mg248 exam 1 (chapters 1,2,4,6,7)

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realistic job preview (RJP)

a preview of a job that provides both positive and negative information about the job and the company -> fewer unexpected resignations by new employees

unstructured problem

a problem that is new or unusual for which information is ambiguous or incomplete

employee counseling

a process designed to help employees overcome performance-related problems

programmed decision

a repetitive decision that can be handled using a routine approach

human resource inventory

a report listing important information about employees such as name, education, training, skills, languages spoken, and so forth


a series of interrelated, sequential steps used to respond to a structured problem

layoff-survivor sickness

a set of attitudes, perceptions & behaviors of employees who survive involuntary staff reductions symptoms: job insecurity, perceptions of unfairness, guilt, stress, etc.

decision-making processing

a set of eight steps that includes identifying a problem, selecting a solution, and evaluating the effectiveness of the solution


a situation in which a decision maker can make accurate decisions because all outcomes are known


a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates available


a situation in which a decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes

structured problem

a straightforward, familiar, and easily defined problem; use procedures, rules & policies

project structure

a structure in which employees continuously work on projects; more flexible organizational designs

matrix structure

a structure in which specialists from different functional departments are assigned to work on projects led by a project manager; dual chain of command

team structures

a structure in which the entire organization is made up of work teams; no line of managerial authority from top to bottom

performance management system

a system that establishes performance standards that are used to evaluate employee performance


a systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose (goals, people, structure)

electronic meeting

a type of nominal group technique in which participants are linked by computer - anonymity, honesty, & speed; more effective & increase efficiency

nonprogrammed decision

a unique and nonrecurring decision that requires a custom-made solution; ex: creation a new organizational strategy


a work arrangement in which employees work at home and are linked to the workplace by computer

flextime (flexible work hours)

a work scheduling system in which employees are required to work a specific number of hours per week but can vary when they work those hours within certain limits

compressed workweek

a workweek where employees work longer hours per day but fewer days per week

job specification

a written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully

job description

a written statement that describes a job (content, environment, conditions of employment)

design thinking

approaching management problems as designers approach design problems; opening up perspectives & gaining insight by using observation & inquiry skills, not relying simply on rational analysis

strong cultures

cultures in which the key values are deeply held and widely shared; guardrails; can create predictability, orderliness, and consistency

many organizations are giving greater emphasis to ____

customer departmentalization

most critical role for HRM & increased importance of HR managers

hiring talented people


how jobs are grouped together


how standardized an organization's jobs are and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures

managers spend a significant portion of their time ________

in meetings

mechanistic organization organic organization

m: bureaucratic; a structure that's high in specialization, formulation & centralization o: a structure that's low in specialization, formalization, and centralization

identifying a problem

make a comparison between current reality & some standard (past performance, previously set goals, performance of some other unit within the organization or others)

intuitive decision making

making decisions on the basis of experience, feelings & accumulated judgement; unconscious reasoning

bounded rationality

making decisions that are rational within the limits of a manager's ability to process information

non managerial employees

people who work directly on a job or task and have no responsibility for overseeing the work of others

culture is...

perceived, descriptive & shared


planned elimination of jobs in an organization (improving profits)

components of the external environment

political/legal, demographics, economic, sociocultural, technological, global

authority comes from the ____, not the person


staff authority

positions with some authority that have been created to support, assist, and advise those holding line authority

authority versus power

power includes centrality (3d), as well as functional & hierarchical dimensions; one's distance from the organization's core authority is 2d

how are organizations controlling their health-care costs?

providing opportunities for employees to lead healthy lifestyles (financial incentives, health & wellness programs)

skilled-based pay systems

reward employees for job skills & competencies they have; job titles doesn't define pay, skills do; more successful in manufacturing organizations

8 important HRM activities

safety & health, strategic human resource planning, recruitment & downsizing, selection, orientation, training & development, performance management, compensation & benefits

selection process

screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired

performance-simulation tests

selection devices based on actual job behaviors; job analysis data; work sampling (mini replica of the job) & assessment centers (simulating real problems); better predictor of short-term job performance

sexual harassment

single largest financial risk facing companies today; can result in decreases in a company's stock price

cross-functional teams

teams made up of individuals from various departments and that cross traditional departmental lines

flexible work arrangements

telecommuting, compressed workweeks, flextime, job sharing, contingent work force

contingent workers

temporary, freelance, or contract workers whose employment is contingent upon demand for their services


the ability to produce novel and useful ideas; seeing problems others can't see; identify all viable alternatives


the characteristics of a population used for purposes of social studies; the size and characteristics of a country's population can have a significant effect on what it's able to achieve; age is important

the higher one moves in an organization (increase in authority)

the closer one moves to the power core one can move horizontally inward toward the core without moving up (ex: assistants)

environmental uncertainty

the degree of change and complexity in an organization's environment


the degree to which a selection device measures the same thing consistently


the degree to which decision making takes place at upper levels of organization


the degree to which lower-level managers provide input or actually make decisions

the entire HRM process is influenced by...

