MGMT 363 Chapter Four

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focus groups, interviews, and attitude surveys.

- Several methods assess the job satisfaction of rank‐and‐file employees, including ____

Job Characteristics

1. Variety 2. Identity 3. Significance 4. Autonomy 5. Feedback

Job Satisfaction

A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences. - It represents how you feel about your job and what you think about your job. - At a general level, employees are satisfied when their job provides the things that they value. - 45% of Americans are satisfied with their jobs


A satisfied employee feels good about his or her job on ___.


A state in which employees feel a total immersion in the task at hand, sometimes losing track of how much time has passed.

Job Characteristics Theory

A theory that argues that five core characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback) combine to result in high levels of satisfaction with the work itself.

Affective Events Theory

A theory that describes how workplace events can generate emotional reactions that impact work behaviors. Place events include annoying emails from your boss or funny conversations with a friend. These events trigger emotions. These reactions can go on to inference work attitudes and behaviors. Emotions can create an ebb and flow and satisfaction levels and can trigger spontaneous instances of citizenship or counterproductive behavior


According to the job characteristics theory, ______ directly contributes to the psychological state known as responsibility for outcomes.


According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work from beginning to end of the visible outcome is known as ___

knowledge and skill, growth need strength

According to the job characteristics theory, what factors can serve as moderators that influence the strength of the relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction?


Alec, a sales rep, is text savvy and has developed a number of different apps for his own android phone. He has volunteered to help his boss develop a mobile app for the salesforce. This is an example of job ________

Value‐percept theory

Argues that job satisfaction depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies the things that you value. - Suggests that people evaluate job satisfaction according to specific facets of the job. After all, a job is a collection of tasks, relationships, and rewards. Dissatisfaction = (Vwant ‐ Vhave) (Vimportance) - Vwant reflects how much of a value an employee wants - Vhave indicates how much of that value the job supplies - Vimportance reflects how important the value is to the employee

Job in General scale (JIG)

Assesses overall job satisfaction

Responsibility for outcomes

Captures the degree to which employees feel that they are key drivers of the quality of the unit's work. A psychological state indicating the degree to which employees feel they are key drivers of the quality of work output.


Compassion, pride, and relief are all positive ______.

Growth need strength

Desire for your to be more than you are today. The degree to which employees desire to develop themselves further. (similar to work ethic) - Captures whether employees have strong needs for personal accomplishment or developing themselves beyond where they currently are.


Disgust, anger, and guild are all characterized as negative ________

Affective Events

Don's boss gave her a complicated report to finish by the end of the day. As a result, Don became angry and satisfied with her job and her boss in particular. This is an example of the ______ theory.


Employee ____ levels fluctuate over time, risking and falling like some sort of emotional stock market. (Satisfied employees feel good about their job on average)

Job Crafting

Employees can shape, mold, and redefine their jobs proactively. Might alter boundaries by switching certain tasks, Mike changed specific collaborations, might revise have a view their work. (Proactively shaping and molding the characteristics contained within one's job.)


Employees work a minimum of ___ hours a year


Employees' feelings about their fellow employees, including whether coworkers are smart, responsible, helpful, fun, and interesting is known as _____ satisfaction


Employees' feelings about their pay, including whether it's as much as they deserve, secure, and adequate for both normal expenses and luxury items is referred to as ______ satisfaction.

Negative Emotions

Employees' feelings of fear, guilt, shame, sadness, envy, and disgust.

Positive Emotions

Employees' feelings of joy, pride, relief, hope, love, and compassion.


His feelings about their fellow employees, including whether coworkers are smart, responsible, helpful, fun, and interesting is known as _____ satisfaction


In which type of organizational commitment does an employee choose to remain with the organization because a feeling of obligation to do so?


Intense feelings, often lasting for a short duration (only for a few minutes), that are clearly directed at someone or some circumstance. ALWAYS about something. "I'm feeling angry at my boss"

work itself, supervision, coworker

Of the five job facets identified by the value-percept theory, which three have the highest correlation with job satisfaction?

