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- Agreements where a company pays an individual or organization to promote its products and services. - If you do this, try to make it look like editorial content- or anything published in print or on the Internet that is designed to inform, educate or entertain and is not created to attempt to sell something - Generally not too effective

Stealth Marketing

- Also known as buzz or guerrilla marketing, - Create a promotional idea that is out of the box, consumers should not know immediately that they are seeing an advertisement. - Ex, a coffee company once took sewer covers in the city and made them into tops of coffee cups. As consumers walked past, the sewer cover, which had steam escaping, it looked exactly like their hot coffee!

Revenue Sharing

- An organization that pays partners and associates a commission for funneling customers to the company, helping the company build its business

Scenarios to keep in mind

What happens if internet connection goes down, and no one can respond to customer emails? --- - Have a backup Internet circuit in place that can be switched over to in case of a primary outage - Build as much fault tolerance as you can into your network to eliminate single points of failure &&&&& What to do if you have an email fumble? --- - Admit your mistake and apologize promptly &&&&& What do you do if a competitor targets your online business through an email campaign offering a massive price cut? --- - Monitor sales numbers to measure the real impact and respond with a price change if necessary, and assign someone to monitor competetive activity

What do you do if your social media manager approves a post on Twitter that is politically insensitive and divergent from your company's values?

- Take it down quickly and then put up a new message apologizing saying it was a mistake and did not reflect the views of your business.

Why permission to email is so important?

* When we place an order online, we might see a little checkbox somewhere on the order form that states we would like to receive other offers from the organization. - Spam filters- Designed to keep unsolicited messages from appearing in recipients' inboxes, and spam filters are improving every day --- - When a consumer marks an email as junk or spam, it notifies the internet service provider of this, and if too many are sent, your email's put on a blacklist where it goes directly to your consumers' junk or spam folders without the consumers ever seeing your messages - Make sure that you know what is marked as automatic spam. * Do not rent email lists, use all caps, or use spam trigger words. * Do make messages viewable in a web browser, use familiar send names, and include the recipients name in the 'to' field, and use alternate text for images.

Schedules of ad campaigns

** These do do not apply to email campaigns ** Continuous- Product is advertised on a constant basis throughout the year Flighted- Ads run in heavy rotation once a month and then drop in frequency. Seasonal schedule- If the product had certain times during the year of popularity


- "Evolution" was widely shared because Dove latched onto something people already wanted to talk about: unrealistic beauty norms. It's a highly emotional issue, but something so controversial that people might have been afraid to bring up otherwise. "Evolution" brought it out in the open. It let people air their grievances and think about solutions. And along the way the brand benefited.

Video Ads. 2 types, and when they're most effective. Also, what do you not want to use

- 1) Pre-roll ads- Force you to sit through the ad in order to view your intended video - 2) Overlay ads- Frequently seen before videos of news clips and videos found on social media websites. &&&&& ~Short and to the point ~Good, simple copy ~Clear information ~Engaging content ~Interactive attributes ~Entertaining content --- - Don't use banner ads, as they are oversaturated and overused, annoying, less clickthrough rates.

Average attention span? How to combat this?

- 10 seconds - 1) Concise message - 2) Rich media such as audio/video - 3) Emotional connection should be built - 4) Relevant ads - 5) Don't show your brand - 6) Know the tools to use

Build an effective autoresponder sequence --> Step #7

- 1st email-- Establish who you are, give context on why they should care, tell what you'll give them - 2nd email-- Share more of yourself, and a relevant story- Other --- ID 3 of their biggest issues or objections (maybe say they were given by a fan) - Address one in each email - Give them lots of useful and practical information - After, share an email that market wants


- A good thing with an email list is that you're the one initiating the communication, it attracts JV partners, and establishes you as the authority

Affiliate Marketing

- A method companies use to sell its products or services by signing up affiliates (individuals or companies) who help promote the business' products or services and earn a commission by doing so. - Choosing affiliates with an audience you're not already reaching. - Vary your marketing tactics from those being used by your affiliates.

Contextual advertising. Benefit to consumers? What about advertisers?

- A more generalized approach; advertising is considered to be relevant to that specific web page's content. - For consumers, they're seeing ads of interest to them and the topic they're currently reading about. And, because advertisers know that the ad is relevant to the content of the web page, they know they're marketing to a captive audience

Editorial Calendar

- A plan for scheduling the creation of new or updated content for different audiences to support business goals for new visitors or increased conversion as part of content marketing

Sideways Sales Letter (If you're making an informational video)