the external environment

the higher the KSAs and the greater the authority and responsibility

the higher the pay

primary determinant of pay

the kind of job an employee performs

chain of command

the line of authority extending from upper organizational levels to lower levels, which clarifies who reports to whom

selection decision outcomes

the major intent of any selection activity is to reduce the probability of making reject errors or accept errors while increasing the probability of making correct decisions

human resource management

the management function concerned with getting, training, motivating, and keeping competent employees

environmental complexity

the number of components in an organization's environment and the extent of the knowledge that the organization has about those components

span of control

the number of employees a manager can efficiently and effectively supervise; favor small span; increases in some organizations; determined by contingency variables

future human resource needs are determined by...

the organization's strategic goals and direction

employment planning

the process by which managers ensure they have the right numbers and kinds of people in the right places at the right time -> translates the organization's missions and goals into an HR plan 1. assessing current human resources & future human resource needs 2. developing a plan to meet those needs


the process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through and with other people

unit production

the production of items in units or small batches; least complex


the proven relationship between a selection device and some relevant criterion (application forms, tests, interviews, physical exams)


the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect the orders to be obeyed; one element of power

organizational culture

the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act

big data

the vast amount of quantifiable information that can be analyzed by highly sophisticated data processing; high volume, high velocity , and high variety information assets; basically a wasted effort

omnipotent view of management

the view that managers are directly responsible for an organization's success or failure

symbolic view of management

the view that much of an organization's success of failure is due to external forces outside managers' control

staffing & HRM decisions and actions are critical...

to ensuring that the organization hires & keeps the right people

training methods

traditional: on-the-job, job rotation, mentoring/coaching, experiential exercises, workbooks/manuals, classroom lectures technology-based: cd/dvd/videos/podcasts, videoconferencing, e-learning, mobile learning

six basic elements of organizational structure

work specialization, departmentalization, authority & responsibility, span of control, centralization versus decentralization, & formulation

simple approach to allocating weight

give the most important criterion a weight of 10 and then assign weights to the rest against that standard

work unit orientation

goals of the work unit, specific job contributions, provides introduction to coworkers

3 approaches to multi person comparison

group-order ranking, individual ranking approach, paired comparison approach

customer departmentalization

grouping activities by customer (retail, wholesale, government)

functional departmentalization

grouping activities by functions performed; achieve economies of scale

product departmentalization

grouping activities by major product areas; increases accountability for product performance

geographic departmentalization

grouping activities on the basis of geography or territory

process departmentalization

grouping activities on the basis of work or customer flow

work councils

groups of nominated or elected employees who must be consulted when management makes decisions involving personnel

human resource management

having the right number of the right people in the right place at the right time

recruitment (or downsize)

locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants

2 main ways an organization's culture affects managers

1. its effect on what employees do & how they behave 2. its effect on what managers do

what can a company do to protect itself?

1. did the organization know about, or should it have known about, the alleged behavior? 2. what did managers do to stop it?

first 3 activities in HRM process (employment planning)

1. addition of staff through recruitment 2. reduction in staff through downsizing 3. selection -> identification & selection

how do employees learn the culture?

1. organizational stories: narrative tales of significant events or people 2. corporate rituals: repetitive sequences of activities 3. material symbols or artifacts: layout of facilities, dress, size of offices, material perks, etc 4. language: special acronyms, unique terms, etc

where does culture come from?

1. reflects the vision or mission 2. what the organization should be & what its values are 3. founders "impose" their vision on employees because of new organization's small size 4. members create a shared history that binds them into a community

personal judgements by a decision maker are reflected in..

1. the criteria chosen in step 2, 2. the weights given to the criteria, 3. the evaluation of alternatives

managerial decisions can be influenced by

1. the organization's culture 2. internal politics 3. power considerations 4. escalation of commitment

3 ways the external environment constrains and challenges managers

1. through its impact on jobs and employment 2. through the environmental uncertainty that is present 3. through the various stakeholder relationships that exist between an organization and its external constituencies

next 2 activities (4 &5) in HRM process

4. orientation 5. training

last 2 (6 & 7) in HRM process

6 & 7. identify performance goals, correct performance problems if necessary, & help employees sustain a high level of performance (performance appraisal, compensation & benefits)


