Mastering Micro - Eukaryotes

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Prokaryotes Only

binary fission cell wall contains peptidoglycan or pseudomurein

Exploring Pathogenic Eukaryotes - Foundation Figure 12.1 - Copy Part G Select the statements that correctly describe medically important helminths.

-Either eggs or larval stages of helminths may be infectious, depending on the species. -The major organ system apparent in tapeworm proglottids is the reproductive system. -Parasitic helminths lack a complete digestive system and they absorb nutrients directly through their cuticles. -Some helminth infections involve more than one intermediate host. -Humans can serve as either definitive or intermediate hosts of flatworms.

Exploring Pathogenic Eukaryotes - Foundation Figure 12.1 - Copy Part E Select all of the statements below that accurately describe characteristics of algae.

-Most algae have a plantlike cell wall composed of cellulose. -Both asexual and sexual reproduction occurs among the diversity of algal species. -Algae may be green, red, or brown. -Some marine algae produce neurotoxins that can be concentrated in shellfish and pose a risk of paralytic shellfish poisoning to humans who consume the shellfish. -Algae lack roots, stems, leaves, and vascular tissues that are found in terrestrial plants.

Exploring Pathogenic Eukaryotes - Foundation Figure 12.1 - Copy Part B Select the eukaryotic organisms that are involved in causing or spreading disease.

-helminth -fungus -arthropod -protozoan -alga

Exploring Pathogenic Eukaryotes - Foundation Figure 12.1 - Copy Part A Drag the terms in the left-hand column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. Make certain all sentences are complete before submitting your answer.

1. Asexual spores that form as buds coming off the parent cell are known as blastoconidia and are produced by yeasts such as Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans. 2. Sexual spores known as basidiospores are located on a base pedestal and are found in mushrooms. 3. Candida albicans, a species of pathogenic yeast, is often recognized by its chlamydoconidia, which are large, thick-walled asexual spores within a hyphal segment. 4. Coccidioides immitis is a pathogenic fungus that forms asexual spores called arthroconidia, which result from fragmentation of hyphae. 5. Some fungi reproduce sexually by forming ascospores, which are sexual spores contained within a sac structure. 6. Rhizopus stolonifer, the common black bread mold, forms asexual spores called sporangiospores, which are contained in a sac at the end of aerial hyphae.

BioFlix Activity: Tour of an Animal Cell -- Endomembrane System PART A The endomembrane system Drag the labels onto the flowchart to trace the movement of proteins through the endomembrane system and out of the cell.

1. Manufacturing __C. Rough ER 2. Transport __B. Vesicle from ER 3. Processing __E. Golgi apparatus 4. Transport __A. Vesicle from Golgi 5. Secretion __D. Plasma membrane

Eukaryotes only

80S ribosomes nuclear envelope compartmentalizes the chromosomes membranous organelles, including mitochondria, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum

1eukaryotes-015 - Part A The size of a eukaryotic cell ribosome is 30S. 40S. 50S. 70S. 80S.


Exploring Pathogenic Eukaryotes - Foundation Figure 12.1 - Copy Part H Now that we have reviewed the basic groups of pathogenic eukaryotes, let's see if you can identify which group each of the following eukaryotes belongs to. Drag the description and illustration into the bin in which they belong.

Algae: This was recovered from a sample of pond water Fungi: These were recovered from a vaginal swab from a woman complaining of a vaginal discharge accompanied by intense vaginal itching Protozoa: These were observed in a duodenal specimen from a patient with diarrhea. They moved actively by using flagella Helminths: -These were passed in a stool specimen from a patient who had NO obvious intestinal symptoms -This was observed in the stool specimen of a patient. The patient had complained of mild intestinal discomfort and was slightly anemic

1eukaryotes-001 Part A Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria? Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria? Nucleus Mitochondria endoplasmic reticulum lysosomes All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

1eukaryotes-006 Part A The eukaryote cell membrane is composed of The eukaryote cell membrane is composed of sterols. proteins. phospholipids. cholesterol. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

1eukaryotes-018 - Part A The cytoskeleton anchors organelles. provides support. functions in movements of the cytoplasm. helps maintain cell shape. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

1eukaryotes-034 - Part A All of the following are helminths except tapeworms. flukes. flatworms. roundworms. All of the choices are helminths.

All of the choices are helminths.

