Marina Fahmy 2017 day 888 -= 2- Mention the place, the speakers and the language functions, Marina Fahmy 2017 day 888 -= 1) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:, Marina Fahmy 2017 day 888 -= choose, Fahmy 2017 d...

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

69) A: I'm keen to see as many tourist sites as I can, especially those in Luxor. B: Certainly, you will. You're going to stay here for a week. I'll accompany you everywhere you go. A: I'd like to write down all the important information about the sights I visit.

70) A: How can I help you? B: Yes, please. I'd like a pen, two pencils and an eraser. How much are they? A: That will be 2 pounds. B: Here you are. Thank you.

9) A: How do you feel today? B: Much, better, thank you. Those pills you gave me are really good. A: You have to lie in bed for two days.

10) A: Ok. That one is free. Let's wave to it. B: I hope it will stop for us. Our children are alone at home.

99) A: Can I draw one thousand pounds from my account ? B: What's your account number ? A: 124225. B: Here you are .

100) A: How much? B: 150 pounds . A: It's ok . Can I pay by credit card ? B: Yes, of course

1- His believe in not harming animals was something he learned from his mother. [ -believe belief 2 ]

2- The advantage of flying is that you can't see the scenery along the way. [ -advantage disadvantage 3 ]

1- Industrial west from the factories is harmful. [ - west waste 2 ]

2- This magazine is perished once a month. [ -perished published 3 ]

19) A: Can I buy ten couples of colourbirds ? B: Of course, after you fill in a form and pay the price. A: Where ? B: At the Zoo manager office on your left.

20) A: Good afternoon. When does the concert start? B: It starts at 9 p.m. A: Is this orchestra performed by Egyptian opera musicians? B: And foreign opera singers as well, sir.

3- The little girl shy took the candy from Aunt Mona. [ -shy shyly 4 ]

4- The girls wish I bake a cake instead of biscuits yesterday. [ -bake had baked 5 ]

3- The sixth of October landmarks the anniversary of Egypt's victory in 1973- [ -landmarks marks 4 ]

4- The good news are that Fatma had twin baby girls. [ -are Is 5 ]

3- A power location is a facility for the generation of electric power . [ -location station 4 ]

4- The researcher was excited in going to Africa. [ -in about 5 ]

47) A: I wonder if you could drive me to the air port , B: Certainly , madam . Get in . Be quick ! A: I must get there by nine . B: OK..madam. You will.

48) A: I'd like to have my hair done. B: Certainly. Miss. But you will have to wait A: OK. I hope the hairdryer is good. B: Of course. Miss. It is of high quality.

49) A: How much petrol do you need? B: Twenty litters, please. A: That will be 18 pounds. B: OK. Here you are.

50) A: May I have five loaves of bread, |please? B: Most willingly. A: Thanks. Here is the money.

5) A: The Sea is rough today. I can't swim. My job is to cure people not to swim. B: Don't be afraid. I'm a good swimmer. I'll help you .I train people .it's my job.

6) A: Can you see A, and C. B: I can see A but I can't see C. A: Well , you need a pair of glasses.

5- If I get sick, I would not go to school. [ -would will 6 ]

6- Father asked mother when would dinner be ready. [ -would 1 ]

5- Since her mother liked going to the opera, Leila hoped buying tickets for next week's show. [ -buying To buy 6 ]

6- If I plant the tree now, it is two meters high in ten years. [ -is Will be 1 ]

5- The vacuum cleaner was broken down yesterday. [ -was broken broke 6 ]

6- If she were a nurse, she can help the old woman. [ -can could 1 ]

5- Turbine is made from the sap of certain trees. [ -Turbine Turpentine 6 ]

6- You should basis your opinion on fact. [ -basis base 1 ]

71) A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I'd like to buy a bunch of flowers. A: I see. What for? B: A wedding ceremony.

72) A: Your car license and yours, please. B: Here you are. What wrong am I supposed to have done. A: You exceeded the speed limit

73) A: Yes, sir. B: Yes. My mobile phone card is over. I'd like to recharge it.

74) A: Ok- sir. You will have to pay 110 pounds. B: Ok- Here you are.

75) A: Thank you for finding me a seat. B: It's a pleasure. A: When does the film start'7 B: At 8.30.

76) A: Good morning, sir. I've got a lot of business letters that you have to check. B: Have they been typed? A: Yes, sir. I've just typed them. B: Ok. Call the hotel and book a table for lunch . I'll meet a leading industrialist there today. A: Ok. sir.