Japanese consensus-forming group decisions


a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs


a guideline for making decisions; establishes parameters; ethical standards

employee training

a learning experience that seeks a relatively permanent change in employees by improving their ability to perform on the job

advantages and disadvantages of group decision making

a: more complete info, diversity, more alternatives, increased acceptance of a solution, increased legitimacy d: time-consuming, minority domination, ambiguous responsibility, pressures to conform


accepting solutions that are "good enough"


actions taken by a manager to enforce an organization's standards and regulations

360-degree appraisal

an appraisal device that seeks feedback from a variety of sources for the person being rated

job analysis

an assessment that defines jobs and the behaviors necessary to perform them; used to develop or revise job description & specifications

sharing economy

an economic environment in which asset owners share with other individuals through a peer-to-peer service, for a set fee, their underutilized physical assets or their knowledge, expertise, skills or time; collaborative consumption


an explicit statement that tells employees what can or cannot be done


an idea-generating process that encourages alternatives while withholding criticism

escalation of commitment

an increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that it may have been wrong


an individual's capacity to influence decisions


an obligation to perform assigned duties

learning organization

an organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change

boundary less organization

an organization whose design is not defined by, or limited to, boundaries imposed by a predefined structure; ideal structure is not having a rigid, bounded & predefined structure

dimensions of organizational culture

an organization's culture may be shaped by one particular cultural dimension more than the others

functional structure

an organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialities together; functional departmentalization applied to the entire organization (finance, HR, operations, product R&D)

simple structure

an organizational design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization; smaller businesses; fast, flexible and inexpensive to maintain

divisional structure

an organizational structure made up of separate business units or divisions


any constituencies in an organization's environment that are affected by that organization's decisions and actions


any equipment, tools, or operating methods that are designed to make work more efficient

sexual harassment

any unwanted action or activity of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, performance or work environment; makes a fellow employee uncomfortable

line authority

authority that entitles a manager to direct the work of an employee

make groupthink more creative

brainstorming, nominal group technique, electronic meetings


defining goals, establishing strategy, developing plans to coordinate activities (part of achieving the organization's stated purpose)

supply & demand

challenge & important for companies

types of power

coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, referent

virtual organization

consists of a small core of full-time employees and outside specialists temporarily hired as needed to work on projects

process production

continuous flow or process production; most complex

groups most effective

creativity, degree of acceptance, better decisions

nominal group technique

decision-making technique in which group members are physically present but operate independently

decision-making practices differ from country to country

degree of risk is different; managers who accommodate the diversity in decision-making philosophies and practices can expect a high payoff if they capture the perspectives and strengths that a diverse workforce offers

rational decision making

describes choices that are consistent and value-maximizing within specified constraints


determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it (part of achieving the organization's stated purpose)

different jobs require

different kinds and levels of knowledge, skills & abilities (KSAs) that have varying value to the organization


directing and coordinating the work activities of an organization's people (part of achieving the organization's stated purpose)

economies and diseconomies of work

diseconomies: boredom, fatigue, stress, etc

work specialization

dividing work activities into separate job tasks also called division of labor


doing the right things, or completing activities so that organizational goals are attained


doing things right, or getting the most output from the least amount of inputs

a relevant strategy for meeting the demands of a dynamic environment


traditional manager-employee performance evaluation systems may be outdated due to...

downsizing & involvement

HRM issues - managers

downsizing, workforce diversity, sexual harassment & HR costs

corporate pension...

fundamentally broken; eliminated from many companies; hard to afford

non-cash compensation from employers

employee benefits - important & varied non financial rewards designed to enrich employee's lives; social security, unemployment compensation, paid time off from work, life insurance, etc.

recruiting sources

employee referrals generally produce the best applicants

board representatives

employees who sit on a company's board of directors and represent the interests of the firm's employees

HR costs are high - organizations must try to control them

especially associated with employee health care & pensions smokers & obese employees are of concern

decision making is the ____ of management


types of departmentalization

functional (work performance), product (major product areas), customer (problems & needs), geographic (location served), process (basis of customer work flow)

job orientation

expands on the information the employee obtained during the recruitment and selection stages, clarifies specific duties & responsibilities & how performance will be evaluated, correct unrealistic expectations

impede creativity

expected evaluation, surveillance, external motivators, competition, constrained choices

effective and efficient span depends on

experience & training (larger span), similarity of tasks (larger span), complexity of tasks (smaller span), etc


experience-based decisions, affect-initiated decisions, cognitive-based decisions, subconscious mental processing, values or ethics-based decisions

individual creativity requires

expertise, creative-thinking skills & intrinsic task motivation

decision criteria

factors that are relevant in a decision

external environment

factors, forces, situations, and events outside the organization that affect its performance

downsizing options

firing, layoffs, attrition (not filing openings), transfer, reduced workweeks, early retirements, job sharing

