merged food processing

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mechanical damage

(during harvesting or postharvest handling) can increase respiration and other metabolic reactions, accelerating the fruit deterioration


- includes the production of fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants and plantation crops

Atmospheric composition

- the reduction of oxygen or the increase in carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere surrounding a fruit can reduce its rate of respiration and increase the shelf life of some fresh fruits.


A loss of __ initial weight due to water loss shows wilting and shriveling of the product.

1. Cleaning, sorting, grading, treating grain, seed, nuts, cotton, fruits, vegetables, peanuts, eggs 2. Drying or dehydrating grain, seed, forage, nuts, tobacco, fruit, vegetables, milk, hops, eggs 3. Grinding and mixing animal feeds, fertilizer 4. Milling sorghum, sugar, rice, cane 5. Canning fruits and vegetables 6. Packing fruits and vegetables 7. Dressing meat and poultry 8. Freezing fruit, vegetables, meat 9. Conditioned storage and transportation of products



Any farm or local activity that maintains or raises the quality or changes the form or characteristics of a farm product

climacteric rise.

As fruit progress towards edibility the respiratory rate increases followed by a decline as fruit senescence.

A. External Factors B. Internal Factors



Climacteric fruit ripen ____ harvest, and need not remain on the tree or vine

ripening stage

Climacteric fruits exhibit a high production of ethylene and carbon dioxide at the ___

physiological maturity

Climacteric peak cannot necessarily correspond to the fruit maximum edible quality; however, these fruits must reach their ________ before harvest to develop all desirable characteristics as they ripen.

• over-packing of crates and boxes; • too high stacking of crates; • weak packaging

Compression injuries are caused by improper packing and inadequate package performance resulting from:


Defined as any processing activity that is or can be done by the farmer or by local enterprise in which the farmer has an active interest.

Small farmers

Dominate the fruit and vegetable production sector across the region

- Starch and sugars are converted into carbon dioxide and water, including intermediate products like organic acids. - Heat is evolved, causing the product temperature to increase.

During aerobic respiration...

- Ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols are produced which cause death of tissues

During anaerobic respiration...

extrinsic factors

Ethylene production is also promoted by ________________ such as mechanical damages (cuts, bruising, scratches), decay, insect damages, and climate conditions (temperature, relative humidity), as a response of the tissues to different type of stress

rapid and uniform

Ethylene promotes _____ ripening of climacteric fruits (e.g., banana, papaya, tomato) and some nonclimacteric fruit

Mechanical Injury Parasitic Diseases


Atmospheric composition Temperature mechanical damage

Factors affecting Respiration

10'C 2

For every __________ temperature increase, biological reactions involved in the respiration processes are increased by a factor of ____

a. small farmers; b. groups of farmers, clusters or cooperatives; c. commercial farmers; and d. foreign entities or multinationals

Fruit and vegetable producers in the region can be broadly grouped into four categories:

a. Climacteric b. Nonclimacteric

Fruits can be classified (based on their respiration pattern) into:


Has emerged as a major economic activity in Asia and Pacific, contributing to more than 50% of the world's acreage under fruits and vegetables


Has established its credibility for improving land use, and generating employment and nutritional security

minimize losses in perishables Upgrade postharvest capacities

High income countries such as Japan, the Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea have, to a large extent, been successful in implementing postharvest management systems which _____________, while middle income countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia are putting in place systems and strategies designed to _________

anaerobic respiration

However, if the surrounding atmosphere becomes deficient in oxygen, then the metabolic pathways shift and ______________________- occurs.

• dropping the product onto a hard surface; • dropping the product into the back of a car; - excessive drops during loading and unloading; • suddenly stopping or accelerating a vehicle

Impact injuries, resulting from:


In addition to the final products of aerobic respiration (carbon dioxide and water), there is also the evolution of heat.

low and there is no increased evolution rate

In non-climacteric fruits, the general production of carbon dioxide and ethylene gas remains quite ____ of these gases at the ripening stage.

