Marking Period 3 Quarterly - Renaissance and the Age of Exploration

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Definition of "renaissance"

The rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman cultures

Gold, God, Glory

Gold: the desire for new sources of wealth. God: the desire to spread Christianity. Glory: Spain and Portugal competed to be the best in the world.

da Gama

Portuguese explorer; explored the African coast and sailed around the tip; brought back spices and silks to Portugal.

Chemical remedies

Prepared and used new chemical remedies including those containing mercury, sulfur, iron, and copper sulfate.


Professor of math at the University of Pisa and Padua. After getting into numerous arguments with the Church about his theory, they placed him on house arrest.

Development of perspective

Broke away from Gothic traditional paintings and began to utilize perspective and anatomical realism, and then put those skills towards his paintings.


Businesses are owned by private individuals, not the government. Money you have to invest in = capitalism.

Ferdinand Magellan

Circumnavigates the globe. Dies in the Philippines. 1st to sail the Pacific Ocean.


Conquistador of the Incas

Know basic principles

1) You hoard your gold & silver. 2) Export more than you import. 3) Put tariffs on imported goods. 4) The government should build roads, canals, bridges, etc. to make trade easier. 5) Countries should have as many colonies as possible.

Three Laws of Planetary Motion

1st law described that the planets orbit around the sun in an ellipse not a circle. 2nd law described that the planet move faster when the sun & slower when far away. 3rd law described that the square of the time it takes a planet to orbit around the sun is equal to the cube of its average distance.

Leonardo da Vinci

A Florentine artist. His work was among the greatest in the world.

School of Athens

A painting which depicted many Greek philosophers, including Plato.

Mona Lisa

Also called La Gioconda, was a painting of a local merchant's wife named Lisa del Gioconda.


An intellectual movement that focuses on humans, their potential, and their achievements


Became one of the finest painters of his town at the age of 11. In his painting "The Disputation of the Sacrament" two religious groups discussing the meaning of heaven on either side of the alter. In his most famous paintings he often included Greek philosophers in them.

How did the style of writing change during the Renaissance?

Before the Renaissance, writing style was mainly religious topics. It changed because it was broadened to other topics like humanism and others. Vernacular writing was also used, which is when you use your native language instead of Latin.


Born in 1377 and died in 1446. Considered to be the first Renaissance architect. Designed two churches in Florence: The Church of San Lorenzo and the Church of Santo Spirito.


Born in Florence. As a child he went to study with the Medici family because he was related to them. In 1407, he became Lorenzo Ghiberti's apprentice. After the apprenticeship, he became friends with Philipo Brunelleschi, and they went to Rome to study the ruins. He made ___ _____ and __ ______ __ _______ for the Orsanmichele Church. These sculptures are important because they show his transition from Gothic to more classical. His unique style used the science of proportions and he added expression into his sculptings. He did that by adding emotion using facial expressions and body positioning. Around 1425, he and _____ (a former apprentice to Ghiberti) visited Rome and did the tombs of Pope John XXIII (23rd) and Cardinal from Venice. After David, he did the first equestrian statue cast in bronze since the Roman Age. It depicted Erasmo de Narni, which caused some controversy because equestrian rulers or ______, not warriors. He also did the _________ _______________ for the convent at Santa Maria di Cestello. It was to provide comfort and inspiration to the convent's _______ _______. He was able to retire with help from the ________ ________, and died in 1466.


Born in the mid 1440s in Florence, Italy. He would apprentice the great painter Filippo Brunelleschi. His paintings portrayed Greek and Roman mythology. Some of his best work includes the Birth of Venus, Mars and Venus, and the Primavera. Botticelli worked for the very famous Brunelleschi family. His style of painting was categorized as Gothic realism.


Depicts Jesus after he was crucified, laying on Mary's lap. By Michelangelo.

William Harvey

Disproved that blood was made in the liver and not in the heart. Discovered the circulatory system of the body. Specialized in surgery.

Prince Henry the Navigator

Dreamed of overseas exploration. He helped conquer Ceuta in North Africa, where he first saw dazzling wealth, including finding exotic stores with spices and large supplies of gold, silver, and jewels. He used his own money to sponsor 14 voyages. He had a strong desire to get back to places with wealth. He later founded a navigation school when returning to Portugal.