variable pay systems

individual's compensation is contingent on performance


individuals in an organization who direct the activities of others

top managers

individuals who are responsible for making decisions about the direction of the organization and establishing policies that affect all organizational members

middle managers

individuals who are typically responsible for translating goals set by top managers into specific details that lower-level managers will see get done

effectiveness of group decision making

influenced by the size of the group (5-7 is the best)

organization orientation

informs new employees about goals, history, philosophy procedures, rules, clarifies relevant HR policies, tour of facilities

organizational stakeholders

internal & external


internal: horizontal imposed by work specialization & departmentalization & vertical that separate employees into levels and hierarchies external: boundaries that separate the organization from customers, suppliers & stakeholders


introducing a new employee to the job and the organization; reduce initial anxiety, familiarize new employees with the job, facilitate the outsider-insider transition

the source to recruit should reflect the...

local labor market, the type or level of position, and the size of the organization

determining whether training is needed

is there a need for training? -> what are the organization's strategic goals? -> what tasks must be completed to achieve organizational goals? -> what behaviors are necessary for each job holder to complete his or her job duties? -> what deficiencies, if any, do job holders have in terms of skills, knowledge, or abilities required to exhibit the essential and necessary job behaviors productivity, job redesign, technological breakthrough

when employee's performance is not up to par

job mismatch, inadequate training, lack of desire to do job (discipline problem)

most decisions involve...



judgmental shortcuts or "rules of thumb" used to simplify decision making; may lead to errors and biases in processing & evaluating information

organizational design challenges

keeping employees connected, managing global structural issues, building a learning organization & designing flexible work arrangements

mass production

large-batch manufacturing

HRM practices are governed by... & they are not the same globally


organizations need to be more organic

lean, flexible & innovative


managers take action & then analyze what has been done


managers will study and analyze proposed projects before committing to them

more routine technology

mechanistic structure


minimize: cohesiveness, open discussion, impartial leader

inflated information

mismatched applicants withdraw, unrealistic expectations -> dissatisfaction & resignation, disillusionment & less commitment, mislead during hiring process -> problem employees


monitoring activities to ensure that they are accomplished as planned (part of achieving the organization's stated purpose)

traditional organizational designs

more mechanistic in nature

the trend over the decades

movement toward more decentralization

decision-making issues

national culture, creativity & design thinking, big data

at the top level, most problems that managers face are ____


many organizations help layoff victims by...

offering job-help services

most training takes place...

on the job - simple & costs less traditional & technology-based (training methods)

you do not need to be a manager to have power & power is not perfectly correlated with one's level in the _____


characteristics of a learning organization

organizational design (boundary less, teams, empowerment) information sharing (open, timely, accurate), leadership (shared vision, collaboration), organizational culture (strong mutual relationships, sense of community, caring, trust)

common decision-making errors & biases

overconfidence, immediate gratification, anchoring effect, selective perception, confirmation, framing, availability, representation, randomness, sunk costs, self-serving, hindsight


pay for doing a job; reflect the changing nature of work and the workplace

decision implementation

putting a decision into action

many organizations rely less on strict rules & standardization to guide & regulate employee behavior

some formalization is necessary for consistency & control

sometimes the term line is used to differentiate line managers from ____

staff managers

the "if": 4 contingency variables -> structure

strategy: goals are important, structure should facilitate goal achievement; simple strategy -> simple structure (passionate pursuit of innovation -> organic) (passionate pursuit of cost control -> mechanistic) size: size affects structure (magic number -> 2,000 employees); large >2,000 (mechanistic) <- size is less influential technology: concert inputs into outputs environment: constraint on managerial discretion; stable -> mechanistic, dynamic/uncertain -> organic

line versus staff authority

strict adherence to unity of command creates a degree of inflexibility that hinders an organization's performance

unity of command

structure in which each employee reports to only one manager

to be effective predictors, interviews need to be...

structured, well organized, relevant questions

first-line managers

supervisors responsible for directing the day-to-day activities of non managerial employees

network organiation

uses its own employees to do some work activities and networks of outside suppliers to provide other needed product components or work processes; modular organization


when a group exerts extensive pressure on an individual to withhold his or her different views in order to appear to be in agreement

organization design

when managers develop or change the organization's structure; decisions about specialized jobs, rules to behaviors, level of decision making

job sharing

when two or more people split a full-time job

improving workforce diversity requires managers to...

widen their recruiting net - nontraditional recruitment sources

orientation is difficult for...

women & minorities

specific performance appraisal methods

written essay, critical incidents, adjective rating scales, BARS, MBO, 360-degree appraisal, multi person

selection devices

written tests (internet based), performance-simulation tests, interview, behavioral/situation interview

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