Intermediate-Scale Processing

In this scale of processing, a group of small-scale processors pool their resources

❑ Respiration ❑ Transpiration ❑ Ethylene production ❑ Maturity process

Key process during the postharvest life:


Loss of water is irreversible in fruits and vegetables except in ___

poor quality inputs, poor cultural practices basic and postharvest specific infrastructure

Losses occur primarily due to the use of _______,_________ at the production level, lack of knowledge and skill in harvesting, postharvest handling, packing and packaging, inadequacies in _________ in terms of pre-cooling facilities, transport, storage and marketing, lack of processing facilities, high transportation costs, poor integration of activities along the chain and complex marketing channels

capacity building

Many low and middle income countries continue to focus on ______ in order to minimize losses in fruits and vegetables as they struggle to overcome technical, infrastructural and managerial constraints and maintain quality and safety.

a. Impact injuries b. Vibration or abrasion injuries c. Compression injuries d. Puncturing injuries

Mechanical Injury - External Factors - CAUSES OF POSTHARVEST LOSSES

abundance of nutrients and moisture

Microorganisms readily attack fresh produce and spread rapidly, owing to the lack of natural defense mechanisms in the tissues of fresh produce, and the __________ which supports their growth

Provide a greater yield from a raw farm product by increasing the amount of finished product, the number of products, or both, and to improve the net economic value of a product by raising its quality or the yield or by decreasing the cost of production


utilization and increase their rate of deterioration.

Other changes, such as sprouting of potatoes and root corps (e.g., onions, garlic, and potatoes), reduce their ___

1. stage of maturity of the fruit 2. water stress 3. Light 4. growth regulators 5. pathological growth 6. chemical stresses.

Other factors which influence the rate of respiration are:

Large-Scale Processing

Perhaps the most important reason for failure was lack of adequate quantity and regular of raw materials to factories.

product deterioration.

Physical damage from impact bruising and surface injuries, and pathological breakdown due to bacteria and fungi results in ___

physiological breakdown

Poor management of storage temperature accelerates ____ in fruits and vegetables.

• the demand for a particular fruit or vegetable in the processed form; • the quality of the raw material, i.e. whether it can stand processing; • regular supplies of the raw material

Practically any fruit and vegetable can be processed, but some important factors (which determine whether it is to be processed or not) are the followings:

Large-Scale Processing

Processing in this system is highly mechanized and requires a substantial supply of raw materials for economical operation

Intermediate-Scale Processing

Processing is based on the technology used by small-scale processors with differences in the type and capacity of equipment used.

• nails or splinters from the crate or box; • fingers or nails of a person; • other crates, fork-lifts, etc. • hard and sharp stalks of fruit

Puncturing injuries resulting from:

remains almost unchanged or shows a steady decline

Respiration rate either ________________ until senescence intervenes, with little or no increase in ethylene production

Small farmers

Show relatively little interest in postharvest and marketing activities which are primarily undertaken by middlemen, traders and assemblers

Small farmers

Show relatively little interest in upgrading their traditional practices and the quality of their inputs. The situation is further aggravated by the warm humid climates of most countries within the region

freezing injury heat injury

Similar physiological damage of a commodity is also observed when storage temperatures cause freezing leading to ____, or excessively high temperatures leading to ___

activity of microorganisms Rhizopus rot

The ___ is retarded at lower temperatures. A common cause of degradation, ____, does not grow below 5°C and most organisms grow at a very slow rate near 0°C.

time between harvest and cooling

The __________ is critical in some commodities.

1. change in the green color due to loss of chlorophyll, 2. browning of tissues due to changes in anthocyanin and phenolic compounds 3. development of yellow and red colors due to the development of anthocyanin and carotenoids, respectively. 4. physiological disorders and increased sensitivity to microbial spoilage.

The consequences of ethylene gas on the maturation process of fruits and vegetables includes:

Parasitic Diseases

The invasion of fruits and vegetables by fungi, bacteria, insects and other organisms, is a major cause of postharvest losses in fruits and vegetables

loss of weight, but the textural quality is altered crispness and juiciness.

The loss of water from a commodity causes major deteriorative changes. Not only is there a ____, causing a commodity to lose its ___

surface of a product stem end and from any injury at the surface.

The loss of water is largely from the ___, but it may also occur from the ___ and ___ .

respiratory peak

The major rise in ethylene production may take place before, just after or close to the _____

ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols.

The products of anaerobic respiration include

storage temperature, atmospheric oxygen, and carbon dioxide concentration

The rates of ethylene production vary for different fruits and may be controlled by _____, _____, and _____.

Intermediate-Scale Processing

The raw materials are usually grown by such processors or purchased on contract from other farmers

decrease in the product mass

The respiration process produces a ________________ as some of the food components are oxidized as well as a loss of sweetness in many commodities


The storage room air humidity is maintained at a high level, ____, minimizing the vapor pressure gradient between the product and the surrounding air.

unit operations.

The study of process engineering is an attempt to combine all forms of physical processing into a small number of basic operations, which are called

Intermediate-Scale Processing

These operations are usually located at the site of production to assure raw materials availability and reduce cost of transport.

ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols.

These products are often toxic to plant tissue and hasten its death and decay

Small-Scale Processing

This is done by small-scale farmers for personal subsistence or for sale in nearby markets. In this system, processing requires little investment: however, it is time consuming and tedious

Large-Scale Processing

This system requires a large capital investment and high technical and managerial skills

pre-organize growth, collection and transport

To operate a fruits and vegetables processing center efficiently it is of utmost importance, to ______, ______ and ______ of suitable raw material, either on the nucleus farm basis or using out growers

• Undesired ripening and excessive softening of fruits in storage • Accelerated respiration rate • Accelerated senescence and loss of green color in leafy vegetables and immature fruit (e.g. cucumbers, tomatoes) • Undesirable discoloration • Sprouting (stimulation or retardation; e.g., potatoes) • Abscission of leaves (e.g., cauliflower, cabbage, foliage plants, etc.) • Reduction of storage life • Induction of phenolic synthesis


• Type of product, such as leafy, stem, root crop • Product size • Quantity of product to be cooled • Package size and shape • Type of packaging material • Susceptibility to physical damage sustained by product • Costs of operation, both capital and operating

Various factors determine the cooling method for a given commodity. Some of these factors are as follows:

• vehicles with small wheels and bad shock-absorbers; • weak crates; • bad roads; • transmission vibration

Vibration or abrasion injuries result when produce is able to move within a container because of:

gradient in vapor pressure

Water loss is due to


When oxygen is readily available, the respiration process is called ________________--

Ethylene (C2H4 )

a naturally occurring gas which participates in various biological processes in fruits


an abrupt increase in the respiration rate is observed during ripening; it reaches a maximum (climacteric peak), followed by a rapid decrease


are plant pigments responsible for bright red, yellow and orange hues in many fruits and vegetables.


are plentiful in plant foods, providing the blue-violet colors of many fruits and vegetables.

Physiological Deterioration

can also occur spontaneously owing to enzymatic activity, leading to overripeness and senescence, a simple aging phenomenon

Ethylene (C2H4 )

colorless and effective at very low concentrations


estimated levels of postharvest losses in the philippines

growth and development

ethylene can be produced in very small quantities by most of vegetables tissues, which require it for __________________, but it diffuses rapidly from the sites of production

uniform texture changes

ethylene favors ___________________ as the fruit ripen

anthocyanin and carotenoids chlorophyll degradation (degreening) and yellowing

ethylene stimulates color development with the synthesis of ____ and ____ , and ______ and _____

avocado, banana, breadfruit, cantaloupe, cherimoya, fig, guava, honeydew melon, jackfruit, kiwi fruit, mango, muskmelon, papaya, passion fruit (yellow), plantain, rambutan, sapote, soursop, watermelon, apple, tomato

examples of climacteric fruits

cashew apple, date, sweet passion fruit, grapefruit, lemon, lime, litchi, loquat, mandarin, mangosteen, olive, orange, pineapple, purple or red mombim, rose apple, starfruit, tangerine

examples of nonclimacteric fruits


fruit ripen only if they remain attached to the parent plant


includes farming and farm-supply industries (feed, seed, machinery, pharmaceuticals, etc) as well as the productprocessing and distribution industries, which convert the raw food into the form consumers want and move it to them (referred to as agriculturally-related industries, or "agribusinesses")


is one of the most common methods used in commercial operations


is the conversion of starch and sugar in plant tissues to CO2 , water, and energy in the presence of O2 .

Physiological disorders

occur as a result of mineral deficiency, low or high temperature injury, or undesirable environmental conditions, such as high humidity.

Small farmers

operate farms of less than 1 hectare

Food security

poses a challenge to rapidly growing populations, in environments of dwindling land and water resources


production of food and fiber


respiration rates show very little change during ripening

tunnel cooling

rows of pallet boxes are set up in a cold storage room so that there is an empty channel, or tunnel, between them.


the chilling injury occurs mostly in commodities from tropical and subtropical regions when they are stored at temperatures above their freezing point and below ____. This type of injury causes uneven ripening, decay, growth of surface molds, development of off-flavors, and both surface and internal discoloration.

depends on the maturity stage

the response to ethylene presence ______________ of the fruit


usually, the higher the respiration rate, the ____________ the shelf life of a fresh product is.

- Bitter principle (isocoumarin) in carrot roots - Toxic ipomeamarone in sweet potato roots - Russet spotting on lettuce - Lignification of asparagus

• Induction of phenolic synthesis

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