MGMT 380

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According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program (GLOBE), who among the following leaders show attributes or behaviors that are viewed negative?

- Claire who is a loner -Kevin who is noncooperative -Andrew who is asocial

In the context of Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, identify the true statements about the subelements of situation favorability.

- Determining task structure involves assessing whether there are detailed descriptions of work products - Leaders who rate leader-member relations as high feel they have the support of their followers and can rely on their royalty

Which of the following questions are part of Vroom and Yetton's leadership decision tree that helps leaders determine how much participation subordinates should have to optimize decision quality and acceptance related to a problem?

- Does the problem possess a quality requirement? - Is acceptance by subordinates important for effective implementation? - Is conflict among subordinates over preferred solutions likely?

According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program (GLOBE), which of the following are leader attributes or behaviors universally viewed as negative?

- Egocentric - Dictatorial - Irritable

According to a survey of executives in the 500 largest corporation in the world, which of the following are features of German leadership culture in comparison with Malaysian leadership culture?

- It does not value compassion - Interpersonal relationships are straightforward and stern

In the context of leadership effectiveness, which of the following represents the autocratic level of participation in the normative decision model?

A leader solves a problem or makes a decision by himself or herself using the information available at the time.

A follower has both substantial training and experience in a required task. According to Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership model, which of the following leadership behaviors should the leader exhibit in this scenario?

A low level of task and a low level of relationship behaviors

There is a known procedure for accomplishing the task; there are rules governing how one goes about it; and if people follow those rules, there is one result.

A structured task

Which type of organization is most likely to have a high degree of formalization?

An auto manufacturer

There may be no clear-cut method for accomplishing the task, and there are many different ways, perhaps none of which is obvious or necessarily best for accomplishing it.

An unstructured task

Which societal cluster ranks high on the participative dimension and also high on the humane-oriented dimension?


Which of the following is not one of the four cultures identified in the Competing Values Framework?

Competitive culture

Which of the following is true of power and authority relationship in the United States?

Success should come through hard work and talent

Expressing genuine concern for the well-being of followers and remaining open and approachable to followers are examples of which type of leadership?

Supportive leadership

They include having courteous and friendly interactions, expressing genuine concern for the followers' well-being and individual needs, and remaining open and approachable to followers.

Supportive leadership

According to the Leader-Follower-Situation Model, which of the following is not a perspective from which to view the situation?


Which of the following is not an example of a relationship behavior?

Telling people who should complete a task

Which model is the most validated of all leadership theories?

The contingency model

In-group and out-group interactions are the focus of which theory?

The leader-member exchange model

Which of the following is concerned with how much input subordinates should have in the decision-making process?

The normative decision model

Which of the following is not true of low-LPC leaders?

They are satisfied primarily by establishing and maintaining close interpersonal relationships.

In the context of the level of authority of leaders in an organization, which of the following is true about first-line supervisors, lower-level leaders, and coaches?

They spend a considerable amount of time training followers, resolving work unit or team performance problems, and implementing policies.

The norms, cohesiveness, size, and stage of development of groups are part of the _____ function in the L-F-S model, but are part of the ________ function in path-goal theory.

follower, situation

The degree of standardization in an organization refers to its _________.


Government agencies, fast-food chains, and traditional large manufacturing companies are all examples of organizations with a(n) _________ culture.


An individual with _______ would have discretion in scheduling work and how to accomplish it.

high task autonomy

The ______ leadership theory holds that individuals have implicit beliefs and assumptions about attributes and behaviors that distinguish leaders from followers, effective leaders from ineffective leaders, and moral from immoral leaders.


Football, soccer, and hockey are all examples of tasks that have high levels or task _________.


According to theory of charismatic or transformational leadership developed by House and his colleagues, identify the ways in which charismatic leaders are believed to motivate their followers.

- By offering an appealing vision of the future - By increasing followers' confidence in getting the job done -By changing followers' perceptions of work itself - By developing a collective identify among followers

According to a survey of executives in the 500 largest corporations in the world, identify the features of Malaysian leadership culture in comparison with German Leadership culture.

