MESAS 370 Final

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what is Huntington's clash of civilizations?

"culture conflict": individual vs collectivist societies, Western Christianity vs orthodox and eastern religions

What is the true clash of civilizations?

"sexual" clash. societies that support gender equality vs. those that dont.

What comprises Kaufmann's triad of men's violence?

1. violence against women (sexual) 2. against other men (physical) 3. against self (emotional repression, self hatred)

Why do Arab women value family ties even when it disadvantages them

Arab children raised to view themselves as shaped by the family. women face penalties for rebelling against it (ex: divorce). family is social safety net, welfare programs not given to individuals. provides identity and safety to women (they have nowhere else to go)

What is the classic belt of the patriarchy?

MENA and South Asia

What is Faludi's main argument about the fight against the patriarchy?

MeToo movement is good, but not enough to elicit change. women to need combat/protest the complex legislation that disadvantages them. hunting "bad apples" causes people to ignore the systemic problems

Impact of MeToo movement?

breaks culture of silence, acknowledges systems of power

how is hooking up a culture?

casual sex is not as rampant as its perceived. the pressure to engage in hookups is pervasive. resulted in a decline of "dating"

What changes are needed to resolve mens violence?

cooperative interaction between boys and girls, cross-gender relationships, redefining masculinity, empathizing w perpetrators to teach them empathy

Backlash against hookup culture in Sweden?

counter AIDS movement. public revulsion of sexual excess. pornography viewed as exploitation of women and children-not sexual liberation. anti-pornography/sex show legislation. "white wave" of morality and ethics. election of Christian lawmakers

what are the implications of the "true clash" in the Arab world?

countries wont accept democracy if they wont accept other social freedoms. a culture shift is necessary for change

What is patriarchal spirituality?

distant, male God. the divine is separate and mankind left to fend for themselves. quest for transcendence/life beyond vulnerability is the highest good

Causes of mens violence (Kaufman)?

emotional repression, aligning domination with masculinity, systems of wealth/power that protect violent men, patterns of socialization in home, school, media, etc.

Critiques of El-Tahawy?

frames all arab women as victims, undermines role of women in social change. sensationalizes trauma by being provocative. frames brown men as savage and blames them over patriarchal norms. ignores how patriarchy harms men too

How did sex revolution effect US women?

increase of women in college and the workforce, new anti-discrimination laws, availability of contraception (broke link of sexuality and reproduction), economic advancement, postponement of marriage and childbirth, increase in divorce

How are norms perpetuated in "Understanding Masculinities"

ingrained sense of male superiority in Arab world. men and women support inequality in household roles and job access. men and women perpetrate violence in the home. street harassment is commonplace

What does Moghadem mean by "classic patriarchy"?

kinship systems in agrarian/nomadic societies which grant male elders power over others. precapitalist development. property, residence, and descent occurs through male line (patrilineal). The tribe is the original example of a patriarchal society

Aspects of the abstinence movement?

mainly backed by religious groups. purity rings, male guardianship, etc.

Who are the targets and harassers in Egypt?

mainly women (primarily upper/middle class) harassed by young or lower class men. police also harass (evidence of state reproduction). reveals issues of economic instability and gendered violence's effect on children

differences between ideas and practice of premarital sex (SatC)?

men can brag about their sexual exploits, women cannot without backlash. very negative view of unmarried mothers in Egypt. premarital sex forbidden in Islam, but over a third of unmarried men admit to it. women admit to it less. online and secret dating is popular/sexual loopholes (anal sex)

How is patriarchy defined by radical feminists?

patriarchy is everywhere (even in the west). it is systemic and ubiquitous. main focus is on men's control over and oppression of women (marriage norms, premarital sex taboos, women's household roles)

How are men like Weinstein shielded from accountability

power and wealth protects them. would pay women to keep quiet or threaten their careers

What strategies are used to combat harassment in egypt?

religious approach: more veiling, dress modestly (views women as source of harassment/sexual chaos) feminist approach: political activism, reclaiming social space, creation of opposition groups that challenge/redefine social norms and behaviors, using Islam to promote non-violence and respect, breaking culture of silence, monitoring, documentation/mapping harassment, protecting other women, engaging bystanders

how did de-stigmatization affect rise of hookup culture

removal of taboo on casual, premarital sex. seen as an act of female empowerment

What is Reich's central argument?

repression of sexuality and personal freedoms cause anxiety about assuming responsibility and leads to support for authoritarian leaders who make all the decisions. power relations in the family mirror power relations in society. independent people who are free to explore their sexuality are most resistant to fascism. schooling and giving power to women are best ways to combat this

consequences of lack of sex ed (SatC)?

sexual anxiety and concealment, unplanned pregnancies, porn/masturbation addiction, lack of sexual knowledge

What is virginity?

social ideal in a patriarchal society. narrowly defined as never having penetrative sex

what is liberating spirituality?

spark of the divine is found within, relationships and discovery of ties that bind us together are sacred which entails respect for the sanctity of the body

How does spirituality serve respectful relationships (Ellison)?

spirituality as a source of vision and hope. how we conceive of God shapes how we treat ourselves and others

what are forms of violence in Egypt?

street harassment, violence in homes and schools, FGM

what are the main forces that support cultural shifts?

support for gender equality. "modernization" of survival values to self expression values

What is El-Tahawy's main argument?

the cause of misogyny is men's hatred of women. indicts arab society and calls for exposure of blatant misogyny

Why is patriarchy bad for men (Bell Hooks)?

turns men into "emotional cripples". men derive self worth from dominating others. emotional well being is disregarded and replaced by "toxic masculinity" and suppression

What is Valenti's criticism of the cult of virginity

virginity doesn't really exist. it is a social trope with tremendous consequences for women. presents a model of passivity to women and places virginity as the most important aspect of a woman. the desirable virgin is sexy but not sexual (racial, body type implications)

obstacles for gender equality in US

wage gap, childcare expectations, lack of women in leadership roles, double standard for pre marital sex, objectification, glass ceiling

Why and to whom is virginity important?

women are perceived as damaged and not respectable if not a virgin at time of marriage. it is a metric of a woman's (and her family's) virtue. virginity is important to uphold patriarchal norms that disadvantage women. virginity concerns do not apply to men but men prefer virgins (Prophet's wife Ayesha example)

Is hooking up healthy according to authors?

women are still objectified. hookups not good for women on basis of gratification. men caught in a cycle of meaningless interactions. women are "conquests". emotional anxiety and shame related to sex. hookups only satisfy narcissistic desires. lack of true fulfillment

marital sexual dissatisfaction findings in SatC?

women understand their sexual pleasure through their husband's, men learning about sex through porn, unrealistic depictions. men dont know how to please their wives and sex is not an act of respect and love

What evidence of change is there in UM?

young women resisting inequality, men wanting to take on more household roles/be present, many men support equality

What groups are most supportive of equality in UM?

young women, unmarried people, wealthier or more educated men, people with well educated/working mothers

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