MART330 Exam

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What is DSP?

A demand-side platform (DSP) is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. ... Many third parties are integrating with DSPs to provide better tracking.

Several issues for advertisers

Brand safety Click fruad

Digital makreting allows you to link

Cause and effect

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user's computer. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website, and can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to a particular user, or the page itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and so is able to carry information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next.

Measuring Success on social media

Exposure Influence Engagement Action/convert $$

Measuring Campaigns: RACE mode

Reach Act Convert Engage

The Virality Equation

X= pf * n * pv


"Integration" applies at strategic, tactical and implementation levels. Consistency of communication elements is part of it, but more important is the coherency of the customer experience Online and offline (branding by consistent messaging, imagery) All the online and offline channels (consistent messaging and imagery) Display advertising: keywords with display ads display ads with landing pages landing pages with next step in purchase process Product/service: deliver what was promised!

Email marketing jobs

"List building" an audience Creating valuable content to develop relationships with audience Segmenting subscribers for targeting Email types and the customer life cycle Writing compelling subject lines Landing page design for conversion Evaluation and A/B split testing Clean up lists to avoid spam filters

Omnichannel marketing

"Multi-channel is an operational view - how you allow the customer to complete transactions in each channel. Omni-channel, however, is viewing the experience through the eyes of your customer, orchestrating the customer experience across all channels so that it is seamless, integrated, and consistent. Omni-channel anticipates that customers may start in one channel and move to another as they progress to a resolution. Making these complex 'hand-offs' between channels must be fluid for the customer. Simply put, omni-channel is multi-channel done right!" Prospects may use multiple: digital devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, TV, ...) online technologies (WWW, email, SMS, ...) Internet/WWW services (Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, ...) offline behaviours (reading magazines, listening to radio, riding the bus, ...) Omnichannel is a cross-channel business model and content strategy that companies use to improve their user experience. Omnichannel is an integrated way of thinking about people's relationships with organisations. Rather than working in parallel, communication channels and their supporting resources are designed and orchestrated to cooperate, building a coherent, evolving, cross-channel experience

PPC advertising is touted as having higher ROI than offline advertising, because you

"only pay for results"

Suggested bid" is an indication of the value of the keyword, which is a function of three main factors:

-Indication of purchase intent -Search volume -Competition (related to first two factors above: but you may be lucky) Go for long-tail, high purchase intent (lower funnel) keywords

Tactics for SEO

-Onsite (relevance) Actual content (stuff in <p> elements) Both the proximity of keyword to top of page & frequency of keyword in page Semantic cues: keyword in <h1>, <h2>, ..., <strong>, <emph>, etc. In alt attribute of <img> elements Anchor text, e.g. <a href=....>best headphones</a>, not <a...>click here</a> <title>: one of the most important single elements <meta> description & keywords Site structure, e.g. hierarchical depth, internal cross-links (with keyword in anchor text) -Offline Offsite (popularity - among the good crowd) Encouraging other sites to link to us (for reasons other than payment) Affiliates: contractual arrangements to backlink

Types of backlinks & how to get them

-Organic" backlinks: ** links from authors and organisations who like your stuff **Partner with influencers, industry authorities, news sites, trade portals etc. **High trust, e.g. government, backlinks are gold Low impact: random bloggers etc. -Partner with sites on a quid-pro-quo basis, i.e. no payment, but you link to them in exchange for backlinks from them. **Easier in B2B: link with customers and suppliers, especially if they are well-known **In B2C can link with high-credibility organisations via CSR, sponsorship, etc.

The Strategy Triangle-

-core purpose -resources and capabilities -external environment

3 Basic Steps in Content Marketing Strategy

1.Creation of content - Research ideas, create strong content, meet needs, match channels 2.Distribution of content - Optimise for search, email newsletters, social media, guest blog, PR, paid ads 3.Conversion - Find the balance between calling to action and overly pushy sales message

The bidding process typically takes

2-4 milliseconds, must be < 10ms

Web sites

A enterprise's web site is the core of it's digital marketing Fantastically effective ads are useless if the prospect comes to a crappy web site, especially the landing page. KPIs: Bounce rate, i.e not clicking on any links, scrolling etc., only "interaction" is going away Dwell time, i.e. time before navigating away. (Problematic: reading carefully, or having a cup of tea?)

What is search engine optimisation? SEO

A subset of SEM. SEO is the term used to describe efforts to increase the PageRank (or equivalent metric for non-Google search engines) of web pages Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine's unpaid results—often referred to as "natural", "organic", or "earned" results. tries to maximise page rank.