- A sequence of Prelaunch Content, followed by a sales message. The typical sequence will have three pieces of Prelaunch Content, which you share with your prospects over a period of up to 12 days - Time also builds trust, and trust is a super important factor --- 1< Create a plan for it. *What medium will you use? Why - Can be email, videos, slideshows, whatever * Skeleton? - Establish credibility, create great affinity with prospects, deliver a very inspirational message that is "storified. Turn it into a conversation - Give enough high-quality content out so people buy it, not the vice versa - In this, deliver real value, show viewers that it's possible to get great, high-paying gigs (or whatever you're doing) - Show that selling yourself is a learnable skill. - At the end of your videos you ask for your viewers to respond in some way, such as asking questions and making comments. Answer Qs and engage, make it a conversation - Make it structured so that it naturally leads into the sale of your product. Then, make sure to "Open Cart" by sending your prospects to a sales page to close the sale. - Making the pivot to the sale in the final piece of Prelaunch Content is critical * Barry talking about how he was going to personally guide 15 people through his Showbiz Blueprint, which was the exact promotional system that helped land the highest-paying gigs in the industry, including Johnny Carson and The White House. *Budget? * Elements to incorporate? - Giving out info in a pre-launch is about reciprocity. You want people to feel bad and give you $ because they already learned so much - Fake social proof in your launches as well- make it seem maybe like others are engaging, even if they aren't. Doing that makes it look like others are commenting even if they aren't. - Force people to make a decision * Scarcity does this beautifully, because otherwise we will just put something off if possible - Must be a negative consequence if people don't take action and buy before the end of the launch * Where will you place these ads? * Where else will you review? - Reviewed your launch story and he step up the teaching even more by reviewing web sites for various entertainers, and he show the mistakes they're making, and how these mistakes can be easily fixed. Establishes authority

Analytics Tool, and what is the goal of measuring

- A tool which is either free, paid, or built into your platform, which provides numbers/data about your traffic, conversions, and more. - The goal of measuring is not only to increase your following, but to take those followers and turn them into lifelong customers.

A/B testing

- AKA Split testing - Allows researchers, such as marketing professionals, to present two options to users (option A and option B) and determine which option is most preferred. - Option A is the control - Takes the guess work out of decision making, because human judgment can sometimes be wrong. More confidence is given in how your site looks

Email Campaigns

- Acoordinated set of individual email messages that are deployed across a specific period of time with one specific purpose, such as download a white paper, sign up for a webinar, or make a purchase with a provided coupon --- - These may include promotional emails including company information, sales and promotions, new product releases, specials and upcoming discounts for the company such as buy one get one free, digital coupon codes, - - Loss-leader pricing- a promotional strategy where a company sells one product at a price below market cost to sell other, more profitable services and goods.


- Answering the "How" question 1< Express thanks, and most importantly, excitement about all the feedback you're getting. How you're excited that the viewers are excited 2< Recap the opportunity as well as positioning. It would be way too presumptuous to assume that they remember the first two videos. 3< Present a short case study 4< Answer top three objections, even if you answered them in the last video in different ways. Maybe address that you answered them in previous videos, but answer it differently 5< Explain the big view, and how to make it happen. Step back and look at what's really possible * What's the ultimate change/transformation the prospect gets in their life upon buying? Look at this from all angles, and make sure to project it into the future 6< Pivot offer and create a soft landing, so you have to tell them that in your next video you're going to have an offer for them, and they need to watch if they're ready to take their transformation to the next level. 7< Seed the scarcity of your launch offer. You will want to have some type of scarcity in your launch offer, and near the end of PLC #3 you want to make some mention of that scarcity. "Look out for the next email, because this is going to be a limited offer" - CTA

Select a reliable host list --> Step #4

- Aweber / Office Autopilot is a good one - Pick right host list with high delivery rate, fast delivery, and strong reputation with some of the top email providers - Should have the ability to a/b test emails, track email open rate, and their clickthrough rate as well - Learn to use these programs


- Blogs can help push people to your website by making ways for you to show yourself as an expert in your industry while helping keep your brand out there in the public eye. - If you write a blog and share it to social media and people click the link, your search engine scores go up which pushes you further up in the search engine results - Each blog post gets indexed by Google, which is another chance for you to turn up in search results.

Get the JV partner

- Create a sep doc on how you plan to get them - Build tremendous value in the JV partners life (maybe even 48 LOP them up) - Buy JV partner's products and offer feedback- Offer to first promote their products - Make good comments on their posts/blogs - Put together an offer, ask for their feedback - Create a great offer so that they will make tons of money if they choose to promote you

Authority emails

- Create an autoresponder sequence. - Make sure the first few emails are very high value, and checked thoroughly

Impportant nails to hit

- Deliver value and build a relationship with your customer base/prospects. Instead of shouting for attention, you want to attract attention by offering value before even asking people to buy, or hinting at a sale - Structure content in a sequence that naturally leads to your sale - Use some exclusivity as well - If you decide to do a case study in PLC#3, including a disclaimer that "results are not typical" when publishing any results from your products isn't enough, so contact an attorney - Should overall be 7-10 days * 1: Plc #1 5: Plc #2 3: Plc#3 10: Open cart - PLC#1 and #2 should build action * Don't make a video lecture on how to get rich and then give people a vegan cook book as a reward

3 Types of Data

- Descriptive data- provides information about what has already happened * Who bought the product? Where? --- Predictive data- provides information about what might happen in the future based on paid, owned, and earned media trends --- Prescriptive data- provides information about what the best course of action for the business might be * Determining whether it is cost effective to have advertising in the local newspaper or if those dollars would be better spent on enhancing their owned media website

Key Characteristics of Any Promotional Content

- Display timely and relevant content with key information for customers - Visuals that stay in the customers' minds long after they've moved on - Don't make your marketing activities so invasive that they turn customers away.

