MGMT-355 Test 2, MGMT terms exam 2

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Behaviors are often used to evaluation an employee's performance. The concept of behavior focuses on which of the following? a. actions taken by an employee or what an employee does at work b. an employee's traits or personality c. an employee's knowledge d. an employee's level of creativity


If David has been assigned to work on a team and his responsibility is to keep the team together then David has which of the following types of roles? Maintenance Task Harmonizer Initiator


Which of the following is a regional manager not likely to consider when deciding to pay sales peoples based on individual or district performance? a. marital status? b. whether individual performance can be assessed? c. level of interdependence between employees? c. societal culture?


Which of the following is most likely to occur in a group characterized by high cohesion and high task commitment? a. high performance b. low performance c. performance variability d. social loafing


Which of the following pertains to an employee's perception that if they try hard they will achieve an objective? a. expectancy b. instrumentality c. valence d. fairness


Which of the following qualifies as objective information? a. units sold b. poor job c. attractiveness d. an employee's level of creativity


Which of the following refers to tendency of individuals to put in less effort when working in a group context? a. social loafing b. groupthink c. process loss d. psychological safety


Which of the following roles is included in the social portion of the team typology? a. cooperator b. contributor c. coordinator d. contractor


Which of the following types of team interdependence occurs if the rewards that an individual receives depend on the performance of others? a. outcome b. pooled c. sequential d. reciprocal


Which of the following best describes team leadership in a traditionally managed team? a. The team manages itself buts till has a team leader b. the leader resides outside the team c. the team makes decisions internally about leadership d. autonomous agreement occurs within the team about how work is performed


Which of the following best describes the stage of group development when participants focus less on keeping their guard up as the shed social facades becoming more authentic and more argumentative a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing


Which of the following best describes two or more individuals who are associated with one another due to common interests (eg. tech, marketing, sales, accounting laws, etc.) but not because their organization(s) require that they become a team to complete tasks? a. spontaneous dyad b. informal work group c. formal work group d. high performing team


Which of the following is a critical implication of Maslow's theory? a. employees can be trained to reach their maximum achievement b. needs may motivate employees less once they are satisfied c. goals must be challenging in order to motivate employees d. in order to match employees with jobs achievement, affiliation, and power needs must be considered during the hiring process


Which of the following is most likely to occur in a group characterized by high cohesion and low task commitment? a. high performance b. low performance c. performance variability d. social loafing


Which of the following is most likely to occur in a group characterized by low cohesion and low task commitment? a. high performance b. low performance c. performance variability d. social loafing


Which of the following refers to (1) companywide goals derived from corporate strategy, (2) team- and department-level goals, (3) individual-level goals that are aligned with corporate strategy, (4) an action plan, and (5) periodic performance review and goal revision? a. Management by Walking Around (MBWA) b. Management by Objective (MBO) c. Organizational Behavior Modification (OB Mod) d. Organizational Development (OD)


Which of the following refers to a job redesign technique that allows worker more control over how they perform their own tasks? a. job enlargement b. job enrichment c. job specialization d. job crafting


Which of the following refers to the degree to which fair decision-making strategies are used to arrive at a decision? a. interactional justice b. procedural justice c. social justice d. distributive justice


Which of the following team tasks include making something such as a building product or a marketing plan? a. disjunctive b. productive c. idea generation d. problem-solving


Which of the following theories applied to situations in which an employee perceives unfairness when their inputs relative to outcome are compared to those of a referent other? a. expectancy theory b. equity theory c. goal setting theory d. motivation hygiene theory


Which of the following theories posits that employees are most satisfied when their companies provide training that leads to satisfying employees' life goals? a. ERG theory b. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs c. Two-factor Theory D. Acquired Needs Theory


Which of the following types of team interdependence refers to teams members who work independently and simply, combine their efforts to create the team's output? a. task b. pooled c. sequential d. reciprocal


which of the following best describes **task** roles within a group? a. to keep the group together b. to keep the group on track c. to make sure that all members accept the contributions of others d. to harmonize difference in points of view


which of the following core characteristics of the job characteristics model refers to whether a person's job substantially affects other people's work health, or well-being? a. task identity b. task significance c. skill variety d. autonomy


In movie Mean Girls, the "popular girl" had followers who together believed that everything they did and the way they acted was correct, and they stereotyped those who were different as "losers." This is an example of what group process? a. social loading b. cohesion c. groupthink d. collective efficacy


Which of the following is most likely to occur in a group characterized by low cohesion and high task commitment? a. high performance b. low performance c. performance variability d. social loafing


Which of the following pertains to an employee's feelings about or perceived desirability of an outcome associated with hard work? a. expectancy b. fairness c. valence d. instrumentality


