MBA 605 Final Ass.

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Organizations that want employees to focus on efficiency may adopt a _____________ program, which measures increases in productivity and effectiveness and distribute a portion of each gain to employees.

GAINSHARING (group bonuses) *group incentive program that measures improvements in productivity and effectiveness and distributes a portion of each to employees. *Addresses challenge of identifying appropriate performance measures for complex jobs. *Frees employees to determine how to improve their own and their group's performance.

_______ BONUSES for group performance tend to be for smaller work groups and these bonuses reward the members of a group for attaining a specific goal, usually measure in terms of physical output.


Advertising designed to create a generally favorable impression of the organization is called _________.


The ________ Act of 1986 states that employers must verify and maintain records on the legal rights of applicants to work in the United States.

IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986 *Applicants must fill out Form I-9 and present documents showing their identity and eligibility to work. *Law prohibits employer from discriminating against the person on basis of national origin or citizenship status.

An administrative procedure for measuring relative internal worth of the organization's jobs is ___ ________.

JOB EVALUATION This is in the Job structure of relative value jobs

The following are examples of ______ _________. 1]Equal Pay for equal work 2]Minimum Wage 3]Overtime Pay 4]Restrictions on child labor

LEGAL REQUIREMENTS of issues in developing a pay structure.

In improving performance a _________ is when a motivated employee lacks knowledge, skills, or abilities in some area, the manager may offer coaching, training, and more detailed feedback. Maybe restructure job so employee can handle it.

Lack of Ability High Motivation * Misdirected Effort

In improving performance a __________ managers with an unmotivated employee can explore ways to demonstrate that the employee is being treated fairly and rewarded adequately. Need positive feedback or referral for counseling or help with stress management.

Lack of Motivation High Ability * Underutilizer

Organizations have a recruiting advantage if they take a _______________ approach to pay- that is, pay more than the current market wages for that job.

Lead-The-Market Pay Strategies

Legal and Ethical Issues in Performance Management need to be considered.

Legal- >Performance management processes are often scrutinized in cases of discrimination or dismissal. Ethical- >Employee monitoring via electronic devices and computers may raise concerns over employee privacy. >If monitoring is necessary, managers should communicate the reasons for using it >Gather information for coaching employees >Helping employees develop their skills >Employees MUST PROTECT THE PRIVACY OF PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS, as they must do with other employee records

_______ BENEFIT programs inclue: Paid Leave Group Insurance Retirement Plans Family-Friendly Benefits Other Quality of Work-Life Benefits


In issues of developing a pay structure, the _________ ________ consists of 1]High quality work force 2]Cost control 3]Equity and Fairness 4]Legal Compliance


In principles of justice, ____________ is a judgment that the consequences given to employees are JUST.

OUTCOME FAIRNESS *Consistent outcomes, knowledge of outcomes, and outcomes in proportion to behaviors

Opinions about Fairness-Pay equity have to do with _______ and inputs. This has to do with equity where pay seems fair and ________ where pay seems unfair.

Outcomes Inequity *The key to this is employees who compare their experience to their pay to someone who may have no experience and better pay.

Vacation Holidays Sick Leave Personal Days Floating Holidays Jury Duty Funerals Military Duty Time Off to Vote All of these are examples of what optional benefit program?

PAID TIME OFF *Most flexible approach *Employer pools personal days, sick days, and vacation days for employees to use as need arises

Employee participation in pay-related decisions can be part of a general move toward employee empowerment and can contribute to the incentive plan's success. This is called_______ __________.


An adjustment to a pay rate to reflect differences in working conditions or labor markets is called ____ _________.

PAY DIFFERENTIALS *Many businesses in the U.S. provide pay differentials based on geographic location. *Most common approaches to move an employee higher in the pay structure to compensate for higher living costs.

Pay rates, pay grades, pay ranges, and pay differentials are all part of the __________, ___________, ______________ in issues of developing a pay structure.


The _________ _________ is the specifics of how an organization gets information on how well an employee misdoing in his or her job.


In a ________ bonus, an employee will have to re-earn their individual bonus during each performance period. Sometime its a one-time reward. *This type of bonus gives flexibility to the organization on what behavior to reward.

PERFORMANCE BONUS (individual bonuses) *Bonuses may also be linked to objective performance measures, rather than subjective ratings. *Performance bonuses are not rolled into base pay.