5- You shouldn't look directly at the sun because of the harm rays. [ -harm harmful 6 ]

6- Grandmother has a problem with sugar. She has just recently become a diabetes. [ -a diabetes diabetic 1 ]

5- The company agreed to paying back the money to the dissatisfied customer. [ -paying pay 6 ]

6- Selma wishes she were taller because she would like to been a basketball player. [ -been be 1 ]

5- The teachers spent the afternoon mark the exam papers. [ -mark marking 6 ]

6- She was known with causing problems. [ -with for 1 ]

61) A: May I book a tour to Marina, please? B: Yes, of course; How would you like to go, by bus or by taxi? A: What do you recommend? B: My advice is to go by taxi.

62) A: Could I get out, please? B: What is up? A: Nothing, I just want to go to the toilet B: The bell is about to ring. You have a ten minute break

63) A: How about having a swim? B: I'm afraid. I can't. The waves are high. Let's have a sun- bath and build castles in the sand.

64) A: Have you got sugar? B: Yes, sir. How much do you want? A: Two kilos, please.

43) A: Thank you for finding me a seat. B: You are welcome, sir- A: When will the play start? B: In a few minutes. At 10 exactly .

44) A: I'd like to change some currency. B: Yes, sir. Just fill in this form.

7) A: Would you mind helping me push my car? B: No, Problem . But it's better to ask a mechanic to come

8) A: Could you tell me from which platform will the train to Alex leaves? B: Platform No. 6.

87) A: Can I help you, sir ? B: Yes , please , I want lead - free petrol. A: How many liters , Sir ? B: 20, please

88) A: I wonder if I can send a parcel to Saudi Arabia. B: What does it contain? A: Some cassettes and a few books. B: Ok. please fill in this form and pay 12 pounds as a postage.

1- The baking dog prevented all of us from getting a good night's sleep. [ -baking parking 2 ]

2- Amber is a semi-precious stone that is actually heartened sap. [ -heartened hardened 3 ]

1- Tiger, our dog, was exercising in the yard for his bone. [ -exercising excavating 2 ]

2- Avoid snakes because they may be poison. [ -poison poisonous 3 ]

1- Four books is on the table. [ -is are 2 ]

2- Hany would be liked to go to the park with us. [ -would be liked Would like 3 ]

1- Her career as a pilot evolved out of her interest with flying. [ -with in 2 ]

2- His love of singing developed when he is a child. [ -is was 3 ]

1- Colds are transmitter when you don't cover your mouth while coughing. [ -transmitter transmitted 2 ]

2- If you don't wear a hat in the sun, you would damage your skin. [ -would will 3 ]

23) A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I'd like to extend my visa to stay in Cairo for another week. A: Is your passport valid? B: Yes, it is. A: In half an hour everything will be back.

24) A: Thank you for finding me a seat. B: You're welcome, sir. A: When will the play start? B: In a few minutes.

25) A: Can I help you, sir? B: Yes, please. I'd like to have these pants cleaned and pressed. A: O.K. We can have them ready for you tomorrow. B: Fine.

26) A: What's wrong with this television? B: I spilled a cup of tea on it and it went up in smoke. Then it stopped working. A: I think it will need a lot of repair. Let me check it first.

91) A: Have a seat, please. B: Thank you . A: Look toward me. Smile ! Smile more ! B: Thank you! I hope I can get them developed in a short time .

92) A: Excuse me. I'd like to send this letter by Express Mail, please. B: Where to? A: Paris. B: You have to pay L. E. 15. A: No problem . Here is the money.

93) A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. My computer broke down yesterday. A: Your address please. I'll come to repair it.

94) A: Welcome sir. Can I help you? B: I want some flowers. A: What colour? B: Red and white, please.

95) A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes. I want to have a dress made. A: With pleasure. You'll take it after 2 weeks.

96) A: Can I help you ? B: Yes, please. I want two kilos of meat. A: 35 pounds.

97) A: Can I buy twenty couples of colourbirds ? B: Certainly. Pay the price at the manager's office on your right.

98) A: Please, I want some bread, please. B: How many loaves do you want? A: Six loaves. B: Stand in the queue .

1- You're saving my time with all these stupid questions. [ -saving wasting 2 ]

2- Wind turbines use water to make electricity. [ -water wind 3 ]

21) A: Excuse me, I'm interested in buying this skin but the price isn't marked on it. B: Just a minute. Let me check the price on the computer. Here you are. The price is LE 120. A: This is really expensive. It's unbelievable. Do you offer any discounts. B: I'm sorry. All our prices are fixed.