Meaningfulness of work

One of the factors and Irene's job as a web designer that gives her the most satisfaction is putting together images, words, animation, and sound and immediately seeing her work take shape and come to life. This would that best describe which critical psychological state?

Job Descriptive Index (JDI)

One of the most widely administered job satisfaction surveys. It assesses all five satisfaction facets: pay satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, supervisor satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, and satisfaction with the work itself

Job Descriptive Index

Pay satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, and coworker satisfaction are workplace satisfaction facets that are measured by the _______.


Ploys feelings with their boss, including whether the boss is competent, polite, and a good communicator, it's referred to as _____ satisfaction.

Attitude Surveys

Provide a "snapshot" of how satisfied the workforce is and, if repeated over time, reveal trends in satisfaction levels. - Attitude surveys ideally should be a catalyst for some kind of improvement effort. - An organization that struggles with satisfaction with the work itself could attempt to redesign key job tasks or, if that proves too costly, train supervisors in strategies for increasing the five core job characteristics on a more informal basis.

Promotion satisfaction

Refers to employees' feelings about the company's promotion policies and their execution, including whether promotions are frequent, fair, and based on ability.

Coworker satisfaction

Refers to employees' feelings about their fellow employees, including whether coworkers are smart, responsible, helpful, fun, and interesting as opposed to lazy, gossipy, unpleasant, and boring. - Employees ask two kinds of questions about their coworkers: ○ Can they help me do my job? ○ Do I enjoy being around them?

Pay satisfaction

Refers to employees' feelings about their pay, including whether it is as much as they deserve, secure, and adequate for both normal expenses and luxury items. - Based on a comparison of the pay that employees want and the pay they receive

Satisfaction with the work itself

Reflects employees' feelings about their actual work tasks, including whether those tasks are challenging, interesting, respected, and make use of key skills rather than being dull, repetitive, and uncomfortable.

Supervision satisfaction

Reflects employees' feelings about their boss, including whether the boss is competent, polite, and a good communicator. - Most employees ask two questions about their supervisors: ○ Can they help me attain the things that I value? ○ Are they generally likable?

Meaningfulness of work

Reflects the degree to which work tasks are viewed as something that "counts" in the employee's system of philosophies and beliefs. A psychological state reflecting one's feelings about work tasks, goals, and purposes, and the degree to which they contribute to society and fulfill one's ideals and passions (significance/nature of job)

Knowledge of results

Reflects the extent to which employees know how well/poorly they are doing. A psychological state indicating the extent to which employees are aware of how well or how poorly they are doing.


Research suggests that job satisfaction as strongly correlated with ______ commitment. This means that employees are more likely to stay with the organization.


States of feeling that are often mild in intensity, last for an extended period of time, and are not explicitly directed at or caused by anything. (general states)


States of feeling that are relatively mild, last for a while, and are not explicitly caused at or caused by someone or something are referred to as _____.


The ____ theory argues that job satisfaction depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies the things that you value

affective events

The ____ theory asserts workplace occurrences that can generate reactions can go on to influence work attitudes and behaviors

Affective Events

The _____ theory asserts workplace occurrences that can generate reactions can go on to influence work attitudes and behaviors.


The degree to which an employee is in a good versus bad mood.


The degree to which carrying out the activities required by the job provides employees with clear information about how well they're performing is called ________.


The degree to which carrying out the activities required by the job provides the worker with clear information about how well he or she is performing. ○ Reflects feedback obtained directly from the job as opposed to feedback from coworkers or supervisors

Life Satisfaction

The degree to which employees feel a sense of happiness with their lives in general. - Job satisfaction is one of the strongest predictors of life satisfaction ○ Job satisfaction has a stronger impact on life satisfaction than do increases in salary or income. (life satisfaction increases with one's salary up to a level around $75,000 per year)

Knowledge and skill

The degree to which employees have the aptitude and competence needed to succeed on their job. Increase effectiveness of model


The degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, particularly people in the world at large. (Do I feel like I made a difference? Am I contributing back to society)


The degree to which the job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual performing the work.