Getting people's email's --> Step #1

- Draft it out by creating a document. Depends on type of email - ID hot topics that keep coming up on twitter and such doing with your niche - Review social networks to see what has the most likes, shares, comments, and retweets - Check out covers of established magazines, find out what they're writing about on a consistent basis - Look through amazon reviews on popular books - Find out what pains, aches, and frustrates people in your target - What keeps them up at night and what problems do they need to have solved?. What are their hopes, dreams, and aspirations?


- Earnings per click- Amount of commissions someone gets for everyone who clicks through to a promotion. * If someone sends 100 clicks, and those clicks generate commissions of $450 for the partner, then that's an EPC of 450/100, or a $4.50 EPC. - If your launch can generate a strong EPC relative to the other offers in your market, then it's going to be a lot easier to convince partners to mail for you.

Mastermind Principal

- Get together with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs and you support each other in growing your business - Can be a paid membership - Not a "networking group," although there is often some networking that naturally occurs as a byproduct of being in the group - Sharing, brainstorming, and holding each other accountable - Often there are "hot seats," and if you haven't ever been through something like that, it's pretty wild. - One person presents an idea or problem they have in their business, and then the entire group does a big brainstorm about the idea.


- Giving the consumer the option to stop receiving emails from the company - Opt-out procedure is easy and quick to complete

Prospect List

- Goal is to move people from your prospect list to your buyers list

Buyer List

- Goal is to to build personal connections with the buyers by sending them a cool list of bonus content - Perhaps send: * Some hard candy with it * Personal thank you note for buying * If you have an e-commerce store that sells guitars, you could send that same video about learning to play moveable chords, or a video about the care and maintenance of a guitar, or put it online in your website and send them the email with the links which will condition them to click on links that you send

Write a compelling e-mail copy --> Step #6

- Have an amazing subject line, regularly test / watch open rates and adjust accordingly. - Curiosity (the person tony robbins couldnt ignore)- Bold statements (this ONE strategy can 5x your business) - Counter-intuitive statements (why resolutions suck) - Confessional statemnts (the biggest fail in my business was...) - Numbers/lists (The 6 myths...) - Pattern interrupts (Cheap, good... not fast) --- 1) share stories of yourself/others. 2) aspiration thing 3) Clear CTA- click on something, buy something, comment something --- - Play w strengths, make every sentence captivating - Be unpredictable. Some short, some long<-- if long, put link earlier in the email. Put another much much later. See avg attention span of target you're sending to though through Aweber or other program - Even if selling something, create something that's free which is tremendous. It adds value and builds sale into the story.- P.S.

Types of E-Mail lists

- If the email list is too large, make sure to split it into separate kinds - Create a: * Prospect List: Someone who hasn't bought from you yet. * Buyer List: People who've already bought from you) list. * Joint Venture / Affiliate list: Helps you build up potential JV partners or affiliates * Social Media List: Rapidly evolving. Less valuable than an e-mail list, use this to build your real email lists

Communication Fog

- In today's day and age, there's simply too much buzz. - People love tuning out the message. We're all working harder and harder to tune out the messages, so unless you find some way to cut through that fog, your business will perish

Article Marketing

- Involves the company writing articles related to their industry and posting them on their website or other blogs.

Create the offer --> Step #2

- Make something that fills this need, want, or desire that you've identified they have, package it in a way which relates it to how it will help them achieve their goals and aspirations and let them sleep at night - Bribes: Video series, special report, blueprint, mind map, e-course, webinar

Things to Make Sure of for Success in Email Campaigns

- Make sure it's shared across all social media platforms - Make sure that if you put pictures or videos it doesn't overtake the purpose of your email marketing campaign, which is to convince the readers to do something ~ Width should maximum be 550 to 600 pixels - Should not be difficult to read, regardless of whether the recipient is using their computer, smartphone or tablet. Simplest design is a one-column format, which works well across all devices. - Make sure to send it to a variety of devices to test how it looks. Consider a mobile-first design because most people use that these days - Understand these display rules for a variety of email programs so that a business's email marketing campaign has the best chance for success * Gmail blocks HTML images by default - Use Marketing Automation to send large mass emails - A/B testing for emails is an experiment that businesses conduct to see if one email marketing strategy works better than another. They create two (or more) emails that have different approaches.

