Men & Women in Society Exam 1

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Anti Feminine Theme

"No Sissy Stuff" -Being masculine means you can't be feminine -Doesn't automatically mean antifeminist -Ex: wife wearing husband shirt is fine, man wearing woman's shirt to bed is a violation

Self-Reliance Theme

"Sturdy Oak" -be someone who people can rely on

Success Theme of Masculinity

"Big Wheel" -being masculine = being a great success

Agressive Theme

"Give em hell" -Willing to take risks, won't back down

Sexual Theme

"Hormones in Overdrive" -Be very sexual

Nature vs. Nurture (Essentialist or Constructionist)

Nature- essentialist (essential innate differences Nurture- constructionist (differences between men and women are organized by society and created differently


Physiological theory


Radical Feminism

Gender Marking

gender marking occurs when something is trying to indicate that it's not the norm Ex: female athletes "women's basketball" vs. basketball


acknowledges that there are different forms of masculinity and they vary throughout a person's life and at different points of time (Ex: a different kind of masculinity during times of way than when not at war)

Fausto-Sterling's view about number of sexes

at least 5 types of sex. Wants to reflect genetic diversity


no theory


no theory


no theory


not fully male, not fully female. Gender is on a continuum


opposite of self-reliance theme for men -"Teach your wife to be a widow" book


physiological theory


radical feminism

Firestone- The Dialectic of Sex -Theory

radical feminist conflict, nature, maximalist


social construction

Cultural Feminist Theory

-"How did things come to be?" -men. they have been in power and may have led to the uprise of these problems -Difference feminism- men and women are different -women's values are superior -femininity is good

Hegemonic Masculinity

the socially dominant form of masculinity at a particular time and point

Master Status

the status that overrides everything else. -Men can take on identities other than being a man but women are often labeled by their sex (professor vs. woman professor)

Multiple Roles

we have multiple roles as part of our status

Role Conflict

what if you have different roles that compete with each other?


what you are not supposed to be (prohibited)


what you are supposed to be

Role Strain

when people feel like they can't complete their role -Men who can't provide for their family, women who don't want a family.

Sexual Double Bind Theme

women are supposed to be sexy but not too sexy -It is difficult to find a middle ground

Morbidity vs. Mortality Paradox

women have higher rates of morbidity (illness) but men have higher rates of mortality (death)


world revolves around me -only 1 in 5 spokespeople or brand characters are female.

Role Discontinuity

you role is ending (example: graduation) -Men have a hard time when getting fired -Women have a harder time being empty nesters

Merton's Typology

1. Conformist- legitimate means and goals 2. Innovator- illegitimate means for legitimate goals 3. Ritualist- legitimate means rejects goals 4. Retreatist- rejects goals and means 5. Rebel- develop new goal and means

Moreland- Age and Change in the Adult Male Sex Role -How does this article link to the concepts of role transition and role conflict? -p. 119-121 how does this stage relate to masculinities? -How does this article link to the BEM androgyny scale? What is men's transition over the life course?

-Article is about how themes of masculinity change throughout the life course -The early conceptions of masculinity are focused on the anti feminine theme (playing sports, heterosexual relationships) but when they leave home they want to form new social relationships with women that they haven't formed before -There is a move towards androgyny as men age, less emphasis on masculinity

Gould - Baby X -Who gets hurt in the gender system? -Where are children best off within the spectrum of gender? -What about other parents discussed in the story? What is their perspective toward gender roles?

-Both boys and girls -Children are best off when androgynous -In favor of more traditional gender roles

Goldberg- Is patriarchy inevitable? -What does patriarchy mean? -What are the main findings of the article? -Why are men dominant across cultures? -Theory

-Domination by men -primary hierarchies are always filled primarily be men highest status roles are men dominance in male, female relationships are always associated with males -not socialization, biological/physiological differences, the social environment is a dependent variable whose limits are set by our biological world -Physiological Theory functionalist, nature, maximalist

Fear or/Ambivalence toward Success

-Horner -Attribution theory- internal, external, stable, unstable -Women are scared of success because we often talk about the consequences of success

Williams the glass escalator -Men in female dominated professions find themselves in an unusual position. How are they viewed from outside and inside their profession? -What is the glass escalator? Why does it happen? -Does she think it helps or hurts men and women in these professions? What about the glass escalator phenomenon?

-Outside- looked down upon Inside- not living up to their destiny, they are on the glass escalator and believe to not be living up to their full potential -Men are identified for leadership positions Automatically seen as more competent and reliable than women in these professions -Overall, it does help men because they are being promoted and being seen as competent but men might be pushed out of areas they aren't really interested in (dual consequences) For women- it hurts them because men can be promoted over them even if they are less qualified

Lucal: -What are Lucal's gender, sex, and sex category? -What might Lucal say about the idea that sex and gender only have two categories?

-Sex-female -Gender- masculine/androgynous -Category- male -the idea of two categories is too limiting

Spade and Reese- We've come a long way, maybe -What is the research method used in this article? -What are the research questions? -What do the tables presented in the article tell us? -What are the take-away points from these tables? -What is the author's overall viewpoint?

-Survey of college students -Descriptive statistics table -Men take more STEM courses, but women have higher GPA. Men are significantly more supportive of men at work and women at home; this is a separate sphere of the economy -Men say household chores are less important. Women generally expect that they can have it all women are more likely than men to want spouse to be employed -maybe we haven't come as far as we thought we have

Kimmel- Bros Before Hos -What concepts from class does this article relate to? -What are the three cultures of guyland?