Digital marketing makes it much easier to do test marketing, especially:

A/B testing of display ads Multivariate testing of display ads A/B testing of web pages Online surveys after exposure to ads, web pages etc. Response rates are very low, but that doesn't matter. What matters is absolute size of the sample, and a roughly equal exposure to experimental conditions (e.g. two versions of a display ad or landing page)

Writing ads

AdWords ads can have a small image and two lines of text, limited to a small number of characters. General considerations are: Include a value proposition and a call to action, i.e. why should anyone want what you've got, and what do you want them to do (and maybe when)? Include the keyword(s) in your headline (first line), otherwise people may not mentally connect the ad with what they're doing (searching for) You can learn a lot by looking at competitors' ads — but don't fall into the trap of blindly copying them!

What is Affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.[1] Affiliate marketing: establishing strategic relationships with partner businesses/sites to promote each other Usually a financial reward for each hit from an affiliate, the most common being revenue sharing, i.e. a percentage of revenue from a sale. This makes it a type of performance marketing

Automated Campaign Optimisation

All key advertising platforms now allow for various objectives to be selected and assigned to marketing activity. From there, the machine learning takes over, refining targeting, ad positioning and other factors on an ongoing basis.

Whys is DM a blessing and a curse?

Allows marketing activity to be measurable. But this means held very accountable

Any ad should do three things:

Attract attention Communicate a value proposition Invite further action In PPC advertising, one view is that the call to action (CTA) is to visit the web page of the advertiser, and the landing page has a more specific CTA Many factors influence whether the prospect will respond to the CTA In search (SERP) ads, you have a very constrained format to influence this (small image, no video, limited number of characters)

A simple model of Marketing

Attract the attention of prospective customers (advertising & promotion): Implies we need ways to figure out who is "prospective", i.e. market research/intelligence Persuade them to buy (selling) or do something else (e.g. volunteer): Easiest to sell to someone who's ready to buy: see above Implies knowing what they want and matching it with what we can deliver Ensure that they're satisfied (relationship marketing): Easier to sell to an existing customer than recruit a new one, so see above

what is a banner ad?

Banner ads are image-based rather than text-based and are a popular form of website advertising. The purpose of banner advertising is to promote a brand and/or to get visitors from the host website to go to the advertiser's website/landing page.

Customer journeys and pain points

Because we can now measure and record steps in the process from being exposed to an ad (or searching) online to actual purchase (and beyond, e.g. to eWoM) there is increased focus on the transitions from one stage to another: the customer "journey" At each stage, a proportion of customers "defect", i.e. don't go to the next stage. Why? One reason might be that the process itself is difficult or annoying (as opposed to the product being unsuitable) We can then focus marketing research, design and technical expertise to eliminate those "pain points"

Search and Display ads

Besides text ads that appear in SERPs, other formats include Banner" ads, i.e. graphical ads occupying a large portion of a web page, traditionally along the top, now often in sidebars

How Marketers Sell on Social Media

Build confidence through education/expert content Build relationships using relevant content Build brand awareness through campaigns/competitions Target demographics, local audiences, etc. Enlist brand advocates Shopping = social process Psychology of Sales fits into this. Peer Approval: our desire to fit in (reviews, UGC, #trending, sharing) Hunter-Gatherer: fear of losing out on time-bound / limited offers Anchoring: brain's constant search for patterns to affirm our decision-making Authority: our inherent trust in leaders / experts

Direct Selling on Social Media

Built-in tabs / Marketplace Affiliate links in posts (e.g. CODE123) Buy Now buttons Shoppable links Retargeting social ads GPS location promotions

Performance marketing

CPM, really? Paying for reach is a non-digital concept, and so last-millennium (so people say, but sometimes that is all that is offered) Performance marketing is about paying for results. (So: CPA.) Previously, a click was a the "result" only because it was easily measurable (this applies to so many things). Better results include: Sales Sales from new customers Requests for information But not all publishers/DSPs are willing or able to play this game

Ways to pay for inventory?

CPM: a fixed cost per mille (thousand) impressions CPC: cost per click CPA: cost per acquisition, i.e. new customer, a sale, etc.

What is CRM

CRM systems are essentially a relational database that stores customer data. If you want to know more about how databases work watch this video: Data management and persistence: Because the data is stored in a central system it doesn't disappear when key staff leave. Process management: CRM systems allow you to enforce certain processes and behaviours within your organization e.g. when you are managing a sales opportunity you must record which competitors we are competing against Business Intelligence (BI) and Reporting - Businesses use the customer data stored within the CRM in order to keep track of the score as well as to draw insights into their customers. Data visibility - CRM systems allow managers and teams to see data in real time. This is important for keeping everyone informed and working off the same data. A good CRM: the value you get is alot greater than the information you provide. Get useful actional info SugarCRM

Why is SEO important?

