MCB Exam 3

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solid substrates

In a DNA sequencing reaction, the DNA is sometimes immobilized on materials like beads or glass slides. These materials are called

the environment under study

In a metagenomic analysis, DNA is extracted from ________.


PCR can be used to amplify DNA from any source.


The four deoxynucleoside triphosphates are ____, ____, ____, and ____.

Venter and Smith

Which of the following scientists developed methods for whole genome shotgun sequencing?


A base-by-base comparison of two or more gene sequences is called

mobility shift assay

A common method to study protein-DNA interaction is EMSA, an electrophoretic

pathogenicity islands

A section of a genome that derived from a mobile genetic element and encodes virulence factors is called a(n)

genomic island

A section of a genome that is derived from a mobile genetic element is called a(n)

messenger RNA

An open reading frame (ORF) encodes a _____.


An open reading frame that is presumed to encode a protein is called _____sequence.

a few femtograms (10-15 grams)

Approximately how much DNA is present in a single bacterial cell?

Protein-protein sequence comparisons DNA-DNA sequence comparisons

Comparative genomics involves which two of the following types of analysis?

plasmids bacteriophage

Comparative genomics reveals that horizontal gene transfer has occurred frequently. This type of transfer may be mediated by _____.

BLAST programs

DNA alignment programs using a basic local alignment search tool are called


Determining the location and nature of genes on a newly sequenced genome is called genome


During the PCR, the hydrogen bonds of the double-stranded DNA molecules are broken by the enzyme helicase


Each spot of DNA on a microarray, representing a single gene or coding sequence, is called a


For transcriptome analysis, a solid support with DNA attached in an organized grid fashion is called a DNA

the process of placing genomic sequence information into a biological context

Functional genomics is best described as _____.

how proteins interact in the cell how proteins are regulated

Functional proteomics focuses on

verifying the assignments identified by computer analysis

Genome curation involves _____.

Genome size is measured in ____.

Genome size is measured in ____.

a. The molecular organization of genomes b. The gene products that genomes encode c. All of the choices are correct d. The information content of genomes

Genomics is the study of

Archaea have, in general, smaller genomes than bacteria.

How do the genome sizes of archaea and bacteria compare?


If you start with one double-stranded DNA molecule and you perform SIX cycles of PCR, how many double-stranded copies of the DNA will you have?

the intensity of the fluorescent dye the color of the fluorescent dye

In a microarray hybridization experiment, the level of expression of each gene is quantified by _____. (Choose two.)

four ddNTPs four dNTPs

In addition to a primer, which two of the following are required for the Sanger method of DNA sequencing?

The protein-bound DNA moves slower than free DNA.

In an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, a protein and the DNA fragment that it binds are mixed and then applied to a gel. How does the mobility of the DNA change upon protein binding?

a fluorescent tag

In automated DNA sequencing by the Sanger method, the products of the reaction are detected by ____.

short pieces of DNA with adapters at each end

In contrast to Sanger DNA sequencing which uses long genomic DNA strands, next-generation sequencing technologies use _____.

genes are grouped according to level of expression

In hierarchical cluster analysis, __________.

Red, green, black

In hierarchical cluster analysis, the results are imaged in which colors?


In isoelectric focusing, proteins are applied to what kind of gradient?

many copies of the same fragment, which are sequenced simultaneously

In massively parallel sequencing techniques, the DNA to be sequenced is amplified by PCR. This results in ___________.

proteolytic enzymes

In preparation for mass spectrometry, a protein spot is cut from a gel and treated with ______.

separates proteins and peptide fragments

In tandem MS, the first spectrometer ______.

determines the amino acid sequence

In tandem MS, the second spectrometer _____.

the amount of reads that match each gene

In the RNA-seq process of mRNA sequencing, the mRNA is quantified by measuring

isoelectric focusing

In the first dimension of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, proteins move through a pH gradient. This technique is called


In the output of a BLAST program, the hits are each given a(n)____ value, value, which measures the probability of obtaining that alignment by chance.

From the negative pole of the gel to the positive pole.

In the second dimension of the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, how do proteins migrate?

The smallest peptide travels farthest on the gel.

In the second dimension of the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, how do proteins migrate?


It is now possible to directly sequence mRNA, in a process called _____.

change the phenotype of the host cell

Lysogenic conversion genes are genes from temperate bacteriophage that _____


Methods for determining DNA sequence were developed at what time?


Mycobacterium bovis


Mycobacterium leprae

reflect the diversity in the environment

One advantage of metagenomic studies is that the sequences generated _______.

convert mRNA to cDNA Add adapter sequences sequence using NGS Align results with genome sequence

Order the following steps in RNA-Seq.

many types of bacteria cannot be cultured

Single cell genomic sequencing is an important advance because ________.