In a _______ __________ process through which managers ensure that employees activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals. This process requires: >knowing what activities and output are desired >observing whether they occur >providing feedback to help employees meet expectations.


Several _____ ______ are especially relevant to recruitment.

PERSONNEL POLICIES- an organizations decisions about how it will carry out human resource management, including ow it will fill job vacancies.

Through _______ ________, organizations make decisions about who will or will not be allowed to join the organization.

PERSONNEL SELECTION *Selection begins with the candidates identified through recruitment and with attempts to reduce their number to the individuals best qualified to perform the available jobs.

In legal requirements an Employees __________: >Employers need to ensure that the information they gather and use for discipline is relevant. >Privacy issues also concern the employer's wish to search or monitor employees. >Employers must be prudent in deciding who will see the information.


In principles of justice, _____________ is a judgment that FAIR METHODS were used to determine the consequences an employee receives.

PROCEDURAL JUSTICE *Consistent procedures, avoidance of bias, accurate information, way to correct mistakes, representation of all interests, and ethical standards.

A formal discipline process in which the consequences become more serious if the employee repeats the offense is referred to as ___________.


The _____ method in the performance measurement compares each employee with each other employee to establish rankings.

Paired Comparison

A process that makes incentives work are _________________ and _____________.

Participation in decisions and Communication

All of the following are RULES for ____________ _____ _____. 1]Administer tests systematically to all applicants for the same job. 2]Use drug testing for jobs that involve safety hazards. 3]Have a report of results sent to applicant, along with information about how to appeal results and be retested if appropriate. 4]Respect applicants' privacy by conducting tests in an environment that is not intrusive and keeping results confidential.


An _______ Tests, is to assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities. An __________ Tests, measures a person's existing knowledge and skills. A ______ _______, measures skills needed on the job through test. Ex. Typing test or day in the Ortho office for an assistant.


Another measurement of recruitment is the ____ ___ _____. To compute this amount, find the cost of using a particular recruitment source for a particular type of vacancy. Then divide cost by number of people hired to fill vacancy. A low cost per hire means that the recruitment source is efficient.


Reducing the number of levels in an organization's job structure is referred to __________.

DELAYERING *More assignments are combined into a single layer called BROAD BANDS and more emphasis on acquiring experience, rather than promotions.

________ Refers to employers that must make disciplinary decisions without regard to a person's age, sex, race, or other protected status.

DISCRIMINATION *Evenhanded, carefully documented discipline can avoid such claims.

A ___________ lacks both motivation and ability. Performance may improve if manager directs employees attention to significance of problem by withholding rewards or providing specific feedback. May be demoted, terminated, fired, or outplacement.

Deadwood (Lack of motivation and ability)

An alternative to employment at will policies is ___________, which formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal an employer's decision to terminate that employee.

Due-Process Policies *Job applicants are more attracted to organizations with due-process policies, which imply greater job security and concern for protecting employees, than to organizations with employment at will policies.

_________ packages are more complex than pay structures, making them harder for employees to understand and appreciate. The important role of _________ is on e reason that ________ are subject to government regulation.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Benefits (for other two) *Legally required benefits and Tax laws make benefits favorable.

In ______________ : >Organizations must develop a standardized, systematic approach to discipline and discharge. >These decisions should not be left solely to the discretion of individual managers or supervisors. >Policies should be based on PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE AND LAW >Policies should allow for various ways to intervene.


The following are examples of ______________________. 1] Physical ability test 2]Cognitive ability tests 3]Job performance tests 4]Work samples 5]Personality Inventories 6]Honesty tests 7]Drug tests 8]Medical examinations


In legal requirements for pay under the _______ _______ _______ Act, 1]Employers must not base differences in pay on an employee's age, sex, race, or other protected status. 2]Any differences in pay must be tied to such business-related considerations as job responsibilities or performance. 3]The goal is for employers to provide equal pay for equal work.


In overtime pay an ________ employee is a manager, outside sales person, professional, or other employee not covered by FLSA requirement for overtime pay.


The _________ is a meeting of the departing employee with the employee's supervisor and/or a human resource specialist to discuss the employee's reason for leaving.

EXIT INTERVIEW *A well conducted exit interview can uncover reasons why employee leaves. *When several exiting employees give similar reasons for leaving, management should consider whether this indicates a need for change.