CTRs of organic listings fall dramatically: 30% for the first listing 15% for the second 10% for the third If you're not on the first page, you may as well not be on the WWW at all (only a slight exaggeration) Being first sounds hard, but remember it's for a specific keyword (still hard, but less hard than for a product category, for example)

Website Imagery

Choosing the right images for your website can help with brand positioning and connecting with your target audience. If you don't have high quality professional photos on hand, consider stock photos but be mindful of overuse. Consider using infographics, videos and charts as these can be much more effective at communicating than even the most well-written piece of text. Video content on websites also increases conversions: Including video in a landing page can increase conversion by 80% (EyeView).

Visual Aspects of Web Design

Clean, distraction-free, directive, simple to use and consistent e.g. "The Hamburger Menu"


Clicking on a link on another web page -Search: a sub-type of referral, i.e. links on SERPs (Search Engine Response Pages) -Paid: the link is on an ad on the SERP or other web page -Unpaid: the link is on the actual content of the SERP, or "organic" back-links

An Optimised Text Content Strategy Will

Contain the right keywords in the right places, thereby increasing the website's relevance Contain engaging content, shared and linked to, thereby increasing the website's authority

Importance of Mobile Browsing Habits

Content consumed on a smartphone usually follows the "F pattern design" Mobile Content: Responsive design Attention-grabbing Hierarchical Scannable content Distinct calls to action (CTA) WHITE SPACE

What is content marketing?

Content marketing attracts prospects and transforms prospects into customers by creating and sharing valuable free content. Content marketing helps companies create sustainable brand loyalty, provides valuable information to consumers, and creates a willingness to purchase products from the company in the future. This relatively new form of marketing does not involve direct sales. Instead, it builds trust and rapport with the audience.[2] Unlike other forms of online marketing, content marketing relies on anticipating and meeting an existing customer need for information, as opposed to creating demand for a new need. The idea central to content marketing is that a brand must give something valuable to get something valuable in return. Instead of the commercial, be the show. Instead of the banner ad, be the feature story. The value returned is often that people associate good things with — and return to engage with — the brand. Content marketing is not an ad on a billboard or a one-page spread in a magazine. It doesn't have to be a commercial on cable television or the 28 annoying seconds before the start of that next YouTube hit. Content is king

28% of mobile conversions result in

Conversions On average, each mobile search triggers nearly 2 follow-up actions

Tracking online customer behaviour

Cookies! Like any technology, cookies can be used for good or evil Good: remembering preferences, state etc. on web sites, or even login details Evil: tracking your behaviour on other sites and bombarding you with rubbish that you never asked for For many people the bad outweighs the good, so they switch off automatic cookie acceptance in their browser, and block other tracking technologies The biggest ethical issue affecting IDM is the ability of marketers to observe, record and sell data about Internet behaviour without the knowledge or consent of Internet users. Almost every other ethical issue stems from this base.

Online Design Rules

Copyright Image quality (pixels) Professional design Logical colour palettes Simplification Image load time Ease of sharing Ability to embed = links

Digital Out-of-home advertising

DOOH: relatively new technology Commonly "dumb", i.e. don't react to the environment New technologies can sense smartphones, and try to personalise ads based on cookies etc.

The Purpose of Websites

DRIVE CONVERSIONS That means we need to design for usability: -Follow conventions -Create effective visual hierarchies -Make obvious what is "clickable" -Eliminate distractions -Format to support scanning (fast/partial reading)

What is a DMP? How do they learn about us?

Data management platform. Cookeis. A prospect goes to an advertiser's web site (A) and pokes around. That site uses a DSP or DMP that sets a cookie on the prospect's computer The prospect goes aways and does other stuff on the web. If one of the other sites he or she is using (B) also uses the same DMP/DSP, they will recognise the prospect, and probably attempt to serve them an ad from A.

Desktop users still earning top engagement numbers

Desktop visits last 3 times longer on average than mobile visits, with more pages viewed and half the bounce rate.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.[1] Digital marketing's development since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing.[2] As digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life,[3] and as people use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops,[4][5] digital marketing campaigns are becoming more prevalent and efficient. Digital marketing methods such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, data-driven marketing,[6] e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e-books, and optical disks and games are becoming more common in our advancing technology. In fact, digital marketing now extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile ring tones.[7] In essence, this extension to non-Internet channels helps to differentiate digital marketing from online marketing, another catch-all term for the marketing methods mentioned above, which strictly occur online.

What is EWOM?

Electronic word of mouth Electronic word-of-mouth communication (eWOM) is any positive or negative statement made by potential, actual or a former customer which is available to a multitude of people via the internet[1] While in traditional word-of-mouth, the message disappears as soon as it is spoken, in case of eWOM, the message remains over a period. eWOM includes blogs, online reviews, social media posts and messages posted on online groups.

