Medical emergencies (questions)

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How often should a member of the dental team check the equipment and ensure items are not expired A weekly B monthly C quarterly D biannually


If an opioid overdose is suspected, which of the following should be administer A naloxone B flumazenil C atropine D nothing can be administered for opioid overdose


Which of the following flow rates settings would you use to administer oxygen during an emergency involving acute pulmonary edema? A 10-15 L/minute B 10 L/minute C 5-6 L/minute D below 5 L/minute


Which of the following occurs when the body is unable to produce or use insulin A acute adrenal insufficiency B diabetes mellitus C hypoglycemia D thyroid storm


Which of the following persons has Stage II hypertension A 132/79 B 167/110 C 128/79 D 184/105


Which of the following should you do for the above emergency involving a young boy stung by a bee? A contact EMS, administer oxygen, dispense diphenhydramine B contact EMS, administer epinephrine, administer oxygen C dismiss patient and instruct her to take her son to the doctor D give her son a cold compress and begin your patient's appointment


Your adult patient is turning blue, emitting high pitched sounds, is unable to speak, and is holding her throat. IF you are properly trained, which of the following should you perform first A chest compression B back blows C subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrust D chest thrust


Match A postpone elective dental care B palliative treatment for pain management only C treatment not indicated D no modifications indicated E exercise caution during treatment F medical consultations when needed 1 ASA PS 1 2 ASA PS 2 3 ASA PS 3 4 ASA PS 4 5 ASA PS 5 6 ASA PS 6

1 D 2 F 3 E 4 A 5 B 6 C

In an emergency situation involving a child, rescue breathing should follow which of these guidelines A 1 breath every 3 to 5 secs B 1 breath every 5 to 6 secs C 1 breath every 6 to 8 secs D 1 breath every 10 to 12 secs


Stressors associated with dental fear or anxiety can increase the risk of acute medical emergencies. Therefore, a thorough psychological assessment is necessary to determine a patinet's outlook on dental treatment A both true B t,f C both false D f,t


Anaphylaxis and allergic reaction are both responses to an allergen. Administration of epinephrine is always required for both of these emergency situations A both correct B t,f C both false D f,t


An "E" / M-24 oxygen cylinder provides how many minutes of oxygen A 15 minute B 30 minute C 1 hour D 1-2 hours


Which of the following inhaled emergency drugs is used to treat syncope A albuterol B aromatic ammonia C bronchodilator D oxygen


Shock-like symptom, low blood pressure, and/or weakness are signs and symptoms of which of the following conditions A diabetic coma B angina pectoris C anaphylaxis D adrenal crisis


deep rapid breath, shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest are symptoms of which condition A syncope B shock C hyperventilation D insulin reaction


The patient should be placed in the upright position during all of the following medical emergencies except for one A angina pectoris B heart failure C asthma D hemorrhage


All of the following are signs of acute fluoride toxicity except for one. Which one is the exception A abdominal pain B headache C nausea D respiratory depression


Compression depth for adult CPR is A 1/2 inch B 1 inch C 1.5 inch D 2 inch


CASE A your patient's baseline respiration rate is considered to be A normal B hypopnea C tachypnea D apnea


EMS should be contacted if pain has not been relieved within 10 minutes following administration of nitroglycerin, or the pain returns, or the patient request EMS be contacted. Aspirin should be adminstered A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


In a dental office, the most likely cause of a seizure in a non-epileptic patient is the administration of local anesthesia. It is important to record the dose and type of anesthesia administered A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Local anesthetic was administered. Your patient begins to complain of a headache and dizziness. She seems oriented, confused, and is more talkative. Her BP and heart rate have increased. Which of the following should you do? A have your patient hyperventilate B place your patient in supine position C administer benzodiazepine D administer glucose