Which of the following refers to a group's perception of its ability to successfully perform well? a. self-efficacy b. psychological safety c. collective efficacy d. self-esteem


Which of the following roles is included in the boundary-spanning portion of the team typology? a. cooperator b. contributor c. coordinator d. contractor


Which of the following theories argues that employees' motivation is impacted by job satisfaction and dissatisfaction? a. ERG theory b. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs c. Two-factor Theory D. Acquired Needs Theory


Which of the following types of team interdependence occurs in a team if one person's output becomes another person's input? a. task b. pooled c. sequential d. reciprocal


If Phoebe has been assigned to work on a team and her responsibility is to keep the team on track then Phoebe has which of the following types of roles? -Maintenance -Task -Energizer -Harmonizer


In order to redesign a job, Elizabeth, a manager of a credit union adds more tasks to Catherine's job. In addition to answering incoming calls, Catherine now greets customers, makes cash deposits, and opens new accounts. This can be described as an example of? a. job rotation b. job enlargement c. mechanistic approach d. job enrichment


The lower the degree of interdependence in a group, the more impact good or bad group processes can have? a. true b. false


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Human beings have needs that are hierarchically ranked. Self-actualization, self-esteem, love and belonging, safety and security, physiological needs

task significance

Whether a person's job substantially affects other people's work, health, or well-being.


a cohesive in-groups unwillingness to realistically view alternatives

virtual group

a group whose members "meet" via technological media from different physical locations

referent other

a person we compare ourselves to in equity theory


adhere to a strict norm of reciprocity and are quickly motivated to resolve both negative and positive inequity

pay for performance

bases pay on one's results


belief that effort leads to a specific level of performance

job enrichment

building achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement into a job

extrinsic motivation

caused by the desire to attain specific outcomes

learning goal orientation

characterized by a belief that abilities are changeable and a desire to increase task mastery or competence

negative inequity

comparison in which another person receives greater outcomes for similar inputs

positive inequity

comparison in which another person receives lesser outcomes for similar inputs

performance-avoidance goal orientation

focus on avoiding negative performance outcomes.

Expectancy Theory

holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce valued outcomes

Values Congruence

involves the amount of value agreement between employee and employer

intrinsic motivation

motivation caused by positive internal feelings

job rotation

moving employees from one specialized job to another

job enlargement

putting more variety into a job

cross-functional group

teams made up of specialists from different areas

procedural justice

the degree to which fair decision-making procedures are used to arrive at a decision

interactional justice

the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity in interpersonal interactions

Distributive Justice

the degree to which the outcomes received from the organization are fair

job satisfaction

the feeling people have towards their jobs

self-set goals

the internalized goals that people use to monitor their own task progress

task variety

the number of new or unexpected problems or situations that a person or function encounters in performing tasks or jobs

group cohesion

the sense of solidarity or loyalty that individuals feel toward a group to which they belong


the value of a reward or outcome

organizational citizenship behavior

voluntary behaviors employees perform to help others and benefit the organization

performance-prove goal orientation

Focus on performance and demonstrating superiority

participative goals

Goal setting that lets employees affected by the goals participate in setting the goals

A team at Bank of America is comprised of specialists from different areas of the company. This feature of a team at BoA is referred to as? a. cross functionalism b. cohesiveness c. group think d. social loafing


Which if the following theories of team development posits that change within groups occurs in rapid, radical spurts rather than gradually over time? a. punctuated equilibrium model b. input-process-output model c. Tuckman's teamwork theory d. Team Role Theory


Which of the following best describes ** maintenance** roles within a group? a. to keep the group together b. to pull together related ideas or suggestions c. to keep the group on track d. to seek clarification of ideas.


Which of the following best explains why a group of employees working for NASA are among the most cohesive teams in the country ? -Team members' are very pleased with each others performance. -Each team members receives a weekly coaching session. -The team has not been together for very long. -The team is very large, with over 100 members.


Which of the following conditions contribute to the effectiveness of SMART goals? a. feedback, ability, and goal commitment b. autonomy, empowerment, and engagement c. job satisfaction, career planning, and achievement d. assessment, strategy, and alignment


Which of the following core characteristics of the job characteristics model refers to the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish? a. task identity b. task significance c. skill variety d. autonomy


Which of the following describes a temporary team typically asked to address a specific issue or problem until it is resolved? a. task force b. product development c. cross functional d. virtual


Which of the following describes the letters in "SMART" goals? a. specific measurable, attainable, result-oriented, and time bound b. specific, merit-based, acceptable, revealed, and time-tested c. systematic, measurable, acceptable, real, and two-dimensional d. synergistic, moderated, attainable, research-based, and time tested e. specific, measurable, acceptable, real, and top management committed