The External Environment

Fragmentation of media Emergence of virtual communities and networks Transparency of data and information Redress of power imbalance Ubiquitous technologies

Landing page optimisation

Fundamental tactics: Text of search and display ads match keywords of ad campaign Text of landing page match keywords in display/search ad and campaign Land page gives what was promised in the ad, and what the prospect was (probably) looking for!

What is ad rank?

Google (and other search engines) are in the business of making their users (searchers) happy. If they keep showing crappy ads, their business will suffer. So they try to estimate ad quality, and will prefer to show a higher quality ad from an advertiser that pays less Best estimate of ad quality is CTR, also high CTR makes money for the search provider (see example in the textbook) Other factors are: ad relevance: keyword in ad and on landing page landing page experience: bounce rate

Other factors that influence Page Rank

High CTR Low bounce rate from landing page Short load times Good spelling and grammar (yes, really) Limited ad space Original content Fresh content Quantity content Quality content

Why Text Content Works

High quality, professionally produced content helps companies stand out from the crowd (and their competitors) in a crowded online marketplace Content nurtures existing customer relationships and builds new ones, taking them through the sales funnel Content is a tool to help build thought leadership and industry authority for brands = influence Content allows us to re-engage people across multiple touchpoints Online content can convert, and is therefore measurable Off-site SEO

Affiliates: attribution models

If you can complete the sale online, attribution is easy: pay the site that displayed the ad that led to the customer travelling to your landing page and then purchasing But is that fair to the other affiliates? If they perceive it as unfair, they might withdraw their services! But what if they purchased later, perhaps returning days, weeks or months later? What if they purchased offline? What if they viewed your ads on lots of sites before they finally clicked on one and bought? Don't the other sites deserve a slice of the pie? Maybe even the site that served the first impression?

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is a technique for drawing customers to products and services via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization and branding.[1][2]

What is Influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.[1]

Psychology Principles in Content

Information Gap Theory: the curiosity humans have to seek out information that will fill the gap between what we know and don't know. Social Proof: the conformity of people to trust the larger group, e.g. reviews, social shares, influencer endorsements... FOMO: (fear of missing out) part of the 'scarcity marketing' theory - humans put more value on things they feel are limited.

Factors that detract from PageRank score

Insufficient internal linking Deep organisational structure Flash (ugh!) <iframe> Mobile-unfriendliness (new in 2015/2016) Poor security (i.e. no https://) Some penalisation for these factors is automatic, but some is done manually. And manual penalisation is easy to get, but hard to recover from.

Integrating paid, earned & owned

Integration is the key to digital marketing: i.e. getting synergy from multiple media & channels Example: a link to an owned page from a genuine social media post (e.g. a story on Facebook about buying a new pair of shoes) is gold (eWom)

Email marketing is good because

It has cut through it has CTA links it has permission Personalisation

Email marketing is

It is a low-cost, high-return tactic that cuts through the online noise of social and digital media channels Email marketing is a "close cousin" of Marketing Automation because much of the life cycle emails can be scheduled/triggered automatically The key to success involves crafting good content, segmenting audiences, personalisation, executing good timing and evaluating for effectiveness to improve each time

What are KPIS?

KPI: Key Performance Indicator Behavioural KPIs Clicks Likes Retweets Conversions (sales) Dwell time Bounce rate Financial KPIs Revenue: conversions * price Profit: revenue - COGS (cost of goods sold) ROI (return on investment): Profit/cost of investment, i.e. cost of ad spending

Remarketing Key

Key to success: not much, not too little. Showing too many ads, or close to each other in time, can have (very) negative effect: it's so easy to be creepy.

Keyword research: the key to SEO (not just PPC)

Keyword research Consider goals (education, purchase, relationship/loyalty, ...) Brainstorm broad/generic or upper funnel keywords From our own data we can see the keywords that people used to get to our own site(s), but not what they used to get to sites of competitors Find sites in your niche that are authoritative and targeted, search them for keywords Use web browser/search engine autocomplete (machine learning generated suggestions) Explore longer-tail keywords: where do they take you? What ranks highly? Gold: if some site you've never heard of can rank highly, then probably you can too!


Knowing the address, e.g. from memory or seeing an ad (online or offline)

Why must Response for auction calls must be received in <10ms?

Latency: the number 1 factor causing bounce

How do you do it? Strategies for SEO

Learn as much as possible about the ranking algorithm(s) Consider hiring a specialist (but insist on measurable results!) Invest in subscriptions to web services that can help analyse how and why people do and don't come to and link to, your pages Once desired rank is established/attained, monitor (do not set & forget!) Don't get sucked into "SEO is free advertising". Invest in it (time, staff upskilling, software, ...) and attempt to measure the ROI.

