managing marketing info II

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What is the appropriate type of data collection method required to measure the mani reasons behind consumer's lack of interest for an online dating site?

Focus group with projective techniques

What are Measures of Variability?

Frequency distribution Range and Standard Deviation

What is the XLDA order to get Average?

Generalize - Confidence Interval - Average

What is the XLDA order to get percents?

Generalize - Confidence Interval - Percentage

What is Referral Sampling?

It is appropriate when there is a limited sample frame. The method is often used in B2B marketing research situations.

What is sentence-completion test?

Respondents are given incomplete sentences and asked to complete them in their own words

What is frequency distribution?

Reveals the number (percent) of occurrences of each number or set of numbers

What values do Parameter Estimation involve?

Sample statistics, Standard Error and Confidence Level for the Z score

The U.S census is an example of?

Secondary data

What type of research method is appropriate for determining the effects of interactive advertising on consumers' (tweeter) opinions about the advertised product when watching a football game?


What marketing information subsystem gathers information about events and happenings outside the firm?

external environment reporting system

What is the only perfectly accurate sample?

A census

What is a balloon test?

A line drawing with an empty "balloon" above the head of one of the actors is provided to subjects who are instructed to write in the balloon what the actor is saying or thinking.

What is a Sample Frame

A master list of all the members of the population

What is Standard Error?

A measure of variability divided by sample size.

What is the Confidence Interval?

A range whose end points define a certain percentage of the responses to a question

What is a Probability Distribution?

A rule that associates the probability of a variable X assuming a certain value x, P(X=x), to that value

What are depth interviews?

A set of probing questions posed one-on-one to a subject by a trained interviewer so as to gain an idea of what the subject thinks about something or why the subject behaves in a certain way.

What is hypothesis testing?

A statistical procedure used to reject a hypothesis about the population parameter based on sample information.

What does a researcher use when performing simple random sampling?

A table of random numbers, Random digit dialing, Other random selection procedure, Assumes every participant has an ID number

What is the Ratio level of measurement?

A true zero or origin exist.

What is Predictive analysis

Allows one to make forecasts for future events

Why do Sample estimates always have some inaccuracy?

Because of the sample variability

What are the different kinds of response scales?

Categorical and Metric

What are the different response formats

Categorical, Metric, and open-ended

What are the two descriptive measures?

Central tendency and Variability

What is the ordinal/ranking level of measurement?

Classify respondents in groups but those groups have an implicit order. Scale indicates relative size difference between objects.

What is the Nominal level of measurement?

Classify respondents in groups. Scale labels objects

What is the Interval level of measurement?

Classify respondents in ordered groups that have equal distance apart. There is "one" unit of difference between groups.

What is the desirable sampling method when there is a need to survey geographical areas?

Cluster sampling

What type of services does a firm that measures TV ratings offer?

Collects information that is made available to multiple subscribers.

What are effective techniques for defining research objectives?

Conduct a situation analysis, have the decision maker speculate on anticipated consequences, and confront decision makers with each of the possible solutions to a problem and ask if they would follow that course of action.

What are the different kinds of Non- probabilistic methods?

Convenience Sampling, Judgmental sampling, and Quota sampling

What type of exploratory research examines the problem at hand at only one point in time?

Cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies

What are characteristics of a Normal Distribution?

Curve is bell shaped, It is centered at its mean value, The total area under the curve is 1, the mean median and mode are equal, and the curve is about the X-axis

What is the process by which raw data is checked to verify that the data have been correctly entered from the data collection from to the computer software program

Data Cleaning

What is syndicated data?

Data made available only to subscribers

Which of the following is NOT a descriptive research method

Depth interviews

What is an objective of descriptive design?

Describe market characteristics and functions

What is Associative analysis?

Determines the strength and direction of relationships between two or more variables

Which is the correct response format for a question that asks consumers if they have drink one particular brand of beer with a yes/no answer?

Dual-choice categorical

What are statistics used for?

Estimate population parameters

Which method is used for the devising a research setting to attribute changes in one variable solely to in another variable?


What type of research design is appropriate for measuring with unstructured flexible formats containing opinions about iPad air?


What is Cluster Sampling?

Homogeneous groups, any cluster is a good representation of the population. The population is divided into clusters.

What is Range?

Identifies the max and minimum values in a set of numbers

What are objectives of marketing research?

Identify and define marketing opportunities an problems, generate refine and evaluate marketing actions, and improve the understanding of marketing as a process.

What is the standard deviation?

Indicates the degree of variation from the mean value.

What is Directional hypothesis?

Indicates the direction in which you believe the population parameter falls relative to some hypothesized average or percentage.

What are the Metric response formats

Interval and Ratio

What are the synthetic metric scales?

Likert, Semantic differential and Stapel

What are measures of Central Tendencies?