Marketing Metrics

- Measurable items that can help an organization find its return on investment for its marketing strategies

Organic search results

- Non-paid search engine results

Email Rates 2,5 ;

- Open rates- simple statistic about how many people opened an email --- - Unsubscribe rate is the number of people who use the option to unsubscribe from receiving the emails. ~ Neither is reliable because there is no way of knowing if the recipient actually read the message or simply opened it to get it off of their unread list, not everyone bothers to unsubscribe. &&&&& - Click-through rates: track the number of recipients who opened an email and clicked on one or more links. Unreliable, as accidental clicks happen on mobile, generally due to the size of the screen a person is using --- Conversion Rates: the number of recipients who completed a call to action --- Bounce rates: the number of messages that are returned as undeliverable --- Forwarding rate: Amount of people who forward an email --- ROI: where the business sees if the money it's spending on an email marketing campaign is actually turning into revenue dollars

Shot Across the Bow

- Opening a dialogue with your potential clients "Hey, I've got this really cool new technique where I can teach anyone to play one new song each week, and I just came up with a crazy idea to put together a course that teaches my 'secret' method. (Actually, I don't know if it's a secret, but I've never seen anyone else use this method. I showed it to a few friends, and it works like gangbusters.) In any case, before I create the course, I want to make sure I really cover everything. So can you help me out and tell me what your #1 challenge is when you're trying to learn to play an entire song?" - May want to know how to impress others first

Marketing Analytics

- Organizations can measure the effectiveness of their marketing strategies by analyzing those strategies and managing them to make sure the organization is getting the most bang for their buck. - Can see if there is a common spot where potential customers struggle and leave - Remember it's important to constantly monitor, as things change - Track what words customers are using that lead them to their website * If search for the phrase '6 inch down rod', That means they're looking for a specific type of mounted ceiling fan, so if you're a fan user you may want to sell with down rods

Web Analytics Useful Features

- Page views, visit number, conversion rate, bounce rate (clicked and immidietely left), time on page, entrance rate and landing page: Your entrance (percentage of visitors for whom a page was the first they visited on your site.) rate, landing page (first page visited by a guest is referred to as the landing page.) exit rate (percentage of visitors for whom a page was the last one visited), exit page (the last page visited on your site) ~ Important for content pages because it could show that visitors are not engaging with what you've provided.

How do people think? If people... What do stories do? What do they provide? 2. and an example? Information...

- People don't think in terms of information. They think in terms of narratives. But while people focus on the story itself, information comes along for the ride. - If people get sucked in early, they'll stay for the conclusion - Stories, then, can act as vessels, carriers that help transmit information to others. They can also act as a lesson or a moral - Stories provide proof by analogy. There is no way to be sure that if you buy something from Lands' End, you'll have the same customer service as someone else, but because it happened to someone who is like you makes ya think there's a pretty good chance it will happen to you too. 1) It's hard to disagree with a specific thing that happened to a specific person. 2) We're so caught up in the drama of what happened to so-and-so that we don't have the cognitive resources to disagree. - Ex. One good story about a mechanic who fixed the problem without charging is worth dozens of observations and years of trial and error. Stories save time and hassle and give people the information they need in a way that's easy to remember - Information travels under the guise of what seems like idle chatter.


- Pick a popular or controversial industry topic, define your stance, and make it known. Be ready to defend your perspective and be ready to receive opposing viewpoints. - Give products away - Hand out dollar bills, mail a note along with cash, or send out $5 bills with the promise of giving your prospective customer another $5 after a free consultation. - Utilize Social Networking

White Paper Downloads

- Present an online promotion strategy whereby a customer signs up for emails and gets a valuable piece of information in return - Best for service-based businesses, it should cover a field of expertise related to the company only. - Ex. A company focused on marketing services might release a document about the different types of online promotions and their effectiveness that would attract potential customers

Boost User-Generated Content

- Provide a forum where visitors can chat about the topic of the website - Encourage customers to leave reviews - Encourage visitors to post photos relevant to the site

Web Design must be

- Quick to load - Regularly updated content and a responsive design, or a website built to provide optimal viewing and interaction regardless of the type of design you use to access it

How to evaluate media?

- Reach (the amount of consumers who are exposed to the commercial at least one time every month), cost per contact, frequency (is the number of times a consumer views a given message during a certain period) and audience selectivity

Keep in mind

- Responsiveness will rise and fall depending on how much they like, know, and trust you. Play around with different techniques for different targets - Make sure the first few emails are very high value, and checked thoroughly - Make sure emails are checked thoroughly, maybe by an autochecker like grammarly

Creating your profile

- Set up a business account - Follow the CEO, board members, partners, suppliers, and show community involvement by linking to local organizations, businesses, schools, and charities. - Turn criticism into a positive- answer questions promptly, always thank your most recent followers. Reward followers by tagging them in photos, offering them discounts. Additionally, highlight employees so customers get to know the faces of your company. - Analyze the best day and time to share information and stimulate times of slower activity with new messaging - Places: FB (generate interest/info), YT (info; 2x a month), Insta (if goal is to generate new sales leads, 3x a week), Twitter (if goal is keeping current customers, as can msg/info), Pinterest, Snap, LinkedIn (if goal is keeping current customers, as can msg), Tumblr, VSCO, Google+ (2x a week) - Post consistently based on when target market is mostly online

Squeeze page --> Step #3

- Set up a squeeze page for your audience ( page for them to give you their e-mails ) - Make sure to regularly test and measure various squeeze pages and results, simple usually are the best- Even squeeze page designs can ware out over time, so make sure to update that if need-be - Headline of the squeeze should create curiosity and offer an implied benefit, very strong CTA at pretty much the top ("Get instant access") - Body copy is much less important in terms of page conversion - Don't use video on the squeeze page- It's VERY hard to get a squeeze page to rank well with Google.