Display advertising

Major effort is to reduce annoyance (and make spending efficient) by doing everything possible to show relevant and useful ads Implies that the more we know about an internet prospect, the better we can serve them Hence: "big data", machine learning and artificial intelligence are driving marketing innovation, especially in advertising

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is the automation of marketing or sales activities based off data that we hold about the customer. Email marketing Direct mail (post) - Sales calls Retargeting advertising Text message or instant messages

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation refers to software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels online (such as email, social media, websites, etc.) and automate repetitive tasks.[1] The use of a marketing automation platform is to streamline sales and marketing organizations by replacing high-touch, repetitive manual processes with automated solutions

The biggest advantage of online advertising is

Measurability. Reach cost behaviour (what engaged/disengaged) return

What is Metadata

Meta elements are tags used in HTML and XHTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page. They are part of a web page's head section. Multiple Meta elements with different attributes can be used on the same page. Meta elements can be used to specify page description, keywords and any other metadata not provided through the other head elements and attributes. The meta element has two uses: either to emulate the use of an HTTP response header field, or to embed additional metadata within the HTML document.

Mobile vs desktop

Mobile disadvantages: Smaller screens Difficult clicking Difficult typing Slow loading Mobiles advantages: GPS Contact advantage Check frequently Customer stickiness-the increased chance to utilize the same product or service that was bought in the last time period.

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is multi-channel online marketing technique focused at reaching a specific audience on their smart phone, tablets, or any other related devices through websites, E mail, SMS and MMS, social media or mobile applications. [1] Mobile marketing can provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas.

Consider the different nature of objectives when browsing

Mobile users are generally on the hunt for specific information, while time consuming activities are usually reserved for the comfort of PCs.

Content is the king

Mobile users scan rather than digest content. A lower attention span is specific to mobile users, who prefer situation-related and leisure-themed content.

Continual improvement of PPC

Most common method is A/B testing: create two ads and serve them randomly to 50% of impressions. Wait until you have a large enough sample size to test which has a higher CTR. Less common, but better (if you have the skills): multivariate testing, where you measure the impact of varying several factors at once

Retail beacons

Most use bluetooth to detect (and possibly identify) consumers and send messages to them based on: physical location pattern of movement through the servicescape dwell time in locations (could indicate indecision, need for information) As always, trust and creepiness are issues Also, currently many vendors, competing protocols etc.

The 6 social media myths

Myth #1: Social media is free. Myth #2: Good social media must "go viral." Myth #3: Social media will replace traditional media. Myth #4: Good social media must reach millions of people. Myth #5: A good social media campaign can fix most other problems. Myth #6: Social media should function independently of traditional media.

When email marketing has no CTA

No CTA - when making a campaign statement or hoping something cause-based will "go viral" on social media

Whats so great about PPC?

No other method of advertising allows such precise targeting. This is a win-win situation for advertisers and prospects: advertisers are more likely to get a result, and prospects are less likely to be irritated by irrelevant ads No other method allows such precise measurement of advertising effectiveness. It allows elimination of vast amounts of wasted advertising spending It allows many previously time-consuming aspects of advertising, notably media buying and media scheduling, to be automated. This has the potential to disintermediate some aspects of the advertising industry

The sales funnel

Not a digital-native concept, or even very new: based on AIDA, which predates the Internet by decades But has become much more prominent now that transitions between states are more measurable Impression = Awareness, Interest = Click, Desire = Add to cart, Action = Complete purchase Common phrases include "upper funnel" (awareness, interest), "lower funnel" (desire, action)

How to stop people from unsubscring

Offer content control

Why is IDM so damn cool?

Offline: a company with something to sell (the advertiser, A) commissions another (C) company to create ads (a1, a2, a3, ...), a different company (M) to buy media and place ads on some publisher's (P) space (p1, p2, p3, ...). If some customer buys from A, they can never know if it's due to one of their ads, which one, on which publication, at what time, or or some other reason. Online: the advertiser may create ads themselves, and does not have to choose when and where to display the ads. The submit their ads to Google, Microsoft or Facebook (the service provider). The provider displays the ads on their Display Network to targeted consumers and sends them to the advertiser's website. If a customer buys on the site, the advertiser knows it was (at least partly) because they saw the ad. (More on this next week.) Advertising can be much more scientific: use trial and error effectively to build theories/models of market response

Two basic ways to increase PageRank:

On-site: make the content pages better (i.e. more relevant and useful) Off-site: encourage others to link to our pages ("backlinks")

Tips For Easy-Read Copy

Online content consumers can be grouped into 3 categories: Readers (2) scanners (3) bottom-line viewers So we include the core messaging in five places throughout the text: Headline and subtitle Within the text body In subheadings Conclusion In any P.S. or call to action

Organic versus Paid Social Media

Organic* = listening, engagement, customer service. *Can be challenging because of algorithms. Paid = targeting for customer acquisitions / brand awareness. Based on interest Remarketing (e.g. custom audiences) Override algorithms.

