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Better understanding of local staff and customers, greater openness to new ideas, and expanded perspectives and interpretations are all potential benefits of diversity for multinationals. a. True b. False


Globalization has presented several new challenges for effective leadership. Which of the following has not been identified as one of these challenges? a. The need to speak at least two languages b. The need to be able to influence people from different cultures c. Good cultural understanding to successfully persuade and influence d. The need to understand how leaders' actions are viewed by others


How does having national diversity on top management teams impact strategic choices when entering foreign markets? a. Greater preference for more collaborative and complex forms of entry with shared ownership b. Makes it more difficult to grasp and manage complexities associated with entry choices involved with shared ownership c. National diversity on top management teams has no impact on strategic choices d. Greater preference for more individualistic and simple forms of entry with shared ownership


In collectivist, high-power-distance cultures such as Taiwan or Thailand, task-oriented behaviors may have a stronger positive impact on employees than in individualistic, low-power-distance cultures such as the United States. a. True b. False


In recent years, Japanese workers have been seeking out foreign companies for employment in ever-increasing numbers. Which of the following is not given as a reason for this? a. Foreign firms demand fewer hours from the employee b. Foreign firms are more willing to pay for group performance c. Foreign firms promote based on group achievement d. Foreign firms have higher status


India is an example of a country in which cultural values may limit reinforcement strategies of performance-based pay. Which of the following is an example of how India differs from countries in which reinforcement strategies are successful? a. Compensation may reflect employee seniority as opposed to being awarded contingent on behavior b. Performance appraisal is thorough and important to "merit" pay c. Loyalty to the boss, company, or co-workers is less important than a short-term indicator of performance d. Workers may have a sense of optimism and recognize the importance of good performance


Job enrichment efforts might be easier to implement in France than Britain because compared to their British counterparts, French managers were more interested in which of the following? a. Responsibility and autonomy b. Job security and fringe benefits c. Good working conditions d. None of the above


Most of the leadership literature has been written in the last 40 years and most of it was conducted among and about leaders in the United States and Western Europe. a. True b. False


Motivation methods used by organizations change as the society itself changes, but patterns of motivation sometimes prove very slow to change, even in the face of large-scale social upheavals. a. True b. False


Participative leadership should work best in low-power-distance cultures, such as Canada, while directive leadership should work best in high-power-distance societies, such as the Philippines. a. True b. False


Regardless of whether they are working in their home country or are posted abroad, one of the biggest mistakes that managers can make is to automatically assume that everyone in a team will eventually behave similarly and share the same attitudes. a. True b. False


Relationship-oriented behavior includes showing concern for feelings, needs, and the well-being of subordinates as well as expressing empathy, warmth, encouragement, consideration, and trust toward subordinates. a. True b. False


The appeal of transformational leadership may be somewhat limited in collective cultures where group harmony is highly prized, for example, in countries such as South Korea and Indonesia. a. True b. False


The best option for multinationals may be training and development programs aimed at building international leadership skills throughout the corporation once aspiring international managers have been identified using valid and reliable methods. a. True b. False


Which of the following attributes of leadership are perceived as "bad" in many different cultures? a. Dictatorial and egocentric b. Dictatorial and ambitious c. Ruthless and individualistic d. Both a and c


A company can provide ongoing support to women expatriates overseas in several ways. Which of the following is not recommended? a. Include accompanying spouses and family members in training b. Conclude training prior to a foreign posting c. Introduce new diverse expatriates in positive terms to local employees and officials d. Provide mentors and a support network of other expatriates


A company can provide ongoing support to women expatriates overseas in several ways. Which of the following is not recommended?a. Include accompanying spouses and family members in trainingb. Conclude training prior to a foreign postingc. Introduce new diverse expatriates in positive terms to local employees and officialsd. Provide mentors and a support network of other expatriates


According to Likert's "System 4" model, there are four basic systems of leadership. Which of the following explanations is correctly matched with the system given? a. System 1: decision making reserved for employees and unions b. System 2: autocratic, but managers are more paternalistic c. System 3: employees are not at all involved in communicating or decision-making d. System 4: employees are minimally involved in decision making on important issues