___________ is the Federal Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (OASDHI) program, which combines old age (retirement) insurance, survivors insurance, disability insurance, hospital insurance (Medicare Part A), and supplementary medical insurance (Medicare Part B) for the elderly. *Employers and employees share _________ cost through a payroll tax. Percentage is set by LAW.

SOCIAL SECURITY (both answers) *For persons older than 65 most of their income is from social security(39%), Earnings (27%), and pension plans (20%)

A ______ _____ plan is an incentive plan that pays workers extra for work done in less than a preset "standard time." This could benefit a plumber when a standard time to fix a problem is four hours, he gets paid for 4 hours and finishes in 2 hours.

STANDARD HOUR PLAN (individual bonuses) *They encourage employees to work as fast as they can, but not necessarily to care about quality or service.

A Piecework Rate is a wage based on the amount of work production workers produce. There are two types of Piecework rates which are _______ and ________ piece rates.

STRAIGHT AND DIFFERENTIAL (individual bonuses) *Straight piecework plan- Incentive pay in which the employer pays the same rate per piece, no matter how much the worker produces. *Differential piece rate- Incentive pay in which the piece rate is higher when a greater amount is produced.

In the _______ Approach to personnel selection, 1] Organizations should create a selection process in support of its job descriptions. 2] The selection process should be set up in a way that it lets the organization identify people who have necessary KASO's(knowledge, abilities, skills, and other characteristics.) 3] This ______ _______ approach requires ways to measure effectiveness of selection tools.


-Downsizing, Pay Reductions, Demotions (fast,high) -Transfers, Work Sharing (fast, moderate) -Hiring Freeze, Natural attrition, Early retirement, retraining (slow,low) These are all options of reducing a _________.

SURPLUS The rate is speed of results The level is amount of suffering caused

Balanced Scorecard for Whirlpool Execs Shareholder Value Customer Value Employee Value

Shareholder Value - economic value added, earnings per share, cash flow, total cost productivity Customer Value- Quality, Market share, customer satisfaction Employee Value- High-performance culture index, culture deployment, and trainmen and development diversity

________ AWARDS, similar to group bonuses, but more likely to use a broad range of performance measures use: 1]Cost savings 2]Successful completion of a project 3]Meeting deadlines


At the most sophisticated level, an organization might use ______ ______, which is constructing and applying statistical models that predict labor demand for the next year, given relatively objective statistics from the previous year. *These statistics are called _______ _______.

TREND ANALYSIS *LEADING INDICATORS-objective measures that accurately predict future labor demand.

Four Major Categories of Benefits for _______ Compensation are: 1]Disability Income 2]Medical Care 3]Death Benefits 4]Rehabilitative benefits

WORKERS COMPENSATION *About 9 out of 10 U.S. workers are covered by state workers' compensation laws; amount of benefits income varies among states. Generally it is two-thirds of the worker's earnings before the disability. Benefits are tax free.

In legal requirements these are examples of ________ _________. >Discharge may not violate an implied agreement. >>>e.g., employer had promised job security >>>e.g. action inconsistent with company rules >Discharge may not violate public policy. >>>e.g., terminating employee for refusing to do something illegal or unsafe.


It is wise for employers to monitor the quality of all their recruitment sources. One way to do this is to develop and compare _______ ________ for each source. A _______ _________ expresses the percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next.

Yield Ratios Yield Ratio

_____________ should be a regular, expected management activity. *Preparing for a _______ session, managers should be prepared for each formal ________ session.

Performance Feedback Feedback for 2nd on both When to schedule for feedback: *Annual feedback is not enough. >Key strengths reviews (twice a year) >Quarterly progress checks >When you see employees doing desired behaviors (reinforce) >Employees should receive feedback so often that they know what the manager will say during their annual performance review (no surprises).

In ________ Value and ________, 1]Being valid, reliable, and generalizable adds value to a selection method. 2]Another consideration is the cost of using the selection method. 3]Selection methods should cost significantly less than the benefits of hiring new employees. 4]Methods that provide economic value greater than the cost of using them are said to have UTILITY.