Comparative genomics

Study of similarities between nucleotide and amino acid sequences among organisms to infer gene function and evolution is called


The DNA to be copied in a Sanger sequencing reaction is called the _____.

DNA polymerase

The Sanger method for DNA sequencing involves synthesis of a new strand of DNA by the enzyme ______.

synthesis of a new DNA strand

The Sanger method for DNA sequencing requires _____.

it permits visualization of thousands of proteins

The advantage of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis over one-dimensional gel electrophoresis is that ______.


The entire collection of mRNAs produced by an organism is its

dNTPs reverse transcriptase

The first step of RNA-Seq requires which two of the following components?

Hot vents

The most likely source of the Taq polymerase used in PCR is a bacterium that lives in ______.


The output of a BLAST program is called a(n) _____.

Shotgun squencing

The process of DNA sequencing of a bacterial genome by constructing a genomic library is called whole-genome____


The process of placing the information from a genome sequence into a biological context is called________genomics.

genome curation

The process of predicting genes (often by computer programs) and inspecting the assignments to verify the prediction is termed _____.


The science of manipulating and interpreting large quantities of information about biological organisms is called____. It incorporates biology, mathematics, computer science, and statistics.

SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

The second dimension in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is

parasitic microbes

The smallest genomes in all three domains belong to _____.


The study of RNA molecules obtained directly from the environment is _____.


The study of the array of proteins that an organism can produce is called


The systematic study of a cell's small molecules at a particular time is called

single stranded DNA

The template for the Sanger method of DNA sequencing is _____.

both strands for a total of six reading frames

To identify an open reading frame in DNA sequence, the sequence of _____ must be analyzed.

single-stranded cDNA made from mRNA

To study gene expression by microarray technology, hybridization is performed between the single-stranded probe DNA and _______.


True or false: A molecule of dGTP and a molecule of ddGTP are both able to pair with a cytosine residue in DNA.


True or false: Microbiologists involved in systems biology may study a single metabolic pathway in isolation to work out the minute details of molecular systems interactions.


True or false: Systems biologists recognize that the change of a single gene or protein may have far-reaching physiological effects for the cell.


True or false: The analysis of gene expression using microarray technology is based on hybridization between nucleic acids.

A high level of synteny

Two species of Bacillus, for example B. anthracis and B. cereus, would be expected to exhibit what degree of synteny in their chromosomes?

DNA microarrays RNA-Seq

Two technologies to study the expression level of many genes are _____ and _____.

gene expression

Two technologies, RNA-Seq and DNA microarrays, are important in the study of _____.


Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is used to study mixtures of _____.

Library construction, random sequencing, fragment alignment and gap closure, and editing.

What are the four stages of whole-genome shotgun sequencing?

Its probable amino acid composition

What information is obtained about a protein from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry?

1-5 megabases

What is a common nucleotide range for a bacterial genome?

Post-translational modification of proteins

What type of information is generated by proteomics?

Broadly affects gene expression and cellular physiology

When observing a microbe in which one gene has been deleted, you often find that the product of the missing gene


When two or more genes from the same genome have nucleotide sequences so alike that they most probably arose from gene duplication those genes are called _______.


When using a BLAST program to compare a DNA sequence of interest to a large database of sequences, the sequence of interest is called the _____.

Ribosome binding site At least 100 codons

Which of the following elements must be present in an open reading frame for it to be considered a putative protein-coding gene?


Which of the following environmental insults is Deinococcus radiodurans able to withstand?

Comparative genomics

Which of the following is the term used to describe the process of studying the similarities between the nucleotide and protein sequences of different organisms?


Which of the following scientists developed the most commonly used method of DNA sequencing DNA?

Known protein structures can be used to predict the structures of related proteins.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding structural proteomics?

To determine how gene expression is regulated in response to environmental changes.

Which of the following would be a possible application of microarray technology for the study of gene expression?

Whole genome shotgun sequencing DNA sequence assembly software

Which two methods needed to be developed for efficient bacterial genome sequencing?

Predicting the structures of proteins by modeling Determining the three-dimensional structures of proteins

Which two of the following are goals of the field of structural proteomics?

SDS denatures protein. SDS coats protein with a negative charge.

Which two of the following effects does SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) have on proteins?

It does not require preparation of a genomic library.

Why is DNA sequencing performed on a solid substrate?

Deoxyribose sugar

ddNTPs and dNTPs differ in which portion of the nucleotide?

attach the DNA fragment to a solid substrate anneal to a PCR primer

in massively parallel sequencing techniques, the DNA to be sequenced is sheared into small pieces and small oligonucleotides called adapters are attached to the ends of the DNA fragments. These adapters function to _____. (Choose two.)

The proteome

the entire set of proteins expressed by an organism

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