of visionary leadership -strong vision for the future

What is upward communication?

-includes messages that flow from the lower to the higher levels in the orgs hierarchy

What is a decentralized network?

-individuals can communicate freely with other team members -members process info equally among themselves until all agree on a decision

What is authentic leadership?

-individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness and authenticity -inspire trust and commitment because they respect diverse viewpoints, encourage collaboration, and help others learn, grow, and develop as leaders

What is information source of power?

-information is a primary business resource, and people who have access to info and control over how and to whom it is distributed are typically powerful

What is listening?

-involves the skill of grasping both facts and feelings to interpret a message's genuine meaning -requires attention, energy, and skill -75% of effective communication is listening, yet only 30-40% of people spend their time listening which leads to communication errors

What is the situational model of leadership?

-links the leader's behavioral style with the readiness level of followers -a task oriented leader style fits a low readiness follower, and a relationship leader style fits a higher readiness follower -Leadership styles of low to high follower readiness are Telling-->Selling-->Participating-->Delegating

What is the biggest difference between management and leadership?

-management promotes stability and order within the existing org structure and systems -leadership promotes vision and change and means questioning the status quo so that outdated, unproductive, or socially irresponsible norms can be replaced to meet new challenges -managers focus on the org, leaders focus on the people

Gender differences in communication?

-men's talk tends to focus on hierarchy,competition for relative power-, whereas women's tends to focus on connection, relative closeness or distance -for women, talking means conversation and is a way to establish connections and relationships- for men, talk is primarily a means to perserve independence and negotiate and maintain status in a hierarchy

What is nonverbal communication?

-messages sent through human actions and behaviors rather than through words

What is personal power? What are the 2 types?

-most often comes from internal sources, such as an individual's special knowledge or personal characteristics 1. Expert power 2. Referent power

What leadership abilities do women do better than men?

-motivating others -fostering communication -producing high-quality work -listening to others -Strategic Planning and Analyzing Issues women and men rated about equally

What are strengths?

-natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills and provide each individual with his or her best tools for accomplishment and satisfaction

What is the halo effect?

-occurs when the perceiver develops an overall impression of a person or situation based on one characteristic, either favorable or unfavorable

What is coercive power?

-opposite of reward power -the authority to punish or recommend punishment -managers have coercive power when they have the right to fire or demotes employees, criticize, or withdraw pay increases

What is a conformist follower?

-participates actively in the org, but doesn't use critical thinking skills -carries out any and all orders regardless of the nature of the request -concerned only with avoiding conflict

What is strategic conversation?

-people talking across boundaries and hierarchical levels about the team or orgs vision, critical strategic themes, and the values that help achieve important goals

What is network of relationships?

-people who are enmeshed in a network of relationships have greater power

What is legitimate power?

-power coming from a formal management position in an org and the authority granted to it -once a supervisor is selected, most employees understand they're obligated to follow their direction

What is expert power?

-power resulting from a person's special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks being performed -when someone is a true expert, others go along with recommendations because of his or her superior knowledge

What is cognitive dissonance?

-psychological discomfort that occurs when individuals recognize inconsistencies in their own attitudes and behaviors -occurs when 2 attitudes or an attitude and a behavior are perceived to be in conflict

What are transformational leaders?

-similar to charismatic leaders, but they are distinguished by their special ability to bring about innovation and change by recognizing followers' needs and concerns, providing meaning, challenging people to look at old problems in new ways, and acting as role models for the new values and behaviors

What is the substitutes for leadership concept?

-situational variables can be so powerful that they actually substitute for or neutralize the need for leadership -substitute for leadership: situational variable that makes a leadership style redundant or unnecessary -neutralizer: situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors

What is reward power?

-stems from the authority to bestow rewards on other people -managers may have access to formal rewards such as pay increases and promotions and have disposal rewards such as praise, attention, and recognition

What is a centralized network?

-team members must communicate through one individual to solve problems or make decisions -can be effective for large teams because it limits the number of people involved in decision making

What is leadership?

-the ability to influence people towards the attainment of organizational goals

What is channel richness?

-the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode -influenced by 3 characteristics: 1. ability to handle multiple cues simultaneously 2. ability to facilitate rapid, two-way feedback 3. ability to establish a personal focus for the communication From High to Low channel richness: face to face communication->phone->electronic messages->letters/memos->reports/bullitens

What is a channel?

-the carrier of a communication, such as a phone call, blog, or text message

What is perception?

-the cognitive process people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting info from the environment

What is initiating structure?

-the degree of task behavior, that is, the extent to which the leader is task oriented and directs subordinate work activity toward goal attainment

What are traits?

-the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, honesty, self-confidence, and even appearance -effective leaders typically possess varied traits, and no single leader can have a complete set of characteristics that's appropriate for handling any problem, challenge, or opportunity that comes along -rather than just understanding their traits, the best leaders recognize and hone their strengths

What is influence? How is it different from power?

-the effect a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others -power is the capacity to cause a change in a person, influence may be thought of as the degree of actual change

What is motivation?

-the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action

What is horizontal communication?

-the lateral or diagonal exchange of messages among peers and coworkers -may occur within or across department

What is interactive leadership?

-the leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority -found to have been associated with female leaders

What is position power?What are the 3 forms?

-the manager's position gives them the power to reward or punish subordinates to influence their behavior 1. Legitimate power 2. Reward power 3. Coercive power

What is downward communication?