22) A: Please, have a look at our pamphlet. Which tour do you prefer? B: It's all the same to me. A: I recommend Sharm El Sheikh.

1- Nicolas Copernicus showed that the sun, not the Earth, was at the centre of the solar discipline. [ -discipline system 2 ]

2- Ultraviolet ways can damage your skin. [ -ways rays 3 ]

1- They went to the mall before visits their friends. [ -visits visiting 2 ]

2- While they had lunch, the explosion happened. [ -had Were having 3 ]

11) A: How old is this mummy. B: Its 4000 years old.

12) A: May I have five loaves of bread? B: Most willingly.

13) A: You have made a severe foul. B: Sorry, sir. A: If you do that again, I'll send you out.

14) A: Get your books out and turn to page 28. B: Excuse me, sir. Are we going to draw the map? A: Don't draw the map, just write the answers.

15) A: Excuse me. I'd like to send this letter by Express Mail, please. B: Where to? A: Paris. B: You have to pay L.E; 15. A: No problem. Here is the money.

16) A: Keep silent, please. You shouldn't make any noise here. The people here need concentration during reading. B: I'm awfully sorry, sir.

17) A: I haven't been feeling very well lately. B: What have you been suffering from? A: When reading I don't feel at ease. B: Don't worry. You must have a new pair of glasses. Let me examine your eyes.

18) A: I got to grips with the instructions for the new video player. B: I'm sure, you would be very pleased as you use our products. A: Thanks a lot for your help

1) A: Can you tell me how much is this parcel to France? B: I think I'd better look that up, yes it's 80 pounds.

2) A: At your disposal, sir. B: I want a ticket to Aswan, please. A: Single or return? B: Return, please

1- The 1988 Nobel Prize for literature awarding Naguib Mahfouz. [ -awarding was awarded to 2 ]

2- Ahmed must have boiled water before he made this tea. I am sure he didn't. [ -must can't 3 ]

1- I like her new steer of writing very much. [ -steer style 2 ]

2- He is a butcher. He produces books and magazines. [ -butcher publisher 3 ]

1- When he checked the front wheel, he found that two speaks were broken. [ -speaks spokes 2 ]

2- It is generally thought that only space travellers can experience helplessness. [ - helplessness weightlessness 3 ]

1- He has so many friends because of his likeable personnel. [ - personnel personality 2 ]

2- My grandfather left me nothing in his bill. [ -bill will 3 ]

3- He is very interested in the publish of Shakespeare's plays. [ -publish publication 4 ]

4- Can you tell me how many that is going to cost to fix? [ -many much 5 ]

3- Madame, can I ask you to liquefy the person who stole your bag? [ -liquefy identify 4 ]

4- Father suggested to go to Alexandria for the weekend. [ -to go going 5 ]

3- It is not a good idea to do your homework while watches TV. [ -watches watching 4 ]

4- Gas was baking from the cracked pipe. [ -baking leaking 5 ]

3- All citizens are equal before the wall. [ -wall law 4 ]

4- He didn't accept for the job until he had been interviewed. [ -didn't accept Wasn't accepted 5 ]

3- She decided to buy a mixer tap because there were a lot of mice in her house. [ -mixer tap mousetrap 4 ]

4- Her anxiety about speaking in public caused her losing the job. [ -losing to lose 5 ]

3- A chaser is a hole in the earth from which water can rise. [ -chaser Geyser 4 ]

4- I wish I can paint better. [ -can Could 5 ]

3- I really wish I work harder when I was at school, but I didn't [ -work had worked 4 ]

4- Ibn Al-Nafis invented the circulation of the blood through the heart and lungs. [ -invented discovered 5 ]

3- The study of classes includes all aspects of the ancient Greek and Roman world: culture, language and literature. [ -classes classics 4 ]

4- If you went to bed early, you wake up refreshed. [ -wake Would wake 5 ]

3- After Eman changed some money, she had phoned Selma. [ -had phoned phoned phoned 4 ]

4- The police officer observed the group with much suspicious. [ -suspicious Suspicion 5 ]

3- Moments should be protected from natural disasters. [ -moments monuments 4 ]

4- They are opposed with building a new road in the park. [ -with to 5 ]

3- Several students took part in the poetry reading confession. [ -confession competition 4 ]

4- Those two people has been sitting there for three hours. [ -has have 5 ]

3- Their remembers of traveling in Africa will stay with them forever. [ - remembers memories memories 4 ]

4- Who was the first astrologer to land on the moon? [ -astrologer astronaut 5 ]

3- A costume is something traditional that people do [ -costume custom 4 ]

4- Yesterday I met a man who travels to Russia years ago. [ -travels travelled 5 ]

39) A: Can I take your order, sir? B: Yes, please. I'd like to have some grilled fish, some bread and some salad.

