Management study guide

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Which of the following statements is true of employing disabled employees?

A person with a disability for whom workplace accommodations have been provided has the same obligations and rights as far as job performance.

How does surface-level diversity differ from deep-level diversity?

Surface-level diversity can affect the way people perceive others, especially in terms of assumptions or stereotyping, while deep-level diversity may affect general behavior of people at work.

Which of the following correctly reflects the characteristics of the current U.S. population?

The median age of the U.S. population has risen significantly over the last decade.

Which of the following is the first step in MBO?

The organization's overall objectives and strategies are formulated.

How can managers effectively plan when the external environment is continually changing?

They should be ready to change directions if environmental conditions warrant.

How can managers increase the likelihood of making change happen successfully?

They should give individual employees a role in the change process.

Which of the following is true of the traditional approach to planning?

This approach makes managerial planning thorough, systematic, and coordinated.

A student who never considers breaking into an instructor's office to steal an accounting exam didn't think twice about asking a friend who took the same course from the same instructor last semester what questions were on the exam. What does this example illustrate?

This example illustrates the concept of issue intensity.

Which of the following would be a well-written goal for an online retailer operating in a volatile business environment?

To invoice merchandise worth $200,000, every month, for the next three years.

Which of the following is an assumption associated with traditional goal setting?

Top managers know what is best because they see the "big picture."

Which of the following is one of the problems associated with traditional goal setting?

Transition of strategic goals into departmental, team, and individual goals is difficult

Which of the following statements is true regarding an organization's goals?

Using a single goal such as profit may result in unethical behaviors by employees.

represent basic convictions about what is right and wrong.


defined as the basic convictions about right and wrong decisions and behavior.

Values are

Which of the following is one of the reasons why managers should plan?

When work activities are coordinated around plans, inefficiencies become obvious.

A problem associated with traditional goal setting is that

clarity is lost as the goals make their way down from the top of the organization to lower levels

Appleton would like to build a coal-burning electric generating facility located in a remote area because the cost involved is moderate. Appleton is following which of the social responsibility views?

classical view

Well-written goals are

clear as to a time frame

A ________ is a formal statement of an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow.

code of ethics

Structural component changes include

combining departmental responsibilities

Bruce will be making a presentation to the senior management team to encourage them to support efforts to improve the company's diversity policies and practices. One of the more compelling arguments he can use is

companies with inclusive practices outperformed both the DJIA and NASDAQ and had much higher returns on equity

Shelly was the most senior employee in the department and knew just about everything about everyone else's job. If all employees in the department were cross-trained, Shelly would no longer have an advantage that brought with it special privileges. Shelly's resistance to change came from her

concern over personal loss

At the ________ level of moral development, ethical decisions rely on maintaining expected standards and living up to the expectations of others.


The phrase "My word is my bond" is likely to be spoken by someone at the ________ stage of moral development.


In the process of getting acquainted, John and his new co-worker Bill have discovered they have different tastes in music and books, that one is extroverted and the other introverted, that one prefers working in teams and the other works best alone. They are exploring

deep-level diversity

Mr. Slabaugh wants to formulate a plan that lays out general guidelines for his employees and leaves room for interpretation. Which of the following types of plans would best suit his requirement?


What plans are preferable when uncertainty is high in the business environment?

directional plans

What type of discrimination are older workers in an organization subjected to if they are laid off for being highly paid and having lucrative benefits?

discriminatory practices

What type of discrimination is said to have occurred when certain actions taken by representatives of an organization deny equal opportunity to perform or unequal rewards for performance?

discriminatory practices or policies

Trends observed in the shifting world population indicate that people aged 65 or more will soon outnumber those aged 5 or less. Also, the world's population aged over 80 is expected to more than double by the year 2040. Which of the following is a likely implication of such population trends?

dwindling labor supply

Soon after Jeff was hired as a company accountant, his company developed corporate programs to help improve self-confidence and qualifications of diverse employees so they could "fit in." During which period of time did Jeff start working for his employers?

early 1980s

Falling interest rates are an example of what external force?

economic change

Fred's Donuts is installing new equipment in its bakery. Many employees are fearful they will not be able to operate it. Which of the following courses of actions is best for Fred to use to overcome this employee resistance?

educate employees and communicate with them

Which of the following techniques for reducing resistance to change assumes that much of the resistance lies in misinformation?

education and communication

Ben is selecting members for a problem-solving team. Which of the following team compositions is most likely to result in better team performance?

employees from a variety of ethnic and gender backgrounds

A manager's analysis of the external environment can be improved by ________, which involves screening information to detect emerging trends

environmental scanning

According to the ________ argument on social responsibility, businesses should be socially responsible because responsible actions are the right thing to do.