Digital Marketing Tactics

- Social media marketing --- - Stealth Marketing --- - Email campaigns --- - Company websites --- - Blog posting --- - Blog commenting --- - Article marketing --- - Advergaming- When advertising is placed in a video game --- - Cell phone text messaging (mobile marketing)- Sending discounts and promotions through text messages. --- - Search engine ads --- - Display advertising --- - Electronic billboards --- - Affiliate marketing --- - Cost Per Action marketing- Paying others for giving you leads, such as an email --- - Paid search --- - Guest posts- writing informative articles for related websites with a link to your business --- - Forum posts- being active in related forums and providing a link to your site in your signature --- - QR Codes --- - Post Notifications

Drive traffic to squeeze list --> Step #5

- Social networks/forums, make sure it's connected to an ethical bribe - GIVE OPTIONS ONLY. 1< The visitor can opt in with their email address to get some type of free something 2< Or they can leave the page. - Blog posts - include a link within your posts, add an opt-in box to the sidebar of your blog. Look at some leading blogs in your niche, copy what they're doing (be skeptical, not all of them have rates as good as you think!) - Recruit JV partners to mail your squeeze page/offer - Run a small PPC campaign in google/fb- Comments as randoms in articles in industry-specific publications tell a story of how leaving a review did X, Y, Z they send you the most popular trends etc. Hire people to comment as people on these posts and find related


- Some email addresses and subscribers will fall by the wayside at some point. - Monitor your subscribers' activity to see if they're engaging and, if not, target them with appropriate messaging and offers to try to win them back - If your efforts fail, you may need to consider purging inactive email addresses from your database.

Marketing for Email Campaigns

- Strong subject line creating a sense of value, urgency, or excitedness *Avoid These 5 Common Marketing Mistakes * Happy Birthday, Sarah *Your Subscriber Gift Is Waiting! - CTA * Sign Up for Free * Join Now and Your First Month Is Free *Register Now to Start Selling Your Art * Click Here to Start Your Job Search - Send yourself a test, because there are no do-overs. Use word processor first.


- The day you allow people to buy from you and begin to take orders 1< Have a strong af sales video/letter on the site. Remember to not skimp message from before 2< Test everything and have others test to see if it works as well 3< Send a short, simple email. P.S. is the most read part of the email- use it to hit the scarcity trigger * Okay, I just opened up registration for Product Launch Formula. We're now live: CLICK HERE for Product Launch Formula http://www.productlaunchformula.com (I opened it up a bit early to avoid any bottlenecks and spread the load on the server.) Best regards, Jeff P.S. Remember . . . you don't need to panic. I don't expect to sell out immediately. However, if you want one of those spots at my PLF Live Workshop, then please don't delay. They're going to go fast. Here's the link: CLICK HERE for Product Launch Formula http://www.productlaunchformula.com 4< Keep this open for 4-7 days 5< Near the end of your launch when there are 24 hours left, create real scarcity to generate a huge spike of sales in the last 24 hours. Make it clear that there are negative consequence if people don't buy during that limited open cart window. Make it clear that something bad will happen if they don't buy before your launch ends—that your prospects will miss out on something

SEO. How to increase?

- These relate to search engine optimization. The work of increasing a website's visibility in search engines. - Strong alternative text descriptions, used to describe visual and audio media on a website/metadata, hidden description of a website in the computer coding that describes what the website is all about, publishing quality content, using strong keywords specific to your brand, and implementing a well-designed and fast-loading website - Make it specific - Build a large following of real people. Do this by getting a large social media following, as if the content is strong and likeable, then more people will share it across all social media platforms - Another way is to find influencers

PLC #1

- This is about the "why" 1< Show opportunity. Must draw attention/reel them in. Make it compelling. * Why should your prospect care? * How will their life change with your product? * Why should they spend their precious time paying attention to you? * What can you do for them? - Short answer: Offer them an opportunity for transformation, call it an impact though. Focus on the end benefit the prospect will get, whether that's taking away pain or creating pleasure * If you have a hardware store and you're selling drills, you're not really selling drills—you're selling "holes in wood." - People aren't so interested in the actual tool. The tool is just a means to get that result. And that's what you want to sell them. 2< Why should they listen to you? 3< Teach them and deliver the value 4< Raise objections and either answer or promise to answer them in upcoming vidoes 5< Foreshadow PLC #2- let them know that there's anothr video on the way 6< CTA- ask for them to comment on your launch blog or social media

Price-focused writing

- This is as simple as Introducing our lowest priced bag yet - the crossbody!