Exploring Pathogenic Eukaryotes - Foundation Figure 12.1 - Copy Part C For each of the following statements, indicate whether it is most appropriately applied to arthropods, helminths, fungi, algae, or protozoa.

Arthropods: -Members of this group serve as vectors, transmitting several different viruses, bacteria, and protozoan parasites between hosts - Members of this group have hard exoskeletons and jointed appendages Helminths: -Members of this group come in flat or round forms, and although many parasitize animals, there are also free-living forms -Parasitic members of this group often have complex life cycles involving one or more intermediate hosts in which larvae develop Fungi: -Members of this group produce a variety of different reproductive spores and filaments referred to as hyphae -This group includes unicellular as well as filamentous forms, a number of which cause infections Algae: -Members of this group are found predominantly in aquatic environments -Members of this group generally don't cause infections, but some produce neurotoxins that cause intoxications in animals that consume them Protozoa: -Members of this group cause malaria and diarrheal illnesses such as amebiasis and giardiasis -Many members of this group are motile by means of cilia, flagella or pseudopods

Eukaryotesmyitems1-037 Part A 50.Larval development of helminths occurs in which host?A.primary host*B. intermediate (secondary) host

B. intermediate (secondary) host

Chapter 12 Multiple-Choice Question 43 Part A Yeast infections are caused by Aspergillus. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Histoplasma. Penicillium. Candida albicans.

Candida albicans.

Eukaryotesmyitems1-007 Part A 14.Histones areA.found in polyribosomes.B.enzymes found in lysosomes.C.proteins of the cytoskeleton.*D.proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus.E.on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D.proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus

Eukaryotesmyitems1-006 Part A The eukaryote cell membrane is composed ofA.sterols.B.proteins.C.phospholipids.D.cholesterol.*E.All of the choices are correct

E.All of the choices are correct.

Chapter 12 True/False Question 7 Part A In helminth life cycles, the organism that harbors the adult sexually reproductive phase of the parasite is called the intermediate host. In helminth life cycles, the organism that harbors the adult sexually reproductive phase of the parasite is called the intermediate host. True False


Eukaryotesmyitems1-005 Part A Chitin is a chemical component of the cell walls ofA.protozoa.B.algae.*C.fungi.D.bacteria.E.All of the choices are correct.


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part F Which of the following is part of the endomembrane system? Which of the following is part of the endomembrane system? Golgi apparatus ribosomes cytoskeleton mitochondria flagellum

Golgi apparatus

1eukaryotes-010 - Part A An organelle that is a stack of flattened, membranous sacs and functions to receive, modify, and package proteins for cell secretion is the mitochondria. lysosome. Golgi apparatus. chloroplast. endoplasmic reticulum.

Golgi apparatus.

Chapter 12 Multiple-Choice Question 1 Part A Which of the following statements regarding fungi is FALSE? Which of the following statements regarding fungi is FALSE? Most fungi grow well in acidic culture condition. Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophs. Fungi tolerate low moisture conditions. Most fungi are pathogenic for humans. Fungi reproduce by forming asexual or sexual spores.

Most fungi are pathogenic for humans.

Chapter 12 Multiple-Choice Question 12 Part A Which of the following statements regarding protozoa is FALSE? Which of the following statements regarding protozoa is FALSE? Most protozoa reproduce asexually. Some protozoan pathogens are transmitted by arthropod vectors. Protozoa are unicellular eukaryotes. Protozoa are common in water and soil. Nearly all protozoa cause disease.

Nearly all protozoa cause disease.

1eukaryotes-040 - Part A After returning from a trip to Africa, Tom begins to feel very tired and weak. He has severe anemia. A blood smear reveals a protozoan is present in his blood. The health care provider tells Tom he has malaria. Which of the following could be the causative agent of his disease? HIV Nagleria fowleri Plasmodium falciparum Trichophyton Histoplasma capsulatum

Plasmodium falciparum

Exploring Pathogenic Eukaryotes - Foundation Figure 12.1 - Copy Part F Select the statements that correctly describe protozoa.

While living in the gut of their host, intestinal protozoan parasites are usually in the trophozoite form. -As a group, protozoa exhibit both asexual and sexual reproduction. -Most protozoa are motile via pseudopods, flagella, cilia, or undulating membranes. -Protozoan cysts enable protozoan parasites to survive during passage from one host to the next.

