MGMT 3341 Final Exam Review

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Having a low selection ratio means ________.

hiring only a few applicants

When a restaurant hires a server who has similar competencies to the existing servers, this is an example of ________.

supplementary fit

Which of the following are detailed records or databases that summarize each employee's skills, competencies, education, training, languages spoken, and chances of being promoted?

talent inventories

Which of the following recruitment strategies can reduce the possibility of overlooking qualified internal talent?

talent inventories

Employment-at-will is an employment relationship which ________.

Allows either the employee or employer to terminate the employment at any time

Deployment involves ________.

Assigning talent to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization

Formal job descriptions are best for young organizations that need flexible employees.


Frontline recruiters make very few applicant screening decisions.


Proactive staffing is done in response to situations or issues.


Procedural fairness relates to people's beliefs that the policies and procedures that produced the hiring or promotion decision were unfair.


Recruiter behaviors generally do not influence applicant perceptions of organizational attributes.


Someone who provides their services to a firm as an independent contractor is considered an employee of that firm.


Spillover effects are a direct and intentional consequence of a firm's recruitment practices.


Strategic staffing consists of filling a job as quickly and cheaply as possible.


The same job analysis techniques can be used effectively for staffing, compensation, and training purposes.


Higher performers that are productive within a company can ________.

Generate a greater amount of business

Promotions are likely to be fastest in organizations in the ________ stage of their life cycle.


A new college graduate looking for his or her first job is a(n) ________.

active job seeker

The correlation coefficient between a selection test and job performance is 0. This means the selection test ________.

and job performance are unrelated

Why is it more likely that employee referral programs are effective and successful?

applicants hired through this method lower high turnover

The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures were created to ________.

assist organizations in complying with federal law prohibiting discrimination in hiring

What is a stereotype threat?

awareness of subgroup differences on standardized tests creates frustration among minority test takers leading to low scores

Typically, when interest rates rise,

businesses are less likely to expand

How can an organization with a positive employer branding image increase the quality of its applicant pools?

by reducing recruitment flaws through training

A company fails to do a background check that would have revealed that a person it has hired has the potential to harm others. The employee then physically harms a customer during a disagreement. The company could be found guilty of ________.

Negligent hiring

Which of the following is true of a "closed shop"?

Only union workers are employed.

Which of the following are advantages of using structured questionnaires for job analysis?

Speed and low cost

Department store BigTen refused to hire Max because of his religion. The store is in violation of ________.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

When a company hired Marcus who turned out to be a poor performer, which assessment outcome occurred?

false positive

Strategically evaluating the company's current lines of business, new businesses it will be getting into, businesses it will be leaving, and the gaps between the current skills in the organization and the skills it will need to execute its business strategy is ________.

Workforce Planning

When a firm determines that it will need to hire 50 customer service representatives within the next three months, it has engaged in ________.

Workforce Planning

If the correlation coefficient for the relationship between a job sample test and job performance is -0.7 and significant, then the employer should ________.

hire people who score low on the job sample test

The extent to which items on a given measure assess the same construct is assessed by ________.

internal consistency reliability

Publicizing open jobs to employees is known as ________.

internal job posting

Which of the following is true of a distribution with positive skew?

the mean would be to the left of the distribution

Hiring yield refers to ________.

the percent of applicants ultimately hired

Practical significance means that the observed relationship is large enough to be of value in a practical sense.


Which of the following recruiting metric gives the number of employees who voluntarily quit within their first year?

turnover data of the company

When are the mean, median, and mode likely to be at the same point in a distribution of scores?

when the distribution is a normal curve

________ forecasting uses historical data on the average number of hires typically made per recruiter or the average number of recruits processed per recruiter over a given period of time, say, a week, month, or year.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects people ________.

40 years of age or older

A BFOQ is a(n) ________.

Characteristic that is essential to the performance of a specific job

________ are the knowledge, skills and abilities along with personal characteristics that work together to produce outstanding performance in a given area of responsibility.


The job analysis technique that identifies behaviors that lead to extremely effective or extremely ineffective job performance is ________.

Critical Incidents Method

When the main job duties have already been determined, a(n) ________ job analysis would be required.


When a firm pursues a differentiation strategy, it is attempting to ________.

Develop Products that have unique characteristics

In which of the following cases would a company opt for a short-term staffing strategy?

Employee turnover is high

Creating a favorable image in desired applicants' minds about the organization being a good place for them to work is ________.