- It inhibits assertive, confrontational behavior and puts a premium on maintaining harmony - Effective leaders are expected to show compassion while demonstrating more of an autocratic than participatory leadership style

Which of the following are typically considered the problems with the normative decision model of leadership?

- It views decision making as taking place at a singe point in time - It assumes that some of the prescriptions of the model may not be the best for a given situation

Identify the disciplines that the study of the formal establishment is most associated with.

- Organizational theory -Management -Organizational behavior

According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program (GLOBE), who among the following leaders show specific attributes or behaviors that are viewed universally across cultures as contributing to leadership effectiveness?

- Rachel who is an effective bargainer - Stella who is a confidence builder - Bryan who is administratively skilled

What are the situational factors considered by the path-goal theory of leadership that impact or moderate the effects of leader behavior on follower attitudes and behaviors?

- The primary work group -The formal authority system -The task

Kaplan and Norton have described a set of operating assumptions underlying the information age and contrasted them with their predecessors in the industrial age. In this context, identify the operating assumptions about industrial age organizations.

- They created sharp distinctions between an intellectual elite on the one hand and a direct labor workforce on the other. -They worked with customers and suppliers via arm's-length transactions. -They gained competitive advantage through specialization of functional skills in areas like manufacturing and distribution. -They prospered by offering low-cost but standardized products and services

According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program (GLOBE), which of the following are specific attributes or behaviors that are viewed universally across cultures as contributing to leadership effectiveness?

- Trustworthy - Foresighted - Communicative - Informed

Match leader behaviors with corresponding quadrants of the model from Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership model:

-Delegating: Low-task behavior and low relationship behavior -Participating: Low task behavior and high relationship behavior -Selling: High task behavior and high relationship behavior -Telling: High task behavior and low relationship behavior

________ culture refers to those learned behaviors characterizing the total way of life of members within any given society.


Which type of society emphasizes visionary leadership that is capable of seeing patterns in the face of chaos and uncertainty?

Societies higher on future orientation

To enhance the overall effectiveness of the organization, leaders should do all of the following except which?

Develop special relationships with a limited number of high potential followers

They include telling the followers what they are expected to do, how to do it, when it is to be done, and how their work fits in with the work of others.

Directive leadership

Which theory would best provide perspective on the question "if I study for 12 hours, what is the probability that I'll get an A on the exam?"

Expectancy theory

Before a decision is implemented, it must be accepted.


Leadership is usually independent of the aspects of the formal organization.


The LMX model is particularly valuable because it identifies the specific behaviors that lead to high quality relationships between leaders and followers.

False. The biggest limitation of the LMX model is that it does not describe the specific behaviors that lead to high-quality relationship exchanges between leaders and followers.

Which of the following is the earliest and most well-known contingency theory?

Fiedler's contingency model of leadership

Analyze the given image of Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership model, and classify the aspects of follower readiness under the corresponding parties that direct these aspects.

Followers: -Able but unwilling or insecure -Able and willing or confident Leaders: -Unable but willing or confident -Unable and unwilling or insecure

A research program called the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program is referred to as _________.


They will concentrate on relationships

High-LPC leaders

_______ complexity refers to the number of boxes at any given level of an organizational chart.


Which of the following is not a characteristic leader must have to be successful?


According to Mitchell, Smyser, and Weed's study based on the path-goal theory of leadership, match the types of followers based on their loci of control with the corresponding findings related to leader behaviors.

Internal-lcous-of-control follower: -They were much more satisfied with leaders who exhibited participative behaviors than they were with leaders who were directive External-locus-of-control followers: -They were more satisfied with directive leader behaviors than they were with participative leader behaviors

Which of the following is not true of the role of leaders in an organization's culture?

It is generally more difficult to change a culture in a new organization than in an older organization.

Which of the following is true of the Situational Leadership model?

It is popular because it is easy to understand and takes a common sense perspective.

Which of the following is true?

Leaders should be careful to not let their own values interfere with professional leader-subordinate relationships.

Demonstrating empathy, good listening skills, and new ways to build authority

Loss of power

They will concentrate on the task

Low-LPC leaders

Which societal cluster ranks low on both the charismatic/valued-based leadership dimension and the team-oriented leadership dimension?

Middle East

Which of the following concerns members' subjective reactions to the organization?

