Maths Test- Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
How do you change a percentage to a decimal
Divide by 100 (move the decimal place to place to the left).
How do you change a decimal to a percentage?
Times by 100 (move the decimal place to places to the right).
How do you change a fraction to a percentage?
To change a fraction to a percentage you times the fraction by 100% eg. 3/4 times 100/1
How do you change a percentage to a fraction?
To change a percentage to a fraction make the denominator 100. (remember whatever you times the denominator by you must do the same to the top). Then simplify eg. 20% equals 20/100 as a fraction... then simplify which equals 1/5
How do you find the percentage of a quantity?
To find the percentage of a quantity first find ten percent of that number then work up (you divide the number by 10 to find ten percent.)