The use of local anesthesia can increase the risk of aspiration of a dental material. If oral pharyngeal aspiration occurs, the patient chair back should be lower to the supine position with the patient placed on their side with their head hanging off the chair A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Which of the following should you administer when hyperglycemia is suspected A glucose B cortisol C atropine D insulin


Your patient does not feel well. She complains of being anxious, restless, and thirsty. Upon examination your find she has a fever, she is puffy and her skin appear warm and pink in color. Her BP is lower than normal and her Heart rate is up. She also thinks she may have a bladder infection. Which type of shock is your patient most likely experiencing A septic B hypovolemic C obstructive D cardiogenic


Your patient has congestive heart failure. Which working on the maxillary arch, you notice your patient has a slight dry cough and is beginning to wheeze. He coughs into a tissue and you notice his sputum is frothy and tinged with blood, and he develops dyspnea. First you realize your patient is experiencing acute pulmonary edema. second, you should immediately contact EMS, implement CAB, calm your patient, administer oxygen, and perform a bloodless phlebotomy. A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Your patient is beginning to get confused and anxious as you ask her questions. She is beginning to look pale, when you touch her skin, it is moist. She is complaining of a headache and she is hungry. Which of the following is she most likely experiencing A hypoglycemia B hyperglycemia C adrenal insufficiency D preictal phase of a seizure


case A which of the following would NOT be given to your patient as definitive treatment during postsyncope A nitroglycerine B glucose C atropine D ammonia ampule


case B During the emergency your conscious patient should be placed in which of the following positions A patient's choice B sitting upright C semi-fowlers D supine with feet slightly elevated


case B Your patient's baseline blood pressure is considered A normal B elevated C stage I hypertension D stage II hypertension


case a which of the following should you do first for this patient A place your patient in supine position with legs slightly elevated B place your patient in semi-fowler's position C administer oxygen D administer aromatic ammonia


case b Stress reduction techniques would be beneficial during each appointment. Establishing good patient rapport, creating low stress environment, and assessing your patient's anxiety level are part of the protocol A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


case b What is your patient's blood pressure most likely to do during an acute adrenal insufficiency episode A decrease B remain the same C increase


oxygen is the most useful drug in a emergency. It is indicated in all emergency situations except hyperventilation A both true B t,f C both false D f,t


A transient ischemia of the myocardium is the definition for which of the following A myocardial infarction B angina pectoris C congestive heart failure D transient ischemic attacks


CASE A based on your patient's blood pressure classification, what is your patient's recommended management regimen A check blood pressure every year B dental treatment can be performed, limited use of epinephrine, refer your patient to his physician for evaluation C refer him for medical eval prior to dental treatment, limit use of epinephrine D transport to ER


CASE A your patient's baseline heart rate is considered A low B normal C high


During emergencies, except respiratory and cardiac arrest, and acute pulmonary edema, oxygen is administer at a rate of A 3-4 L/min B 5-6 L/min C 10 L/min D 10-15 L/min


How long does it take for a patient discomfort to diminished following administration of an effective dose of nitroglycerin A immediately B 2-4 minutes C 5-7 minutes D 9-10 minutes


IN the event that severe asthmatic attack in an adult patient is not alleviated following several administration of the bronchodilator, what should be administer A epinephrine 1:1000 0.15ml B epinephrine 1:1000 0.3mL C epinephrine 1:50,000 0.2mg D hydrocortisone sodium succinate, 100-200 mg IV


It would be best to schedule a patient with a history of angina in the early morning or late afternoon. For pain control, an anesthetic with 1:50,000 epinephrine should be used A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Nitroglycerin tablets or spray can be administer every three minutes within a 15 minute period. A maximum of 5 doses can be administers A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Select the appropriate treatment for nosebleed 1 place the patient in the upright position 2 place the patient in the supine position 3 have the patient lean forward 4 have patient lean backward A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4


What dose of oxygen should usually be administered during a definitive stage of medical emergency A 2-3 L/min B 5-6 L/min C 7-9 L/min D 10-15 L/min


