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Obesity is defined as a body weight more than ________ percent above the ideal body weight for an individual.


Approximately how many ATP molecules are generated by aerobic respiration?


Wally decides to go on a hunger strike to further one of his favorite causes. After many days with nothing but water you would expect to observe

elevated levels of glucocorticoids. ketone bodies in his urine. lowered blood pH. all of these

The sum of all of the biochemical processes going on within the human body at any given time is called


During aerobic respiration, the pyruvic acid is taken up by the _____ .


During aerobic respiration, the pyruvic acid is taken up by the _____.


The vitamin that plays a role in maintaining epithelia and is required for the synthesis of visual pigments is vitamin


The Krebs cycle occurs in the _____.


Cells perform catabolism to generate ATP, which can be used for

muscle contraction. ion transport. protein synthesis. glycogen synthesis. Correct all of the above

What is the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration?


When the body is relying on internal energy reserves to continue meeting its energy demands, it is in the

postabsorptive state.

What molecule is the common branch point for either the anaerobic or aerobic pathway?


Which term can be described as the major end product of glycolysis?


A deficiency in vitamin D would result in which of the following disorders?


Cells must synthesize new organic compounds

to support growth. to perform structural maintenance or repairs. to produce secretions. to store nutrient reserves. all of these

Impaired fat absorption in the intestine would interfere with the absorption of

vitamin A.

How many ATP molecules does anaerobic fermentation yield?


Before entering the Krebs cycle, pyruvate is converted to

Acetyl CoA

Inadequate exposure to sunlight could result in decreased amounts of vitamin ________ in the body.


What is a metabolic by-product of aerobic respiration?

carbon dioxide

Although other nutrients can feed into the citric acid cycle, ________ yields energy the quickest.


The metabolic reaction chain that splits glucose into two molecules of pyruvic acid is called ___.


A high uric acid level (above 7.4 mg/dl) can lead to the painful condition known as


A disorder caused by the ingestion of excessive quantities of a fat-soluble vitamin is known as


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