Pros and cons of programmatic

PROS -Efficiency: enables super-targeting (more effective, less annoying) -Measurability: we can tell which ads work, for who, when, etc. (Unbelievable!) -Cost-effective: in the past, it was cheaper, but as vendors and clients realise its value, prices are rising CONS -Brand safety **Advertiser: sometimes your ad will appear on dodgy sites, possibly inducing a context/halo effect of brand pollution **Publisher: sometimes dodgy ads will appear on your sites, with the same result as above -Fraud: lack of transparent technology enables fraud by publishers and intermediaries, e.g. click-bots or even outright lies

Essential elements of PageRank algorithm

PageRank scores how well a page is relevant to a keyword search plus a quality factor, mixing elements of usefulness and credibility Early versions were based almost solely on the number of backlinks Later version based on the quality of backlinks + penalising "black hat" practices (sometimes manually) Web spiders/crawlers cannot (yet) understand images & video: text is the only game in town for the robots Hence, a great reason to follow the HTML spec by putting meaningful & accurate alt attributes into <img> elements

Measuring Success: Metrics

Pageviews Visit duration Return visits Bounce rate Unique visitors Social shares Leads and conversions Recurring revenue

What is performance base advertising?

Performance-based advertising, also known as pay for performance advertising, is a form of advertising in which the purchaser pays only when there are measurable results. Performance-based advertising is becoming more common with the spread of electronic media, notably the Internet, where it is possible to measure user actions resulting from advertisement.

Social media marketing exploits several features of human nature

Power of word-of-mouth Social proof Small worlds (e.g. 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon): essence of "virality" Curiosity (and gossip) Vanity

Extending Categories of Privacy?

Privacy of communication (emails, texts, snapchat etc) Privacy of personal behaviour and action (in public spaces- what you wear -for profiling) Privacy of location and space (the right to move around public and semi-public places without being identified Privacy of association (the right to associate with whomever you wish) Privacy of the person (physically but also genetic codes and biometrics) \Privacy of data and imaging (full body airport scans, medical scans) Privacy of thought and feelings (neuro-imaging that implies certain emotive reactions)

What is Programmatic Marketing

Programmatic marketing is automated bidding on advertising inventory in real time, for the opportunity to show an ad to a specific customer, in a specific context.

QR Code

Quick Response codes allow you to scan a square code using your mobile device, which can then trigger some behaviours within your mobile. In mobile commerce (e.g., mPayments, mCoupons, and mVouchers)

Three ways to buy inventory

Real-time bidding (RTB): an automated auction system (used by AdWords, for example). When some people say "programmatic", this is what they mean Deals/Packages: also bid-based auctions, but not real-time or automated. Publishers may offer inventory to specific advertisers before opening up to general auction. Direct: an advertiser buys in bulk from a publisher (1-2-1 relationship), usually at a fixed CPM (cost per mille, i.e. 1000, impressions), i.e. not PPC. Also vCPM: viewable, e.g. ads aren't simply included in a page, they're visible without scrolling, or videos play for more than 2 seconds Why direct? Brand safety: advertisers know where their ads will appear

What is Referral marketing ?

Referral marketing is a method of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals, usually word of mouth. Such referrals often happen spontaneously but businesses can influence this through appropriate strategies. based on financial and relationship based.

Functions of marketing automation tools

Relationship marketing Customer activity tracking Marketing automation Lead generation, lead scoring, lead assignment, lead nurturing Customer retention, cross-selling and upselling Web forms Customer segmentation Reporting and analytics capabilities, especially ROI, ROAS etc.

Text Content=

Relevance + Authority Relevance: Keywords (separate pages) Page titles Quality content Content structure Authority: Link profile & brand mentions Content Marketing Social Media integration

Social Media Challenges

Resource intensive Conversion rates (turning followers into customers) High risk for mistakes Public complaints system ALGORITHMS Keeping up with changes Measuring return on investment Centralised evaluation Tying social activity to business goals Creativity and content

What is Search engine marketing (SEM)?