ethical obligation

The primary debate about ethics training programs is whether

ethics can be taught

The technology change in the manufacturing process of New Ideas, Inc.'s products to make the process more efficient is the result of a competitor lowering its price. Therefore, it was a(n)

external force of change

When Joshua proposed cross-training his employees so absences and vacations would not pose such a problem in productivity, his employees objected. Their resistance came from their

fear that they would be forced out of their habits

Employee A prefers to work flexible hours and to work from home as often as practical. According to research, Employee A is likely to be


Organizational plans can be classified on the basis of their

frequency of use

Goals are different from plans because

goals are desired outcomes, and plans describe how those outcomes will be accomplished

Managers who consider the impact of their organization on the natural environment are said to be practicing

green management

To be named on the Global 100 list, which is announced each year at the World Economic Forum, a company

has to display a superior ability to effectively manage environmental and social factors

Nora has just informed her employer that she is expecting her second child. Her employer immediately moved her to a position of less responsibility and pay and less physical activity. This action is

illegal under the Pregnancy Act

Which of the following managerial styles is traditionally considered to be feminine?


What organizational development technique involves changing the attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that work groups have about each other?

intergroup development

First he was all about innovation. Next it was efficiency. Now Snyder's strategy is customer responsiveness. These changes in strategy are indicative of

internal force of change

When the employees express their concern about their bonus checks, which of the following types of forces of change is in play?

internal force of change

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegal for U.S. firms to

knowingly corrupt a foreign official

Under the concept of social obligation, the organization does what is required by the


Which of the following managerial styles is traditionally considered to be masculine?

leading by example

EPA regulations permit the release of 150 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter of air every 24 hours from paint shops. Utilimotors, a utility truck maker, monitors its emissions so it releases between 140 and 150 micrograms. Which approach of green management does Utilimotors use?

legal approach

Under what approach do organizations exhibit little environmental sensitivity, and simply obey laws, rules and regulations?

legal approach

Which of the following is an example of a cultural variable that fosters innovation?

low external controls

Executives at Macromix have initiated a diversity skills training program to educate employees about the importance of diversity at the workplace. Which of the following should be the first step to be implemented in the program?

making employees aware of the assumptions and biases they may have

Bonnie is discussing with her subordinate Julie the types of projects Julie would like to work on in the coming year. They are setting goals and determining what success would look like. Bonnie and Julie are engaged in

management by objective

In the ________ approach of going green, organizations respond to the environmental preferences of customers.


A ________ is a broad statement of an organization's purpose that provides an overall guide to what organizational members think is important.


What type of discrimination usually involves jokes or negative stereotypes being perpetrated about fellow employees?

mockery and insults

An individual is likely to resist change because of the feeling

of uncertainty

Short-term plans are those covering ________ or less.

one year

Plans that encompass only the production or the sales goals of a company are termed ________ plans.


Which of the following is the best indicator of an organization's real goals?

organizational members' actions

In his exit interview, James, a member of a minority group, mentioned that he had been passed over for promotions in favor of less qualified internal candidates. This situation relates to

organizational performance

Bill has been working his plan for about three months. He is now discussing his progress with Jim, his supervisor. If Bill and Jim are using the MBO planning process, this discussion is called

performance feedback

Differences arising from which of the following factors becomes more important to people as they get to know each other?


Stress symptoms are grouped under the categories of

physical, psychological, and behavioral

Which aspect of planning refers to documents that outline how results are to be achieved?


For ________, the outcome must be unknown, and the outcome must be important.

potential stress to become actual stress

Which of the following benefits of workplace diversity is categorized as strategic?

potential to improve market share

At the ________ level of moral development, a person's choice between right or wrong is based on personal consequences from outside sources, such as physical punishment, reward, or exchange of favors.


Norman is a stickler for following the rules because he is sure he will be caught and punished if he doesn't. What is Norman's level of moral development?


In which of the stages of moral development do individuals stick to rules to avoid physical punishment and follow rules only when doing so is in their immediate interest?

preconventional stage

The unfreezing step of the change process can be thought of as

preparing for the needed change

Pharmacists who decline to dispense drugs that cause abortions are functioning at the ________ stage of moral development.


