Material Management 2S071 Edit Code 8 ALL URE's

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After how many days will the Supply Interface System (SIFS) residue images be deleted?


Within the Enterprise Solution-Supply (ES-S) System, how many maintain mobility data capabilities allow the user to view mobility asset data and audit trail information?


A function that receives a surveillance visit report must send a reply within how many workdays of the date on the surveillance report?


Which transaction identification code (TRIC) is used to transfer equipment from one base account to another?


What input changes an Adjusted Stock Level (ASL) detail record from memo (unconfirmed) to firm (confirmed)?


Supply Interface System (SIFS) residue images are considered delinquent after how many hours?


Serial numbers for weapon items on hand in the LRS are maintained on what type of detail?


In the logistics readiness squadron (LRS), what type detail are serial numbers for weapon items maintained on when the serial number is issued to a customer?


How many noncommissioned officers (NCO) per year are assigned to each Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) Air Logistics Complex (ALC)?


By what date must the weapons reconciliation be performed?

30 April

On what day of the year is the weapons reconciliation scheduled to be performed?

30 April

How many days after the initial submission of the supply discrepancy report (SDR) will the discrepancy details appear on the SDR listing?

55 to 109

What Air Force (AF) form is used to request a change to an allowance standards (AS) or an equipment item whose basis of issue (BOI) requires approval above wing or base level?


Which serialized report code (SRC) identifies a weapon on the item record?


Who is responsible for the final review and approval or disapproval of organizational and individual equipment items, quantities and basis of issue (BOI), and non-routine requests to be included in equipment allowance standards (AS)?

AFMC Allowance Standard Activity

Who is responsible for processing base-initiated adjusted stock level (ASL) requests?

AFMC SCM-R Stock Control Activity

What allows Air and Space Expeditionary Force (AEF) allocated units the ability to report unit type code (UTC) level readiness data?


What wartime capability system provides Headquarters United States Air Force (HQ USAF), Air Force (AF) component commanders, major commands (MAJCOM), and the Directorate of AEF Operations readiness information to employ, manage, and sustain Expeditionary Air Force operations?


What activity and demand code is used to issue assets to a special purpose recoverables authorized maintenance (SPRAM) detail record?

Activity Code D/Demand Code I.

Who establishes accountable records in the materiel management system on all approved equipment requests?

Air Force Materiel Command Supply Chain Management Retail (AFMC SCM-R) Equipment

Who will be held liable for the loss, damage, or destruction of government property caused by negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate unauthorized use?

All Air Force members and employees

What authorization identifies items and maximum quantities required to perform assigned peacetime and wartime missions, functions and duties of Air Force (AF) organizations and individual specialists?

Allowance Standard (AS)

Which quality assurance function is one of the most important evaluating activities available to the accountable officer?


What are the keys to deficiency identification?

Analysis program and special analyses.

At a minimum, how often is a special purpose recoverables authorized maintenance (SPRAM) account inventoried and authorizations validated?


How often are surveillance visits to all materiel management functions scheduled, except fuels?


Which system provides hazardous material managers oversight of orders placed in the materiel management system to ensure only minimum amounts of material required are ordered and that material ordered is used only for its authorized purpose?

Asset Visibility

Which system prepares supply data reports for off-base distribution?

Automated Data Reports Submission System (ADRSS)

Which serialized report code (SRC) identifies a communications security (COMSEC) asset on the item record?


Which system is designed to efficiently collect, process, and transmit transportation data required to move outbound freight, receive inbound freight, direct in-transit freight, perform airlift clearance, support contingency requirements and provide command and control oversight of cargo moving in the Defense Transportation System (DTS)?

Cargo Movement Operations System (CMOS)

This difficulty report (DIREP) category code is assigned when a problem stops the computer from processing input, but does not cause looping nor does it destroy accountable records.

Category II

Which difficulty report (DIREP) category code is assigned when there are misspelled words and other minor program deficiencies?

