McGraw Hill Smart Book - Chapter 6 - Skeletal System

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the most superior seven vertebrae are classified as vertebrae.


The spinal cord exits from the cranium through the foramen magnum, which is located in the ________ bone


The branch of medicine that specializes in treating diseases and disorders of the skeletal system is


Bone forming cells which deposit bone matrix are called ___.


Cells which function to breakdown bone matrix during bone remodeling are called ___.


Bone cells are called __________.


The general term for bone formation is ______


The bones that form the sides and the roof of the cranium are the __________ bones


The fibrous connective tissue membrane that lines outer surface of a bone:


The cranium and facial bones comprise the ___


Identify the bones of the lower limb. -A -B -C -D

- Tibia -femur -patella -fibula

The typical vertebral column consists of ____cervical vertebrae, _____thoracic vertebrae and ____ lumbar vertebrae. (Identify a number.)

-5 -12 -5

Match the type of vertebrae with the typical number of that type in the vertebral column. -cervical -htoracic -lumbar

-7 -12 -5

Identify the vertebral curvatures. A B C D


Identify the bones of the pectoral girdle and the upper limb. -A -B -C -D -E


Match the following movements depicted in the image with the correct term. A B C D E F

-A - Dorsiflexion -B - Plantar flexion -C - Inversion -D - Eversion -E - Felxion -F - Extension

Identify the indicated vertebral structures. A B C D E

-A - Spinous process -B - superior articular facet -C - transverse process -D - vertebral foramen -E - body

Identify the bones of the pelvis and their markings: -A -C -B -D -E

-A - ilium -C - sacrum -B - acetabulum -D - obturator foramen -E - pubic symphysis

Match each of the structures of a typical long bone with its description: -the end of a long bone -The shaft of a long bone -Protects and cushions the ends of a long bone -Space within the shaft of a long bone -Fibrous membrane that covers bones

-Epiphysis -Diaphysis -Articular Cartilage -Medullary Cavity -Periosteum

Match each of the following types of synovial joints with the correct example(s). -gliding joint -condyloid joint -hinge joint -saddle joint -ball-and-socket joint -pivot joint

-Joint between clavicle and scapula -Joint between metacarpal and proximal phalanx -Elbow and knee -Joint between carpal and metacarpal of thumb -Shoulder and hip -Joint between atlas and axis

Identify the bones classified as facial bones. -Ethmoid and sphenoid -Maxillae and mandible -Temporal and occipital -Lacrimal and nasal -Palatine and vomer

-Lacrimal and nasal -Palatine and vomer -Maxillae and mandible

Match the following vertebral structures with the best description. -Body -Vertebral Foramen -Spinous process -Intervertebral formaina -Transverse processes

-Load bearing portion of the vertebra -Space through which the spinal cord passes -Posterior extension of the vertebra -Lateral passageways for spinal nerves -Lateral extensions of the vertebra

Identify the bones that form the nasal septum. -Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid -Vomer -Inferior nasal conchae -Zygomatic -Nasal bone

-Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid -Vomer

The frontal bone forms which of the following features of the skull? -Roof of the nasal cavity -Superior portion of the orbits -Roof of the mouth -The upper jaw -Forehead

-Roof of the nasal cavity -Superior portion of the orbits -Forehead

The clavicle articulates laterally with the acromion process of the _______and medially with the _______.

-Scapula -Sternum

Identify the indicated fontanelles located in the skull of an infant. -B -C

-Sphenoid fontanelle -Mastoid fontanelle

The occipital bone forms which of the following features of the skull? -The roof of the nasal cavity -The floor of the cranium -The lateral sides of the cranium -The posterior portion of the cranium -The forehead

-The floor of the cranium -The posterior portion of the cranium

Which of the following are components of the thoracic cage? -Thoracic vertebra -Clavicle -Sternum -Scapula -Costal cartilages -Ribs

-Thoracic vertebra -Sternum -Costal cartilages -Ribs

Which of the following bones are part of the axial skeleton? -Humerus -Coxal bones -Vertebral column -Skull -Ribs

-Vertebral column -Skull -Ribs

Match the suture with the correct description. -coronal suture -sagittal suture -lambdoid suture -squamous suture

-between the frontal bones and the parietal bones -between the left and right parietal bones -between the occipital and parietal bones -between the parietal and temporal bones

Bone is made up of the following active living tissues: -bone tissue -endocrine tissue -nervous tissue -lymphatic tissue -cartilage -dense irregular connective tissue -blood

-bone tissue -nervous tissue -cartilage -dense irregular connective tissue -blood

List the curvatures of the vertebral column from top to bottom

-cervical -thoracic -lumbar -sacral

The bones of the pectoral girdle include the ___. -clavicle -scapula -ulna -sternum -ribs

-clavicle -scapula

List the events of intramembranous ossification in the correct sequence.

-connective tissue membrane is formed in an embryo -connective tissue cells become osteoblasts -Osteoblasts deposit spongy bone at the center of the connective tissue membrane -Osteoblasts from the periosteum form a protective layer of compact bone

The skull bones are subdivided into categories called the____________and the ______________ bones.

-cranial -facial

Match the following types of joint with the correct description. -no movement -slight movement -freely moveable

-fibrous joint -Cartilaginous joint -Synovial joint

Functions of the periosteum include ___. -formation and repair of bone tissue -formation of blood cells -protection -storage of fat

-formation and repair of bone tissue -protection

List the sequence of events of endochondral ossification in the correct order.