In which of the following stages of moral development do individuals value rights of others and upholding absolute values and rights regardless of the majority's opinion?

principled stage

Which of the following is the best description of the provisions of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII?

prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or gender

Which of the following benefits of workplace diversity contributes to organizational performance?

reduced costs associated with high turnover and absenteeism

Which of the following perceptions do employers typically have of older employees?

resistant to new technology

Which of the following is the last step in goal setting?

review results and whether goals are being met

An increase in the diversity of his department has led to conflict and animosity. To reduce this and allow his team to become more productive, Lemuel has asked the Human Resources department to provide ________ for his people.

sensitivity training

U.S. federal law does not prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of

sexual orientation

Which of the following was a feature of the period from the late 1980s to the late 1990s in terms of workplace diversity?

shifting from compliance and focusing only on women and minorities to including everyone

A ________ is an individual or organization who seeks out opportunities to improve society by using practical, innovative, and sustainable approaches.

social entrepreneur

If your university was paying minimum wage when necessary and applying the minimum legal standards to its employees work environment, it would be said to have fulfilled its

social obligation

In the United States a company that meets but does not exceed federal pollution control standards and does not discriminate in hiring, promotion, and pay is generally meeting its

social obligation

Carson wants to build an electricity generating plant that uses combustible fuels collected from the city's garbage, and located near the downtown government area so that the steam could be used for heating the government buildings after it has passed through the generating turbines. Carson is being mostly

socially responsive

The ________ view is that management's social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society's welfare.


Baskins wants to build a nuclear plant because this will not add to his city's already serious pollution problem, while taking care of its electricity requirements. Baskins is following which of the social responsibility views?

socioeconomic view

Discrimination refers to

someone acting out their prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their prejudice

When uncertainty is high, plans should be ________ and ________.

specific; flexible

According to Lewin, which of the following is the objective of refreezing?

stabilizing the new situation

In the ________ approach of going green, an organization works to meet the environmental demands of its employees, suppliers, or community.


Under what approach does the organization work to meet the environmental demands of multiple groups of people including employees, suppliers, or the community?

stakeholder approach

Judging a person on the basis of one's perception of a group to which he or she belongs is known as


Robert Downs, owner of a new community newspaper in his home town of Corning, New York, has set the following goal for his company: "To be a champion for free speech and for the development of the community." This goal constitutes the ________ goal of the company.


Top executives are mainly involved in ________ planning.


Williamson is the owner of a small company that sells corporate gifts through an online store. Business has slowed down in recent months and he realizes that the organization must move in a different direction if it is to survive. He has reset some of the company's overall goals and wants to develop a plan to achieve those goals. He is anticipating the business environment to be volatile for next few years. Considering the above information, it can be determined that his plan must be ________, ________, and ________.

strategic; specific; flexible

A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing ________ changes.


Colin believes his organization could be more profitable if it could respond to customers more quickly so he has decided to remove some management layers and increase the remaining managers' span of control. These would be considered changes in

structural components

After several expansions and acquisitions that resulted in duplicate positions of several administrative functions, U.S. Big Corp. decided to reorganize itself around customers rather than around functions. This would amount to a change in

structural design

Jack and Jill are discussing the new hire in their department: her hair color, skin tone, manner of dress, and accent. Jack and Jill are focusing on

surface level diversity

Changes in work processes, methods, and equipment are a part of ________ changes.


When supermarkets and other retailers use scanners that provide instant inventory information, they are adopting ________ changes.


The installation of the new equipment at Fred Fryer's Donuts, Inc., is an example of

technological change

The meaning of "glass" that is used in the term "glass ceiling" signifies

that whatever is blocking the way for women to attain top management positions is not immediately apparent

As chief of new product development for a U.S. consumer goods firm, Carmen should be very aware that ________ is likely to have the greatest influence on consumer preferences for the next few decades.

the aging of the population

The total world population is forecasted to hit 9 billion by 2050, at which point the United Nations predicts the total population will either stabilize or peak after growing for centuries at an ever-accelerating rate. The main reason for this major shift is

the decline in birthrates as nations advance economically

Long-term plans are defined as those with a time frame beyond

three years

One big challenge for managers of diverse workforces is

to provide accommodations for disabilities and religious beliefs that other employees don't view as special treatment

An innovative culture is likely to have

tolerance of conflict

In ________, goals set by top managers flow down through the organization and become subgoals for each organizational area.

traditional goal setting

According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is a stage in the change process?


Your university has tried to promote the establishment of shared values so that all members will understand its beliefs. The university has established ________ management.


Which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that a business is socially responsible only when it pursues its economic interests?

violation of profit maximization

Upper management is pushing hard to increase earnings per share. If Moe yields to this pressure despite misgivings about the use of a non-certified material in the production of climbing equipment, he will be demonstrating

weak ego strength

When is the traditional top-down approach to planning most likely to be effective?

when plans are developed that can actually be used by organizational members

In which of the following areas are consistent male-female differences observed?

work schedule preferences

The ways in which people in an organization are different from and similar to one another is known as

workplace diversity

Which of the following legislations gives individuals the right to sue for punitive damages?

Civil Rights Act of 1991

refers to gathering information about competitors that allows managers to anticipate competitors' actions rather than merely react to them.

Competitor intelligence

Which of the following statements is true of the findings of studies on race and ethnicity in the workplace?