PLC #2

- This is dubbed "the transformation," if the "PLC#1" was the why? this is the what! Teach them a truly valuable trick 1< Thanks and recap of PLC#1 2< Recap the opportunity you shared in PLC#1, never assume ever assume that your prospect has seen or paid attention to or remembered PLC #1. They're busy people. 3< Recap positioning; who they are and why they should listen to you 4< Start to change their life in this 5-10 minute video. It doesn't have to be a huge change or huge impact—just get them moving. Teach one or more cool things that they can implement right now * How can you start to change their life right now or at least create a shift in the way they look at their life? 5< Talk about the top 2-3 objections and address them 6< Foreshadow PLC#3, and build anticipation for what's coming in that video 7< CTA again

JV Partners To Build A List

- To build: *If your site is about teaching people to play guitar, just do a search for "learn guitar." Go to each of the top 50 listings and look around their site for a way to opt in. If they have an opt-in box, then they're building an email list, and they are a potential JV partner. At this point you should go ahead and join their list. Of course, if you join 50 lists (and you should), you're going to be getting a lot of email. You might want to set up a special email address - The best ways to build value for them is to promote their product first—if you generate a bunch of sales for them, then they will definitely take notice - Buy their product, put it to use, and then give some constructive feedback and/or a positive testimonial. - Give them regular feedback on their blog and in social media. Walker, Jeff. Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula to Sell Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love, and Live the Life of Your Dreams (p. 135). Morgan James Publishing. Kindle Edition. - Do an internal launch first, even if your list is small. This is how to test the launch sequences that you offer. - Do not test with a JV partner's list, or they won't promote you again - Before you ask someone to mail for you, you need to be sure you have an offer that converts. Remember, they're putting their skin in the game and if your product sucks then their reputation will be on the line as well. - Don't treat it as a one and done- build a good relationship with them first - Most JV Launches, the JV partners actually send their list to your squeeze page, so that the visitors have to join your list before they get to your PLC - Throughout your launch, follow up with your new prospect and use special affiliate tracking software - When you Open Cart and start making sales, your software automatically tracks who referred each new client to you so you can pay commissions to the right partner. - End up building a serious "launch list" out of all those leads. - After you do the launch, you get to keep that list. This is the single - Fastest way there is to grow a list - Possible to add thousands of people to your list in just a few days during a JV Launch. And that's exactly what happened to me.


- Two or more brands working together to reach more people. - Consumers who are aware of one of the brands are more likely to look at other brands that are together with it.

How to stand out in subscriber's inbox

- Use your own name in the "From" field so it's easier to identify with you personally- Subject line: Curiosity, something that looks personal, something their friend might send them, and offer large implied benefit- Do the above in the first sentence as well, because that sometimes shows

Newsletter Marketing

- When a company builds a database of emails that they can use to send out regular email newsletters - Could contain everything in slide 2

Benefit Driven Copy

- Writing to focus on the benefits of making a purchase

Social Media

- You can also build a list of followers on social media sites, such as on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. - But remember social media sites aren't as effective, you aren't in control of the platform, and social media crazes come and go. Email is the way to go.

To keep in mind

- You can layer forms of scarcity ontop of eachother - Scarcity isn't about manipulation, but being real - End with exclamation mark - Keep mailing your launch list each day your cart is open. - Make sure your servers are able to contain as many people as are in your email list- too many is bad - If nobody is buying, make sure everything is working again. - Check stats on email broadcast- has anyone gone to your site? - Try giving more than you promised after they buy, like an even extra bonus simply to give good will - Do you have a solid plan to keep the new-client follow up process and customer service extremely strong? - - Contact whoever / wherever your $ is going and tell them to be prepared for a large influx of sales * Launch day: Email #1: Cart's open ((4. Houas. Laytaer.)) Email #2 let people know that everything is up and running * Day after launch: Send an email about the awesome social proof and thanking everyone for buying * Day after day after launch: Send an email answering the top three objections to your launch * Day after day after launch day after launch: Shift the message to scarcity. Give a 24 hour warning ahead of your close. * Final day: Email#1: Early morning, reiterate you're closing that day. Email #2: 6-8 hours before the cart closes. Email #3:

Problem with reverse-engineering

- You're looking at their process of pre-launch from the surface, now what's going on below it

Goals in pre-pre

- Your Pre-Prelaunch Sequence is all about grabbing your market's attention without actually trying to sell them anything at all. - Building a "tribe" - Testing target market's level of interest - Surface objections so you can answer them - Gathering information to finalize the product offer - Sets the stage for pre-launch

-- BLF --

-- BLF --

-- BLOG --

-- BLOG --





-- LAUNCH --

-- LAUNCH --















Why people don't buy?