Category IV

Which is a basic ground rule for conducting a surveillance visit to a function?

Check in and out with the flight chief

Which supply class includes the major classification of "subsistence"?

Class I

Which supply class includes all repair parts and components to include kits, assemblies, and subassemblies?

Class IX

What product is used to manage and account for small arms and light weapons (SA/LW)?

Custodian Authorization/Custody Receipt Listing (CA/CRL).

Where are all supply discrepancy report (SDR) suspense copies kept?

Customer Support

What system is designed to allocate Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)-computed worldwide peacetime requirements among Air Force bases (AFB) and depots to minimize worldwide time-weighted expected backorders (EBO)?


Which supply management listing shows all rejects that have been cleared?


Which supply management listing reflects all accountable rejects and the number of times reprocessing was attempted for each reject?


How often does the Enterprise Solution-Supply (ES-S) Mobility Asset Management program search for gas masks with expired service life dates?


Which flight is responsible for the centralized command and control, planning, and execution of all wing deployment operations and the distribution of cargo, passengers, and personal property?

Deployment and Distribution

What shipment results from redistribution orders (RDO) and referral orders?


Where do you start your research before conducting a surveillance visit of a function?

Directives that apply to the function

What is the primary goal of the Supply Interface System?

Dispatch data images generated by the materiel management system application programs

Which type of problem requires a supply discrepancy report?

Duplicate Shipment

What is the Air Force's source for hazardous data and pollution prevention information?

Enterprise Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Management Information System

What code identifies equipment items that are accounted for on authorized or in use details (EAID)?

Equipment Management Codes (EMC)

Which transaction identification code (TRIC) is used to transfer equipment from one custodian account to another?


Who reviews the residue portion of the Supply Interface System (SIFS) end of day report to ensure users clear residue images in a timely manner?

Functional systems management section (LGLOS)

Which Air Mobility Command air transportation system supports fixed, deployed, and mobile sites?

Global Air Transportation Execution System (GATES)

Which Air Mobility Command force level command and control (C2) system supports Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC) execution authority for effective airlift mission management?

Global Decision Support System (GDSS).

What is the tool called that gives the ability to track the identity, status, and location of Department of Defense units, and non-unit cargo (excluding bulk petroleum, oil, and lubricants [POL]), and passengers; medical patients; and personal property from origin to consignee or destination across the range of military operations?

In-transit visibility (ITV)

Who is responsible for the storage, inventory, inspection and issue of mobility bags (MOBAG), chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive (CBRNE) equipment and individual body armor (IBA)?

Individual protective equipment (IPE) element.

Who prepares the annual mobility asset inventory schedule?


Which materiel management unit type code (UTC) identifies the superintendent bare base support?


Which unit type code (UTC) provides supply expertise during initial beddown at a main operating base (MOB), forward operating site (FOS), or cooperative security location (CSL)?


Which unit type code (UTC) provides materiel management support to accountable officers, responsible officers, and responsible persons, in the control and accountability of class IX and class VII at a main operating base (MOB), forward operating site (FOS), or cooperative security location (CSL)?


What is transaction identification code (TRIC) 1XA used for?

Load, change, inquire or delete special purpose recoverables authorized maintenance (SPRAM) detail records

Who is responsible for validating customer due-outs?

Logistics readiness squadron (LRS)/materiel management activity

Which best describes supply class VII items?

Major End Items

Items such as stock effectiveness, mission capability (MICAP), priority due-out, warehouse refusal, inventory accuracy, percentage of base repair, delinquent reject, delinquent document, and record reversal and correction rates are examples of

Management Indicators

Which term is used to describe the performance measures that represent key results when monitoring performance?

Management Indicators

Which logistics readiness squadron (LRS) flight is the primary liaison between customers and the Air Force Materiel Command Supply Chain Management-Retail (AFMC SCM-R)?