Practical Value and Utility

The following steps are part of the __________. 1]unofficial spoken warning 2]official written warning 3]2nd written warning plus threat of temporary suspension 4]temporary suspension plus written notice that this is a last chance to improve 5]Termination

Progressive Discipline Responses *The HR professional is the one that identify's the series of responses. It is the organizations responsibility to communicate these rules and consequences in writing to every employee.

The role of HR ________ is to build a supply of potential new hires that the organization can draw on if need arises. ________ consists of any practice or activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.


The ________ of a type of measurement indicates how free that measurement is from random error.

RELIABILITY *A reliable measurement generates consistent results. *Organizations use statistical tests to compare results over time.

Decisions about which benefits to offer should take into account: 1]Organizations goals, objectives, and budget 2]Expectations of the organization's current employees and potential future recruits. This is referred to as _________ Employee Benefits.

SELECTING *An organization that does not offer expected benefits will have difficulty attracting and keeping employees.

Options for Avoiding a __________ are: -Overtime, Temporary employees, Outsourcing(fast,high) -Retrained Transfers, Turnover Reductions(slow) (high and moderate) -New external hires, Technological Innovation(slow,low)

SHORTAGE The rate is speed of results The ability to change later

_____ is a method of performance measurement that requires managers to rank employees in their group from the highest performer to the poorest performer.

SIMPLE Ranking

Pay structures that set pay according to employee's levels of skill or knowledge and what they are capable of doing is referred to as _____ ______ ____ Systems.

SKILL-BASED PAY SYSTEMS *Appropriate where changing technology requires employees to continually widen and deepen their knowledge.

The FLSA established a minimum wage of _______ per hour as of July 2014 and permits a A_______ _____ that pays workers under the age of 20 up to 90 days, 85% of the minimum wage rate.

$7.25 Training Wage

Organizations may reward INDIVIDUALS PERFORMANCE with a variety of incentives such as: NAME THE FIVE TYPES OF PAY

(individual bonuses) 1] Piecework Rates 2] Standard Hour plans 3] Merit Pay 4] Individual Bonuses 5] Sales Commissions


1] Define performance outcomes for company division and department 2]Develop employee goals, behavior, and actions to achieve outcomes 3]Provide support and ongoing performance discussions 4]Evaluate Performance 5]Identify Improvements needed 6]Provide consequences for performance results

Criterion-related validity is a measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance score. Two kinds of research are possible for arriving at criterion-related validity, which are 1]________ validation, and 2] _______ validation.

1] PREDICTIVE VALIDATION- Research that uses test scores of all applicants and looks for a relationship between scores and future performance of applicants who were hired. 2]CONCURRENT VALIDATION- Research that consists of administering a test to people who currently hold a job, and then comparing their scores to existing measures of job performance.

What are the three aspects of RECRUITING and what characteristics does each aspect influence?

1] Personal Policies-influence characteristics of the positions to be filled. 2] Recruiter traits and behaviors-affect characteristics of both vacancies and applicants. 3] Recruitment Sources-influence kinds of job applicants an organization reaches.

What are the FIVE criteria for measuring the effectiveness of Selection tools and Methods?

1] RELIABLE information 2] VALID information 3]Information can be GENERALIZED to apply to candidates. 4]Offers HIGH UTILITY 5] The selection Criteria are LEGAL

Legal Standards for Selection All selection methods must conform to existing laws and legal precedents. Three ACTS have formed the basis for a majority of suits filed by job applicants and they are: 1] 2] 3]

1]Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991 *Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 2]Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967 *Prohibits discrimination in employment against individuals 40 years of age and older. 3]Americans with Disabilities Act 1991 *requires employers reasonable accommodation to disabled individuals and restricts many kinds of questions during the selection process.

A balanced scorecard contains four different categories, what are they?

1]Financial 2]Customer 3]Internal 4]Learning and growth

In the HR planning PROCESS, there are Forecasts of labor demand and Forecasts of labor supply. What are the THREE steps in order?

1]Forecasts of labor surplus or shortage 2]Goal setting and strategic planning 3]Program implementation and evaluation

The cost of Workers Compensation Insurance depend on 3 things. What are they?

1]Kinds of occupations involved 2]State where company is located 3]Employers experience rating >>Unfavorable and high experience ratings lead to higher insurance premiums.