Dutch man that has the Hudson Bay & River named after him

The Columbian Exchange

Exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old and New worlds.


Explorer from England that claimed New England


Explorer that claimed Brazil


Explorer that sailed around Africa and found his way to India

Cycle of conquest and colonization

Explorers → Conquerors → Missionaries → Permanent settlers → official colony


Famous sculpture by Michelangelo. It was 16ft tall and weighed 12,478lbs.


French explorer that claimed the St. Lawrence River in Canada. (THINK THE BRANDS CARTIER AND YVES SAINT LAURENT)


French explorer that claimed the land near today's Lake Champlain

Dome of St. Peter's Basilica

He based his idea for the dome off of Bramante's concepts. He developed to making the structure stronger visually and physically. The dome of St. Peter's Basilica was finished after the death of Michelangelo.

Leonardo da Vinci's other contributions

He started to move away from the Early Renaissance style and began the High Renaissance style. The High Renaissance style included soft edges and shadows. He was not only known for his art but also his inventions, architecture, and signs. The Vitruvian Man was a Renaissance study of the proportions of the human body.

Heliocentric vs. Geocentric theories

Heliocentric theory is the theory that the planets orbit around the sun and the geocentric theory is the theory that the Earth was at the center and all other planets orbited around it.

Florence Cathedral dome

His major work is the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. It was constructed by machines that he built for the project. The dome he built over the cathedral was the largest dome built since the Pantheon in Ancient Rome.


Historians do not know anything about the first 30 years of his life. He reconstructed the Church of Santa Maria at San Satiro. His last work was the Palace Caprini.

What type of medicine did Paracelus practice?

Homeopathy, which is the treatment of diseases with small doses of natural substances.

The Book of the Courtier

Il libro del cortegiano in Italian. A courtier is a member of the royal court who is a companion to a king or queen. Book changed expectations for men. Men have to play an instrument, quote classic books, be fluent in Latin and Greek and the purpose was to be a well-rounded person.

Michelangelo (as an architect)

In 1546, Michelangelo was appointed architect of St Peter's Basilica


In the year 1510, Bramante built The Temple. Bramante took inspiration from ancient buildings such as the Temple of Vesta.

Why did the Renaissance begin on the Italian peninsula?

It began here for five reasons. First, city-states have a lot of trade with money and ideas. Second, the ruins of ancient Rome are easy to get to. Third, there's competitiveness for wanting to be the best city-state. Fourth, businessmen believed in individual achievements, like who was the richest and best, etc. Lastly, when Greeks fled from the Turks they brought their knowledge from Greece to Italy.

Where does the Renaissance fit in chronologically?

It fits after the Middle Ages.


Italian courtier. Wrote The Book of the Courtier.


Italian sea captain; convinced Spain to let him go to Asia by sailing across the Atlantic; founded the Americas.

Name several differences between Northern and Italian Renaissance art

Italian: tempera paints, used perspective, some religious themes, some detail. Northern: oil pants, did not emphasize perspective. more religious than mythology, extreme detail.


Leader in developing and applying new sailing techniques.

Sistine Chapel ceiling

Located in Vatican City, Rome, Italy, this famous ceiling by Michelangelo depicts a variety of biblical stories.

The Prince

Machiavelli's best known work. Meant for rulers telling them how to rule.

Name several characteristics of Renaissance architecture

Many buildings during the Renaissance were built in symmetrical shapes. Architectures used Greek columns, and a lot of buildings had arches and domes.

Joint-stock companies

Many investors buy shares in a company to try and make a profit.

Amerigo Vespucci

Mapmakers gave his name to the lands of the Americas.


Masaccio's first fresco. The title of the painting comes from three figures: Christ on the cross, God, and the Holy Spirit. This was a new approach towards Masaccio's technique of perspective. This was typical of the time but far more complex than other paintings. The architecture where the painting takes place is Roman, the Roman Triumphal Arch.

Commercial Revolution

Name of the change in economic philosophy.