SEM is using search engine technology for marketing purposes. It includes generating inbound traffic to owned digital assets from both paid (display advertising, PPC advertising) and earned (SERP content, social media content, eWOM, ...) sources. is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.[1] SEM may incorporate search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content and site architecture to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages to enhance pay per click (PPC) listings.[2]

Keyword research

Searching for keywords that work is the heart of PPC tactics Key "words" can actually be phrases (and almost always are) "Works" can mean different things: most common are clicks and conversions (i.e. a sale as a result of a click) Strategy: consider: Purchase intent indicated by keywords. Most common to advertise to prospects who are ready to buy, and select keywords that reflect that. Price of keyword Competition for keyword These factors are interrelated, e.g. high competition pushes up price, and high purchase intent pushes up competition Hence try to find keywords that are valuable to you, but not the competition!

What is Remarketing/retargeting

Showing ads to people who've clicked but not purchased Or added an item to a shopping cart but not checked out/paid These actions show high intent (or at least higher than non-clickers), so reasonable to assume they might buy later, or if a better value proposition was offered Key strategy: show them ads for stuff they've actually shown an interest in, not what we happen to want to sell that day Other key tip: don't show them too often or too frequently! (5-7?)

Responsive Creative

Solutions like Google's responsive ads take over design and production of creative assets. By mixing and matching text assets, the system is able to discover the best performing combinations and improve the results of marketing activity.

What is the IOT

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data. Thanks to cheap processors and wireless networks, it's possible to turn anything, from a pill to an aeroplane, into part of the IoT. This adds a level of digital intelligence to devices that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate without a human being involved, and merging the digital and physical worlds.

What are chatbots?

The chatbots themselves are nothing more than software designed to act as a person to engage mobile users in simple conversation, such as those featured by Mitsuku and Cleverbot, streamline marketing and sales, leading to less time and fewer resources wasted. Bots can welcome visitors, help with frequently asked questions and even facilitate purchases. The best part is that many of these programs learn customer behavior over time, making them even more user-friendly and intuitive.


The importance of knowing what does and does not work cannot be overstated. "We know only half our ads work. The problem is, we don't know which half". That is now history. Additionally, providers can provide a lot more information about potential and actual customers, to allow more targeted offers. Can run two ads and see which is best (A/B testing) Can vary several factors among several ads (multivariate testing) Because digital marketing is more scientific, marketers benefit from having more scientific skills and ways of thinking: Data analysis Computer programming


The only cost of SEO is time (which isn't free, of course), but paying for clicks costs money In a sense, SEO is "free hits" or "free advertising" But PPC is more measurable, i.e. we know prospects came to our landing page because they clicked on our ad (and we can optimise ads, e.g. via A/B testing). More on this tomorrow. 70-80% of searchers ignore the ads on a SERP A similar proportion never load the second page or scroll

What is Above the fold?

The term can be used more generally to refer to anything that is prominently displayed or of highest priority. Above the fold is sometimes used in web development to refer the portions of a webpage that are visible without further scrolling or clicking.

What is email marketing?

The term usually refers to sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing a merchant's relationship with current or previous customers, encouraging customer loyalty and repeat business, acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately, and sharing third-party ads.

What is Behavioural targeting

Traditional segmentation and targeting relies heavily on demographics (because often that's all that's easily available) Online marketing can track revealed preferences (as opposed to stated preferences, via surveys etc.) As long as the prospect goes to sites within the same display network, detailed information can be recorded (because sites agree to provide those data) Behaviour can be tracked when visiting sites outside the network, but in less detail

HTML & HTTP elements to optimise

URL, i.e. domain name + file path + file name <meta> elements: only the first 155 chars get indexed <title> element: the first 67 chars Black hat: keyword stuffing, i.e. repeating the keyword over and over again (possibly in hidden text, e.g. alt attribute of <img> element). Actively penalised, so don't do it! (textbook) Rule of thumb: keywords should be 3-5% of word count, and there should be at least 100 words per page

Digital strategy

User experience brand strategy content strategy mobile social media

What makes a great keyword? Involves mix of tactical and strategic thinking:

Volume Profitability Competition Relevance There's usually lots of competition for profitable keywords. Can you get lucky? Can't set and forget: Search behaviour can change over time (different keywords), also competition are probably working on their SEO as well!

Why is mobile marketing important?

We have strong reliance on mobile in our life. The information and activities provided by mobile can affect us. Mobile marketing provides great opportunities for marketers.

Impact of data anaylysis

Website campaign Strategy Budget

Cyborgs as Service Deliverers

Will prosthetic enhancements challenge traditional boundaries: what is inside/outside the body (Clark 2003; Stelarc 2005; Barfield 2015) what is biological/mechanical (Mehlman 2009; Rothblatt 2014) Will the distinction between human/robot blur? When is a cyborg more robot than human OR human more robot than human?

