Mental Health Chapter 14

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The client reports that the client feels anxious when interacting socially with others and "never seems to know what to say." Which question indicates the nurse has a sound understanding of interpersonal theory as it relates to anxiety?

"What kind of relationship do you have with your parents?"

Which Statement, made by client diagnosed with an anxiety disoirder, should trigger the nurse's concern about the client's understanding of the use of defense mechanisms?

"When I have a problem, I just deny it until goes away."

Which client is most likely to be at risk for drug dependence and difficulties with withdrawal?

A woman who has been taking lorazepam for several months after witnessing a traumatic motor vehicle accident

When explaining the difference between anxiety and fear, the mental health nurse shares what? Select all that apply.

Anxiety involves experiencing subjective, uncomfortable feelings resulting from unknown causes Fear results in objective, physical responses caused by real danger Anxiety is likely to result from an attempt to overcome stress

What does desensitization refer to?

A systematic way to replace a panic response with a relaxation response

A client approaches the nurse on an inpatient psychiatric hospital unit crying, trembling, and feeling nauseous. The client states, "I've tried everything, I still feel so anxious." Which action by the nurse would be most appropriate?

Administer the prescribed PRN anxiolytic medication.

A client is currently experiencing panic. Which action would be most appropriate for the nurse to do?

Allow the client to pace

Which medication classifications used in the treatment of panic disorder can cause physical dependence?


A client diagnosed with anxiety disorder has been prescribed benzodiazepine drugs. The nurse is explaining the possible side effects of the medications. Which side effects of the drug explained by the nurse is correct? Select all that apply.

Blurred vision, Constipation, Dry mouth

Clients taking benzopendiazepines need eduction about what?

Concomitant use alcohol

Clients taking benzodiazepines need education about what?

Concomitant use of alcohol

When assessing an elderly client who has newly been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, the mental health nurse's priority is to carry out which task?

Determine the client's risk for self-harm or harm to others.

The nurse is assessing a client who recently experienced their first panic attack while at the grocery store. What question should the nurse ask to identify complications of the disorder

Do you have any problems going out alone to public places?"

The nurse is assessing a client with anxiety. What sysmptom indicates that the client has adopted a maladaptive behavior in response to stress?


Which is considered a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) used in the treatment of clients with panic disorder?


Which is one characteristic that differentiates generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder?

In GAD, the person usually does not experience eruptions of acute anxiety.

When assessing a client with anxiety, the nurse should recognize that anxiety may often be a result of what?


The mental health nurse is gathering a health history on a new client. The client is constantly pacing the floor and is concerned only with stating that the client is about to die. The nurse would classify this level of anxiety as what?


The nurse can document correctly that a client diagnosed with an anxiety disorder is experiencing moderate anxiety when the nurse observes the client doing what?

Pacing and repeatedly asking the staff what time the "doctor will be here."

The nurse has read in the client's admission record that the client has been taking propranolol for psychiatric, rather than medical, reasons. The nurse should recognize that the client likely has a history of which mental health condition?

Panic Disorder

Relaxtion techniques help clients with anxiety disorders because they can promote what?

Reduction of automonmic arousal

Relaxation techniques help clients with anxiety disorders because they can promote what?

Reduction of autonomic arousal

A client experiencing stress has tachycardia and tachypnea. On the basis of the physiological model of the general adaptation syndrome, in which stage is this client?


A client is diagnosed with panic disorder. When considering the neurochemical theory of the disorder, which would the nurse expect to administer as the drug of choice initially?

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

A client who has diagnosed with panic disorder visits the clinic and experiences a panic attack. The client tells the nurse, "I'm so nervous. My hands are shaking, and I'm sweating. I feel as if I'm having a stroke right now." What would be the priority intervention at this time?

Stay with the client while remaining clam.

A client is experiencing moderate anxiety. Which manifestation would the nurse most likely observe? Select all that apply.

The client can sustain attention on a particular focus. The client verbally states, "For some reason, I am feeling anxious now."

The nurse at the student health center is seeing a group of nursing students who are interested in reducing their stress level. The nurse identifies guided imagery as an appropriate intervention. What does guided imagery involve?

The mindful use of a word, phrase, or visual image, which allows oneself to be distracted and temporarily escape from stressful situations

In speaking with a client with moderate anxiety, the client becomes tangetial discussing unrelated topics. To help the client's attention from wandering, which is an effective intervention?

The nurse should speak in short and simple sentences.

The nurse is teaching shoulder exercises to a client recovering from a mastectomy. The nurse might view the client's mild anxiety during the session positively, because mild anxiety helps what? Select all that apply

To focus attention to learn, To feel and think, To motivate to make a change, To engage in goal-directed activity

Which would not be an initial intervention for the client with acute anxiety?

Touching the client in an attempt to comfort the client

A nurse is preparing a plan of care for a client with anxiety. Which elements would the nurse likely include? Select all that apply.

Using appropriate coping skills, Identifying treatment modalities, Involving family for support, if appropriate, Providing supportive feedback

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