Material Management

When does the Materiel Management Enlisted Career Broadening Program selection panel that is chaired by the 2S career field manager (CFM) convene


What process is designed to alter base demand levels for additions or losses of a number of weapon system end items at a base?

Mission change data (MCD)

Nonequipment authorization inventory data (EAID) items requests are identified by what ERRCD?


What type of equipment requests are processed without having an in-use detail established?


What shipment results from local (LCL) management's decision to force the shipment or transfer without prior receipt of disposition instructions?


Which capability document plans for the conduct of military operations?

Operation Plan (OPLAN)

What documents provide units with their expected readiness capabilities in support of a contingency or wartime operation?

Operation plan (OPLAN) and designed operational capability (DOC) statement

Who is the next senior officer under the logistics readiness squadron commander who also oversees the sophisticated and diverse day-to-day operations within the squadron?

Operations officer

An effective analysis program must be based on

Organizational Objectives

Which organization is the primary point of contact for special topics designated by the materiel management officer or logistics readiness squadron (LRS) commander?

Quality Assurance

Which is designed to provide a method of evaluating compliance with Air Force, major command (MAJCOM), and local logistics policy and guidance?

Quality Assurance Program

Which re-leveling flag is used on a requirements computation inquiry to provide a summary of information about a given stock number?


What listing allows a user to selectively monitor priority requirements


Which listing may be used to review priority requirements instead of the D18?


Which program in the materiel management system takes control of computer processing when an error is detected during processing of a transaction?


Who may force-delete rejects using the reject processor program?

Reject monitor

What is an Air Force (AF) Form 1996 used for?

Request Adjusted Stock Level

Storing all Supply Interface System (SIFS) images for the purpose of backup into a local user file is a duplication of effort and an abuse of system resources because

SIFS has built-in recovery and contingency procedures

Which type of item(s) does quality assurance determine it requires to perform an analysis during its review of all trend factors on specific subjects

Statistics and source documents.

Which provides a unique framework that links performance metrics, processes, best practices, and people into a unified structure?

Supply chain operations reference

What menu option in AFEMS is used to enter equipment allowance change requests electronically?


What menu option in the Air Force Equipment Management System (AFEMS) (C001) is used to enter equipment allowance change requests electronically?


What transaction identification code (TRIC) is used to transfer assets to the Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (DLADS)?


What transaction identification code (TRIC) is used to transfer assets to the Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (DLADS)?


During the deliberate planning process, what happens in the next phase after the supported major command (MAJCOM) theater commander determines the best approach to satisfy the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP)?

The supported commander prepares an operation plan (OPLAN).

In addition to management reports, what other sources of information can help in identifying problems when gathering data after other indicators have been selected?

Training Reports

What MILSTAMP Tracer reconciliation listing identifies delayed or lost requisitions that were previously identified by TMO; however, not received in the LRS?

Transportation tracer Listing

Which type of analysis identifies favorable or unfavorable deviations when compared to established factors, standards, and norms


At least how often is the MILSTAMP tracer reconciliation program (NGV597) run to identify shipments that meet tracer criteria?

Twice a month

What five-character alphanumeric code uniquely identifies an armed forces unit?


Personnel at what ALC activity maintains a central file of all weapon items by serial number?

WR-ALC (Warner Robins)

What input identifies a specific communication security (COMSEC) serialized control detail document number and serial number for processing in the materiel management system?


What does Air Force Equipment Management System (AFEMS) (ACOM screen) send to a base that fails to process the communication security (COMSEC) reconciliation as required

XHB, COMSEC control reject report with COMSEC error notification code "7B."

Readiness base levels (RBL) are forwarded to the base for retail supply system implementation via

an electronic HQ AFMC Computed Level Transaction (XCA)

In order to qualify for assignment under the Materiel Management Enlisted Career Broadening Program, program nominees must meet all of the following, except

be recommended by their wing commander

A category III difficulty report (DIREP) does not stop processing and is corrected...

in the next scheduled release.

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