African Americans generally do worse than Whites in decisions related to the workplace.

Which of the following organizations is best suited to promote ethical behavior in its employees?

An organization that has formal rules and regulations in place.

Which of the following examples reflects a socially responsible action by an organization?

Apple has eliminated lead-lined glass monitors from its product line and pioneered reduced-sized packaging that leverages recyclable materials.

In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process are called

change agents

measures the strength of a person's convictions.

Ego strength

refers to the social traits that are shared by a human population.


Which of the following statements is true of planning in dynamic environments?

Flatter organizational hierarchies are necessary for planning in uncertain environments.

Which of the following is true of the impact of formal planning on organizational performance?

Formal planning is associated with positive financial results.

John is offered an attractive incentive to steal sensitive information about his company's wealthy investment customers. Which of the following statements best reflects John's thoughts if he is at the preconventional level of moral development?

I am liable to be criminally prosecuted for my involvement in stealing the information.

Which of the following options is most likely to have the greatest impact in encouraging employees to behave ethically?

Implement a comprehensive ethical program.

is a process of setting mutually-agreed upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance.

Management by objectives

Which of the following statements is true of traditional goal setting?

Managers at each level define goals and apply their own interpretations and biases as they make them more specific.

involves distorting facts to make the change appear more attractive.

Manipulation and co-optation

Which of the following is an example of workplace discrimination in the form of exclusion?

Many women in finance claim they are assigned to marginal job roles or are given light workloads that don't lead to promotion.

is a process whereby an experienced organizational member provides advice and guidance to a less-experienced member.


involves exchanging something of value for an agreement to lessen the resistance to the change effort.


Which of the following statements is true of gender diversity in workplaces?

No consistent male-female differences exist in problem-solving ability, analytical skills, competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning ability.

planning dominates managers' planning efforts at lower levels of the organization.


Which of the following statements is true of the changing trends in U.S. workplaces?

Organizations must recognize that they can't expect employees to assimilate into the organization by adopting similar attitudes and values.

involves bringing individuals directly affected by the proposed change into the decision-making process.


involves defining the organization's goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate work activities.


refers to a preconceived belief, opinion, or judgment toward a person or a group of people.


Which of the following is the last step in MBO?

Progress toward objectives is periodically reviewed, and feedback is provided.

is the biological heritage (including physical characteristics such as one's skin color and associated traits) that people use to identify themselves.


Which of the following is a strategy for managing cultural change

Redesign socialization processes to align with the new values.

creates expectations that may be hard to reconcile or satisfy.

Role conflict

is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interaction.

Sensitivity training

is defined as a business firm's intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society.

Social responsibility

plans are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation.


is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities.


Which of the following is a physical symptom of stress?

changes in metabolism

Which of the following is a favorable condition that will facilitate a cultural change?

a dramatic crisis occurs

If top management set a goal that each store in the company should have sales equal to or greater than $100 per square foot per day, this would be an example of

a financial goal

Which of the following is an example of a standing plan?

a fire escape policy establishing practices to be followed in an emergency

Ang Li has found it rather hard to move up in her managerial career at her workplace especially when compared to how fellow graduate from Tri-Valley, American-born Adam Watson, has managed to become the regional manager of sales in the company. This suggests the presence of ________ in Li's organization.

a glass ceiling

Which of the following is an example of a single-use plan?

a plan developed to install a new computer network

New Ideas, Inc., focuses on new ideas, uses technology that changes frequently, and has strong competition in the market. This situation describes what metaphor of change

a white-water rapids metaphor

New Ideas, Inc., focuses on new ideas, uses technology that changes frequently, and has strong competition in the market. This situation describes what metaphor of change?

a white-water rapids metaphor

Under what approach is the organization driven to look for ways to respect and preserve the earth and its natural resources?

activist approach

A standing plan is _

an ongoing plan that provides guidance for activities performed repeatedly

The effect of planning on managers is that it forces them to

anticipate and respond to change

Changes in eating habits are a ________ symptom of stress.


When a firm advertises that it only uses recycled paper products, it is

being socially responsive

The belief that business involvement can help solve difficult social problems is the ________ argument on social responsibility.

better environment

Which of the following people management benefits arises from workplace diversity?

better use of employee talent

Kathleen likes cats. She believes people who own cats are independent and free spirits. She finds out Linda has a cat. Therefore, Linda is independent and free-spirited. In order, what is happening here?

bias, prejudice, stereotyping

How can managers identify the ethically questionable applicants even before they become part of the workforce?

by including integrity testing in the selection process

Lewin's three-step process is consistent with ________ theory of organizational change.

calm waters

The two metaphors commonly used to describe the two views of the change process are

calm waters and white-water rapids

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