1- Lack of need * You can create the best wheelchair in the world; if someone doesn't need it they won't buy it 2- Lack of income 3- People aren't convinced it's actually good or going to help them 4- They believe it works, but not for them

Strategies. 2,2. What's a marketing funnel? Make sure... What's a call to action?? What does this allow, and what should you do? Contests?

1. Set a goal - Do you want to get information out there about a new product? - Do you want to find out what customers think of a current product? 2. Decide on the objective for your marketing plan because that's going to dictate what media you'll use and how you use it. Marketing funnel - Provides a clear path for the customer to follow from the first time they become aware your product exists all the way to their eventual purchase - Make sure that at every step the customer can clearly see where to go next. Call to Action - Request for contact information. You want there to be a point early on in your marketing where even if the customer doesn't buy, you still get their contact information - Allows you to generate leads, which are the collection of contact information for potential customers - Create an effective lead magnet, or a bribe you give potential customers in exchange for their contact information - Signing up for these contests typically comes with a box to subscribe to email communications

What customers like

1< Customers like to feel like you are personally connecting with them, not like a list. If customers ask about stuff you've shared from your personal life in your emails— answer! Make them feel like they have a personal connection with you, and then they will want to help you more, because even though you are sending the email to maybe hundreds of thousands, people will open it as individuals 2< Always remember to respond. Remember size isn't as important as responsiveness in the slightest. 3< Every subscriber on your list is a unique person. Never "blast" them with emails or spam them, make it personal 4< You want to sound like a friend, in a nice conversational tone. Don't be too corporate/official sounding. 5< People love stories, so make sure to connect who you are to your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Make it super compelling and starry eyed and they'll want to support you along the way! 6< They like when you know their needs/wants 7< They like when the content within them answers objections, creates needs/wants, or address key problems 8< Occasionally including other sources, properly cited of course 9< Quoting experts in your market.

10 Questions

1< How can I let people know something is coming without having it feel like I'm trying to sell them something, because I know as soon as they feel a pitch coming on they will instantly distrust me more? - Come at it as if you're asking for their help and feedback, not as a pitch - If you do ads, be like "give us feedback and when it launches, get 15% off!" --- 2< How can I tease their curiosity, because this is a powerful mental trigger which triggers anticipation? - Tell them something awesome is coming but telling them that they can't have it yet, and saying that they can get more details by clicking a link - Tell them that it's "long-awaited" --- 3< How can I collaborate with others on this product, and acquire help, making them feel like co-creators? - Ask them for their feedback, like before we finalize anything, we need you to help us - When you give them attention, they feel like they have to give it back to you. Recipricocity --- 4< How can I discover people's true objections to my product, and not just what I think they are? - Don't phrase it like "What are your objections?" Instead, ask them what their top two questions are, and you'll see 3-4 common themes continue to appear --- 5< How can I engage my prospects with an offer without sounding corpoorate like, creating a conversational dialogue rather than a monologue? - Even email subject shouldn't be. Call it smth like "Quick announcement and a favor . . . " - This also starts the conversation --- 6< How can I humor or surprise them, because I know that many of my prospects have thousands of other things battling for their attention - Essentially whisper to them before it's released to the general public; remember people love to feel exclusive --- 7< Stand out and be different than your competitors - Ask them for their feedback, people support what they help to create --- 8< How can I figure out what they want to be sold; AKA how can I be tying it to thier hopes, dreams, desires, and fears, offering them the solution? - Survey. Mix multiple choice with essay. For pre-launch, maybe just even copy and paste some of these objections straight from the survey because "you want to enter a convo that's already taking place in the consumer's mind" --- 9< How do I make an incredible crushing offer that they can't refuse? - Surveys, live questions, teleseminars --- 10< How do I have this seemingly transition into my pre-launch? - Thank them for the overwhelming response and tell them how excited I you are to have the project almost complete; doesn't scream salesly, shows you will craft the best product possible, show you're interested in what they want -

Shot AX Bow Examples

1< SUBJECT: Quick announcement and a favor ... Jeff Walker here. We'll be sending your Trading Update in just a little bit. But first I need to ask you a favor ... We're really close to wrapping up our long-awaited trading manual. We will be releasing it in early January. But before we do, I have to ask you a couple of questions. Can you help us out? You can answer the questions here (and get a little more detail on the trading manual) at this link: http://www.example.com Thanks and best regards, Jeff 2< Hey, I've got this really cool new technique where I can teach anyone to play one new song each week, and I just came up with a crazy idea to put together a course that teaches my 'secret' method. (Actually, I don't know if it's a secret, but I've never seen anyone else use this method. I showed it to a few friends, and it works like gangbusters.) In any case, before I create the course, I want to make sure I really cover everything. So can you help me out and tell me what your #1 challenge is when you're trying to learn to play an entire song? - May want to know how to impress others first 3< (If clicked email link) Hi, We're VERY close to finishing our long-awaited Trading Manual. We have been working on this for more than four years, but we are finally going to wrap it up. We will be releasing it in early January. This course will be entirely focused on "Support and Resistance." It will include two printed manuals, eight audio CDs, and one video tutorial DVD. It is going to be a complete brain dump of everything that we know about "SUPPORT and RESISTANCE." We are going to cover all the ways that we use to generate our support and resistance zones, and we are going to show you exactly how we trade those zones. HOWEVER, we need your help. Before we finalize everything and send it off to the printer, we need to make sure we have covered everything. That is where you come in. Please take a few minutes to answer this super-short survey—there is really only one thing we want to ask you ... What are your two top questions about Support and Resistance that we absolutely NEED to answer in our trading course?