1eukaryotes-029 - Part A Cysts... are part of all protozoan life cycles. are necessary for transmission to a new host. are helpful in surviving unfavorable conditions. are the primary form of replication. All of the choices are correct.

are helpful in surviving unfavorable conditions.

1eukaryotes-014 - Part A Which organelle is found in algae but not found in protozoa or fungi? mitochondria lysosome Golgi apparatus chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum


Chapter 12 Multiple-Choice Question 30 Part A The life cycle of the fish tapeworm is similar to that of the beef tapeworm. Which of the following is the most effective preventive measure? The life cycle of the fish tapeworm is similar to that of the beef tapeworm. Which of the following is the most effective preventive measure? refrigerating stored fish wearing gloves while handling fish salting fish before eating not swimming in fish-infested waters cooking fish before eating

cooking fish before eating

1eukaryotes-027 - Part A During unfavorable growth conditions, many protozoa can convert to a resistant, dormant stage called a(n) endospore. cyst. seed. trophozoite. sporozoa.


1eukaryotes-017 - Part A In eukaryotic cells, ribosomes have two locations: scattered in the _____ and on the surface of the _____. cytoplasm, Golgi apparatus nucleus, Golgi apparatus cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum

cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum

BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part B The structural framework in a cell is the The structural framework in a cell is the plasma membrane. endoplasmic reticulum (ER). extracellular matrix. endomembrane system. cytoskeleton.


1eukaryotes-035 - Part A Adulthood and mating of helminths occur in which host? primary host secondary host definitive host transport host Mating takes place in all hosts.

definitive host

1eukaryotes-039 - Part A In humans, helminths generally infect the digestive tract. urinary tract. nervous system. muscular system. skin.

digestive tract.

1eukaryotes-021 - Part A Fungi that grow as yeast at one temperature but will grow as mold at another temperature are called dimorphic. saprobes. pseudohyphae. spores. parasites.


1eukaryotes-009 Part A The cell's series of tunnel-like membranes functioning in transport and storage are the The cell's series of tunnel-like membranes functioning in transport and storage are the mitochondria. lysosomes. Golgi apparatus. chloroplasts. endoplasmic reticulum

endoplasmic reticulum

1eukaryotes-013 - Part A Mitochondria possess all of the following except enzymes for metabolism. cristae. electron transport chain proteins. enzymes for photosynthesis. 70S ribosomes (prokaryote).

enzymes for photosynthesis.

1eukaryotes-030 - Part A Amoebiasis (amoebic dysentery) is most commonly contracted through the direct transmission from one host fecal-oral route from contaminated food or water. to another. puncture wounds. insect bites. None of the choices is correct.

fecal-oral route from contaminated food or water. to another.

1eukaryotes-005 Part A Chitin is a chemical component of the cell walls of Chitin is a chemical component of the cell walls of protozoa. algae. fungi. bacteria. All of the choices are correct.


Chapter 12 Multiple-Choice Question 42 Part A Ringworm is caused by a(n)


Chapter 12 Multiple-Choice Question 18 Part A Helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans by Helminthic diseases are usually transmitted to humans by gastrointestinal route. aerosols. genitourinary route. respiratory route. vectors

gastrointestinal route.

1eukaryotes-033 - Part A Larvae and eggs are developmental forms of protozoa. algae. helminths. fungi. None of the choices is correct.


1eukaryotes-023 - Part A The long, threadlike branching cells of molds are called conidiophores. pseudohyphae. hyphae. septate. ascus.


1eukaryotes-032 - Part A Which of the following does not pertain to helminths? in kingdom Protista parasitic worms eggs and sperm used for reproduction often alternate hosts in complex life cycles have various organ systems

in kingdom Protista

1eukaryotes-037 - Part A 50. Larval development of helminths occurs in which host? primary host intermediate (secondary) host definitive host transport host Mating takes place in all hosts.

intermediate (secondary) host

1eukaryotes-011 - Part A A(n) _____ originates from the Golgi apparatus as one type of vesicle that contains a variety of enzymes for intracellular digestion. perixosome lysosome magnetosome inclusion ribosome


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part G Which of the following organelles breaks down worn-out organelles? Which of the following organelles breaks down worn-out organelles? Golgi apparatus mitochondria lysosomes smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part DWhat carries instructions for making proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm? What carries instructions for making proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm? Rough ER DNA ATP mRNA ribosomes