Employer Branding

If the job of a loader exists to load packages on delivery trucks, the ability to safely lift and load packages onto a truck is a(n) ________.

Essential Function

If the job of a loader exists to load packages on delivery trucks, the ability to safely lift and load packages onto a truck is a(n) ________.

Essential function

A persistent problem that prevents most firms from hiring people with disabilities is the lack of affordable technologies that could enable firms to accommodate them at a low cost.


A ratio analysis assumes that the ratio between the number of employees needed and certain business metrics is highly variable.


Although a company can better match employees with jobs they like, staffing does not influence organizational performance.


Cognitive ability tests are one of the least valid selection methods.


Forecasting is not an exact science, and it is rare for a forecast to be exactly right. Given this uncertainty, it is usually best to use the previous period's data and add/reduce some percentage value based on managerial intuition.


Which of the following is true about external hiring?

It can enhance organizational diversity

A systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristic a worker needs to perform the job well is a ________.

Job Analysis

The job analysis method that uses expert brainstorming sessions to identify the characteristics of successful workers is the ________.

Job Elements Method

A systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristic a worker needs to perform the job well is a ________.

Job analysis

The job analysis method that uses expert brainstorming sessions to identify the characteristics of successful workers is the ________.

Job elements method

The WARN Act relates to which of the following?


An applicant who finds a recruiter to be rude and unhelpful is likely to perceive ________.

Low interactive fairness

Which of the following are advantages of using structured questionnaires for job analysis?

Speed and Low Cost

The fit between a person's abilities and the demands of the job and the fit between a person's desires and motivations and the attributes and rewards of a job is ________.

Person-job fit

Years of experience, salary in dollars, and weight are examples of what type of measure?


The primary goal of ________ is to get the right people interested in working for an organization or in a specific job, then persuade them to apply and ultimately accept the job offer if they are extended.


Interviewing job candidates to assess their fit with the job and organization is part of ________.


Locating qualified individuals and labor markets from which to recruit is ________.


"All men are strong" is an example of which type of bias?


Which of the following, if true, would require a company to respectfully and honestly explain the hiring process to all applicants?

The company is committed to practicing ethical behavior

________ involves looking at past employment patterns and using those patterns to predict a firm's future labor needs.

Trend analysis

An internal talent focus requires a firm to invest in employee training and development.


Applicant flow is the number and type of applicants coming from each recruiting source.


Disparate impact occurs when an action has a negative employment effect on a protected group, regardless of intent.


False positives occur when a weak applicant is erroneously classified as being a good hire.


For firms whose talent philosophy supports promotion from within, internal sourcing is the core of the staffing system.


If a company has high turnover, it should focus on filling vacancies quickly and hiring people who can hit the ground running.


Involving customers and external stakeholders in the interview process can increase the job fit with candidates.


Jobs performed in a consistent, predictable manner are easiest to analyze.


Recruiting sources should be prioritized based on staffing goals and the results of the recruiting source effectiveness analysis.


Socialization is the process of assimilating or integrating newly hired or recently promoted employees with their job, workgroup, and organization.


The most comprehensive source of free data on conditions in the U.S. labor market is the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).


When business slows down, flexible workers are dismissed before core workers.


Which of the following is more likely to warrant changes in an organization's compensation policy and induce it to offer above-market wages?

decreasing unemployment rates

Which type of fairness is perceived to be low by most job applicants who are not selected for a particular job?

distributive fairness

An organization that is currently composed of primarily white males may discriminate against minorities and women if it uses which recruiting source?

employee referrals

If managers are asked to estimate their optimal headcount for the following year for staffing planning purposes, which of the following has been used?

judgmental forecasting

In geographic targeting, the labor market used to source lower-level positions in a firm is most likely to be ________.


If a test score is at the 90th percentile, then which of the following is true?

only 10% of the test takers scored higher than this

Presenting both positive and potentially negative aspects of a job to recruits is a ________.

realistic job review

How dependably or consistently a measure assesses a particular characteristic is the measure's ________.


Tracy has an interview with a disorganized, unprepared recruiter and concludes that the company does not have a very professional culture. This is an example of ________.


The higher the fidelity of a job simulation test, the higher is the ________.

similarity between the real job and the test

Asking a candidate during an interview to indicate how she would respond to an irate customer is an example of which external assessment method?

situational interview

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