According to the path-goal leadership approach, which of the following is one of the four basic leadership styles? a. Authoritarian b. Supportive c. Transformational d. Transactional


Expectancy theory makes which of the following now-familiar Western cultural assumptions? a. Individualistic and feminine values should be emphasized b. Individual workers are rational and control their own lives c. The focus should be on reinforcement and punishment d. The focus should be on relationships rather than tasks


International managers must juggle many conflict-provoking issues. Which of the following is not likely to be a conflict-provoking issue? a. Dealing with foreign labor unions b. Negotiating with home-country vendors c. Convincing employees with conflicting cultural perspectives to work together d. Negotiating with foreign vendors


Maslow claimed that we are all motivated by five distinct needs organized in a pyramid-like structure in our heads, which can be pursued in any order .a. True b. False


The way in which employees view motivation features, such as competition or social needs, are shaped by a complex set of factors including all but which of the following? a. The employee's cultural background b. The employee's marital status c. The employee's position in society d. The employee's position in his or her firm


Three of the most popular process theories are reinforcement theory, expectancy theory, and the punishment theory. a. True b. False


Which of the following is not considered a popular process theory that specifies steps by which motivation can be increased? a. The reward process (reinforcement theory) b. The punishment process (classical condition theory) c. The fairness of organizational rewards and outcomes (equity theory) d. Interpretations about rewards and goals (expectancy theory)


Which of the following is not one of the explanations given for the success of American companies in Russia, such as Mary Kay Cosmetics and Avon? a. The sales force of Russian women makes more than the average monthly wage by a considerable margin b. The sales force of Russian women receives cosmetics for personal use at a reduced cost c. These companies offer financial independence to Russian women d. Working for these companies is a socially acceptable job for Russian women


Which of the following leadership styles are most compatible with a weak uncertainty avoidance culture such as England? a. Directive and supportive b. Participative and achievement c. Directive and achievement d. Supportive and participative


Which of the following statements most accurately describes what leadership means in practice across different cultures? a. All cultures agree on what characteristics leaders must possess to be effective b. Some leadership characteristics are viewed as positive in most countries and some negative in most countries c. The meaning of leadership in practice is consistent across all cultures d. Not all cultures have leaders


Which of the following statements most accurately explains the complex and evolving link between culture and equity-based rewards? a. In-group versus out-group differences are important, but rarely complicate matters in collective cultures (e.g., China) b. Employees in collectivistic cultures may be more likely to use equity norms when rewarding efforts to promote group cohesiveness (a more collective outcome/value) c. Employees in collectivistic cultures are more likely to apply equity concepts when distributing rewards than employees in individualistic cultures d. Low power distance employees prefer equity whereas high power distance employees prefer equality as the fairest way to distribute rewards


While transformations leadership is said by some to be tailor-made for international business, there are reasons to be cautious with blanket application. Which of the following might argue against wholesale use of transformation leadership globally? a. Attributes such as risk-taking and ambition are not valued in all countries b. Regardless of the type of positive impacts, they are driven by different aspects of transformational leadership in different cultures c. The nature of the "positive impact" of transformational leadership is consistent from place to place and country to country d. There has been little research on transformational leadership


How do leaders using the achievement-oriented leadership style maximize subordinate performance? a. Set easily attainable goals b. Provide few challenges c. Emphasize excellence d. Emphasize group achievements


The emotional bond formed with employees by a transformational leader is based on all of the following leadership characteristics except which one? a. Use of inspirational appeals b. Intellectual stimulation c. Gender and charisma d. Individualized consideration


Which of the following are examples of cultural assumptions regarding external forces not commonly considered in the expectancy theory model? a. Many Chinese believe that fate helps determine events b. Many Americans assume that workers control their lives by altering their level of effort c. Many Mexicans feel that being from the appropriate family is a real key to success d. Many Saudis believe that what happens at work is a reflection of God's will


Which of the following are examples of relationship-oriented behavior managers may demonstrate? a. Clarifying performance expectations b. Providing technical help c. Showing consideration toward subordinates d. Planning and scheduling