40) A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I'd like some jeans, please. A: Certainly. What size are you looking for?

41) A: Here are your tickets and here is the change. B: Thanks. Where does the train leave from? A: Platform 5. B: You are thoughtful.

42) A: I'm afraid. I'll be late for school. B: Don't worry. The bus will get here soon. A: I hope it will.

45) A: The Egyptian TV welcomes you to Egypt B: Thank you. Nice to meet you A: Have you ever been to Egypt before? B: No, this is the first time. A: Which places would you like to visit? B: All the places of interest

46) A: Can I book a flight to New York , Please . B: OK .Sir . When would you like to travel ? A: Next Saturday . B: OK .there is a flight at 9a.m .

51) A: I'd like 2 kilos of meat please. B: Yes, sir. Just a moment. A: How much is a kilo? B: Twenty pounds, sir.

52) A: I'd like to read a book about the 6th October's war. Where can I find history books? B: They are over there, on the third shelf, on your right .

53) A: Can I book a room for next Monday night? B: Yes, certainly- Single or double sir? A: Single, please.

54) A: Yes,, sir. What can I do for you? B: It's my car. It suddenly broke down. A: OK. Sir. Let me have a look at the engine.

55) A: Oh' Dear. It's 11 pm. we must take a taxi. B: OK. That one is free. Let's wave to it. A: I hope it will stop for us. Our children are all alone at home.

56) A: It's raining hard. You should stay at home today? B: I'll do a monthly test in science today.

57) A: You have been accused of robbing Mr. Ali's flat . Is that true ? B: No , of course not . I'm not at all guilty . A: Where were you when the robbery took place ? B: Sleeping at home .Sir .

58) A: Look! The train has Just appeared in a distance. B: Wonderful! We are too late. The lecture will start in an hour.

5- He regards it as his fission to help the cause of world peace. [ -fission mission 6 ]

6- He managed to prepare the broken watch. [ -prepare repair 1 ]

5- The monuments of Abu Simbel must been difficult to move here because they are massive. [ -must been Must have been 6 ]

6- Leila can't have answered the phone because it has stopped ringing. [ -can't have Must have 1 ]

5- Oh no, I forgot to stopping by Hazem's house to pick up those papers. [ -stopping stop 6 ]

6- Mother offered taking Suzy home with us, but she refused. [ -taking To take 1 ]

5- It takes little petrol filling my car. [ -filling To fill 6 ]

6- Sami doesn't know advanced mathematics. He wishes he knows it. [ -knows knew 1 ]

5- His reaction to win the prize was quite funny. [ -win winning 6 ]

6- She has a great deal of experiment in introducing new products to international markets. [ - experience 1 ]

5- The police made a thorough extension of the area where the crime took place . [ -extension examination 6 ]

6- The Russians have punched a new space shuttle. [ -punched launched 1 ]

5- Selma is visited her grandparents over the weekend. [ -visited visiting 6 ]

6- The teapot is put in the cupboard, and the sugar leaves on the counter. [ -leaves Is left 1 ]

5- After the celebrate the crowd went home. [ -celebrate celebration 6 ]

6- You're responsibility for cooking dinner tonight. What are you going to make? [ - responsibility responsible 1 ]

5- Italian food believes to be the best. [ -believes Is believed 6 ]

6- Mahmoud reads the paper when his boss entered. [ -reads Was reading 1 ]

59) A: Please unpack your luggage. I just want to look at your things. B: Certainly. A: All these things are allowed, but this colour TV has to be taxed. You have to pay 250 pounds.

60) A: Yes, sir. What would you like to have? B: Some coffee, please. A: How would you like your coffee? B: Black.

65) Good morning. I've come to collect my video. Sorry! It hasn't been repaired yet.

66) A: Good evening. I have had a complaint. B: What is wrong? A: You repaired this radio three days ago. Unfortunately, it broke down again. B: Don't worry. I'll repair it for you.

67) A: How much does this watch cost? B: LE150. A: That is too much. What if I gave you LE 120? B: But it's very good quality.