Mobile Optimised

With a responsive site, content is automatically resized and reshuffled to fit the dimensions of whichever device a visitor happens to be using. *means a site that loads quickly and organises key Content "up front" + add alt-text to images (so visitors who can't see images in their browsers can still understand what's on the page)

Programmatic Media Buying

With programmatic media buying, the need for traditional media planning gradually reduces. Through audience definitions, advertisers are able to reach their desired audience across multiple online platforms and placements, at scale and often at lower cost.

What is social media marketing?

a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing, including current and potential customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general public. On a strategic level, social media marketing includes the management of a marketing campaign, governance, setting the scope (e.g. more active or passive use) and the establishment of a firm's desired social media "culture" and "tone." When using social media marketing, firms can allow customers and Internet users to post user-generated content (e.g., online comments, product reviews, etc.), also known as "earned media," rather than use marketer-prepared advertising copy.

Caveats and concerns of PPC

clickbots Most people find ads annoying, so try to block them (making SEO superior) May not be appropriate for small businesses (limited budget, small range of offers) Consumer backlash against display ads, especially privacy concerns, and some jurisdictions (e.g. EU) are starting to enact legislation in response

Strategic aspects of PPC

ecause PPC advertising is so measurable, exploit this: Continual ad creative optimisation Close attention to budgeting, especially ROAS Exploit the potential of: Remarketing Affiliate marketing Referral marketing Integrate with: SEO Offline marketing Establish formal management plan of review & optimisation

What is meant by "integrated?"

everything done by the firm in the digital world (e.g. advertising, PR, direct marketing, ...) should be coordinated, and driven by the same overall strategy (although tactics may differ) Additional to the IMC meaning, online activities must be coordinated with offline activities, and driven by the same overall strategy All the technology is for branding, i.e. building a brand image, so the importance of "brand safety" is paramount (i.e. what does our online presence and activities say about our brand?)

What is Navigation and user experience? (UX)

how easy it is for people to take action and move around your website Keep the structure of primary navigation simple (near the top of your page) Include navigation in the footer of your site, too Include a search box near the top so visitors can search by keywords Use a logical page hierarchy Use bread crumbs Design clickable buttons Follow the 3 click rule' so users can find what they are looking for in 3 clicks

what is Marketing science

is a field that approaches marketing - the understanding of customer needs, and the development of approaches by which they might be fulfilled - predominantly through scientific methods, rather than through tools and techniques common with research in the arts or in humanities. [1]

What is Native advertising

is a type of advertising, mostly online, that matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. In many cases, it manifests as either an article or video, produced by an advertiser with the specific intent to promote a product, while matching the form and style which would otherwise be seen in the work of the platform's editorial staff. The word "native" refers to this coherence of the content with the other media that appears on the platform. And better conversion rates compared to banner ads (case studies on post) Ethical issue: do consumers realise they're clicking on ads, as opposed to thinking they're going to a blog post, for example? (Hint: no.)

what is Pay-per-click (PPC)/ cost per click (CPC

is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher (typically a website owner or a network of websites) when the ad is clicked. websites can offer PPC ads. Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertiser's keyword list that has been added in different ad groups, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to, above, or beneath organic results on search engine results pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site.[1] Pay-per-click, along with cost per impression and cost per order, are used to assess the cost effectiveness and profitability of internet marketing. Pay-per-click has an advantage over cost per impression in that it tells us something about how effective the advertising was. Clicks are a way to measure attention and interest. If the main purpose of an ad is to generate a click, or more specifically drive traffic to a destination, then pay-per-click is the preferred metric. Once a certain number of web impressions are achieved, the quality and placement of the advertisement will affect click through rates and the resulting pay-per-click. You have to bid against the market in an auction for impressions to that person, if you win, your ad will be shown to them They will probably ignore it. If so, you pay nothing! You can narrow the market by choosing the right keywords that indicate purchase intent for something only you (unlikely) or a small number of competitors can provide

A websites number 1 pain point

latency. nvest in great hosting (cheap hosting cuts some corners, notably speed) Graphics and videos increase latency: replace outdated digital assets with HTML5, e.g. the hated Flash, also Silverlight, Java (shudder) etc., non-web-optimised images, audio etc.

Web design is now

mobile first, especially in B2C markets, and should be using responsive design.

Understanding how users divide their time across devices is a critical point in optimizing your

mobile strategy. Mobile users activity usually peaks during morning and evenings

What is RTB?

real time bidding Three factors influence whether the ad will be shown, and in which position (i.e. higher/first on the SERP), i.e. Ad Rank: -Bid price -Ad quality score -Expected impact of ad extensions to influence ad rank Also: you do not pay what you bid, you pay 1 cent more than the second-highest bid!

What does synergy mean?

the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

90% of information transmitted to the brain is


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