-hyaline cartilage model forms -primary ossification center forms in the middle of developing bone -blood vessels and nerves penetrate the primary ossification center -secondary ossification centers form in the epiphysis -epiphyseal plate separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis

The three processes that extend from the temporal bone are the ___. -mastoid process -spinous process -zygomatic process -styloid process -coronoid process

-mastoid process -zygomatic process -styloid process

Functions of the paranasal sinuses include ___. -reduce the weight of the skull -resonance of sound -allowing a person to breath

-reduce the weight of the skull -resonance of sound

The suture between the right and left parietal bones is the suture and the ________ suture between the temporal and parietal bones is the ________suture.

-sagittal -squamosal

Identify the bones and cartilages of the thoracic cage.

-sternum -costal cartilages -true ribs -False ribs

The general signs and symptoms of arthritis are ___. -swelling -bone demineralization -inflammation -pain

-swelling -inflammation -pain

ow many thoracic vertebra are there in a typical vertebral column?


The vertebral column consists of ___ vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx.


When does ossification, the formation of bone, begin in an embryo?

6-7 weeks

The vertebral column consists of _____ cervical vertebrae, ____ thoracic vertebrae, ______ lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx. OR Within a typical vertebral column there are ___ cervical vertebrae, ___ thoracic vertebrae and ___ lumbar vertebrae.


Identify the structures of a typical long bone by matching the letters to the structures. A- B- C- D- E- F-

A-Epiphysis B-Diaphysis C-Articular Cartilage D-Compact Bone E-Medullary Cavity F-Periosteum

Identify the bones of the skull indicated by A-E. A- B- C- D- E-

A-Ethmoid B-lacrimal C-nasal D-zygomatic E-maxilla

Identify the paranasal sinuses shown. A- B- C- D-

A-Frontal Sinus B-Ethmoid Sinus C-Sphenoid Sinus D-Maxillary Sinus

Identify the three processes that extend from the temporal bone. A- B- C-

A-Mastoid process B-styloid process C-zygomatic process

Identify the following facial bones. A- B- C- D- E- F-

A-Nasal B-Lacrimal bone C-Middle Nasal Concha D-Zygomatic E-Inferior nasal concha F-vomer

Identify the bones of the skull indicated the letters. A- B- C- D- E-

A-Parietal B-Temporal C-Mandible D-Frontal E-Sphenoid

The image marked _____ is depicting abduction?


Which image is depicting a typical thoracic vertebra? A? B? D?


Which image is depicting flexion? A? B?


Which of the following bones are located in the lower limb? -Humerus -Femur -Metatarsals -Fibula -Carpals -Tibia

Femur Metatarsals Fibula Tibia

Which of these bones is U-shaped and is located inferior to the mandible?


Ivan has a compound fracture of his femur. Identify the branch of medicine that the emergency room doctor would call for a consult.


Which of these bones are part of the upper limb? Metatarsals Radius Carpals Fibula Ulna Humerus

Radius Carpals Ulna Humerus

A joint disease that is characterized by inflammation, swelling and pain is called ___.


The head, neck, and trunk are all included in the __________skeleton


Attachment of muscles to the _______allows skeletal movement.


The nasal bones form the _______.

bridge of the nose

The most superior seven vertebrae are classified as __________vertebrae.


A fracture which extends all way through a bone is said to be a(n) ___ fracture.


The parietal bones are joined to the frontal bone by the ___ suture and to each other along the midline by the ___ suture.

coronal; sagittal

he bones of the pelvic girdle include the two ___________bones.


The bridge of the nose is formed by the fused ______ bones.


The shaft of a long bone located between the epiphyses is called the _____________


The type of bone formation (ossification) shown here is ___.

endochondral ossification

The type of ossification that begins with a hyaline cartilage model is ________.

endochondral ossification

The general term for the end of a long bone is


The incompletely ossified areas of an infants skull are called ___.


The largest anterior portion of the cranium is formed by the ____________ bone.


The bone located in the neck that does not articulate with other bones and attaches to the muscles of the tongue is the __________ bone.


Beth has a hairline fracture extending half way through her tibia. This fracture is said to be a(n) ___ fracture.


The cartilaginous discs that separate the vertebra are called ______discs.


Most bones of the skull are formed via _________.

intramembranous ossification

The junction between two or more bones is called a(n) ______


Bone cells are found in small chambers located between the lamellae. These chambers are called ____________


The only moveable bone of the skull is the


The sella turcica, which contains the pituitary gland, is located in the _________ bone.


The temporal bones are joined to the parietal bones superiorly by the ___ suture and to the occipital bone posteriorly by the ___ suture.

squamous; lambdoid

The fused immovable joint depicted here at the tip of the blue arrow is called a _____.


The bones of the cranium are fused together by immovable joints called ___________


The external auditory meatus passes through the ________ bone.


The bone that makes up the inferior portion of the nasal septum is the _____.

the vomer

The cervical vertebrae are unique in that they have a(n) ___ that serves as a passageway for blood vessels and nerves.

transverse foramen

True or false: Blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow.


True or false: Each bone is made up of a variety of different tissue types.


The lower part of the nasal septum is the______ bone.


The nasal septum is formed by the _____ and the _____.

vomer; perpendicular plate of the ethmoid

The bones that form the cheek bones are called the ___ bones.


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