When performing rescue breathing, how many breaths per minute should be given on an adult A 8-10/ minute B 10-12/ minute C 12-27/ minute D 20/minute


Your elderly patient has been in the supine position for 45 minutes. When you raise the chair, your patient becomes pale, her heart is beating faster, she feels nauseous, and feels like she is going to pass out. YOur patient is experiencing A syncope B orthostatic hypertension C hypoglycemia D cardiogenic shock


Your patient has indicated use cocaine 4 hours ago, it is safe to use local anesthetic containing epinephrine on your patient. Anesthetic containing epinephrine can be administered 3 hours following cocaine use A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Your patient is hyperventilating, you should have your patient breath into their cupped hands at a rate of 8 breaths/minute. Administer oxygen once the patient is breathing normally A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Your patient reports taking levothyroxine and a multivitamin daily. He reports no other systemic conditions. Choose the American Society of Anesthesiologist Physical Status Classifications that you would designate fort his patients A ASA PS 1 B ASA PS 2 C ASA PS 3 D ASA PS 4


case A during late presyncope and syncope, your patient's blood pressure will increase. A increase B decrease C stay the same


case B Your patient appears tired, stressed, and anxious. While in your chair, be seems to be getting confused, appears lethargic, complains of stomach cramping and nausea. His pulse is rapid and weak. What is the most likely cause of your patient's signs and symptoms A anaphylactic shock B acute adrenal insufficiency C allergic reaction D thyroid storm


case b Your patient is at risk of acute adrenal insufficiency during each appointment because he has crohns disease. Crohns disease affect the bodys production of cortisol A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


All of the following masks for an oxygen delivery system have a flow rate of 10 to 15l/min except for one. Which one is the exception A bag-valve mask B nonrebreather mask C face mask


CASE A as your begin to probe, you notice your patient clutching the chair, his knuckles are white. He begins to pale and his pupils become dilated. He complains that his heart is racing, he feel nauseous, light headed, and complains that his fingers are tingling. Which is your patient experiencing A angina B orthostatic hypotension C presyncope D cardiac arrest


Case A Based on the current blood pressure classification from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association (2017), what is your patient blood pressure classification A normal B elevated C stage I hypertension D stage II hypertension


Case b You reschedule your patient until he received medical clearance. Prior to him having his wisdom teeth removed. Which of the following should you do in preparation for his appointment A plan to administer nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation B prescribe a sedative C Increase his glucocorticosteriod dose by 2-4 times the day of his appointment D prescribe a prophylactic antibiotic


If your patient is complaining of chest pains and has not had them before, yo should follow the emergency protocol for which of the following A angina B cardiac arrest C myocardial infarction D gastrointestinal upset


It is warm outside, your patient just rushed to get to the appointment on time and reports having chest pains. Your patient has a history of angina. Which of the following should you do> A administer the office nitroglycerin tablets B administer the office nitrolingual spray C have your patient take his own nitroglycerin tablets D call EMS


Oxygen is administered during which phase of a convulsive seizure A ictal B preictal C postictal D all of the above


The key to preventing aspiration of a dental material is to A lay patient on their left side B lay patient on their right side C use a rubber dam D keep patient in semi-fowler's position


What percentage of children will encounter a tooth injury by the time they adolescents A 10% B 25% C 50% D 75%


When is an AED used A acute adrenal insufficiency B syncope C cardiac arrest D orthostatic hypotension


When the onset of an asthma attack begins, the patient should take two puffs from his bronchodilator. The patient should be placed in the supine position until breathing returns to normal A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Which type of asthma can be caused by respiratory infections A allergic B extrinsic C intrinsic D exercise induce


Your patient has gained weight since you last saw him four months ago. He is short of breath, his ankles are swollen, his hands were cold when you shook hands, his color is bluish, and you notice his jugular vein is distended. What is most likely cause of patient's signs and symptoms A myocardial infarction B adrenal insufficiency C right ventricular failure D left ventricular failure