In order for gainsharing to succeed, there are 10 conditions that must be followed and implemented. They are:

1]Management commitment. 2]Need for change or strong commitment to continuous improvement. 3]Management acceptance and encouragement of employee input. 4]High levels of cooperation and interaction. 5]Employment security. 6]Information sharing on productivity and costs. 7]Goal setting. 8]Commitment of all involved parties to the process of change and improvement. 9]Performance standard and calculation that employees understand and consider fair and that is closely related to managerial objectives. 10]Employees who value working in groups.

Organizations establish PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS to meet 3 broad purposes which are?

1]STRATEGIC PURPOSE - effective performance management helps the organization achieve its business objectives. 2]ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSE - ways in which organizations use the system to provide information for day-to-day decisions about salary, benefits, and recognition programs. 3]DEVELOPMENTAL PURPOSE - serves as a basis for developing employees' knowledge and skills.

Benefits that are required by LAW: 1]Social Security(supports retired workers) 2]Unemployment Insurance(assists those laid off) 3]Workers Compensation Insurance(benefits to those injured on job) 4]Family and Medical Leave 5]Health Care

1]Social Security-flat payroll tax on employees and employers 2]Unemployment Insurance-payroll tax on employers that depends on state requirements and experience rating 3]Workers Compensation Insurance-Provide coverage according to state requirement. Premiums depend on experience rating. 4]Family and Medical Leave -Up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for childbirth, adoption, or serious illness. 5]Health Care-Provisions of 2010 law phased in through 2014

When conducting a feedback session, it should be about behaviors and not personalities. In the feedback session managers can take any of three approaches which are?

1}"Tell-and-Sell" - managers tell employees their ratings and then JUSTIFY those ratings (most widely practiced). 2}"Tell-and-Listen" - managers tell employees their ratings and then let employees EXPLAIN view. 3}"Problem-Solving" - managers and employees work together to SOLVE performance problems (most effective).

What percent of all full-time employees in U.S. receive medical benefits that cover : 1] Hospital expenses 2] Surgical Expenses 3] Visits to physicians

70% of all full-time employees

A ________ ________ is a combination of performance measures directed toward the company's long and short-term goals and used as the basis for awarding incentive pay.

BALANCED SCORECARD *An advantage of the balance scorecard is it helps employees understand the organizations goals.

___________ is a procedure where organizations compare its own practices against those of successful competitors.

BENCHMARKING *In gathering information the organization may use Pay surveys, trade and industry groups, and professional groups. Some important groups are -Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) -Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) -World at Work

When an employee's pay is calculated as a percentage of sales, it is referred to as: ___________.

COMMISSIONS(individual bonuses)

Employers must ________ Benefits to their employees that : 1]Organizations must communicate benefits information to employees so that they will appreciate the value of their benefits. 2]This is essential so that benefits can achieve their objective of attracting, motivating, and retaining employees. 3]Employees are interested in their benefits, and they need a great deal of detailed information to take advantage of benefits.


___________ demonstrates that the pay plan is fair. When employees understand the incentive pay plan's requirements, the plans more likely to influence their behavior as desired.

COMMUNICATION *Important when changing the pay plan

Five characteristics of a job that the organization VALUES and CHOOSES to PAY for are called _________ _________. Name each one.

COMPENSABLE FACTORS 1]Experience 2]Education 3]Complexity 4]Working Conditions 5]Responsibility

________ Validity, is consistency between a high score on a test and high level of a construct such as intelligence or leadership ability, as well as between mastery of this construct and successful performance of the job.


_______ Validity, that is, consistency between the test items or problems and the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job.


OPTIONAL BENEFITS in Retirement Plans About half of employees working in private business sector have employer-sponsored retirement plans. ____________ retirement plan funded by contributions from employer and employee Section 401 (k) plans _________ retirement plan funded entirely by employer contributions.


The criteria for an _________ __________ _________ System includes the following: >Fit with Strategy >Validity >Reliability >Acceptability >Specific Feedback

Effective Performance Management Fit with strategy - measures behaviors and attitudes in alignment with strategy; performance appraisals and feedback reinforce targets. Validity - extent to which a measurement tool actually measures what it is intended to measure Reliability - consistency of the results performance measurement tool will deliver (between raters; results of same tool over time). Acceptability - perceived as fair, not overly time-consuming Specific feedback - tells employees what is expected of them and hot to meet those expectations.

___________ is the degree to which employees are FULLY INVOLVED in their work an the strength of their commitment to their job and company.