Organizational climate

They include behaviors that mark the consultative and group behaviors described by Vroom and Yetton.

Participative leadership

Which of the following statements regarding leading across societal cultures is not true?

Research findings in Western cultures have been found to translate well to developing cultures.

An organization's retirement ceremonies are an example of which of Schein's organizational culture factors?


In which phase of leader-member exchange does the leader offer opportunities and evaluate the follower's performance and potential?


In an organizational context, leading in a relatively stable situation presents different challenges, generally simpler ones, than does leading in a dynamic situation.


Organizational culture differs across organizations.


Path-goal theory maintains that leaders should first assess the situation and then choose a leadership behavior appropriate to the situation.


Decision _______ implies that followers accept the decision as if it were their own and not merely comply with the decision.


Most social problems are considered to be _______ problems.


Organizations that emphasize having a high degree of flexibility and discretion, and focus primarily on the environment outside the organization are primarily described as _______ cultures.


Task ______ refers to the degree to which a job provides an individual with some control over what he does and how he does it.


The degree of diffusion of decisions making throughout an organization refers to the level of _________.


A strong emotional reaction to, identification with, and belief in some leaders by followers refers to _______.


The ability to inspire, motivate, and expect high performance from others on the basis of firmly held core values refers to _________ leadership.


Organizations that emphasize having a high degree of flexibility and discretion and that also primarily focus inward have a ________ culture.


The instrument called the least preferred ______ (LPC) ________ instructs a leader to think of the single individual with whom he has had the greatest difficult working and then to describe that individual in terms of series of bipolar adjectives.

co-worker (LPC) scale

In American organizations ____________.

decision making authority is delegated to individual managers.

The extent to which relationships between the leader and followers are generally cooperative and friendly or antagonistic and difficult is concerned with ________.

leader-member relations

The Competing Values Frameworks defines a ______ culture as one in which the primary focus is on the external environment.


The theory that distinguishes between situational variables like task characteristics and situational variables like the external environment is the ______-______ model.


Feelings about co-workers or company policies or other non task perceptions of work are mainly concerned with

organizational climate

The theory that deals with expectancy is

path-goal theory

A situation in which a decision has a rational or objectively determinable "better or worse" alternative, whereby the leader should select the better alternative, is concerned with decision __________.


A follower's ability and willingness to accomplish a particular task refers to follower _______.


How much a leader engages in two-way communication refers to _____ behavior.


How much a leader engages in two-way communication refers to ______ behavior.


According to _________ theory, a leader's behavior depends on a leader's perceptions of several critical aspects of the situation.


According to the LMX theory, during the ______ stage, similarities and differences become cemented.


When boosting follower readiness, a leader should

select the readiness level one above the follower's current readiness level

The contingency model's task structure and position power are concerned with which part of the interactional framework?


The question "what is the task to be accomplished" is concerned with which part of the interactional framework?


The difference between task level, organization level, and the environmental level refers to ______ levels.


Fatima, a manager, faces time constraints at work and hence fails to interact with her subordinates. She reviews her own tasks and then delegates some to the subordinates to free up some of her time for creating opportunities to interact with them. This scenario primarily illustrates the concept of _______.

situational engineering

In the context of an organization, leaders can use their knowledge of how a situation affects leadership to proactively change the situation in order to enhance the likelihood of success. This is called ______ _____.

situational engineering

The ________ ______ model addresses the question of whether there is an optimum way for leaders to adjust their behavior with different followers to increase the likelihood of a successful interaction.

situational leadership

Which of the following refers to geographic dispersion in an organization?

spatial complexity

The degree to which tasks require coordination and synchronization for work groups or teams to accomplish desired goals refers to ________ interdependence.


The extent to which a leader spells out the responsibilities of individual or group refers to ________ behavior.


telling people what to do, how to do it, and when to do it are all examples of ______ behavior.


The degree to which a person accomplishing a task receives information about performance from performing the task itself is known as _____ _____.

task feedback

Change impacts virtually every organization everywhere, and everyone in them. An acronym has been given to this new state of affairs: VUCA. Coined by the Army War College, the term VUCA describers a world that is ______.

volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous

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