Which of the following correctly matches what drives workers' attraction to a firm for the country listed? a. Brazil: Competitive base pay, career advancement opportunity, easy work b. South Korea: Competitive benefits, competitive base pay, competitive health care benefits c. United States: Competitive base pay, competitive health care benefits, vacation/paid time off d. All of the above


Which of the following is not a common difficulty associated with diverse teams? a. Problems setting up an effective structure b. Problems with communication within the team c. Problems relating to foreign clients and customers d. More difficulty building unit cohesion


Which of the following most accurately describes a transnational manager's skills? a. Becomes an expert on a single culture b. Able to adapt to living in a single foreign culture c. Uses cross-cultural interaction skills daily d. Views foreign assignments as a mechanism for getting a job done


Which of the following would not be considered a potential benefit of diversity for multinationals? a. Better understanding of local staff and customers b. Greater openness to new ideas c. Better understanding of home country culture d. Expanded perspectives and interpretations


Maslow's hierarchy is comprised of five distinct types of needs. Which of the following examples is not accurately matched with his first four levels? a. Physiological needs: food and shelter b. Safety needs: life insurance and retirement benefits c. Social needs: friends and sense of "belonging" d. Esteem needs: self-actualization


Which of the following is not a good example of how culture can be a driving force for the impact of leader behavior on employee performance? a. Criticism that Japanese managers often aim at subordinates would likely seem punitive to many Americans b. Americans are likely to use status symbols, such as a large office, to project authority c. Japanese managers often balance criticism with supportive behaviors and go to great lengths to minimize status symbols d. Japanese managers often go to great lengths to maximize status symbols


Which of the following has the five basic steps suggested to implement culturally synergistic motivation alternatives in the correct order? a. Describe the motivation situation, identify cultural assumptions about motivation, determine where cultural overlaps exist, generate culturally synergistic alternatives, select, implement, and finally refine a synergistic strategy b. Identify cultural assumptions about motivation, describe the motivation situation, determine where cultural overlaps exist, generate culturally synergistic alternatives, select, implement, and finally refine a synergistic strategy c. Describe the motivation situation, identify cultural assumptions about motivation, generate culturally synergistic alternatives, determine where cultural overlaps exist, and finally select, implement, and refine a synergistic strategy d. Identify cultural assumptions about motivation, describe the motivation situation, generate culturally synergistic alternatives, determine where cultural overlaps exist, and finally select, implement, and refine a synergistic strategy


Which of the following is not an appropriate guideline for managing diverse multicultural teams? a. Choose members of a multicultural team based solely on their ethnicity or cultural background b. Minimize or overlook cultural differences c. Give members frequent feedback d. Give members infrequent feedback


Which of the following leadership issues are correctly paired with the expectations and attitudes for American and Mexican managers? a. Valued subordinate behaviors: American—initiative; Mexican—obedience b. Leadership style: American—formal; Mexican—informal c. Key to subordinate evaluation: American—personal loyalty; Mexican—performance d. Basis of discipline/justice: American—personal relationships; Mexican—uniform application of rules


Which of the following three approaches to managing cultural diversity is correctly matched with how frequently the approach is used? a. Parochial: very frequently b. Parochial: comparatively rare c. Ethnocentric: very frequently d. Ethnocentric: comparatively rare


Which of the management methods for motivation is most important when working across cultures? a. Conversations with foreign employees and involvement of those employees in the development and implementation of specific motivation strategies b. Identifying underlying values and cultural frames of reference for home country c. Focusing on developing cultural self-awareness (i.e., awareness of own values) d. Implementing strategy in a way that reflects the best of the home country culture


Why might an expatriate manager be allowed more latitude in performing actions that counter typical cultural tendencies? a. Employees know the manager is a foreign national with different styles and norms b. Employees may be less open to a counterculture technique used by a foreign-national manager c. A familiar approach may be needed and may be more effective d. Employees may be less open to new approaches used by a foreign-national manager


social loafing

phenomenon of a person exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when working alone

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