Employee Engagement *Employees who are engaged in their work and committed to the company they work for provide a clear competitive advantage to that firm, including higher productivity, better customer service, and lower turnover.

A wide spread policy follows the principle of __________, which holds that if there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, the employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause.

Employment At Will

CHAPTER 10 Separating and Retaining Employees

Every organization recognizes that it needs satisfied, loyal customers. In addition, success requires satisfied, loyal employees. Retaining employees helps retain customers and increase sales. Organizations with low turnover and satisfied employees tend to perform better.

The _____________ ACT, requires employers to obtain a candidate's consent before using a third party to check candidate's credit history or references.

FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT *If the employer decides not to hire based on the report, employer must give applicant a copy of the report and summary of applicant's rights before taking action.

The _____ ______ _______ Act is a federal law that establishes a minimum wage and requirements for overtime pay and child labor.


_______________ Leave Act of 1993 requires organizations with 50 or more employees to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave FOR: 1]After childbirth or adoption 2]To care for a seriously ill family member 3]For an employee's own serious illness

FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) OF 1993 *Employers must guarantee these employees same or comparable job when they return to work.

The _____ method of performance measurement assigns a certain percentage of employees to each category in a set of categories.


PERMISSIBLE QUESTIONS 1] What is your full name? Have you ever worked under a different name? 2] If you are hired, can you show proof of your age? 3] Will you need any reasonable accommodation for this hiring process? Are you able to perform this job, with or without reasonable accommodation? 4]What languages do you speak? 5]What schools have you attended? What degrees have you earned? What was your major? 6]Can you meet the requirements of the work schedule? 7]Please provide the names of any relatives currently employed by this employer. 8]Have you ever been convicted of a crime? 9]What organizations or groups do you belong to that you consider relevant to being able to perform this job?

IMPERMISSIBLE QUESTIONS 1] What's your maiden name? What's the nationality of your name? 2] How old are you? How would you feel working for someone younger than you? 3] What is your height? weight? Do you have disabilities? Have you been seriously ill? Please provide photo of yourself. 4]What is your ancestry? Are you a citizen of the U.S.? Where were you born? How did you learn to speak that language? 5]Is that school affiliated with a religious group? When did you attend high school? 6]What is your religion? What religious holidays do you observe? 7]What is your marital status? Do you have any children? Would you like to be addressed as Mr, Mrs, Ms.? 8]Have you ever been arrested? 9]What organizations or group do you belong to?

_______ PAY PLANS meet these following requirements- 1]Performance measures are linked to the organization's goals. 2]Employees believe they can meet performance standards. 3]Organization gives employees the resources they need to meet their goals. 4]Employees value the rewards given. 5]Employees believe the reward system is fair. 6]Pay plan takes into account that employees may ignore any goals that are not rewarded.


________ ____ are forms of pay linked to an employees performance as an individual, group member, or organization member.


In principles of justice, _______________ is a judgment that the ORGANIZATION carried out its actions in a way that took the employee's feelings into account.

INTERACTIONAL JUSTICE *Explanation of decision, respectful treatment, consideration, empathy

1] It generates applicants who are well known to the organization. 2]These applicants are relatively knowledgeable about the organization's vacancies, which minimizes the possibility of unrealistic job expectations. 3]Filling vacancies through internal recruiting is generally cheaper and faster than looking outside the organization. These examples are all advantages of _______ _________.

INTERNAL SOURCES *Internal sources are employees who currently hold other positions in the organization. Sources of hire *25% of hires from external sources are referrals. *59% All External Sources *41% Internal Movement 4 in 10 positions are filled with insiders.

Turnover that is initiated by an EMPLOYER often with employees who would prefer to stay is referred to __________ turnover.


1] When Implementing HR strategy, organizations must hold individuals accountable for achieving goals. 2] Must also have authority and resources needed to accomplish those goals. 3] Regular progress reports should be issued. 4]Evaluation of results should look at tactual numbers and identify which parts of planning process contributed to success or failure. This process is ________ ____ ________ which is the ____step in the Human Resource Planning Process.

Implementation and Evaluation HR Plan 3rd Step

_________________ organizations with policies to "promote from within" try to fill upper-level vacancies by recruiting candidates internally, that is finding candidates who already work for the organization.