Which of the following involves expanding the tasks performed by employees to add more variety? a. job enlargement b. job rotation c. job specialization d. job enrichment


Maria (a Pfizer rep), Jose (a Merck rep), and Tim (a Schering-Plough rep) run into each other at a local Starbucks where they are waiting in line for coffee. During their conversation, they decide to meet weekly to discuss issues that they are faced with in the pharmaceutical industry. This group would be classified as: -A command group -A task force -A steering committee -An informal group

An informal group

According to equity theory, which of the following is an **outcome**? a. number of hours in training b. total rewards c. experience d. amount of effort


Which of the following involves breaking down tasks to their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person would perform few tasks in a repetitive manner? a. job enlargement b. job rotation c. job specialization d. job enrichment


According to goal-setting theory, which of the following is most likely to occur as a result of employees setting SMART goals rather than unclear goals. a. employees will be more extrinsically motivated b. there will be more absenteeism and turnover c. employees will have a higher motivation and performance d. employees will experience higher stress on the job


How could a goal of "go out and close sales deals" be BEST improved to make it a SMART goal? a. Increase sales by a large amount b. Improve levels of customer satisfaction c. Increase sales by 25% by the end of the quarter d. Keep sales the same but increase levels of customer satisfaction


Stacy likes her workers but thinks that the job is very boring. Which of the following models of motivation should Stacy's boss use as a method of motivation? a. equity theory b. expectancy theory c. job design d. goal setting


Which of the following best describes a team? a. the employees comprising an organization b. a group of people committed to total suppression of personal agendas c. a cohesive coalition of people working together on mutual goals d. a large collection of people


Which of the following best describes the stage of group development when participants find it easy to establish their own ground rules and define their operating procedures and goals? a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing


Which of the following core characteristics of the job characteristics model refers to the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high-level skills? a. task identity b. task significance c. skill variety d. autonomy


Which of the following describes a team that involves individuals from different parts of the organization staff? a. task force b. product development c. cross-functional d. virtual


In order to redesign a job, Elizabeth, a manager of a credit union redesigns Catherine's job by building achievement, recognition, more stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement into Catherine's job. a. job rotation b. job enlargement c. mechanistic approach d. job enrichment


Which of the following goal orientations is associated with acquiring new skills, mastering future situations, and improving one's competence? a. high performance-prove b. low performance-prove c. high performance-avoid d. high learning e. low performance-avoid


Which of the following has been found by research to be the best way to set goals? a. participative b. assigned c. self-set d. participative, assigned, and self-set goals are equally effective


Which of the following is a criteria for a group to become a team? a. accountability shifts from strictly individual to strictly team b. problem-solving becomes a way of life c. the group develops its own purpose and mission c. all of these are criteria


Which of the following linkages best describes **expectancy**? a. performance--> effort b. outcome--> performance c. performance --> outcome d. effort--> performance e. valence--> effort


Which of the following pertains to an employee's perception that if they work hard, it will result in a positive outcome such as pay raise or verbal praise? a. expectancy b. fairness c. valence d. instrumentality


Which of the following refers to individuals who expect to receive a lot without giving much in return? a. collaborators b. managers c. benevolents d. entitleds


Which of the following roles is included in the task portion of the team typology? a. cooperator b. communicator c. coordinator d. contractor


Which of the following team tasks refers to coming up with plans for actions and making decisions? a. disjunctive b. production c. idea generation d. problem-solving


Which of the following theories of motivation incorporate the use of extrinsic motivators into the model? a. expectancy theory b. job design c. equity theory d. both expectancy and equity theory


Which of the following types of goal orientation does an employee have if she makes the effort to complete her current work task but also to develop the ability to accomplish future tasks? -Assertive goal orientation -Commitment goal orientation -Reinforcement goal orientation -Learning goal orientation


which of the following factors should a manufacturing foreman use in order to ensure that there is no dissatisfaction among workers? a. recognition b. growth c. motivators d. hygiene


which of the following refers to the degree to which the outcomes received from an organization are fair? a. interactional justice b. procedural justice c. social justice d. distributive justice


Which of the following best describes why some managers dislike pay for performance plans or merit-based pay? a. motivation may decrease b. over time, money becomes less motivating c. there is a poor link with performance d. a & b only e. all of the above


command group

Task-specific groups divided among the command tabs appropriate to the work a user currently performs.


The degree to which the person believes that performance is related to secondary outcomes such as rewards.

assigned goals

The employees have no influence whatsoever on the content of the goals or level of performance expected

motivation hygiene theory

The theory recognizes that when employees are frustrated while attempting to satisfy higher level needs, they may regress. The two-factor theory differentiates between factors that make people dissatisfied on the job (hygiene factors) and factors that truly motivate employees (motivators).

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