Marketing Research 3

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Age is an example of a _____ measure. Select one: a. biological b. continuous c. nominal d. discrete


Experiments are widely used in which type of research designs? Select one: a. causal b. nonspurious c. descriptive d. exploratory


Sammy told a researcher that she has lived in her current house for two years, but in reality, she has lived there for more than five years. Sammy's thinking that moving into her home happened more recently than it actually did is an example of _____. Select one: a. telescoping b. bias c. selective bias d. cognitive dissonance


The ability of a measuring instrument to measure what it is supposed to measure is the basic purpose of ______. Select one: a. reliability b. validity c. indexing d. sensitivity


Which of the following is the most elementary level of measurement? Select one: a. ordinal scale b. interval scale c. ratio scale d. nominal scale


Which of the following means that the value assigned for a response is treated oppositely from the other items in a scale? Select one: a. convergence b. indexing c. alpha coding d. reverse coding


Which of the following refers to any complete group whose members share some common set of characteristics? Select one: a. stratum b. Sample c. cluster d. population


"Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The Federal Reserve Bank and the large U.S. banks are responsible for the high foreclosures on home mortgages and failure of small businesses" is an example of what type of question? Select one: a. open-ended response b. counterbalancing c. counterbalancing d. double-barreled


"Name five brands of toothpaste" is an example of what type of question? Select one: a. open-ended response b. fixed-alternative c. pivot d. filter


A company was interested in learning if training expenditures will enhance its salesforce productivity, so they hired a researcher to conduct an experiment in which one group of salespeople received training and the other didn't. The average sales for salespeople who received training was significantly higher than for those who did not. This difference in means between the two groups is known as a(n) _____ effect. Select one: a. main b. placebo c. interactive d. covariate


A marketing researcher wants to put together four focus groups of 18-24 year-old males who are "heavy downloaders of music" (defined as downloading 50 songs per month). He finds one person in the target market who qualifies and then asks that person to suggest the names of two other males between the ages of 18-24 who download music so that he can invite them to participate in the focus group. These people, in turn, are each asked to suggest two others similar to themselves to participate in the focus group study. This procedure represents what type of sampling procedure? Select one: a. stepwise sample b. snowball sample c. judgment sample d. area sample


A question that screens out respondents who are not qualified to answer a second question is called a _____ question. Select one: a. preliminary b. filter c. qualifying d. sequencing


A researcher is conducting an experiment in which one group of people is exposed to an advertisement and another group is exposed to another advertisement. He is examining the effect of headline font sizes on consumers' attitude toward the brand advertised. The participants in this experimental research are referred to as _____. Select one: a. elements b. respondents c. subjects d. factorials


A researcher is examining the impact of pictures in advertisements and whether including instructions to imagine impact subjects' mental imagery. She manipulated three treatment levels of pictures: concrete picture, abstract picture, or no picture. Instructions to imagine were either present or not present. How many cells are there in this experiment? Select one: a. 2 b. 6 c. 5 d. 3


A researcher is measuring consumers' attitudes toward product placement in movies using five attitude items. She created a scale by simply summing the response to each item making up the composite measure. This composite measure is called a(n) _____. Select one: a. summated scale b. derived scale c. primary scale d. additive scale


A single element or group of elements that is eligible for selection via the sampling process is called a _____. Select one: a. sampling error b. sampling unit c. sampling quota d. sampling panel


A(n) _____ is a subset, or some part, of a larger population. Select one: a. slice b. sample c. element d. census


As sample size ______ , random sampling error ______. Select one: a. increases; decreases b. decreases; decreases c. increase; remains unchanged d. increases; increases


Categorical variables included in the statistical analysis of experimental data as a way of statistically controlling or accounting for variance due to that variable are called _____ variables. Select one: a. independent b. blocking c. covariate d. dependent


Dichotomous or multiple-choice alternatives in fixed-alternative questions should not have overlap among categories, which means the categories should be _____. Select one: a. exhaustive b. positively worded c. mutually exclusive d. balanced