Impact of European exploration on Europe and on the New World

Native populations ravaged by disease, influx of gold & silver into Europe caused inflationary economic climate (price revolution), new products (Columbian Exchange), and deepened in colonial rivalries.

What went to the New World and what came back to the Old?

New → Old: Potatoes, maize/corn, tomatoes, cocoa, syphilis. Old → New: horses, coffee beans, sugarcane, malaria.

Jan van Eyck

Northern Renaissance artist from the Netherlands.

Albrecht Durer

Northern Renaissance artist. German. Combined northern and Italian styles. Most famous for his wood prints.

Pieter Brueghel

Northern Renaissance artist. Painted ordinary people, mostly peasants. Dutch.

Arnofini and his Bride

One of van Eyck's most famous works.

Who participated in the Renaissance?

Only the upper class were affected by the Renaissance.

The Last Supper

Painted on the wall of the refectory of the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The problem da Vinci had while painting was that the paint began to flake away almost as soon as he finished it.

African slavery

Plantations in the New World required large amounts of labor. Slaves had to work on the plantations in the New World.


Real name is Theophratus Bobsatus von Honhenheim. Contributed to the rise of modern medicine and psychiatric treatment. Most important discovery was that the cause of a disease was an agent outside the body called bacteria. Known as the homicide doctor.


Received his doctorate in canon law from the University of Ferrara. He then returned to Poland where he served as canon from Frombork Cathedral.


Searched through graveyards & gallows to collect dead bodies for research. He would disassemble dead bodies before putting them back together. Known as the Father of Modern Anatomy.

Advances in sailing and navigation that made the Age of Revolution possible

Shipbuilders designed the caravel to sail against the wind. Sailors used the astrolabe for navigation. Explorers could more accurately track direction with a compass. Better maps. Sextant (astrolabe but using the sun).


Spanish conquerors


Spanish conquistador. Brought guns, horses, and diseases to the Americas. Europeans will spread diseases to natives and kill more than guns ever will. Claims Mexico as his own nation. Conquered the Aztecs.

What did Paracelus reject?

Teachings of Celsius and the other Roman doctor.

What role did the Medici family play in the Renaissance?

The Medici family is responsible for getting everything they can find in ancient Rome, bringing artifacts back like coins, books, medallions, etc.


The belief that there is only a limited amount of trade in the world so countries must take trade from other countries if they want to be prosperous. Governments control trade.

Heliocentric theory

Theory that the sun is in the center of the solar system and the other planets surround it. Used geometry & mathematics to prove early model.


Tommaso di Giovanni, also known as Masaccio, was a painter born in San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy. He went to Florence when he was about 20 years old and joined the modern and prominent artist group. This group was headed by architect Filippo Brunelleschi and sculptor Donatello. All of the innovations done by MAsaccio were recorded in the _________ of painting written by ______________, alluded to Masaccio.

Primavera & The Birth of Venus

Two of Botticelli's best works.

Telescope and Hydrostatic balance

Two of Galileo's most well-known inventions

The Peasant Wedding & The Peasant Dance

Two of Pieter Brueghel's most famous works.


Upon his return to Florence from Rome, Donatello made David, life size sculpture of an _______ man made out of marble. David (1408) was done in the gothic style, long elegant lines and a long face. When Donatello came home, he asked his friend Cosimo de'Medici to commission him to make another, improved David. Cosimo agreed and in 1430, David was completed. It was a ____ statue of man, completely naked except for a hat and he carries a sword.

The Fabric of the Human Body

Vesalius's book.


Was crowned Rome's poet Lariat in 1341 for outstanding poetry. Known as the Father of Humanism. Formed the Italian language through his poems.


What Raphael was most known for. These were pictures that include Mary and Jesus. The Sistine Madonnas were known for being very extraordinary and rare.

Michelangelo (as an artist)

When he was 17, he created his first known sculpture, The Battle of the Centaurs. He studied under Domenico Ghirlandaio. His style was known for simplicity and solid figures.


Wrote poems and plays.

Treaty of Tordesillas

a 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.


a person of mixed European and African ancestry.


a person of mixed Spanish and North American ancestry.

On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

one of Copernicus's works

Motivation for this exploration

see Gold, God, Glory.


writer from 1330s. embraced Humanism.

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