The degree to which the job requires a number of different activities that involve a number of different skills and talents.


The degree to which the job requires completing a whole, identifiable, piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome. (Can you identify which part of the work is yours?

Emotional Contagion

The idea that emotions can be transferred from one person to another. - If a representative in customer service is angry or sad, those negative emotions can be transferred to a customer (like a cold or disease). If the transfer occurs, it becomes less likely that the customer will view the experience favorably and spend money.

Emotional Labor

The need to manage emotions to complete job duties successfully is ______

Job Enrichment

The process of using a variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback to create more satisfaction. These efforts can boost job satisfaction levels, high heightened work accuracy and customer satisfaction through training in labor costs tend to rise as a result of these changes. - Can indeed boost job satisfaction levels, and heighten work accuracy and customer satisfaction, though training and labor costs tend to rise as a result of such changes.


The state in which an employee feels a total immersion in the task at hand is referred to as ______

Job Satisfaction

The value-percept theory asserts that the employees' perception of __________ depends on the degree to which their values are being fulfilled.


Those things that people consciously or subconsciously want to seek or attain.


To describe what was most meaningful about his job at the Red Cross, phlebotomist Craig answered, "I make a difference every day to peoples lives within our community." This is an example of which element of the job characteristics theory?


Tyler has applied for several higher level jobs in his company, but they have always hired someone from outside the company. He feels his chances for advancement within the company are slim, and now he has a low level of _______ satisfaction


What Johanna loves most about her job is that every day seems to bring new challenges, and she can use diverse skills and talents to complete her tasks. According to the job characteristics theory, what Johanna loves most about her job is its__________

Sense of achievement, intellectual stimulation

What are the two specific values related to the work itself?

Satisfaction with the work itself

What facet of job satisfaction has the most influence on overall job satisfaction?

Job Satisfaction

What you feel and think. Can be rational or emotional. Satisfied employees feel good about job. Apart from the inverse of supervision, coworkers, pay, and the work itself, job satisfaction levels fluctuate during the day. Rises and falls and job satisfaction are triggered by positive and negative events experience. Those events triggered changes in emotion and eventually changes in mood.

Emotional Labor

When employees manage their emotions to complete their job duties successfully. - Flight attendants are trained to "put on a happy face" in front of passengers - Retail salespeople are trained to suppress any annoyance with customers - Restaurant servers are trained to act like they're having fun on the job even when they're not

attitude survey

Which method of assessing employees' job satisfaction is thought to be the most accurate and effective?

Job Characteristics Theory

Which theory identifies certain job characteristics that produce high levels of the three psychological states that make work more satisfying?


___ include activated (surprised, astonished, intense) intense positive (enthusiastic, excited, elated), pleasant (happy, cheerful, please), decreases to (serene, calm, cut content). Then deactivated (quiet, still, inactive) to (board, sluggish, drowsy) Then, unpleasant (grouchy, sad, blue) to intense negative (hostile, nervous, annoyed)

Job satisfaction

_______ carries over to life satisfaction

Job Satisfaction

_______ has two basic elements: what you think and how you feel about your job.


________ are states a feeling that are often intense, short-lived, and directed at or caused by someone or something in particular


___________ satisfaction is positively correlated with life satisfaction.


dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied. The degree to which moods are aroused and active, as opposed to unaroused and inactive.


enthusiastic and excited are intense, positive _____ characterized by feeling.

Job Satisfaction

- Satisfaction does have a moderately positive influence on job performance. ○ Moderately correlated with tax task performance - satisfied employees do a better job for filling duties. ○ Moderately correlated with citizenship behavior - satisfied employs engage more frequently in "extra mile" behaviors helping coworkers and their organization. Job satisfaction does have a strong positive relationship with organizational commitment.

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