Experimental results that show that consumers purchased more when a store had a blue color with bright lights than they did when a store was orange with bright lights but no difference when the lighting was low is an example of which type of effect? Select one: a. interaction b. confound c. main d. synergistic


Fred's company is going to set up an experiment in which all subjects are randomly put into one of two groups. Both groups will be measured before the treatment is administered. The first group will experience seeing new advertising for the product in question. The second group will not see the advertising at all. Both groups will then be measured again. Which type of experimental design does this represent? Select one: a. After-Only design b. Simulated Before-After design c. Before-After with a Control Group design d. Before-After design


How much a person weighs is best described as an example of a(n) ______ scale. Select one: a. ordinal scale b. ratio scale c. interval scale d. nominal scale


If the level of advertising expenditures is compared to the number of units sold at the end of a four-month period, the independent variable is ______ while the dependent variable is ______. Select one: a. customer satisfaction; advertising expenditure level b. none of these choices c. Advertising expenditure level; units sold d. units sold; advertising expenditure level


In political elections for candidates who are not well-known by many voters, such as judges, it frequently happens that the candidate who is listed first on the ballot receives the most votes, this is an example of a(n) _____. Select one: a. self-fulfilling prophesy b. Hawthorne effect c. order bias d. split-ballot technique


In which experimental research design does each subject receive only one treatment combination? Select one: a. squared-subjects design b. independent-subjects design c. between-subjects design d. within-subjects design


In which type of experiment does the research have more complete control over the research setting and extraneous variables? Select one: a. laboratory b. field c. controlled d. factorial


In which type of sampling does every element in the population have a known, nonzero probability of selection? Select one: a. probability sampling b. nonprobability sampling c. absolute sampling d. relative sampling


Ken is assigned to a group in an experiment examining the effectiveness of zinc on diminishing the symptoms of a cold. He didn't know it, but the capsule he received didn't contain any zinc in it. In fact, it was just a sugar pill. The other group of subjects received the true zinc supplements, and researchers compared the number of days subjects felt cold symptoms. Ken was assigned to which group in the experiment? Select one: a. control b. primary c. blocking d. experimental


Research projects involving experimental manipulations that are implemented in a natural environment are called _____. Select one: a. field experiments b. secondary experiments c. primary experiments d. laboratory experiments


Researchers measure concepts by identifying scales that correspond to properties of a concept through a process known as _____. Select one: a. Assessment b. Operationalization c. Matching d. Summation


Survey _____ refers to the ordering of questions through a survey. Select one: a. sequence b. format c. flow d. layout


The Fahrenheit temperature scale is best described as an example of a(n) ______ scale because it doesn't have an absolute zero point. Select one: a. interval scale b. ratio scale c. nominal scale d. ordinal


The most commonly applied estimate of a composite scale's reliability is _____. Select one: a. coefficient beta b. criterion coefficient c. an index coefficient d. coefficient alpha


What is the key advantage of test-marketing? Select one: a. researchers can easily communicate results to management b. they can be done quickly c. relative low cost d. it is performed in a real-world setting


What type of scale is the following? Contemporary ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Traditional Select one: a. graphic rating b. Thurstone c. semantic differential d. Likert


What type of scale is the following? Please an X at the position on the horizontal line that most reflects your feelings regarding the atmosphere of this restaurant. Modern _______________ Old-fashioned Select one: a. category b. graphic rating c. Likert d. linear


What type of scale is the following? United Parcel Service (UPS) would like you to distribute 50 points among the following in terms of how important each aspect is to you for your overnight shipping needs: _____ Accurate billing _____ On-time delivery _____ Price Select one: a. Likert b. Thurstone c. constant-sum d. paired comparison


When "Out of sight, out of mind" was translated into a foreign language, and then was translated back into English by a language expert in that language to become: "Invisible things are insane," this was an example of _____. Select one: a. a counterbiasing statement b. back translation c. a loaded question d. the linguistic effect


When a researcher has made the decision to conduct a survey using a sample of the population, the FIRST step in the selection of the sample is to _____. Select one: a. select the actual sampling units b. select the sampling frame c. determine the sample size d. define the target population