Mean Mode and Median

What is a non-probabilistic sampling method?

Members of the population do not have the same probability of being selected.

What are the Categorical Response formats

Nominal and Ordinal

What are advantages to person administered surveys?

None of the above

What does a natural metric format use?

Numbers to measure the property

What is a Probabilistic or random sample

One in which every member of the population has an equal chance or probability of being selected into that sample.

What is the sign for Categorical?


What is role-playing?

Participants are asked to pretend they are a "third person" such as a friend or neighbor and to describe how they would act in a certain situation or to a specific statement

What is Online Panel Sampling?

Participants are sampled from a consumer panel. They are very convenient because the response rate is higher compared to any other sampling method.

What is Invitation Only Sampling?

Potential respondents are previously notified that they might fill out an online survey sent through an email.

Test markets are commonly used during what stage o the produce life-cycle?


What are the two types of sampling methods?

Probabilistic and non probabilistic

What is the only sampling plan that results in representative samples?


What are the different kinds of Online Sampling methods?

Random Online Intercept sampling, Invitation only sampling, and Online panel sampling

What is a word association test?

Reading words to a respondent who then answers with the first word that comes to mind

What is Random Online Intercept Sampling?

Relies on a random selection of website visitors.

What is Systematic Sampling

Selects a random sample from a directory or list more effectively. Begins at a random starting point in the list, then "skips" the list in a systematic way.

What are the different kinds of Probabilist methods?

Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Cluster sampling, and Stratified sampling

What are projective techniques?

Situations in which participants are placed n simulated activities in the hopes that they will divulge things about themselves that they might not reveal under direct questioning.

What is descriptive market research?

Studies that collect data from consumer panels are typically classified research design

What method should the researcher use if the objective seeks to measure consumer's opinions about a package design of the product with a scale "1 = very unfavorable" to "7 = Very favorable"?


What does the Central limit theorem NOT mean?

That the sample mean equals the population mean.

What does a Confidence Interval mean?

That we can say that if we did our study over 100 times, we can determine a range within which the sample statistic will fall 95 out of 100 times, with a 95% confidence level

What does the Central Limit theorem mean?

That you can attach a probability to that value and decide

What is the confidence level?

The degree of accuracy desired by the researcher and stipulated in the form of a percentage

What is the Sampling Error

The difference between the real value in the population and the sample estimate

What is the opposite of the null hypothesis

The hypothesis Ha

What are the two factors that cause sampling error?

The methods of sample selection and the size of the sample

What is the hypothesis the researcher wants to test called?

The null hypothesis H0

The sample size determines what?

The number of units to be included in the sample

What is Stratified Sampling?

The population is divided in heterogenous groups. The researcher selects from each strata a random sample.

What is Simple Random Sampling

The probability of being selected into the sample is known and equal for all members of the population.

What is Parameter Estimation?

The process of using sample information to compute an interval that describes the range of values a parameter such as the population mean or population percentage is likely to take on

What is judgment sampling?

The research uses their judgment to identify who will be in the sample.

What is Quota Sampling?

The researcher identifies quota characteristics such as demographics to set up quotas for each class of respondent, trying to approximate the population.

What is Convenience Sampling

The researcher selects respondents who are convenient

A measurement scale is reliable if?

The respondent responds in the same or a similar manner to an identical or nearly identical measure

What are characteristics of exploratory data?

The sample is form of a small number of cases, Data analysis is non-statistical, and the outcome cannot be recommended as final course of action

What is descriptive research used for?

To test a hypothesis

What is the sign for Metri

U (Mu)

What is Differences analysis?

Used to compare the responses of one group to that of another

What is Descriptive Analysis?

Used to describe the data set, A sample

What is Inferential Analysis?

Used to generate conclusions about the population's characteristics based on the sample data

What is Statistical Inference?

Used to generate conclusions about the population's characteristics based on the sample data

What is Central Tendency?

Used to report a single piece of information that describes the most typical response to a question.

What is Variability?

Used to reveal the typical difference between the values in a set of values.

What are Statistics?

Values that are computed from information provided by a sample

What are parameters?

Values that are computer from a complete census which are considered to be precise and valid measures of the population

What do parameters represent?

What we wish to know

When should the T test be used?

When the sample is small

What is a random Variable?

X is a random variable if the value that X assumes cannot be predicted with certainty

Which is the correct response format of a question that requests consumers to mark the beer brand that they are familiar with, from a list of 10 beers?

multiple-choice categorical

What is a type of primary data?

none of the above

What are the non-synthetic metric scales?

one-way labeled scale, anchored n-point scale, and unanchored n-point scale

Marketing research tends to focus on?

rovide information that improves profitability, providing a link between the competition and the firm, providing a link between the marketer and the shareholders by providing information that can be used in making marketing decision and providing information about the products offered by the company.

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