General Framework

1< Start off teaching people about the opportunity for change or transformation. Free content hits recipricocity, try doing mostly videos bc much easier for them to get to know you this way * Your story of how bath time was always so boring so you came up with this bath mat that blows bubbles 2< Follow that up with some solid teaching, and you show that transformation or change. Showing knowledge = authority. Gradually moving through this builds trust with the client 3< Finally, give the "ownership experience." This is where you start to pivot to talking about your product and the impact it will make on your prospective client. Gathering comments builds a community, which hits the events/ritual trigger. Getting closer to the launch date builds anticipation

5 Keys To a successful BLF

1> Create high value pre-launches in your launches, so have the prelaunch content simply be valuable for what it is. Also, remember everyone has the opportunity to viralize your business, so generate fans 2> Always build your list, and a relationship with that list. 3> Have 2-4 launches a year; mostly JV ones 4> Re-launches and Evergreen launches: as new leads come onto your list, they will get to move through their own Launch Sequence based on when they joined the list. 5> Take great care of clients and launch with them again

Why create a promotion?

Inform?- The purpose of informative promotion is to convert a consumer need into interest in a new product. &&&&& Educate?- Newer products need to educate the public on features/benefits &&&&& Persuade?- When competition is fierce, focus on distinction- Get the target market to make a purchase/take an action - Should promote brand switching (switching from old brand to yours)- Help change consumer's attitudes towards a product. Ex. if brownies are too fatty, change yours to have less fat &&&&& Remind?- Old products to remind why they should keep buying- Created to trigger a mental reminder to purchase a product- Used after persuasion, not in one ad, but after the persuasion ad campaign

What is KPI? What are 5 goals of digital marketing, and how can KPI be applied to each?

Key Performance Indicators Increase Brand Awareness KPI: Views, times shared Drive Traffic to Website KPI: Blog or web site visitors per month, how much time a visitor spent on the site. Generate Sales Leads KPI: The number of leads generated Convert Leads into Customers KPI: How many leads turned into paying customers and the amount of time it took to convert the lead to a customer. Includes View-Through Conversions, or sales resulting from a user viewing an ad and returning later to buy the product. Retaining Customers KPI: The number of customers who buy again and again.

Mediums of advertising and benefits

Newspaper - based on geography. - frequent promotion, inexpensive. - people don't read as much - can't select your target market Magazines - specialized markets - high cost - long lead times to get their message out - saved or shared with readers Radio - Inexpensive - targets geographical areas - Fun and creative TV - Expensive - Product Placement- Putting products into TV shows and movies where they will be seen - Fun and creative. - Can be targetted more specifically through only using specific cables. - Fastforwarding/inattentive Outdoor advertising (billboards, skywriting, park benches, transit vehicles, etc) - Flexibility - Lower cost - Variation -Internet & Alternate Media Maybe hire a consultant to make sure that your product shows up first

Types of Video

Screen-capture- Recording of computer screen with voiceover --- Full-motion- Shot with a camera

Google analytics custom campaigns (5)

Utm_source- identifies the place of the campaign * Newsletter, email, Instagram --- Utm_medium- describes the type of campaign * Text ad, banner ad, or email newsletter --- Utm_campaign- includes the name of the campaign if the webmaster has one --- Utm_term- allows webmasters to tag keywords used in paid advertising such as Adwords --- Utm_content- lets webmasters name links within the same content * Differentiating between two different links in an email message --- https://collarsite.com/?utm_source=instagram ~~Each parameter begins with a question mark and ends with an equal sign along with the name for each parameter~~

Google Analytics Tools (4)

Visitor acquisition- how visitors find your site) --- Visitor behavior- what pages visitors go to --- Referrer- where visitors came from) --- Adwords performance- custom campaigns (adds custom tracking information), and more

Scarcity ideas for last day of launch

a< Price goes up b< Remove bonuses - They have a chance to get a free skype guitar lesson with you if they buy in this window of time c< The offer goes away if they don't buy * If someone misses the registration period, then they can't get in

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Biology- Chapter 5 Multiple Choice

View Set

technical writing final (Chapters 1-10, Quizzes 1-10)

View Set

Conjugation of -AR/-ER/-IR Verbs

View Set

Chapter 53: Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (Study Guide)

View Set

Sports Medicine Final 1st Semester

View Set