-Themes of masculinity -1. Culture of entitlement- men have a strong sense of male superiority and empathy has to diminish 2. Culture of Silence- men keep their mouths shut about wrong doings 3. Culture of protection- boys are protected when they commit wrong doings. when we protect them it makes it so they don't have to take full responsibility for what they have done "boys will be boys"

Separatist Feminism

-argue that women are oppressed -men and women should live separately to get rid of oppression

Liberal Feminist Theory

-ascribed versus achieved status -sameness/reformist feminists -focuses on issue of individual rights -focuses on how all people are disadvantaged "unfair, discrimination" -reforms within the system

Sapolsky- Testosterone Rule -"permissive effect" -Sapolsky respond to Goldberg

-base level of testosterone in everyone's system, stressful situations cause testosterone to go up, calm situations cause it to go down (social environment causing biological responses) -Goldberg argues that biology leads to social differences No correlating theory.

Radical Feminist Theory

-liberal feminism is weak and does not go far enough -reject or resist the system "oppression" -large changes -only women lose out, men benefit from gender

Lewis- Emotional intimacy among men -Main point -4 barriers to intimacy -related themes of masculinity -overall point

-men are more culturally discouraged to be open with other guys, so they are not as intimate with each other -1. Competition (Success theme) 2. Homophobia (anti-feminine theme) 3. Aversion to Vulnerability/Openness (self-reliance theme) 4. Lack of role model (no theme) -Social system is arranged in terms of the themes of masculinity men can't be intimate with other men because they subscribe to these themes

Frye - Oppression -Theory -position on whether men lose out in gender system -sexual double-bind -cage metaphor

-radical feminist -it is difficult for the oppressor to say they are oppressed -for women- if you are not sexual enough you're considered a prude but if you're too sexual then you're called a slut -you can't see the entire system in from of you but it is all around you. women are pinned into their roles and you can't see why they are unable to get out of them conflict, nurture

Trebilcot - Sex Roles -Root cause of sex roles -inevitability, well-being, and efficiency claims -main argument

-root cause for difference in society is social. -used to determine whether sex roles should be assigned to men and women inevitability- sex roles are going to happen so no need to enforce them socially, efficiency- more efficient to assign people jobs -people should be allowed to deviate from sex roles if they choose Liberal feminist nurture with acknowledgment of nature

Nurture Theme

-women are expected to nurture and carry children

Women as deviant

-women are not the norm -gender marking -Androcentrism -Gender becomes their master status

Buss - the strategies of human mating -Theory 9 hypotheses

Evolutionary theory functionalist, nature, maximalist Hypothesis: -short-term mating is more important for men than women -men seeking a short term mate will solve the problem of identifying which women are sexually accessible -men seeking a short-term mate will minimize commitment and investment -men seeking a short-term mate will solve the problem identifying fertile women -women seeking a short-term mate will prefer men willing to impart immediate resources -Women will be more selective than men in choosing a short-term mate


Example: professor Expectations: grading papers, lecture

Role Ambiguity/Ambiguous Roles

Expectations associated with the role are unclear (Example: holding the door for someone)

Evolutionary Psychology/Sociobiological Theory

Genetic self-interest, fitness, inclusive fitness -Paternal certainty- motivation among men to know that a child is theirs in order to invest in the child -Grandmother Hypothesis- women should be invested in expanding their genetic interest. should be interested in their daughter's children the most because there is no certainty in their son's children's paternity

Physiological theory-

Gilder on women's sexual power -Neurological -Endocrinological -Genes

Role Transition

Going from class to hanging out with friends. Transitioning from student role to friend role

Role Salience

How important is this role to you? -Can shift based on time


Liberal Feminism


Liberal Feminism

Spade and Reese

Liberal Feminism


Liberal Feminism


Liberal feminism

Minimalist vs. Maximalist

Maximalist- a theory believes there is a big difference, or different functions between men and women Minimalist- small differences between men and women

Gider- Suicide of the Sexes How would Gilder respond to Baby X?

Theory- physiological theory Functionalist Nature Maximalist -not agree with Baby X, men and women are biologically different, ignores biological differences therefore this would never happen

Internalization of Expectations

Why do you perform this role

Sex Differences in life expectancy and reasons for these differences

Women live longer - 5 years Women live longer because they are physiologically different from men in a way that makes them naturally superior Women can sustain more pain because they are engineered to give birth



Subordinate Masculinity

bottom of hierarchy, least desirable it's about who has the lowest status at a particular time Ex: in high school the nerds might be unpopular but can change in 20 years when they have a high paying job


classification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine


evolutionary psychology


example of deviance from Merton's typology. Ex: Japanese retreatist approach- men living at parents home for an extended period of time without leaving


example: student, girlfriend, professor

Structural Functionalist Theory

expressive/instrumental (Parsons and Bales, Regnerus, Popenoe) -views on gender and socialization -overriding principles of feminism

Ayres' research on gender, race, and used car sales

he trained men and women to use the same behavior/vocabulary when shopping for cars and looked at the prices that were initially offered and he looked at an eventual buying price. Found: white men got the best deals, then white women, then black men, then black women got the worst deals

Role Performance

how we a person can perform expectations of status -When they don't meet them it's harder to perform that role (young female professor that doesn't look like the rest of her colleagues)

Sex Category

how we categorize other people

Sex/Gender Identity

how you identify as an individual

Thoits Research on the curvilinear relationship between number of roles and mental health

if you are a sister, mom, and student up to a certain point it's beneficial for you because its good to have social engagement and responsibility -if you have too many roles, your mental health may decline because too much stress -Curvilinear because it goes up to a certain point and then goes down

Gould- Baby X

liberal feminism

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