Your patient indicates on the medical history he has asthma. While reviewing his medical history, he discloses that he has problems each spring because of pollen. He usually uses his inhale 1-2 times a month, but this week had to use it more often because of high pollen count. His inhaler dissipates the asthma attack. He has not used his inhaler today. which would be best to do for your patient in order to prevent an emergency A dismiss your patient until pollen count lowers B have him put inhaler on the counter for easy access in case of attack C take two puffs from his inhaler D create stressfree environment


Your patient's son was stung by a wasp as they passed the flowers in front of your office. He is crying and appears to have difficulty breathing. His BP is dropping. What medical emergency is the boy most likely experiencing A asthma B seizure C anaphylactic shock D syncope


case a if you do not place your patient in proper position, what can occur A it makes no difference B a longer recovery time C permanent damage or death


case b Definitive treatment for your patient includes all of the following except A oxygen B glucocorticosteroid C atropine D epinephrine


the best artery on an adult to take a pulse rate during an emergency is A brachial B radial C carotid D femoral


when administering a bronchodilator, what is the frequency and maximum number of doses (2 puffs per dose) that can be administered to an adult A 2 doses; 5 minutes apart B 2 doses; 10 minutes apart C 3 doses; 5 minutes apart D 4 doses; 5 minutes apart


A patient who experienced a heart attack or myocardial infarction cannot be seen for routine dental care for the first 3 months following the incident. A patient who experienced a stroke or TIA must wait 6 months before being seen for routine dental care A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


An oral temperature of 99.7 degree F indicates A below normal oral temperature B normal oral temperature C normal high oral temperature D fever


Case a which of the following is the second step in managing an emergency that you should perform for your unconscious patient A administer oxygen B monitor vitals C place patient in supine position with legs slightly elevated D assess C-A-B


In the event of a stressful situation, acute adrenal insufficiency can occur if the body does not produce enough ___ to handle the stressful situation A glucagon B glucose C oxygenated blood D cortisol


Normal pulse rates for children are A 30-60 bpm B 60-80 bpm C 80-120 bpm D 60-100 bpm


The incidence of angina in dental offices decreased with the advent of sit-down dentistry. Supine position decreases the incidence of an emergency A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Unconscious patients are placed in the upright position. Improper position cause cerebral hypoxia or diminished blood supply to the brain from inadequate circulation A A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


Which of the following will help relieve a patient stress in the dental office A prescribe prophylaxis medication B help your patient feel relaxed and at home C administer nitrous oxide-oxygen sedation D all above


Your patient is 34 years old and was just diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The doctor has put her on a diet regimen to help control the diabetes. Which type of diabetes does your patient have? A impaired glucose tolerance B gestational daibetes C type 1 D type 2


Your patient is exhibiting the following signs and symptoms. poor healing and frequent infections, increased caries, gingivitis, increased pocket depths, and complains of a burning mouth. Your patient most likely has A acute adrenal insufficiency B septic shock C cocaine abuse D diabetes mellitus


case B One of the classic signs indicating acute adrenal insufficiency is a seizure. If not treated in time acute adrenal insufficiency may result in cardiac arrest A both true B both false C t,f D f,t


the aura appears during which phase of a convulsive seizure A tonic B clonic C postictal D preictal


which type of shock can occur from a disease that causes injury to the spinal cord A hypovolemic B obstructive C septic D neurogenic


your patient's blood pressure is 181/104. The patient is feeling great. Her dental appointment is the third stop of her full schedule this day. She is scheduled for her six months routine oral prophylaxis appointment. Which of the following should you do? A repeat her BP in 5 minutes, if her BP is still high, complete her care today and then recommend she see her physician B repeat her BP in 5 minutes, if her BP is still elevated reschedule her appointment and recommend she see a physician C recommended she go immediately to her physician or the ER D Contact EMS and have her transported to the ER via EMS


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