1eukaryotes-016 - Part A Which of the following is not true of the cytoskeleton? structural framework for the cell anchor points for organelles made up of microfilaments made up of microtubules made up of cilia

made up of cilia

1eukaryotes-012 - Part A Which organelle contains cristae where enzymes and electron carriers for aerobic respiration are found? mitochondria lysosomes Golgi apparatus chloroplasts endoplasmic reticulum


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part C Where in a cell is ATP made? Where in a cell is ATP made? lysosomes chloroplasts mitochondria nucleus ribosomes


1eukaryotes-028 - Part A Protozoan endoplasm contains ectoplasm. mitochondria. flagella. oral groves. None of the choices is correct.


1eukaryotes-019 - Part A Filamentous fungi are called pseudohyphae. septa. molds. dimorphic. mycelium.


1eukaryotes-003 Part A The eukaryotic cell's glycocalyx is The eukaryotic cell's glycocalyx is mostly polysaccharide. the site where many metabolic reactions occur. also called the cell wall. composed of lipids. protection against osmotic lysis.

mostly polysaccharide.

1eukaryotes-004 Part A Which of the following is not a function of the eukaryote glycocalyx? Which of the following is not a function of the eukaryote glycocalyx? protection adherence movement reception of chemical signals All of the choices are functions.


1eukaryotes-025 - Part A The woven, intertwining mass of hyphae that makes up the body of a mold is a(n) septum. rhizoid. spore. bud. mycelium.


1eukaryotes-026 - Part A Fungal infections are known as ________ and can be acquired from environmental or clinical sources. secondary infections vegetative infections mycoses saprobic infections parasitoses


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part A Where is the genetic information of the cell stored? Where is the genetic information of the cell stored? Golgi apparatus lysosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) nucleus


1eukaryotes-022 - Part A Which is not a characteristic of fungi? have cell walls photosynthetic include single-celled and filamentous forms heterotrophic nutrition can use a wide variety of nutrients


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part I What structure acts as a selective barrier, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell? What structure acts as a selective barrier, regulating the traffic of materials into and out of the cell? extracellular matrix endomembrane system cytoskeleton nuclear envelope plasma membrane

plasma membrane

Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

plasma membrane enclose the cytoplasm has both DNA and RNA includes unicellular cells 70S ribosomes singular circular chromosome

1eukaryotes-008 Part A The passageways in the nuclear envelope for movement of substances to and from the nucleus and cytoplasm are called nuclear The passageways in the nuclear envelope for movement of substances to and from the nucleus and cytoplasm are called nuclear histones. chromatin. pores. endoplasmic reticulum. inclusions.


1eukaryotes-007 Part A 14. Histones are 14. Histones are found in polyribosomes. enzymes found in lysosomes. proteins of the cytoskeleton. proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus. on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum.

proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus.

1eukaryotes-002 Part A Cilia are structures for motility found primarily in Cilia are structures for motility found primarily in protozoa. algae. fungi. bacteria. All of the choices are correct.


1eukaryotes-020 - Part A When buds remain attached, they form a chain of yeast cells called pseudohyphae. septa. molds. dimorphic. mycelium.


1eukaryotes-038 - Part A 51. Parasitic worms have a highly developed ______ system. digestive nervous respiratory muscular reproductive


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part E One of the ways smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from rough endoplasmic reticulum is that rough ER is covered by One of the ways smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from rough endoplasmic reticulum is that rough ER is covered by the extracellular matrix. mitochondria. the cytoskeleton. ribosomes. the Golgi apparatus.


1eukaryotes-024 - Part A Most fungi obtain nutrients from dead plants and animals. These fungi are called saprobes. parasites. substrates. nonseptate. dimorphic.


BioFlix Quiz: Tour of an Animal Cell Part H Where are lipids made in the cell? Where are lipids made in the cell? ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Golgi apparatus smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) mitochondria

smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

1eukaryotes-036 - Part A The motile, feeding stage of protozoa is called the trophozoite. cyst. sporozoite. oocyst. food vacuole.


1eukaryotes-031 - Part A All of the following are helminths except pinworms. flukes. trypanosomes. roundworms. tapeworms.


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