When a researcher measures the reliability of an instrument by comparing the results of the odd-numbered questions with the results of the even-numbered questions, this is an example of _____ reliability. Select one: a. split-half b. test-retest c. equivalent-forms d. criterion


When a researcher uses students to participate in a study because he has easy access to them during class, what type of sampling procedure does this represent? Select one: a. judgment sample b. convenience sample c. snowball sample d. systematic sample


When a researcher wants to study the members of the American Marketing Association and selects a sample from its membership list, the membership list is an example of a _____. Select one: a. census b. systematic sampling list c. reverse directory d. sampling frame


When half of the respondents are asked to agree or disagree with the statement: "Foreign cars are better made than cars made in the U.S." while the other half of the respondents are asked to agree or disagree with the statement: "Cars made in the U.S. are better made than foreign cars," this is an example of using a _____. Select one: a. double-barreled question b. filter question c. pivot question d. split-ballot technique


When respondents are asked to place local shopping malls so that their first choice is 1, their second choice is 2, and so forth, this is best-described as an example of a(n) ______ scale. Select one: a. nominal scale b. ordinal scale c. interval scale d. ratio scale


Which experimental design allows for the measurement of effects caused by multiple independent variables and their interactions? Select one: a. Time Series design b. Factorial design c. Random Blocking Variable design d. Latino Squares design


Which experimental design involves manipulating a single independent variable to observe its effect on a single dependent variable? Select one: a. counterbalanced experimental design b. basic experimental design c. factorial experimental design d. primary experimental design


Which of the following is a device providing a range of values that correspond to different characteristics or amounts of a characteristic exhibited in observing a concept? Select one: a. sensitivity b. operations c. reliability d. scale


Which of the following is a function of time and the naturally occurring events that coincide with growth and experience? Select one: a. maturation effect b. history effect c. testing effect d. selection effect


Which of the following is a nonprobability sampling technique in which an experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample member? Select one: a. subjective sample b. area sample c. stratified sample d. judgment sample


Which of the following is a way for a researcher to equally distribute the effects of extraneous variables to all conditions in an experiment? Select one: a. confounding b. split sampling c. repeated measures d. randomization


Which of the following is an indicator of a measure's internal consistency? Select one: a. sensitivity b. reliability c. validity d. coefficient beta


Which of the following is concerned with the accuracy with which experimental results can be generalized beyond the experimental subjects? Select one: a. reliability b. internal validity c. external validity d. selective validity


Which of the following is present when the person administering experimental procedures influences the subjects' behavior or sways them to slant their answers to cooperate with him or her? Select one: a. Type I error b. experimenter bias c. Type II error d. response bias


Which of the following refers to concepts measured with multiple variables? Select one: a. scale b. concept c. construct d. operation


Which of the following refers to the extent that all information collected in a questionnaire addresses a research question that will help the decision maker address the current marketing problem? Select one: a. counterbalanced b. relevant c. accuracy d. frequency


Which type of effect occurs when there is a change in the wording of questions, a change in interviewers, or a change in other procedures that causes a change in the dependent variable? Select one: a. mortality effect b. history effect c. instrumentation effect d. testing effect


Which type of scale is the following? ____ Satisfied ____ Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ____ Dissatisfied ____ Very dissatisfied Select one: a. paired comparison b. unbalanced c. balanced d. Thurstone


_____ is the process of describing some property of a phenomenon, usually by assigning numbers, in a reliable and valid way Select one: a. Measurement b. Research c. Validation d. Analysis


"Do you own a cell phone? ______ Yes ______ No" is an example of what type of question? Select one: a. open-ended response b. loaded c. simple-dichotomy d. leading


"In light of the current economic crisis, do you agree or disagree that the President of the United States is doing a good job of managing the economy?" is an example of what type of question? Select one: a. double-barreled b. counterbalancing c. order bias d. loaded


What type of scale is the following? The food at Applebee's is delicious. Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Select one: a. constant-sum b. Likert Correct c. Thurstone d. semantic differential

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