68) A: I think you are from Germany, aren't you? B: Yes, I'm. A: How do you like Luxor? B: Fantastic! I've ever wished to see these fabulous remains .

1- Thousands of people appended her funeral. [ -appended attended 2 ]

2- Patients have the write to see their medical records. [ -write right 3 ]

1- There are many installments in the music room. [ - installments instruments 2 ]

2- Sam was very producing today. He cleaned the house and fixed the car. [ -producing productive 3 ]

1- There was a delete about GM food on TV last night. [ -delete debate 2 ]

2- Some people believe that video games are merely a form of scraping. [ -scraping escapism 3 ]

27) A: What do you think of this car, sir? B: It's a new Opel, made in Germany. A: How much is it? B: It's 140.000 pounds. A: Oh! It's too expensive. Let me have a look at another cheaper make.

28) A: Have a seat, please? B: Thank you. A: Look towards me. Smile! Smile! Smile more! B: Little more! O.K. A: Thanks you! I hope I can get them developed in a short time.

29) A: Can I help you, sir? B: I want you come to my flat quickly? A: What's wrong? B: I need you to fix a burst water pipe.

30) A: Can I help you, sir? B: I want a pair of shoes, please. A: May I take your measurements, sir?

31) A: Why did you stop working? B: We staged a strike, demanding an immediate rise in their wages. A: But strike could harm production. I'll tell the manger.

32) A: Would you mind not crowding near the entrance? B: One moment, Sir. We'll move to the front. A: How many tickets do need? B: Please give me four tickets to Tahrir Square?

33) A: Can I help you, sir? B: I want two kilos of mutton, please. A: Here you are, sir

34) A: Can I help you, sir? B: I want a bouquet of roses, please. A: Here you are, sir B: Would you deliver it to this address, please? A: Of course, sir

35) A: AL Ahram paper, please. B: Here you are, sir A: Here is the money. Thank you.

36) A: May I have a look at some necklaces? B: Of course. Here is a perfect collection. A: What make is that one? B: It is lazord.

37) A: Can I help you, sir? B: I want a large fruittart, please. A: Here you are, sir B: How much is it? A: 55 pounds, sir

38) A: I'll bring my tools and come to your house to fix the pump. B: Thanks a lot, I'll be waiting.

3) A: Any service, madam. B: Please, show me some magazines to choose the best hair cut style. A: Here you are, madam.

4) A: Hello, you know our conditions. B: Of course, sir. A: You have to work from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. B: This is not a problem, sir.

3- If you care for your garden, you are getting a good harvest. [ -are getting Will get 4 ]

4- Abdel-Latif Abu-Heif had a phenomenon ability to swim long distances. [ - henomenon phenomenal 5 ]

77) A: May I look at your ticket, please? B: Here you are. A: Oh, no! That's for a second class carriage. Why are you sitting here? B: The seats there are all occupied. That's why I have to sit here. A: You will have to pay a little more. Just one pound, fifty

78) A: You should look for an afternoon job. Our sons have grown up and we need some more money to get by. B: I know, but where can I find a job? A: I don't know where. That's your own business. B: Why are you shouting and crying? Haven't I told you that birth planning is a must?

79) A: What are you doing? B: I'm sowing the seeds before it gets dark. A: I see. But the seeds should be moistened with water first.

80) A: Oh, no! I forgot all about that. Thanks a lot. B: It's a pleasure. It's my job to tell you the right instructions.

81) A: May I see your ticket, please? B: Here you are. A: Seat S25. That's this row here, the third seat along. B: Thank you. What time does the film start?

82) A: Show me the names of customers .who phoned. B: Here they are. A: Ok. Type this letter and send it now. B: Ok, sir.

83) A: How would you like to pay for it, sir? B: By credit card. A: Well. Shall I put it in a bag for you, sir? B: Yes, please.

84) A: Hello! Can I help you, sir? B: Yes, I'd like to have a single room, please. A: With or without a bathroom? B: With a bathroom.

85) A: Can I get some information about restaurants where I can have my meals? B: Certainly sir. What kind of restaurants? A: Not expensive ones. But not cheap either.

86) A: Can I find silk ties, please? B: Yes, sir. What colour? A: Red, please. B: Here you are. It's only 15 pounds.

89) A: Ok. Sir. Here is your room key. It is 38 on the third floor. B: Thank you. I'll be in my room in case someone phones.

90) A: I'd like a gold ring. How much is the gram? B: 146 pounds, including the sales tax. A: Ok. Let me have a look at some.

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