Internal Versus External Recruiting

Lawsuits related to performance management usually involve charges of: >Discrimination >Unjust dismissal To protect against both kinds of lawsuits, it is important to have a ____________ performance management system.

Legally Defensible Performance Management System *Based on valid job analyses, with requirements for job success clearly communicated to employees. *Evaluates behaviors or results, rather than traits. *Multiple raters (including self-appraisals) used. *All performance ratings reviewed by upper-level managers. *Appeals mechanism for employees.

The following are examples of _______ _______ in issues of developing a pay structure. 1]Product markets 2]Labor markets


A system of linking pay increases to ratings on performance appraisals is referred to as _____ ____. The system gives lowest paid best performers the biggest pay increases.

MERIT PAY (individual bonuses) *Merit pay is based on two factors: 1]Individuals performance rating 2]Individuals compa-ratio (pay relative to average pay) *They make use of a Merit Increase Grid

________ _____ Is the lowest amount that employers may pay under federal or state law, stated as an amount of pay per hour.


The following are guidelines on how to respond to ___________. >Be clear about performance standards. >Be consistent. >Don't ignore the problem behavior. >Investigate complaints ASAP. >Record statements in writing, with signatures & dates. >Focus on behaviors not personalities >Documentation should be clear and complete. >Be honest.


A method used for measuring results is ________ which is a system in which people at each level of the organization set goals in a proceeds that flow from top to bottom, so employees at all levels are contributing to the organization's overall goals. These goals become the standards for evaluating each employee's performance.

Management By Objectives (MBO)

Employees that are covered by the FLSA requirements and receive overtime pay of time and a half including bonuses and pice-rate payments are __________ employees.


In legal requirements, __________, must follow these rules..... >Organizations that plan broad scale layoffs may be subject to the Workers Adjustment, Retraining and Notification ACT (WARN). >Employers covered by the law are required to five notice before any closing or layoff.

NOTIFICATION OF LAYOFFS *This federal law requires that organizations with more than 100 employees give 60 days' notice before any closing or layoff that will affect at least 50 full-time employees.

True or False GOAL SETTING AND STRATEGIC PLANNING is: 1] Purpose of setting specific numerical goals is to focus attention on the problem and provide a basis for measuring the organization's success in addressing labor shortages and surpluses. 2] Goals should come directly from analysis of supply and demand. 3] For each goal, organization must choose one or more HR strategies. 4]Organizations should retain and attract employees who provide a core competency(what makes it better than competitors).

TRUE *Core Competency- a set of knowledge and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers.

True or False Employees compare their pay and contributions against 3 yard sticks: 1]What they think employees in other organizations earn for doing the same job. 2]What they think other employees holding different jobs within the organization earn for doing work at the same or different levels. 3]What they think other employees in the organization earn for doing the same job as theirs.

TRUE *These are employee JUDGMENTS about PAY FAIRNESS

The principles of ___________ provide methods for performance measurement and management. A process through which employees and their customers work together to set standards and measure performance, with the overall goal being to improve customer satisfaction.

Total Quality Management (TQM) *Performance measurement combines measurements of attributes and results. >subjective feedback >statistical quality control

A federally mandated program to minimize the hardships of unemployment through payments to unemployed workers, help in finding new jobs, and incentives to stabilize employment is referred to as ___________ Insurance.

Unemployed Insurance *Most funding comes from federal and state taxes on employers. *Size of unemployment tax imposed on each employer depends on the employer's EXPERIENCE RATING- Number of employees a company has laid off in the past and cost of providing them with unemployment benefits. *Careful HR planning can minimize layoffs and keep their experience rating favorable.

More information on Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment insurance typically provides about 50% of the person's previous earnings for a period of 26 weeks. All states have a minimum and maximum weekly benefit level for Unemployment insurance. Some states offer extended benefits for up to 13 additional weeks. To receive benefits, workers must meet four conditions: 1]They meet requirements demonstrating they had been employed. 2]They are available for work. 3]They are actively seeking work. 4]They were not discharged for cause, did not quit voluntarily, and are not out of work because of a labor dispute.

For a selection measure, _______ describes the extent to which performance on the measure (such as a test score) is related to what the measure is designed to assess (such as job performance).


________ Turnover is initiated by the EMPLOYEE when the organization would actually prefer to keep them.


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