Close to 1
Fraction is blank when it's numerator is about equal to its denominator
Equivalent fraction
Fractions that name the same pair of a whole or set.
Repeating decimals
When the same digits repeat in the quotient when dividing you have a blank.
Terminating decimals
A decimal with a definite number of decimal places. When you divide the remainder is 0.
Common factors
A factor that two or more numbers share in common.
Close a half
A fraction is blank when double the numerator is about equal to its denominator.
Close to 0
A fraction is blank when it's numerator is much less than its denominator.
Improper fraction
A fraction with its numerator equal to or greater than its denominator.
Factor tree
A method to find the prime factorization of a number.
Common multiple
A multiple that two or more numbers share in common.
A number is considered to blank by another number if when you divide said number by the other number, the remainder is zero.
Rational numbers
A number that can be written in the form of a fraction a/b where a b and a are integers and be can't equal 0.
A number that is he product of the given number and any whole number.
Mixed number
A number that is made up of a whole number and a fraction.
Perfect numbers
A number that is the sum of all its factors, not including itself.
A number that tells how many time another number is to be used as a factor.
Prime number
A whole number greater than one with exactly two factors.
Composite number
A whole number greater than one with more than two factors.
Prime factorization
Expressing a composite number as the product or prime numbers.
One of two or more numbers that are multiplied to form a product.
The LCM of the denominators.
Simplest form
The form of the fraction when the numerator and denominator have no common factor other than one.
Lowest term
The form of the fraction when the numerator and the denominator have no common factor other than one.
Greatest common factor
The greatest number that is a factor of two or more numbers.
The lowest (smallest) multiple that two or more numbers share in common.
Unlike denominators
Two or more fractions that DON'T have the same bottom number have blank.
Like denominator
Two or more fractions that have the same bottom that have the same number have blank.