-the messages and info sent from top management to subordinates in a downward direction

What is power?

-the potential ability to influence the behavior of others -results from an interaction of leader and followers

What is perceptual sensitivity?

-the process by which individuals subconsciously screen and select the various objects and stimuli that vie for their attention -people typically focus on stimuli that satisfy their needs and that are consistent with their attitudes, values, and personality

What is communication?

-the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior

What are intrinsic rewards?

-the satisfaction a person receives in the process of performing a particular action

What is Fiedler's contingency theory?

-the suitability of a leader's style is determined by whether the situation is considered favorable or unfavorable to the leader -task oriented leaders are considered to perform better in either highly favorable or highly unfavorable situations -relationship oriented leaders are considered to perform better in situations of intermediate favoribility

What is stereotyping?

-the tendency to assign an individual to a group or broad category and then to attribute widely help generalizations about the group to the individual

What are formal communication channels? What are the 3 types?

-those that flow within the chain of command or task responsibility defined by the org -upward, downward, and horizontal

What is a servant leader?

-transcends self-interest to serve others and the org -operate in 2 levels: for the fulfillment of their subordinates' goals and needs for the realization of the larger purpose or mission of their org

What is personal networking?


What is the ERG Theory?


Downward communication encompasses which five topics?

1. Goals and strategies 2. Job instructions and rationale 3. Procedures and practices 4. Performance feedback 5. Indoctrination

What are the 3 types of horizontal communication?

1. Intradepartmental problem solving: takes place among members of the same department and concern task accomplishment 2. Interdepartmental coordination: facilitate the accomplishment of joint projects or tasks 3. Change initiatives and improvements: designed to share info among teams and departments that can help the org change, grow, and improve

What are the 10 keys to effective listening?

1. Listen actively 2. Find areas of interest 3. Resist distractions 4. Capitalize on the fact that thought is faster 5. Be responsive 6. Judge content, not delivery 7. Avoid premature judgement 8. Listen for ideas 9. Work at listening 10. Exercise one's mind

What are five types of info that are communicated upward?

1. Problems and exceptions 2. Suggestions for improvement 3. Performance reports 4. Grievances and disputes 5. Financial and accounting information

What are the 7 interpersonal influence tactics for leaders?

1. Use rational persuasion 2. Make people like you 3. Rely on the rule of reciprocity 4. Develop allies 5. Be assertive-ask for what you want 6. Make use of higher authority 7. Reward the behaviors you want

What is the simple model of motivation?

Need(creates desire to fulfill needs)-->Behavior(results in actions to fulfill needs)-->Rewards(satisfy needs; intrinsic or extrinsic rewards)-->Feedback(rewards informs person whether behavior was appropriate and should be used again)

What is the perception process?

Observe->Screen->Organize Observing information via the senses, screening the info and selecting what to process, organizing the selected data into patterns for interpretation and response

What are the 3 remaining sources of power?

Personal effort, network of relationships, information

What is the model of the communication process?

Sender Encodes Message->channel->Receiver Decodes Message->(return message encoded)->Feedback Loop->(return message decoded)

What is a contingency approach?

a model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific situations -include situational model based on work of Hersey and Blanchard, leadership model developed by Fiedler, and the substitutes-for-leadership concept

What are the 5 styles of followership?

alienated, effective, passive, conformist, and pragmatic survivior

What is an attitude?

an evaluation, either positive or negative, that predisposes a person to act in a certain way -important because attitudes determine how people perceive the work environment, interact with others, and behave on the job

What is self-efficacy?

an individual's strong belief that he or she can successfully accomplish a specific task or outcome -one dimension of self-confidence

What are two basic leadership behaviors identified as important for leadership?

attention to tasks attention to people

What is humility?

being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful

How does a sender encode?

by selecting symbols with which to compose a message and selecting a communication channel; the receiver decodes the symbols to interpret the meaning of the message

What are the 3 components of attitudes?

cognitions(thoughts) affect(feelings) behavior

The five follower styles are categorized by which two dimensions?

critical thinking and uncritical thinking

What are employee-centered leaders?

effective supervisors who established high performance goals and displayed supportive behavior toward subordinates

What is uncritical thinking?

failing to consider the possibilities beyond what one is told, accepting others' ideas without thinking

What is self-confidence?

general assurance in one's own ideas, judgement, and capabilities

What are job-centered leaders?

less effective leaders who tended to be less concerned with goal achievement and human needs and are in favor of meeting schedules, keeping costs low, and achieving production efficiency

What is feedback?

occurs when the receiver responds to the sender's communication with a return message

What is an alienated follower?

passive, yet independent, critical thinker -are capable, but often focus on the shortcomings of their boss

What is personal effort?

people who show initiative, work beyond what is expected of them, take on undesirable but important projects, and show interest in learning about the org and industry often gain power as a result

What is a message?

tangible formulation of an idea to be sent to a receiver

What are the two types of behavior that have been identified as applicable to effective leadership in a variety of situations and time periods?

task-oriented behavior people-oriented behavior

What is organizational citizenship?

the tendency of people to help one another and put in extra effort that goes beyond job requirements to contribute to the orgs success -demonstrates by being helpful to coworkers and customers, doing extra work when necessary, and looking for ways to improve products and procedures

What is a significant influence on leadership styles in recent years?

the turbulence and uncertainty in the environment

What is critical thinking?

thinking independently and being mindful of the effect of one's behavior on achieving goals

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